(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Hi pammie
Think gog for the Msia trip, just feed Nestle cereal lor - there's quite a few different type to alternate. My bb Kaiser likes the chicken one best. I usu feed him that when he doesnt want the lunch/dinner which is a new recipe. Me too intend to go Msia next weekend but to my in laws' plc in PJ so not tt bad - will feed Nestle instant cereal on the road only. One thing abt jar food - wonder if they need to be refrigerated???

My bb is 8mo+, I usu will use Supernanny techniques on him. But as u r aware, babies so young cant exactly discipline them cos they dun understand what you saying also. Supernanny teaches mommies to use a stern & authoritative voice & look at them in the eye. But must repeat & repeat quite many times whenever they do that particular act. Something like this lah
It does works some times I must say.

sweetie.. thankfully i'm in a job that i'm ok w although if i didn't have a baby i'd probably work longer hours w a different boss and do stuff that's more fun and high end (and of course earn more cos i work longer hours).. now what i do is routine and less job satisfaction and i definitely look forward to knocking off and going to see my baby..
guess it's about own personal situation, personality and desires.. having my baby brought up by me is v important to me.. so is having a reasinable standard of living and financial security..
maybe you need some time to get used to this new job? guess cos there's less job satisfaction for you, so you look forward to seeing your baby more..? maybe try it out for a few months, if you are stii not happy, consider another job switch w good hours but still provides some job satisfaction?
i'm actually thinking of going back to work all weekday mornings when my baby turns 1 simply for the finances cos i wanna have another baby in about 1-2 years and don't intend to work when my next baby is less than 1yr, so need to save up a sum of money for that..

pammie: i also can't see myself doing that alhough hubby suggested it! *faint!* zoe has a horrid habit of biting me if she doesn't want to latch.. i say no no in a stern voice and use one finger to smack her diaper lightly.. it works..
jenifur & sharon: just to let u know tt my last day at cafe was Friday. I have missed alot of time with clarisse which i felt its not worth. At least the sat & sun was so fullfilling.

Sorry ladies for not able to sms abt the quote thing... so sorry.
hi.. anyone knows which part of beef and pork is best to give baby? thanks

Sneaky: remember you were talking about FM before and said you tried nan but are giving your baby enfa now? can check w you if the enfa products are from netherlands too?i'm looking of milk that's preferably not fr the european countries..
fuschiastar: The softest part of pork meat for bb is yao1 rou4. I think something like waist meat. I've been using that for Ember from day one since she started on semisolids. The meat is also easily scraped and mashes v v well in a blender. Some pple dun even blend it and just mash with a spoon. As for beef I'm not so sure... Heh..

I spent the weekend thinking and looking at grace, I think I would rather have more time at family. my grace will crawl to me very fast when she sees me. this is one of my happiest moments. I just need to work to give her a better standard of living...
Help help

Kayden has been grinding his teeth (1 top & 1 bottom). Any of yr did that while teething?
realised that whenever he sleeps even in air-con rm, his head will perspire & end up sleeping on a wet patch on the bed. is it normal (his hand are cold, but don noe y he perspire behind the head)

Need to seek medical help?
3rascals: sweating in aircon room is quite normal. Both my kids do that.
The body is cool to the touch but the head is almost drenched in sweat.

If Kayden is deliberately grinding his teeth, i.e., when he is awake then it is quite normal again. Cos they are curious abt the sensation that teeth bring and hence some bbs tend to grind their teeth for the sake of the sensation.
fushiastar, i can't remember if Enfa is made in netherlands, but i know the full is made in the same country. unlike nan, only stage 1 & 2 made in netherlands and the rest made in m'sia. if you don't prefer milk frm european countries, you shd try promil gold. it's made in singapore and it is highly recommended by my bro's gf who's a diabetic baby nurse in KK. she said Wyeth range of milk contains little COW's milk hence has lesser sugar content. unfortunately, i've started samuel on Enfa and bought 2 more cans on sat morning. she only told me abt promil's goodness on sat evening. shd i switch? itchy to do it leh...but i'm afraid to risk samuel's stomach...

3rascals, it's normal for babies to perspire especially the head. samuel used to wake up with a wet patch his-head-sized on my bed. samuel also grinds his teeth deliberately. i will try to stop him whenever possible by distracting him with other things.
Kris, i buy meat fr supermarket.. how does that translate to the english labels?
now i buy lean pork and mince myself at home..

