(2005/10) Oct 2005 MTB???

Hi mummies, does your baby know how to put pacifier into his/her own mouth. I read that babies like to put things into their mouth and realise that some of your babies are actually doing it. However, for my baby, he refuses to take his own pacifier and put into his mouth although he craves for it....he will just cry and wait for us to put it into his mouth...strange.

my actual day is on wed 20 sep, i will do it on sunday (17 sep) 3 days early. is close to Janelle birthday (18 sep)ha ha , Jen , you got any idea or not ? are you also celebrate on sunday ?
Just to tell you,if you want to celebrate together , later will have a lot " Ma Fa" one .

Haizz.food cateri very sianzz, @ home also very sianzz
don know how ?
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Sharon</font>,

If not then we celebrate together lah....hahaha I'm thinking of either getting a chalet or mayb do it @ Carol's restaurant. But den gota seek my CFO's apporval 1st leh.

<font color="0000ff">MBD</font>,

I'm still sterilizing Janelle's bottles/spoons etc. Since e sterilizer is there so might as well use it lor</font>
Actually, i got no intention to invite relative (my HB side), just invite my HB colleagues . freinds , my colleagues and friends only(already about 50 pax)
tis time i don think i can spend so much money liao because i had spending almost 2k+ on full month haiz..
I just a sweet and nice one, any idea???

I can't control myself to spending on Sabrina toys, elvoplane, cars,cloth book,drum,vcd,high chair,foods. anymum same as me?
sharon, i cannot avoid celebrating together cos we live under the same roof. it's almost impossible to celebrate separately leh...especially when both their birthdays fall on exactly the SAME DAY...
any babies intending to join the baby bonanza?

you are not tired taking care of Samuel? Whenever I thought of another one, I will fear the tiredness leh... sometimes, i am so frustrated with Grace when she cries that I will lose my temper...
<font face="calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Sharon</font>,

Nv invite Janelle

I oso tend to splurge on Janelle but den lucky or unlucky is I got a CFO to control my spending. He doesn't lyk it when I splurge on clothes, toys etc but educational stuff he's ok lor

<font color="0000ff">mummies</font>,

Anyone knows where to get baby spinach?</font>
sneaky: no thanks lah.. me must work hard and save more for Brent. if two... i think my retirement age got to be delayed lah.. hehe
sweetie, i'm not afraid. i'm sure i will be able to adapt to it very soon. just like in the beginning when i had a new member (Samuel), i was also not used to it. but i had adapted to it and am looking forward to a new challenge. i love being pregnant and i miss it...i was just chatting with a friend on MSN about losing temper. yes, i do but only a couple of times and i really felt so so guilty after that. i always tell myself, when baby fusses, there must be a reason. we should understand why they fuss instead of scolding them. many a times, i got angry because Samuel fussed and realised he actually passed motion. there's always something our babies wanna tell us. all they could do was to Eh Eh, Oo Oo and Ah Ah...don't scold them...

adel, want lah..join me leh
<font face="Calisto mt"><font color="0000ff">Sneaky</font>,

I admire your "courage"... Though I oso want to have a 2nd baby but I dun think I'm able to cope now especially when Janelle is so sticky. I dun even have time to have a proper bath w/o her crying outside the bathroom.
jenifur, aiyoyo...poor thing. i guess a helper is very much appreciated. i usually will let my maid go "off" after 8pm every evening. when i need to shower, i'll get my hubby to handle Samuel. since 2 weeks ago, Samuel started crying to look for me and my hubby had to carry him into the bathroom to look for me. now, Samuel crawls INTO the bathroom himself to look for me! *faint*
Hi Mummies,

Should we celebrate the Chinese Birthday or English Birthday as this yr got 2 X 7th month[chi]?

