(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Hi Mummies,
Happy New Year to all of you!

Thanks! You can also "jump on our bandwagon", still got time to make 2007 babies. Hehehe....

Excited, yes! But also easily tired this time round, keeping wanting to sleep... maybe getting old liaoz... Don't miss getting pregnant, come and experience it again.

Happy 2007!! so many new babies in the making hehe

I am helping a friend of mine to ask if anyone wants a nanny to take care of newborn after CNY (Toa Payoh Blk9 Lorong 7). She has more than 10 years of experience. She is a kind Christian Chinese lady in her 50s.Please pm me if u are interested. She charges market rate ...can any mummy tell me whats the market rate?
Yay! Cute lil Yicheng will have little didi or meimei to play with. Btw, is your gynae Dr Henry Cheng? How you find him?

I think the market rate is $500+ to $600+.
hi mummies,

just to check, anyone took your kid for the 15mths MMR jab? I understand fever is expected about 1 week after jab. But any mummies whose child had fever on the same day of jab? Thanks much for advice.
hi mrstan,

my boy's fever came 3 days after his jab. since ur kid's fever is on d same day, mayb wanna chk wif ur pd abt tt.
Nicky's mom, hope yours will be a gal too! so fast buy dresses already arh..

hmm, who's working towards a 2007 baby? :p i'm keen to try, but also concerned about career prospects. esp my peer who came in same time as me got promoted recently.. not nice to be "left on the shelf". And with my bosses being rotated frequently, i'm sure to be by-passed for promotion again if i get pregnant this year. Logically, I want to put family before career, but it's just demoralising that there's little recognition for the work u put in.

A joke to share:

<font color="0000ff">At the end of my factory shift, I was asked to purchase some supplies. The machines' conveyor belts needed talcum powder to prevent them from sticking, and we had run out of aspirin for workers with noise induced tension headaches.

I drove to the nearest store and loaded a shopping cart with four cases of baby powder and several boxes of aspirin. As the man behind me in the checkout line peered at my purchases, he laughed and exclaimed, "I'm glad that's your baby and not mine!" </font>
Personal Joke to share

Me: Hey what name shall we name if our second child is a girl?
Hubby: Antonette ( with a straight face)
Me: WHAT????NO!!! ( My son's name is anton)
Hubby:Its a nice name. Anton. Antonette.
ting, i know how it feels... i came into this company 2 months early compared to my colli. But she got a double promotion compared to my 1 promotion only reason because she's single, has more time for work. and me, pregnant with #3 and boss feels i need more time for my family therefore not promoting me to that position is to "help" me. I feel that the amount of time and effort i put in for my job is not any lesser than her.
nicky's mom
my colleague sitting beside me is a single lady in her 40s.. not much social life.. work until late everyday.. plus Saturdays work almost full day.. how to fight with her? i just amuse her with isaac's pictures la..
Antonia still sounds better than antonette!!Hey I wanna ask ur hubby, at what age does a kid can learn swimming? 2 or 3 y/o?
Wendy, naughty u.. Her life already so boring, and now 40 liao, cannot have anymore bb and u somemore show he isaac's pix. haha
T_Teo ...

Dr Cheng is pro natural birth &amp; epidural so if you are like minded than I would recommend him. The only 'problem' with him is that when he is overly busy, he tend to show abit of face hiak hiak but otherwise he is a very caring and fun gynae to have. V assuring as well and really puts the mummy on top priority throughout the whole process.

hoshi ..

yar go and see him together heehee

ting ting ...

there were plans to promote me in 05 and my boss gave me a few big projects to work on then. but when i was preg and not functioning (really not function man ... was away for office most of the them due to my terrible vomiting), no choice but to miss that round of promo. now i am crossing my finger that i will be getting my promo this coming year, as promised by my bosses.

so i do understand your point ... even my mum agreed that no promo no #2 hahahahhahahaha
ting, ya, i understd hw u feel. when i was pregnant, they gave me a $50 increment!! i was so fed up... it's nt as if i didn't wk as hard as my other peers.

triniti, i agree wif wendy. antonia def sounds better.

seabreeze, i keep my fingers crossed 4 u k.

the younger the better... 3 months? heh heh.
My husband's youngest students are 2-3yo. Must be able to understand instructions.

nicky's mom
hey, my another colleague had her first born when she was 43YO hor... natural conceive sommore.. never say never...!
thanks for the round of empathy... just got to keep reminding myself that this job lets me splurge on zephan's wardrobe n toys... :p

re: swimming
have not brought zephan for a swim for a long time, mainly due to the erratic weather n his daddy falling sick now n then. hope can bring him out for a swim before he grows too big for his swim pants!
wendy, if they r 3mo, hw 2 understd instructions?

ting, ya, tt was wat i was tinking when i wanna throw in my ltr d last time. thk god it's over nw.
when they're 3m, they still dunno how to sit up, so they'll be very compliant to lie on their backs &amp; float. And they'll remember what it was like in mummy's tummy... swimming all the time.

here's isaac once again @ 8m... enjoying his swim
wendyg ..

isaac's daddy can use this photo to promote his swimming course heehee

vone ...

yar man keep ur finger cross for me ... me just hoping that they dun play me out this round .. my promotion is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG over due liao *sigh*
Anton is water confident now, totally not afraid of water..In fact everytime I bring him to the garden, he will drag his float to the pool and attempt to climb into the float by himself. I have to stop him all the time cos obviously he dunno how dangerous that could be. Does ur hubby conduct private lessons? Can Issac 'swim' without adult assistance?
Wah, thread so active today.

