(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

whiteflora, while waiting for GUG trial, i've just signed up for Kindermusik. as we've missed the 1st lesson, we're starting from week 2 of 8 with my ex-colleague's son. there were only 2 slots left in the Kindermusik class (main studio @ Tanglin Mall), so my friend and i have taken up. only confirmed this afternoon for this saturday 5pm class. i have registered all interested mummies with GUG for the trial class and they will contact us once there are slots available. will keep you all updated if i get news from them.

What does your maid use to mince the meat huh? I think it's better to mince the meat at home too, but where to buy the equipment?

You mentioned that you mince the meat yourself too, what do you use huh?

Pls update Kaiser's ht & wt at 8mth as 71cm & 8.5kg. Thx
hello mummies... no time to access the forum... coz can't access at work and my Rae is sick.

she had fever last thursday, even went up to above 39 degrees... so scary... then started having diarrhea. worsen till sat when got spots of blood in the stool...had to take anti-biotics and just sent the stool sample to lab test on monday. will only know results tomorrow or the day after. doc say it's some bacteria attacking her intestines.
so poor thing. whole bum is red and can tell it's very painful for her..
other than that, she's still as active and happy as ever...

gave her isomil during this period instead of her usual similac2. stop solids on sat, sun and mon. started solids again... took pork porridge at nanny's plc yesterday.
hope today she don't have to poo that often. and get well soon...

lost weight... only 7.3kg now.
so heartpain...
fuschiastar: Kyra, my almost 3 yrs old, is taking Grow and Dugro right now. She was on GainIQ from 1 yr onwards and by right I should still be giving her GainIQ cos she's technicallynot 3 yrs yet. But cos she's quite a big girl weighing at 17kg right now I decided to start her on the 3yr and above milk earlier.
I dun see any difference in her growth and she loves her milk.
Infact now she drinks Smoo and Dutch Lady junior packeted pasterised milk when we go out.

As for Ember when I am working she takes ebm and Similac Excellence 2. She doesn't like it but if I'm not around she'll guai guai take the fm. I intend to give her GainIQ or Dugro when she hits 1yr.

Mybabydream: Yes, I will send Ember for the chickenpox vaccine. I sent Kyra for it too at abt 14months. The thing allowing them to get chickenpox naturally will increase the chances of Shingles when they grow old.
And where the milk is manufactured will affect the taste of the milk. For instance some kids reject milk that's manufactured in Malaysia and prefer the ones made in Spain. And of cos the Malaysian one is cheaper.

SSL: Of cos it's ok to let Brennan try other brands of milk. So far I find Dugro quite tasty.
You'll have to do the mixing as well. To get samples I guess you can just call the factory and see if they can send?

Whitefloral: I think our bbs are too used to us latching them and hence they struggle when we give them strange tasting fm in a bottle. That's prob why Ember doesn't struggle when my mil gives her fm but rejects when I give her. Just keep trying loh... Or if you can get Daddy to give the fm, even if it's just one feed a day it's still a small success.
sneaky:i use measuring tape to measure zoe..

mybabydream, i prefer noneuropean milk lor...

yipee ya ya: i use a knife to mince.. blender w chopper fn also can..

flo:hope rae gets better quickly!

kris: thks.. you have no pblm w constipation? yor girls take water?

whitefloral: you are not alone. i can't feed zoe anything fr a bottle (ebm, fm or water) and if i'm around no one else can.. but if i'm not, anyone else can feed her fm but she doesn't take much.. have to slowly try and persist lor..
fuschiastar: no problem so far. She loves water. She takes abt 180-210ml of plain water on top of 2 porridge, 1 cereal, 2-3 fm each 120ml, 1 ebm of 150ml and 2 direct latch per day!
yipee yaya,

my maid use only knife to chop and chop and chop. i see quite finely.


ok will check around
at 1st I was so worried Kayden got not enough EBM.but now it seems he's taking a lot... Hope I'm not overfeeding him. will bring him for doc's assessment in 2 wks' time

6am: Latch

10am: 7 tsp cereal mix with threadfin fish & 80ml EBM (drink another 100ml EBM)

1pm: 1/2 mashed potato mix with threadfin fish & 80ml EBM (drink 80 ml plain water)

5pm: 7 tsp cereal mix with threadfin fish & 80ml EBM (drink another 80 ml water)

8pm: Latch
12am: Latch
4am: Latch

Seldom take veg/fruits (once or twice a wk only)Dad was suggesting don feed so much, cos will increase the appetite. nxt time will be "obese". Hmm?

y dont u feed vegetables or fruits more often to kayden? brennan had vegetables for lunch and dinner every day. u not feeding kayden porridge?

Saw u got mashed potato. do u steam then mashed it? one potato?? wa kayden can drink alot of plain water hor. thats good.
kris: that's good.. zoe doesn't like water.. only drinks fr my corelle cup and spills most of it on the floor..

yippee ya ya: yep

sneaky.. yep.. but at the paed's clinic, they had zoe stand and measure against a tape on the wall..