Sweetie:glad to hear
i totally agree..
money can't buy my little girl's smile.. but money is neeeded to buy lotsa things..

hi Sneaky.. i just checked.. enfa range fr netherlands..nan fr spain and nan2 can drink til 3years.. wyeth range fr malaysia leh and contains vanilla flavouring..not sure if you wanna start samuel on milk that contains flavouring.. only friso fr aust but has flavouring too and similac fr nz causes constipation.. headache! don't know which to give..

3rascals: zoe also! wet patch
fushiastar, wyeth is now manufactured in the Singapore plant at Tuas. is there flavouring in promil 2 (6mths to 12mths)? my bro's gf also added that promil is one of the best in prevention of constipation wor...not what we initially thought S-26 was heaty and causes constipation. nan 2 can drink till 3yrs? i'm surprised! but nan is one of the most expensive FM now. it used to be enfa but no longer the case. friso is very sweet, i heard, and drinking similac is like drinking soap water wor...lotsa air bubbles...headache hor...must think carefully loh...

i haven't pumped for 2 days already. i think i'm almost graduating liao...a bit bu she de leh...i miss those pumping days...hahahaha
Sneaky.. i just checked at cold storage abt wyeth leh says fr malaysia.. quite sure abt e flavouring cos this info is fr sales rep and in this info leaflet.. yep, v sure abt nan2 til 3 year also, pdt info..i'm reluctant to give friso and wyeth range cos of flavouring and similac cos of constipation.. sigh.. only have enfa, nan and maybe mamil gold to consider..
i'm also tapering down bf-ing.. that's why researching milk powders.. are you a sahm or ftwm?
fushiastar, i'm a ftwm...you leh? mamil gold shd be quite good too, i think...aiyah...all also good...so difficult to decide! luckily i have made up my mind to go with Enfa liao...i'll pass the headache to you now...haha
Sneaky, i'm a part time working mummy
.. headache abt milk powder!

Patsy.. thanks
now i just buy the weight watchers mince fr cold storage.. don't know if it's good or not..
fuschiastar: Heh.. u are like me in the past. I used to buy my groceries from the supermarket too until recently I discovered that wet market's stuff really much fresher and tastier.
I dunno wat yao rou is in English leh.. y dun u consider doing your weekly groceries at the wet market?

me also using what kris said, yao1 rou4. if u buy in supermarket, they call it pork fillet. usually in long strips and cost $3+ onwards for small strip. but quite hard to find in supermarket lor. if dont have, will buy pork hind tender which can also do the job but think not as tender as yao rou.

sometimes i go market, i will buy "fake yao1 rou4" heehee, cheaper and also quite easier bite.
dont intend to feed brennan with beef yet

oh yesterday i fed brennan pumpkin, and he ate very fast. think he likes it
i shred the pumpkin and add it into the slower cooker to cook together with the rice and meat.
for mummies feeding your bb similac 2 now, what's the next choice after similac 2? issit only gain IQ or Pedisure? which is better? (or cheaper) can we mix the similac 2 and the next step FM so as to gradually let bb get use to the taste.
Kris, wah, i'll have to wake up at 540 am to go wet market! cannot lah.. as it is already not enough sleep.. zoe has breakfast at 7am and i usually wake up at 640 to prepare it.. will definitely consider wet market when zoe is bigger cos i know fresher too..

SSL: k . i go look for pork fillet.. what's fake yao rou? zoe loves pumpkin too!
sweet potato also tastes about the same..Gain IQ is the follow on for similac.. pediasure is for fussy eaters.. has more nutrients but think not necessary if baby is eating solids well..

i always do marketing twice a week, once on wed in NTUC and once on sat or sun in wet market. so u try to buy fish/meat enough for 3days then u no need to go so often. i go wet market around 10am after bathing, feeding brennan and he napping.

normally i will cut the fish/meat into cubes and put them in 3 different containers (1 container for 1 day portion) and into freezer. And my maid will take 1 container out the night before and put it in the chiller. Only when she wants to cook, then she remove the necessary portion and put the balance back to chiller for the dinner preparation.

fake (jia) yao1 rou4 (pork fillet) means not the original yao1 rou4 (pork fillet) lor. heehee cheaper in price but also nice to eat. think supermarket only sells the original type la. heehee

u mean zoe eats fish and meat in morning too? i only give brennan cereals in morning.

btw, u know about gerber fruit juice. i saw this new packaging for gerber fruit juice in plastic bottle. must i dillute it before letting brennan drink? or its already dilluted. its not stated on bottle leh, unlike the heinz one will state lor.

if to dilute, whats the proportion?? must we feed water to cleanse the mouth after feeding this juice?

oh ya, i also let brennan tried the HT arrowroot biscuit. i had to whole for him and let him suck. at sometime the cookie is soft i will break into bits for him to eat
so cute....
fuschiastar: Heh.. no need so early lah. I drive to Chong Pang market every sunday and there's still a lot of stuff even at 10am.
But I know Chong Pang a bit far for you. But hor, the market where you stay is quite expensive leh.. hee..

