(2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

hi youpi, i've pm u my number.

hi mummies, just to share that i realised recently that avocadoes are good for babies' skin. My boy loves avocadoes & eats the fruit quite frequently and I notice that his skin which used to have rashes in the past is now much smoother and rosier. My mum noticed that and was telling me that it's cos of the avocadoes that he eats.

Dunno whether there's any research done on that but no harm trying since avocadoes are really nutritious as well ;)

Me not on, is boh bian. The little cheeky is refusing to eat. BTW, you still coming for playdate next Wednesday?? I am still waiting for your email.

Forgot to reply you on the book. Yes, I got two of Annabel Karmel's books.
Hi Amber,

I do feed Alden avocadoes too but only add into his milk by blending it. How else do you feed him? Care to share?

Some beauty products have avocadoes content in them so I think this fruit does help in skin care :)

Stephanie, my boy also has a gap between his top two front teeth. Pray that the gap will close up as he grows...

Earnestmum, i usually juz scrap the fruit out and either add into his cereal or yoghurt. sometimes he just eat the avocado without adding any other things
Hi Amber,

Thanks! I added avocado and kiwi fruit to Alden's cereal. He does eat it :) But I think he would not eat it on its own...hahaha cos I can't do it myself! LOL!...

I had gone to the National Library Sale today. Wow! It was really crowded from getting in to paying for the books at the cashier. It's my first time attending such sale and it's the longest queue that I ever got into!

Hope those who went for the fireworks make fireworks in your dreams tonight (*.*)/
Hey Ju, i also got 1 annabel's bb food book... i bring on wed's playdate.
Okie, sure!!

I went for one few years back. Boy, so many pple and I hated that!! That was the first and last time I ever attended that sale.
Malc goes to polyclinic for his immunization. I think it is included in the package. Celtricia's Orlando also paid for the polyclinic package and he went for the 9th month assessment too. Actually, they just do some simple check like whether the baby can sit on his own, and stand while support on his own, his hearing ability. Like that only. If you are concern, why dun give Dr Allyson a call neh?
Good morning!

Mummies, are your babies extra clingy now? My boy is super duper clingy now. It's not enough for him to be able to see me -- if I am in the kitchen preparing his meal, for instance, and I've left him on the floor outside the kitchen, he'll crawl in to me. And it's not enough to see me, I have to carry him. Separation anxiety?

Amber, my babe has a gap between his twwo front teeth too, I think it's quite common.
hi all ...

youpi ... sama sama my son is vvv clingy to mi ... he will loves to stick to mi wen he saw mi moves away from my place he will starts to cry & cry ... wan mi to carry ...

my bb oso gt a gap betw his his front tooth i guess it's quite common
earnestmum, i also can't eat avocado on its own, but i still feed my boy that and he loves it :p. Hahaa....By the way, you tried feeding your boy flaxseed as well? I've read that it's very nutritious. I add it in my baby's cereal sometimes.

Glad to know that it's normal for bb to have gap in their teeth.

Talking about baby food book, the book 'Superbaby food' by Ruth yaron is quite good
Hi Amber,

Yes, I have tried flaxseeds but I find it hard to pound them as the husks are still hard after pounding. How do you get over this?

I have the book which u mentioned :)
earnestmum, i dunno about the husk...cos it thoght flaxseeds looks just like sesame seeds? What I do is i'll use the grinder that i grind the grains to grind the flaxseeds whenever i wanna feed my boy. After grinding, it'll be in powder form so quite easy to eat
My cousin-in-law do all the jab for Jaime, he is a GP, so no assessment for her unless she go for jab. But whenever she is not feeling well and when we bring her down to see PD, the PD will assess her at the same time.
Hi Ju,

Sorry for the late reply.

I am not bringing her out this week or so. When she is better i will join the play dates.