3rascals.. don't think your ebm is insufficient..
think can add fruit and veg more frequently too.. zoe has fruit daily and veg for both lunch and dinner in addition to meat.. any reason why you don't alternate your solid feeds w a milk feed but have them continuous?
zoe's routine now is 7am: 5tsp fruit and 7tsp cereal, 830 latch, 1130 latch, 130pm half bowl porridge and meat and veg, 330 ebm 160-180ml, 6pm 7tspcereal/1tsp rice grain porridge and 2 dsp meat and 5-6tbs veg, 730pm latch to sleep, 2-3am latch
SSL: I wish to let him hv more veg to. But MIL is the care taker while I work. She seldom feed cos a lot of veg is "no no" to her. no choice
she boil the potato the mash 1/2 of it with EBM for him. MIl says porridge not nutrious. so gv creeals with fish intstaed. He loves water..

Fushiastar: during wkend he drink more milk, semi solid only twice a day. Cos he refused to drink from bottle at my in laws' place.

Wat my MIL says abt some of the veg:
pumpkin / carrot: bb will b yellow so best don take
spinach: will hv wind so far took once only
So far she only feeds banana & potatos. I;m runing out of ideas? whish veg sahll i ask her to gv?

porridge can be nutritious cos u add meat and fish ma
My mil also say carrot/pumpkin will make bb yellow so dont always eat. so brennan have them alternated 2x a week at most. spinach i will buy those round leave type which i think is less cooling ba. i fed xiao bai cai, broccoli florets and tofu (no egg type) as vegetables. banana also cant take too much cos will cause indigestion. me bought asparagus so trying this weekend

normally i will try new fruits/food over the weekend to see brennan's response to it (whether he has difficulty taking them the way i cook it, whether he like the taste or texture or not). If all ok, i will tell maid to cook that way and inform MIL about it. sometimes she changes my menu but my maid will tell me or i read the recording book.

For breakfast, i pack nicely for her. she just need to pour the cereals into a bowl and add milk or water will do
hi everyone,

just wondering what you plan to do for your baby's first year birthday? anything special? i guess most of your babies will be about 8-9 months now so have you thought of what to do? wish i found this site earlier... would have saved me lots of hassle!!!
Looks like Im not the only one already planning well ahead for the Sep/Oct birthdays! I intend to get caterer, do up helium balloons, banners, goodie bags etc.
Hi Yippee, yeah, I know it's a bit kiasu but I'm starting a new job in 3 weeks and don't know how hectic it will be. Thing is, we've been working on the guest list and it's now up to 85, no including the ex/current colleagues (first grand child for both sets of grandparents!!) i may have no option but to go to a hotel function room but that would be expensive! for helium balloons, do you know where i can get these (i'm not Singaporean so have no clue)
discussed with hubby and likely having it at the condo's function room... abt 30pax including clarisse's many grand aunties and grand uncles...

gng to get Neo Garden again... and this time... Chocolate Fountain too... within $500 i hope...
Thanks Carole! Just wondering, one of the website says comes with helium, do you mean i have to fill up the balloons by myself?? hmmm... would you like to share and order from the US the party accesories?

if i want to prepare some grinded chicken in advance to be used in the next few days time.....should i grind cooked or raw chicken? when i put in the frezzer, do i put in container or plastic bag?

I will be celebrating grace birthday at chalet with two families... cos its during the Deepavali and Hari Raya holiday.
hi mybabydream

u can grind the raw chicken and put them in separate small containers. each container will house enough portion for one feed. so that u dont take the whole chunk out to thaw and put them back again.

i put in those small tupperware alike containers. used to use plastic bags but find that if i forget to take from the supermarket, then its mah fun. for containers, i can recycle and wash them ma

For first birthday, i will be going for a family photo shoot
as a gift to brennan ba. thinking of doing a scrapbook for him too. Wanted to keep the celebration simple and different from man yue celebration. thats y not getting caterers and only celebrating with my family and inlaw family. But still in the planning stage for the makan session lor. photo shoot is confirmed though
jkids, depends on what type of rashes. might be best to see the dr.

Sweetie: we were thinking of that too, but can 80 - 100 ppl fit in the chalet?

SSL: we didn't have a chance to have a proper man yue because Xaby was released from the hospital after her surgey only at 3 weeks so it was too soon to expose her to other people which is why I'm hoping to make her 1st birthday party special. Photo shoot sounds interesting too... can I ask how much that would cost?
<font face="Calisto mt">Looks lyk everybody having headache bout 1 yo celebration ya... I'm still hving headache bout location cuz 1st grandchild leh so v mafan.