SSL: YOur boy no need pediasure one. That's for underweight kids. Hee.. And yes, after similac 2 is GainIQ. Yes can mix but no need to mix so soon. After he hits 1yr then u start to mix.
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Fuschiastar</font>,

I give Janelle either round eye or tender chuck for beef</font>
hmmmm seems like more mummy stop bf already... i almost wanted to stop due to my super long hours apart from my girl... but i finally put a stop to the crazy working environmenet and headed back to my freelance manicure &amp; pedicure.

I have lost 1 mth away from clarisse and felt it is nt worth to work for tt money and after much calculations, i have lots to lose than to make tt little pay. at least now i can go out with clarisse at my own time and pat her to zzz. i regretted my move and really sad too.

I am still keeping my maid, just tt i will work extra hard to get more clients for myself so tt i can provide for the maid n my little bb girl
SSL: i try to see if anymore meat at 10..
zoe eats cereal and fruit in the morning.. meat only afternoon and night.. not sure about gerber juice cos i don't feed that.. but i know if it's frest juice, the dilution is 1:10.. always better to let the baby have a few sips of water after juice to help prevent tooth decay..

Kris: yah this market is ex! actually i find the freshest at the farrer road market, but i can't go there early enough and the traffic jam is just horrid..

Jenifur: thanks.. any particular reason for giving this cut? so you mince or blend yourself?

Carole: our babies grow up so fast don't they? i'm thinking abt tapering bf-ing down to 3 feeds 8 hourly when zoe turns a year so i can go back to work weekday mornings..

just went to see paed yesterday.. zoe's consistantly 10-15th percentile fr birth.. now only 6.9kg and 65cm at 9m..paed said maybe she's constitutionally small.. makes me glad i've persisted in bf-ing all this time.. can't help but think.. my baby's already so tiny and all that she really wants to drink is bm.. although she does drink fm.. but takes less.. now less than 1 feed a day.. if i had stopped bf-ing earlier, maybe she'll be even smaller..

why do you say you lose 1 mth away from clarisse?


just persist giving her enough... some babies are born with high metabolic rate...Sleep can also ensure healthy growth... not just feed alone.
carole, it's good you're finally released from work. now your factory can start production liao loh...heehee...life is going to be tougher now that you have a maid to feed...but at least you can have a little more freedom than before, right?

fushiastar, i beg to differ about you saying drinking fm will make baby smaller. as you're aware, i'm starting to switch Samuel to fm, he put on weight leh...i think fm is more fattening than bm. breastfed babies are usually not fat but sturdy...what do you think?

Samuel's last PD check up was during his 6th mth jab. the next one is scheduled on 15th month. in between no need to check for growth percentile and the rest of the development meh? if so, where can i go for such reviews?

is there any other selections other than Gain IQ?? alamak, i got 2tins of pedisure 400g leh... can try to feed or not?? will brennan be obese if i feed that? hahaha

i usually feed brennan 1whole pc of threadfine or cod that i buy from market/supermarket. issit too much? for pork, i feed lesser amount. i dont blend the pork, fish. my maid minced them with knife only.
SSL, wah, that means can't see much of the porridge; only fish wor...is that too much har? now Samuel's fish bigger piece liao but still not as much as 1 whole piece wor...sometimes, i find his porridge full of fish and not much porridge already.