She fell down from yao lan last friday, kena bruises on cheek.

these two days been trying to train her to sleep in cot during day and night.

been stressful cos i can't stand her fussing and crying.

hope Rebeca will learn to sleep well soon.

mommies, how do you all train your baby to sleep thru night? Appreciate all kind advices..

Nearly agrue with hubby cos he dun understand why i am doing all these.. so sad and unhappy..
calbee: When hiroshi was very very young...
i put him in the cot and let him cry it out....
then 5 mins later...
i go into the room and tell him it's alright go to sleep....
then 10 mins then 20 mins then 30 mins....

Then hubby ask me why let him cry so poor thing carry him lah.... Then i tell hubby i am training hiroshi to sleep on his own... and if he feels heartache, and wants to carry the baby.... make sure he is home all the time to do that!! Then hubby let me do it my way.... *evil laughter*

Sleeping whole night:
(chinese remedy) Pearl powder...
what time was your last feed?

I hope that Rebeca will recover from those brusies soon.... and join us in the playdate... hahahahaha... then he will be the only gal in our playgroup.... (*nudge karen* no worries, hiroshi will only have eyes for val) hiroshi falls all the time.... so dun worry, i belive it makes hiroshi learn.... Now when hiroshi sees the edge of the bed... the AUTOMATIC "go stan"...... (",)
I hope Rebecca is alright now. Malc falls everyday since he starts to crawl around the house and stands while supporting.

When he fell, I will just look at him and smile, telling him "It's alright, baby. You'll learn." Then he will sit up on his own, without crying and start crawling again. But there are times when he fell hard, then I will go carry him and sayang him.

He fell off the bed once. Like Hiroshi, Malc also auto brake when he is near the edge of the bed.

As for sleeping thru the night, I can't help you. Coz Malc auto sleep thru since 2.5 mo. Hehehe... I guess I am one of the lucky ones.
Hope your gal is ok. I support Hiroshi-Ma's method. So long as the crying is not very bad, I always feel that a little crying will not hurt them. You have to be hard-hearted sometime, there'll be more crying later as they grow.

Sleeping thru' the night:
Ok, I have this "evil" method that I used on my son. His feed was 3hrly for 24hrs. So after his 1st mth, when he wakeup in the middle of the night, I fed him with plain water. After 2 nights, his feed drag to 4-5hrs.

Hope Rebecca is feeling better.

My boy sleeps from 7pm - 7am. He wakes one time at about 11+pm or 12+am for a feed, then will usually sleep to the next morning. If he makes noise during the night, I just stick my arm into his cot (next to my bed) and let him hold my hand, and shush him. He will usually go back to sleep then.

For naps during the day, I carry him and shush him until he is asleep or very very drowsy, then put him in the cot. He is usually aware that he is being put into the cot. If he cries out, I hold his hand (or let him hold my hand) and shush. He'll usually go to sleep in seconds.

I wanted to try the CIO method, but could not tahan his crying...
Sometimes I just let malc stay in his cot when nearing his nap time and leave the room. He will cry and cry but I just ignore him unless I feel that he is in pain. Then he will doze off, tired from all the cryings. Now sometimes, Malc will doze off while playing in his cot. He seems to get the idea that he can also sleep in the cot besides the yao lan.
It's question time...

(1) How much is your average utility bill?
(2) Do you use the aircon everyday? On average, how long the usage?
(3) Which are the appliances do you think contribute to high power consumption?

Here's mine:
(1) Used to be $120+ per month with a/c. Now $90+ without a/c.
(2) I seldom use nowadays. Occasionally will use during sizzling hot afternoon. Lock Malc, Phoe Phoe and myself up in Malc's room. Enjoying the a/c while Malc plays his toy and PP takes her nap.
(3) For my case, I think would be the fridge, tv and pc/laptop.

I find my utility bills high leh. That's why want to survey and see what is yours.
hEY all

Rebeca aware of changes..now keep crying. Didn't nap in morning.. now afternoon she refuse again. only manage to catnap half an hr. Keep crying till cough cough.