If we clelbrate Chi, then it will be later than the English Birthday about 1 month.

i am also experiencing the same situation as you. grace will cry whenever i pass her to her dad to go bathing. i cannot enjoy a good bath... will want to quickly wash up and then carry her so that she will not cry. my hubby will carry her downstairs sometimes to pacify her...

i intend to celebrate the english one although my mum says its very very early in terms of chinese calendar. but it will be in november if follow chinese. weird to cut cake then rite? we are going to celebrate grace birthday at a chalet cos her birthday is among the public holidays. so excited about it.

i am now feeding grace with a vitamin supplement called appeton. its infant drops, 1 ml a day. Said to improve appetite. I am monitoring grace since she first took it yesterday. grace has lost appetite ever since her flu and cough. she has recovered so i hope her appetite will regain back to normal again...
I'm also celebrating based on her english one.. hee

Hubby wants keep it a family affair loh.. keep it small.. since at 1yr old I guess she won't know what is birthday celebration.. hehe.. most probably will have to celebrate twice.. one at my mum's side and one at my in law's side.. cos very hard to gather them together.. our plan is to go out eat then buy a small cake for her to cut.. hehe.. well its just plan now.. duno what will happen if my in laws comes into the picture..
is it normal for babies to reject milk during teething? My Sherisse got her first 2 teeth last week.. and now she hardly wants to drink milk.. but if I give her porridge or other solid food she will eat alot leh.. she just bites on the milk bottle teat but the milk level still maintian.. if I removed the milk bottle she will cry.. put back she keep quiet.. sigh.. now she treating the milk bottle as her pacifier leh..
San: It's completely normal. When bb is teething she usually just wants to bite on things cos the sensation is new. Biting also helps to alleviate the discomfort that comes with teething. She will drink milk again once the discomfort wears off. This could take a few days to a week, unless another tooth sprouts immediately.

Jenifur: By baby spinach do u mean the sort with round leaves? It yes then you can get them at all wet market veg stalls. Supermarkets also sell them.
San: Kayden not taking milk by the bottle aledi cos like yr refused to drink only bites. Now giving him in a cup or mix with cereals. He taking me as pacifier. nipple goes in he falls asleep, take out he make a fuss again. last nite got up more than 10 times. Some mummies sugessted puting bb asleep in his bb cot will allow him sleep thruout (or longer)? Any mummies got any suggestions? Or where yr bb sleeps?

right now he sleep on a mattress besides my bed. i'll roll down to latch him &amp; end up sleeping with him every nite. haha hubby have the whole bed to himself. Kayedn &amp; I squeeze on 1 single bed.
hi.. anyone knows how to cook asparagas for babies? can mash?

ma baby also doesn't take much milk now.. only wants to latch..

jenifur: haha.. mine also! now i have to privacy when i bathe.. zoe is at the doorway in her playpen..

sneaky: all the best, me also wanna have wnother one.. but not so soon..
my Sherisse already sleeping in her baby cot liao leh.. but lucky she only wakes up once at nite.. but sometimes she wakes up for milk liao dun wan to sleep.. then have to accompany abt an hr or 2 later then she will sleep.. sigh..
my grace has been sleeping in her baby cot since 3 mths. Occassionally she will fuss and wakes up at night, my hubby will carry her a while and then put her back once she is back to sleep. grace normally fusses when its too warm...

i started giving enfapro to my Grace since 7 mth but noticed constipation. Now I am feeding her enfalac a+. No problem. Will continue with a+ till 12 months.
<font face="Calisto mt"> Looks lyk I'm not e only one who's not able to have a proper bath. Last time I usually will take bout 20~30mins to bathe, now less than 10 mins gota dash out liao.

<font color="0000ff">Sharon</font>,

I've sms Carole.. She will let us know pro today.

<font color="0000ff">Venus77</font>,

Where/when you want to collect the Healthy Times Apple Cinnamon Teddy Puffs from me?