<font size="-1"><font face="Courier New"> <font color="ff6000">as @ 11 Jul 06
Mummies <font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>Pop On<font color="ffffff">.</font> BB's name <font color="ffffff">.</font> Birth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>5 mth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>6 mth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>7 mth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>8 mth<font color="ffffff"></font> <font color="ffffff">..</font>9 mth<font color="ffffff"></font>
Fun .......... 11-Sep-05 Alden<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.06/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">9.30/70</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">10.0/72</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">10.3/78</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Jenifur ...... 18-Sep-05 Janelle<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">2.81/46</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.90/69</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">7.05/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.98/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0077aa">7.10/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">7.85/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Gracemum ..... 20-Sep-05 Sabrina<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">2.53/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.65/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">7.33/68</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">8.24/71</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Pammie ....... 24-Sep-05 Tammie<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.20/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.40/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.15/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
MrsTan ....... 25-Sep-05 Kenshin<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">2.49/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">7.50/67</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Fiona ........ 28-Sep-05 Genevieve<font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0000ff">3.21/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">8.50/69</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Mybabydream .. 29-Sep-05 J.<font color="ffffff">........</font> <font color="0000ff">2.70/47</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">7.20/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">7.60/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="aa00aa">8.50/72</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
SSL .......... 29-Sep-05 Brennan<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">3.15/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">8.11/65</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">8.77/69</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0077aa">9.09/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Sneaky ....... 30-Sep-05 Samuel<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.80/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">7.75/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">8.00/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">8.35/65</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Fushiastar ... 04-Oct-05 Zoe<font color="ffffff">.......</font> <font color="0000ff">2.38/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">5.60/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">6.50/63</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.00/65</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0077aa">6.80/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Mdl .......... 04-Oct-05 Tricia<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.25/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">7.20/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Snow ......... 04-Oct-05 Yong Shan<font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0000ff">2.92/46</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">6.60/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
whitefloral .. 05-Oct-05 Charlize<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">3.50/52</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Bearie ....... 10-Oct-05 Tyler<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.20/52</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Lindy ........ 11-Oct-05 Rayne<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.46/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0077aa">9.20/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Ling ......... 12-Oct-05 Clarisse<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">2.77/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">6.57/63</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Amari ........ 13-Oct-05 Darren<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.76/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">8.50/70</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0077aa">8.80/71</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
breakbeats ... 13-Oct-05 Ethan<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.55/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Garfield ..... 14-Oct-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">2.47/45</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.00/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">6.30/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Puea ......... 15-Oct-05 Rong Jin<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">3.12/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">7.96/68</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">8.24/68</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">8.66/71</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Wlml2402 ..... 15-Oct-05 Bryson<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.09/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">7.42/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">8.00/67</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Adel ......... 19-Oct-05 Brent<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.40/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.50/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">7.50/63</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">8.00/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Kris ......... 21-Oct-05 Ember<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.35/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ffffff">5.90/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">7.88/66</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0077aa">8.40/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Nuttnuts ..... 21-Oct-05 Ying En<font color="ffffff">...</font> <font color="0000ff">3.68/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Tao_baby ..... 24-Oct-05 Girl<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.03/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">8.30/69</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Yippee ....... 24-Oct-05 Kaiser<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.64/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">7.55/68</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Flotan ....... 25-Oct-05 Raelyn<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.86/47</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.37/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Fresia ....... 25-Oct-05 Amos<font color="ffffff">......</font> <font color="0000ff">3.46/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">8.50/65</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Sweetie ...... 25-Oct-05 Grace<font color="ffffff">.....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.21/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">7.90/65</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">8.50/70</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">8.85/73</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
3rascals ..... 28-Oct-05 Kayden<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.44/51</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">8.50/68</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">8.90/70</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Morraine ..... 28-Oct-05 Ashley<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">2.55/49</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.60/68</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Karin ........ 30-Oct-06 Nicole<font color="ffffff">....</font> <font color="0000ff">3.23/48</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.80/??</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">7.30/69</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Kuririn ...... 31-Oct-05 Sherisse<font color="ffffff">..</font> <font color="0000ff">3.20/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">6.40/61</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">6.55/64</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="ff0000">6.80/67</font><font color="ffffff">.</font>
Dolly ........ 01-Nov-05 Christine<font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="0000ff">3.61/50</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="119911">5.80/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> <font color="#660066">6.20/62</font><font color="ffffff">.</font> </font></font></font>

<font face="Calisto mt"> If you would like me to update your Baby's weight &amp; length or if I have missed your update, please kindly PM me! </font>

Sweetie: i am persisting

Sneaky..think bm and fm fed babies put on weight differently.. bf ones are suppose to put on a lot more weight in the 1st 6 months, then tend to be more lean as they reach a year, but fm fed babies have a more linear weight gain and at the end of a year tend to be heavier than bm fed ones.. in my case, zoe doesn't like to drink fm so if i had given up bf-ing earlier and given her fm.. think she'd be drinking less milk lor..i think a switch fr bm to fm after 6m will result in a baby putting on more weight (assuming the baby drinks e same amt of milk) like you said samuel is .. it's inevitable.. abt gth assessment, if your baby hasn't had any pblms so far the 9m one isn't v crucial.. my zoe was born so tiny and i'm the v anxious sort, so i want an assessment lor..have another apptmtat at 13m for checkup..you can get your paed to do it..