Hiroshima- her last feed is 5pm dinner.. follow by nursing around 6pm. I try to follow the Good night, Sleep Tight book schedule.

She did sleep on matress at 7.30pm the latest...but will cry n fuss in middle nite...Then hubby will pek chek a bit cos got to work and study next day. I really so stress too.

By the way, where to get pearl powder? A real pearl grind into powder?? Please tell me .. i am willing to try.

Ju- you so lucky... i think i spolit the whole routine cos i let her sleep with me while nursing omce birth.

I think i just have to be more patient and let her cry out now. Hope she dun vomit all her food while crying.

Youpi- If your kid sleep at 7pm..it mean you really didn't bring him out in evening? What if attend wedding dinner?

Trying to stay positive..Just talk to hubby asking him to support me train her to sleep
Heya ladies...

Brought Orlando to c firewrks on Friday.. Here's a video of it:

Let ur babies haf a look too.. it may b a bit shaky due to the fact i'm using 1 hand to video it and another carrying orlando.. heh..

Ju, i duno abt utilities bill.. will go hm haf a look an answer ur qns tml.. hee..

As for slping thru out the nite.. orlando seldom slp thru the nite tis days.. usually will wake up at least once.. but will still slp bak after i stuff him wif water.. hee..

My utility stats:
1) About $100+ (no gas)
2) About 7hrs daily. Recently cutdown as both kids have runny nose.
3) I think it is the aircon, cos' during the end of last yr when the weather is very cooling & we didn't really on the aircon the bill went down quite a bit.

Wow, I giddy after see leh... hee... (just joking). cannot let bb see cos' my home pc die liao. BTW, Orlando not scare of the sound?
baby2005, so mean leh.. hahahaha.. no leh.. he kind of stare at it till it ended.. although look ard a few times coz a lot of ppl there n toking.. so he kind of get distracted at times.. but i guess he enjoyed it bah..
We go out almost every afternoon.
If there's an event on in the evening, like a wedding dinner etc, we will go. It's not a problem as long as it's not happening too often. If baby falls asleep there, I'll just let him sleep on. If not, he'll go to sleep after I nurse him when we get home.

1. About $100+
2. About 12-14 hours, 'cos we all sleep with the aircon on
3. Definitely the aircon!
calebee: 6pm last feed?!? abit early right?!? maybe can dream feed at about 11pm?!? pearl powder, i usually get it from yu ren sen... reputatable mah....
1)about $180+
2)on at about 11pm,off at 6am,3rooms using aircon 1 room using fan.
3)aircon is the highest,so try keeping it above 22degree,n on fan,help to reduce abit of electric,read fr newspaper.
Hello all,

tired tired...

1)about $180 also..
2)Only 1 room using from 9 pm to 5 am..not everyday..maybe alternate or so.
3)aircon..water heater also..

Hmm..have been nagging at hubby too cuz he uses too much computer as well...
good morning! over the last few days. josh has been 'climbing' out of his yao lan whenever he wakes up. got to cushion with a mattress at the bottom. and got to train him to sleep on bed during the day liao..not easy. now only manage to train him for nights...
yesterday discovered a cut at the back of his head. very sim tia. MIL was so defensive and said he fell by himself. we only want her to be more careful in future, but she kept saying its bcos josh is very active. sigh...*worried* think i will send him to playgroup once he reaches 18 mths since more difficult to tell MIL to do things our way.
will you all be sending your kids to playgroup at 18 mths,. or later??

aquaducks mummies, so we meet directly at aquaducks this sunday right? after the swim, lets go for a quick dinner together ok?
yesterday first time buy avocado. bought at the supermarket at raffles city cos happen to be there. 3 for $18.90!!! faint. there was no price tag but when i went to cashier i almost faint. cos never bought avocado before, never knew so exp!
how do you serve avocado? just scrap off and feed?
ju, my utilities not accurate for your survey since i only at my own place during weekend. but i feel aircon is one of the culprits, since i switch on aircon for very long hours whenever i'm at home. less usage on tv / computer, etc and my bill is abt $70+ per mth (= 4 weekends only!)
Good morning ladies....