<font color="0000ff">Kris</font>,

I oso duno how baby spinach look lyk leh. Was told tt baby spinach/English Spinach taste better than e usual Spniach. So want to buy &amp; let Janelle try lor.</font>
MBD, i have just introduced Enfapro A+ to my babe. but it was from tbf; not enfalac. so far, no constipation cos he's still on 2 feeds of EBM. i hope by the time he's on 100% FM (1 week later cos EBM can only last till then), he won't suffer any constipation.

by the way mummies, how do your babies' poot poot look like now? Samuel passes motion 2 to 3 times a day now...very very smelly, light brownish with undigested vegetables. sometimes quite sticky and sometimes watery...is this normal?

hi mummies, i just received a call from the school saying that it is impossible to arrange a trial class on weekend cos their weekends are already filled. they offered to start an exclusive trial class for us if we're agreeable on Tue or Thu 1pm. how many of you interested?

jenifur, the baby spinach's leaves are small small and the stems are very thin one. in general, it's really so much smaller than the normal spinach. my MIL buys that for the children's porridge.
My PD told me starting from 9 months old, start giving 3 meals.

Re GUG trial, I'm interested if the exclusive trial class is on. Actually I hv already put Kaiser on waiting list for new term but if there got a slot for trial (of course it's chargeable lah), I w/d like to try out &amp; see how's the boy's response in class.
i will leave my girl in the cot when i go shower in the morning b4 going for work, must quickly shower in 10 min, no longer have luxury to take relaxing hot shower!

so far, she ok, entertain herself standing by holding on to the cot and biting the wood or playing with some toys.
just afraid she will bang her head agst the wood coz she knows how to stand, but dunno how to sit. hee hee.. just let go her hands anytime she wants to.

mine will drink milk until enough. then she will stop drinking and bite the teat to ease her gums.

GUG on weekdays not possible liao coz working leh.

if my girl doesn't constipate, she will also poo 2 or 3 times a day. undigested vege also appear. tot that's normal. so i didn't bother :p

I steam the asparagus and then use blender to puree it.

no hard &amp; fast rule. my girl is 8 mths liao. on 3 meals per day. good to have variety and establish eating solids, otherwise later grow up to be fussy eaters.

my girl used to sleep in her sarong. now she sleeps with me on my bed. sometimes i put her in her cot.
few weeks back, she also woke up at 2am for milk, which she actually stopped doing for some time liao. now she's sleeping thru the nite from 8pm or 9pm to 6am again.
dunno if she was not drinking enuff during the day or coz discomfort from teething then.
yippee, ok...i'll log you in...

actually, i think i'd better change my target school. besides telling me about the trial, they told me the enrichment classes that are scheduled on weekends are totally full. next available date would be around August but still must line-up cos there's a waiting list...haiz...maybe i'll try Kindermusik instead....what say you all? anyone wants to sign up for Kindermusik on a weekend (sun 4pm)?
my sil swears by Kindermusik. But I think must buy book materials etc, cos I saw the books when she passed me some handmedowns.
How abt Julia Gabriel, heard not bad, something like GUG but quite ex I think.
Then no choose for you..

Sabrina sleeping in adult queen size bed alone, sometimes i have to look for her at difference corner.

Sabrina poo poo 2 times a day, because sabrina taking brown rice, her poo poo always dark color and also smelly


Sabrina down with fever now 38C, but she can sleep well, no crying, no fussy.i hope she's ok
how to train kayden to sleep thruout the nite? I try to let him latch s long s he wans b4 he sleeps so that he'll b full. but still he wakes up very frequent. on 3 meals also.

Any idea where can i get discounted rates for zoo?? $15 per adult!! very exp!! PIL wanted to bring brennan to zoo and some more gotta pay for maid.
yippee, Julia Gabriel is indeed expensive...my younger nephew is now with JG while his elder sis is with Chiltern House. fyi, Chiltern House's school fee is more than $750 a month after subsidy...i read that their playclub is similar to Kindermusik cos they emphasize on rhythms and music. i think i'll probably start Samuel on Kindermusik first...i know for sure he'll be interested cos he loves music...when my stepdad plays the keyboard, sings or dances, he will clap and follow the beat.
jenifur...maybe we can talk over msn or email abt collection stuff..

sneaky..just put me in for watever trial class u arrange..thanks for ur efforts
3rascals. what time does yr bby go to bed? maybe let him play more in the day take fewer naps and sleep slightly later. Another way is to give him one feed while he's still in bed say about 11pm before u go to sleep. That feed shld last him till morning. I think most babies wake up becos they are hungry or warm..