SSL: wah so much!.. zoe only takes 1-2 desertspoon of meat..
SSL: I really think Brennan will be obese if u give him pediasure. He is already one of the heavyweights among all of the bbs here right.
Why not sell off the pediasure?

The abbott range only got GainIQ. But other manufacturers include Dugro, Fernleaf, Enfagrow, Nestle etc. Quite a lot of selection and price range also v wide.

Please update Yong Shan's @ 9 month 7.4kg/69cm.

My son having bm too and he's not growing much since last checkup. As long as he's healthy then im not worry too much loh.
Sneaky: U can do the growth assessment at the polyclinic or GP. For me, I do it at the GP near my place. $10/- for growth assessment. ideally is to do the next check up at 9 - 10 mths.
fushiastar, oic...fussy zoe...

thank you, 3rascals...i'll go to GP then...wanna know how he's faring lah...don't even know his weight and height...so sian...
hi mums! would like some advice on putting my boy in infant care. Do the centres have any programme or is it just eat sleep and play??

btw my boy michael is born on 20 Oct 2005. 9.4kg/72cm at 8 mths. jenifur pls update. thanks
hi mummies:
wondering y are u talking about where the milk are manufactured? will the contents be different?

do u intend to let bb go for chicken poz vaccin?

iwondering that if u dun blend the pork, can your bb swallow it?
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">fushiastar</font>,

*Hee* I chose those cuz recommended by e NTUC auntie. Those cuts are suitable for meat stew so more apporaite to use for porridge. I usually blanched it slightly den minced prior throwing into porridge to cook

<font color="0000ff">sneaky</font>,

How u manage to survive w/o expressing for 2 days? I only managed to cut down to 1 x with lots of difficulty cuz my breast will b v full &amp; painful if I dun express after 7hrs. Nowadays I gota wear breastpad if not will leak. I will faster chiong to express e moment I reach home.

<font color="0000ff">Chole</font>,

My ger get to do activities in her centre. They usually do things lyk exercise her muscle/enchance her motor skill/rhymes/song &amp; abit of flash card. Tt day they even do a father's day with my ger's hand print</font>
jenifur, i gradually slow down one...after 1 or 2 days of fullness, the 3rd day, it will subside liao. must LUN loh...at first, i slept halfway and felt like waking up to pump cos it hurts...initially, everytime i get hm, my bra was damp and i had to chiong like you...this happened for about 3 days and then i extended the time to pump till 10pm, then 12am, then the next morning...there must be a stop some day mah...
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

Do u still latch Samuel? I think I can forget bout stopping bf cuz I can't seem to wean Janelle off. She can cry for 1hr plus to doze off for 1/2hr den cry again if I dun let her latch. She can repeat e whole cycle till I give in.</font>
jenifur, i don't latch since a month ago. aiyo...like that how? she's refusing bottle? lucky Samuel's quite versatile and doesn't have cravings for latching; maybe because i didn't latch him in the early days of his life...but how? if you don't stop now, next time will be worse as she gets even more addicted, right?
mummies weaning of bf, do your babies reject FM? I tried to introduce FM but charlize will push the bottle away and give me that 'what's that you just gave me?' frown. She rather go hungry than take FM. Tried mixing the FM powder into ebm instead. She will take if it's minimal FM. Want to start weaning her on partial bf so I can reduce pumping from 4 to 2 times. 9 mths liao...lugging a big bag to work everyday.
jenifur: where does ya ger go to? I'm planning to send my boi to NTUC or kinderland at toa payoh coz hubby works there. Any feedback on these places mummies?


my maid minced really well ba. so far, before i feed brennan, i will use the spoon to press press the meat before putting into brennan's mouth. dont think mil does that. so far ok. sometimes if i missed out one lump of meat, brennan actually spits it out for me


heehee ya, think 2nd on the list after Fun's Alden. ok la think better get rid of the 2 bottles.

But is it ok to let him take other brands of milk if he has never try them before? any idea if can get samples or not? which brand would you recommend?