<font color="0000ff">Mummies</font>,

I stocking up e 1st teeth baby toothpaste from drugstore... Anybody wan to tompang, cost ard S$9 per tube e last time I bought, alot cheaper than purchase in Singapore

<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">June</font>,

U can give Kayden fruits lyk apple, pears, honeydew, blueberries, avocados, Kiwi etc.

I hv also given Janelle veg lyk Zucchini, Peas, Asparagus, Butternut pumkin, Sweet Potato, carrot (once a wk), Broccoli, Potato &amp; tofu. As for meat, Janelle has so far only taken threadfin, cod fish &amp; beef. Will prob start her with pork soon</font>
Hi patsy

can understand. so u will have a big big 1st yr celebration for your darling

Actually the photo shoot place was recommended by Fun (one of the oct mummies here). u can check out the website http://www.foto-u.com/

me taking the family portrait package which costs $98 with 30pcs of softcopies photos in CDRom. I probably will ask them to develop 1pc of 8R canvas laminated photo with frame at extra $68
then develop on my own outside photo to do the scrapbook.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">SSL</font>,

So u taking Benjamin huh? I oso quite keen leh but location abit far leh.... Plus they dun really do e makeup &amp; hairdo for us. I want to look mei mei one leh
Hi Patsy &amp; Carole
I guess Kaiser's 1st birthday will somehow be more or less the same as his 1st month party cos it's gonna be at the same plc, more or less the same invitees, helium balloons etc. Difference is most likely there will be a nice cake, goodie bags, invites (i/o sms), sing birthday song
for the time being that's all I can think of.

I use Neo Gdn for 1st month, this time I think I'll use another one for a change (think Neo Gdn no more discount). Helium balloons I will still use back the same gd &amp; cheap.

I also sign up a photography pkg for Kaiser for his 1yo present at Kids Picture
jenifur: i would be interested. can i get 3 tubes?

SSL: could be an idea to take her photo and get it blown up as Christmas gift for grandparents. Thing is, my uncle is a semi-pro photog so i'll probably ask him to do it instead. just have to wait for him to come back...thanks for the contact tho
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Patsy</font>,

Sure but where do you stay or work huh? I forgot to said collection point is either Sembawang/Yishun/Woodlands or Simei Mrt leh</font>
Hi Jen

Yes, Benjamin

i chinchai one la. think with makeup also not pretty.moreover the "zhu jiao" is brennan

I already developed photos for my parents and inlaws for their birthdays

i've just received sms from neo garden that they have promo for 1st year celebration
20 + 5% discount but only for deluxe menu. (think probably min 30pax) i asked them if the menu for 20pax got discount, the person say no
jenifur: i stay in the east but hubby work in Woodlands so I will ask him to pick it up (and pay you, of course)

Yippee: who did you get you balloons from last time? Also, invites... I've looked aroudn but they're all very "common" unless I order from the States, then ex!
For 1st month, I bot the helium balloons (both mylar &amp; latex ones) with www.twinkleballoons.com
Invites, I din buy off the rack. I intend to print them on cards myself using my printer. The design I will search for suitable ones on the internet. Actually if you want to buy nice ones, you can try the partyware shop at Paragon. Most stuff are from U.S.

Actually Neo Gdn has quite gd review. With discounts even better, but I thought wanted a change cos dun wanna serve same food the second time.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Venus</font>,

Did u get my PM? I pm u my email/msn addy leh.. den was waiting for u to contact me cuz u said discuss over MSN</font>
BTW, I will be making home made play dough for my baby, would anyone want some? These last for a long time (my aunt made some and it has lasted 3 years without drying up!!) Let me know if anyone wants some.
My BB also has rashes around her anus sometime ago &amp; it recovered after we apply zinc oxide (a type of nappy rash) for about 2 days. You would have to make it thicker to keep the area dry so that it will recover. If still persist, then you would probably need to bring her to the doc.
just got the test results on my ger's stool sample on thursday.
she got the bacteria salmonella. possible causes: not fully-cooked egg, contaminated or not fully-cooked poultry (chicken) or hygiene. the PD said she's the 4th case at her clinic.. now she's on the road to recovery after the antibiotic treatment...

was so pissed with my bb sitter. kept pestering me to send her to KKH... but her diarrhea was already better... less watery, reduce in frequency and no blood spots.
then tell me that too much diarrhea will cause her to go into a fit... got so fed-up that i took one day leave to take care of her myself and refuse to answer her phone call.

<font color="aa00aa">jenifur</font>
me want the toothpaste too...
can tombang 4 tubes...most prob pick up fr yishun... can opt for postage or not huh? thx

Hi Patsy
Nope, not Kriston. I think if u r calling catering for 1st birthday, can go for Neo Gdn lah since never try b4. The last time my guests find the food nice &amp; ask for namecards also.

Wow your guest list is already 85pax. That's a lot of ppl
You mention u r not local, so your family coming over to celebrate 1st birthday too, then u must really plan ahead