Hi mothers,
any advice for me - i'm travlling with baby for a short holiday to Malaysia - coach ride only 4 hrs there n 4 hrs back. I can't have the luxury of giving her fish and vege porr when im there so I'm packing bottled jar foods, not sure if she will like them... any advice would be appreciated. I'll be putting up in a hotel.

honeystar, my boy is now 9mths. i sent him for those trials when he was around 4 mths old. he did kind of enjoyed the lessons...

pammie, why not try cereals? just add water and stir will do. you could try the nestle ones...

u could let her try jar food first before the trip. nestle has good selection. i recently started brennan on nestle cereal with mixed fruits. smells very nice. it contains milk and all u need is to add warm water
hi sunset
pumpkin porridge is easy to cook. jus steam the pumpkin till soft and add to the cooked porridge lor when serve (but mash everything). but don't give too much pumpkin if not babies will turn orange
hi mums working,

do you have a good job? challenging? will you sacrifice family time for such a job? or will you choose to have a low profile job and have more family time?
Hi Sneaky.. SSL - thanks .
yes sometimes i give her brown rice cereal (nestle) but i dont know if it contains enough nutrients or not. I have packed some bottled jar foods (not sure if she likes them) as well as the nestle rice cereal. I suppose if all fails, I'll just give her milk!
pammie:latch ard 11 - 12 midnite. but still middle of nite will wake up for more milk.

Cereals will b sufficient.infact i find cereals more nutrious than porridge. 2 - 3 days w/o fish is ok.

sweetie: I choose a low profile job so that i can knock off on the dot &amp; hv family time. Family time 1st piority, $ 2nd, career advancement last.
flo.. thanks
i chopped the asparagus really fine and steamed and cooked.. zoe seems to like it

pammie.. i've seen families that actually bring an electric stove and cook at hotels in malaysia!.. maybe you can try the baby cereals with added meats and veg?

sunset: my baby loves pumpkin
cook as akiki suggests

sweetie: i've chosen to give up an easily 5 figure job to now work only 2 afternoons a week.. and now i don't even take home 2k.. but i get to see my baby grow up
and thankfully have a hubby that supports me in that decision..finances is now really tight and there are many things that i used to do that i can't afford to anymore.. can't say that i don't miss it.. but my baby's smile more than makes up for that..it's really a personal choice.. hope you will be happy whichever you choose..

I have just changed job. have been on the job for abt 1 month now. reason for changing is to totally be grounded cos previous job requires me to fly two weeks a month. now at the new job, i realized that its a position that is not so well recognized. its a low profile job and i get to knock off on time as what i wanted when i decided to quit my previous job.

i am confused as i find myself miserable during office hours and only hope to knock off and be home with grace and hubby at night. is that what you are also looking forward to every day?

3rascals, u may find this article useful then.


My theory is that when it is sleeping time for bb, they don't latch strong enough for a ful meal, it's just for comfort, so even if you latch at 11pm or so, he may not have taken alot of milk and may still wake up. But if he is full and wakes up out of habit then maybe you can use the tips above.

Fushiastar - i can't see myself lugging a stove on a holiday! anyway since many have advised on use of powdered cereals, i'll try that.

on job situation, i must say it's not as hard as it was initially. I try not to think of my baby too much at work. When i had to make my 1st biz trip, it was close to torture. I prayed everyday for the biz trip to be cancelled but eventually I did it. It wasn't so bad. 1st time is always harder.

A question for mothers - how do u discipline a 9 mth old baby? my baby likes to play with water when we feed her from a spoon and making a mess. I tried scolding her, looking sternly at her, they don't work. She thinks I'm playing with her so she imitates me. Anyone wth similar experience?