My hubby say there's an article in the newspaper (think recently) telling ppl what are the appliances that is electricity hungry. Aircon & heater (regardless what kind of heater) are definitly one of them.

Guess not only MIL, even my mum also like that but now she is better liao. I planned to send my gal to childcare ctr prob end of next yr when she turn 2. Give her 1-2 mth (nov & dec) to get used to the environment with her brother there, then from Jan she will be in nursery 1 liao. Wow nursery 1, fast hor???? scary man (disadvantage of being born at the end of the yr)
Morning ladies,

Ju.. I've checked my utilities, per mth range frm $70 - $90.. Only once shoot up to $100+ den hb make noise liao.. coz tat time every nite on aircon coz Orlando kept perspiring... But tis days.. aircon though on every day only for 3hrs.. during the time orlando slp n b4 hb comes hm.. hahaha.. only on Friday nites we will on whole nite coz saturday all not working mah.. hee..

Dinner after aquaducks? Hmm.. can haf budgeted dinner? hee.. I may or may not make.. will let u ladies noe on dat day..

I won't b sending Orlando for playgroup coz my mum is also looking after my cousin who is 4mths younger den orlando.. so he haf playmate.. i dun mind lor.. no nid playgroup.. unless really bobian..
Good morn ladies!

Long time no "post"!

Momoko - u can get avocado at 3 for S$3.20 from NTUC. These are the Australian ones. Darion loves it with his cereal...

Hiroshi-ma- good to bump into you the other night! Hiroshi is such a charmer! Looking more and more like you now...
baby2005, u feel it is a disadvantage? actually i felt it is an advantage, so i kinda 'plan' to have baby born during end of year. cos in any case they will catch up with babies born in the beginning of the year! dun waste time! hehe
chin, so u add into cereal? maybe i can try for his breakfast then...
the ones i bought also from australia, organic ones. but no other choices there, really faint!! josh better loves them! haha
ok will go get from NTUC next time

Which type of sarong u using? Those one tat can be 'covered up' so tat even Josh sit up, turn and twist, he won't fall out of the sarong. The sarong I'm using rite now serve this purpose. No scare he will climb out or fall out. Refer to my blog www.summer-javier.blogspot.com in July 05 caught in the net.
Momoko, re: avocado > i scrape off and add to cereal and ebm. It's usually a little chilled 'cos it's just out of the fridge, but my boy loves that 'cos the days are so hot!
Either you get those sarong Summer mentioned or pin up both ends to prevent him from coming out. So far, Malc not that adventurous.

This morning very sim tia. Malc fell and knocked his ear at the corner of my coffee table then fell on the floor and knocked the other side of his head. Cried like mad. Haiz... who tell him so hao-lian. Let go of his hands while standing. Now his ear swell and bruised.
talk abt avocado, i went cold storage and bought one... wah... its $1.90 for one only leh... meaning, i kena conned again lah... shd have bought from NTUC...haven't let my boy try.. .maybe later let him try.. kekeke :p
Ju, my utilities is about $230 per mth, aircon thruout the night from 9pm to 9am. + 2 fans in the guest rooms thruout the night (cos my in-laws staying with me)... i think its the aircon, tv, fridge, TV, heater, water, washing mashing, 4 SCV boxes with at least 3 switch on in the evening
... and also, i have 6 person in my house, so the washing machines washes at least 1 load everyday.

Ju, can add banana, or peach..now in season. Very very sweet..

My utilies is about the same as Manuka, can shoot up to $250 plus a month, mainly is from the aircon i think, on everynight for 2 bedrooms.