Re promotion
Aiyo, some of your bosses really "discriminate" against preggie huh?! Luckily, my bosses dun dare to do this to me (I too fierce hiak hiak). Saiyang to all mummies, and jia you for those due this round.
yeah my husband conducts private lessons..
we can't let go of isaac in the pool.. we dun bring him swimming often enuf! Isaac takes some time to get used to the pool for every session.. he's a very cautious boy.. dat's why he only learnt to walk @ 15m

i beg to differ. zephan is a super cautious boy.. that's why he only learnt to walk at 16m.. :p but he's quite gung ho in the pool from day 1.
ok la... then i guess isaac doesn't like cold water in the pool.. coz at least first 15min in the pool will be spent whimpering &amp; clinging onto us. But in heated pool in Genting, he "warmed up" much faster
Re: Talking
Any babies not really talking yet? My gal 16+ months will only say "pa pa" and "ma ma", and that's only saying when she feels like it. She understands what we say to her, and is able to identify things.

Any suggestions of how I can get her to talk?
Re: Chinese birth plan
I've heard of friends who tried to plan the gender of baby with the chinese age/month plan and is accurate. Anyone tried that?

Anyone has a reliable source of the chinese birth plan calender to share? How do you read it? The month stated in the calender is based on each english calender year, or chinese calender year? And the age of the female is based on the chinese age according to the chinese/english calender year?
I talk alot to my girl at home, I'm a SAHM. My gal don't have much interaction with other kids. I'm not in Singapore where its easy to meet up with other kids my gal's age. I guess it helps if she meets children her age, and they're talking.

My friend say that I should "force" her to say what she wants. I tried, and it didn't turn out well. I'm going back to Singapore for CNY, that's why I'm stressed.
hehe ok...When anton is about 2, I engage ur hubby to teach him how to swim in my pool. Don't charge me too high ok?? hehe
i thought u shifted? Your new house also got pool ah?

every kids develops at their own pace.. i guess that's the mantra u'll be saying to all your friends &amp; relatives when they express concern on her limited vocab. That's what i did when people say how come isaac not walking yet at 10m, 12m, 13m etc.. Or how come he has no teeth yet at 6m, 8m, 9m etc
fyi, my niece at 2.5YO still not talking.. just making grunting sounds. My SIL haven't bring her to speech therapist yet!
boise, don't worry too much.. Nick also can't talk much. papa is not clear and he can't call mummy yet. he's mostly talking bb language. Only when he's "kan cheong", his kor kor become jie jie, titi, everything but kor kor.. PPle tell me 2nd one should speak faster, but not true. as long as they are happy, let them be.
hi boise,
maybe you could teach her some signs? I heard that bb doing signs will help their speech.
Also I think it's up to individual bb when they're ready to speak. My gal just suddenly able to pronouce alot of words and so she speak whatever she can remember. Hence I believe yr gal is able to remember just that she's not ready to pronounce the sound yet.
Anyway I belive continue to encourage her and you'll see result sooner or later
yeah shifted but with a bigger pool hee...

Anton will only speak when he wants what he wants and things he is interested in...Actually I am not that fussed about this language development cos he is still a toddler...
He will have lotsa of chances to speak as he grows up.
boise, dun worry k. u shld njoy d 'silence' while it lasts. once our kids start talking, we wld wish tt they will shut up.

wendy, wah, issac is so fortunate. so young got fan oledi.
vone, ya man.. that's very true.. haha.. sam also cannot stop talking.. sometimes i got to be the stepmother and tell him i'll feed him chilli and sew up his mouth if he don't stop talking, but it only works for 1 min. sigh.
Hey mummies
This thread is getting quieter. When's our next gathering huh? Anyone volunteer to host a CNY get-together?
hello ixwong, how have you been?

mummies, i am preg! I am still in shock cos i am totally not prepared for another bb so soon....my hubby received the test kit from me (he is overseas), and yes, he went," oh NO!"

I think i need to see a counsellor soon.
CONGRATULATION!!!! wah wah wah.... so many preggie mummy for the yr of Piggy! how many mths r u now?

i agree wit u lor, gotta do somethin to spice up the threat!
ixwong ...

cos everyone busy making baby mar hahahahahaha

yar a CNY gathering would be nice =)then can see alot of preg woman oso hiak hiak
Hi mummies,
Wondering what language is your dd/ds using mostly? English or mandarin? How to effectively train them to be bilingual? Was speaking to dd in English initially but realise she understands/speaks Mandarin much better (cos MIL speak Mandarin to her). So now mostly I converse to her in Mandarin as well.

Hi aidanee,
Congrats to you
Welcome to the piggy-mama-2007 hehe..

CNY gathering,
Hmm.. maybe I could still join if it's not too near my EDD
Hi all,

Happy New Year to everyone!!!

And congratulations to all the mummies who are pregnant again
Wish I have the courage to have #2 like you.

We just returned from HK. Clarence had a good time, esp. at Disneyland. He loves all the rides and adore some characters but are afraid of others. Discovered that he can now speak in complete sentences such as 'Please sit down' and 'broken' sentences such as 'Gong Gong where?', 'Not you/we, Me!'. His favourite word is now 'bicycle'. It's so much easier knowing what he wants now then before

K, as usual, some pics to share:





isaac understands some words in eng, some in chinese.

for bodyparts we use mostly chinese.. dunno why??
er-duo, pi-zi, pi-gu, du-qi, yan jing, ya chi

for numbers he understands both in Eng &amp; Chinese for 12345678. For 9 &amp; 10, currently only eng.

he addresses us as baba &amp; mama.. which is chinese. as opposed to daddy &amp; mummy. Also in chinese are gong-gong, popo, gorgor, jiejie, didi, meimei. But Uncle &amp; Auntie will be in Eng.

most other things he understands in Eng...
fruit, vege, vehicles etc
