(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

*LOL* Thanks Gal!

egg-citing but so stressful.... chloe is pulling all my cards and notes from my wallet now as i m typing.. come to think abt it i shouldnt be complaining, the wallet is buying me time to post this msg. heheh
congrats passing_guest/ cakey/ and of cos dressaholic... You gals rest well, and awaits for your bb's arrival.

I have attached some kylie's latest pix.. hehe.. my big girl now..
P.G, i was jus thinkg about u! wendy mentioned the wig and i was thinking about annette's hair hahahahahah

u're in my sms group list when the bb arrives
Saturday pizza dinner @ my place in Punggol
Food arrives 6.30pm
Confirmed kids Isaac, Nathan & Zephan

Pls PM me asap if u wanna join us... so that i can order enuf chow. O'wise BYO!
kylie so big gal now!!!

hee.....same as ernest...ernest also got not much hair!!!!

Re Hair,
haha....i think no one can bit Annette and Anton's hair!!!!
hey gals,

just wanted to say that i'll be moving to the US in a week's time... we're gonna be away for 1.5 yrs... but i'll still be able to surf net and all and see you gals on msn! so do take care and merry christmas to one and all!
i will miss you!!! hee....think we will meet up when we r 2nd time preggie!!! :p

Dear all pretty mummies!!!
MMmery XmAs to everyone here! May the miracle of Lord's birth, bring JOY & LOVE to your life...
on XMAS & Alwaz!!!
hi musicgal, which part of US are u going to? i have a friend who's in Evanston, Illinois. She would be happy to have a singaporean friend there!
hi skippy:

aww... so sweet of you to say that you'll miss me! will miss chatting with u on msn too! but i should still be on msn quite a bit - will need some sanity and down-time away from jeremy!

as for #2, hehe, then you really gotta jiayou liao... i'm almost done with the 1st tri... ;o)

hi cakey,

thanks for the well wishes! i'll be going to gaithersburg, maryland...

hi tingting,

drats! i'd love to have a sg friend over in US too! we do have friends there but they're moving back to sg real soon... but i don't think maryland's near illinois right?
oh yeah, is anyone interested in getting a 6-panel haenim play yard? i was gonna bring it to the US with me, in fact it's all packed up and ready to go. but cos of some last minute hiccups with the baggage thing, it looks like i may have to leave it behind. so figured i might as well sell it! do email me if you're interested ok?
Merry X'mas!!!

Wendy, thanks for hosting us last Sat. The food was yummy! Clarence had a great time!

Here are some pics to share:


Here comes Mr. Muscular!


Zephan & Issac


At last I get to have this all to myself!


Hey! Why I can't hold this in my hand?!


This is my favourite toy.


Shhh... the teacher is teaching...

More pics to share:


Pic taken at baby Jadon's birthday party.


Enjoying the food at Hog's Breath


Gosh! I realise Clarence has alot of teeth already. Kai only has 4 at the moment leh. Issit too slow?
Kai definitely can't bite into that piece of nugget yet. Hee..
ya.. Nick only have 4 teeth on top and 6 on the bottom.

Nick usually very greedy. Cannot let him hold a piece of nugget. He will stuff the whole piece of nugget into the mouth.
eileenp, Clarence has 8 teeth on top and 8 on the bottom. That makes it 16 teeth in all! I guess it explains why he is so greedy. These days, he even learns how to eat noodle with chopsticks.

Speaking of eating, Clarence can eat 20 grapes in under 10 mins. No kid. Hahaha... my in law got to 'dig' out the grapes from his mouth for fear that he will choke!
Re Grapes/Raising:
my boy also!!! he will stuff at least 5-10 raising into his mouth then later he puke out 1-1 while he walkin!!! *faint*....
Wish to get something from ON. they are having their 50% sales. Any mummies from this thread would to join in? Pls PM me your orders asap. Will try to place orders tonight.
hi ixwong, count me in! will try to get access to the website asap. dunno why my office cant access some websites, and ON is one of them...
hi tingting... i think something is wrong with the world wide website... i also can't access to most websites. seems like only motherhood website is still working fine....
so it's a country-wide problem? quite fustrated, cos need to surf web for work-related research... yah, wonder why this site is ok? must ask chin leng on his secret weapon! haha... so ixwong, give us some time ok?
hi dressaholic,
How's yr preparation for yr new born? Wonder how's your sleeping arrangement for 2 kids? You got 2 cots or 1 in cot and the other one co-sleep?

Realise that my gal won't let other baby use her stuff and will scream the whole house down! Eg. she won't let her bb cousin sit in her walker... instead she'll want to sit in the walker herself. When her bb cousin switch to sit in her swing, she also dun wan walker liao and fight to sit in the swing. *sigh* wonder how to train her to share things...

hi tingting,
How's our previous order of the ON stuff? is it thru?
i still not able to sign in MSN... managed to login awhile then kenna kick off... :|

yeah, u gog to have 2 cots?
Hi Clarences Mum,
Clarence is really a big boy already, so cute! My lil one also has 16 teeth already but she's really lazy, don't like to chew only like to eat porridge and drink soup.

Hi mummies,
Any good recommendation for gynae in the northeast area? Don't like my previous one, now looking for a better one.
cakey n skippy, i m gonna move chloe into her own room, jus bought her a new bed from ikea, so princessy heheh... so the cot will go back to her bb bro...

cakey, what i did to get chloe prepared for her new sibling was getting her a bb doll, w pram. i got mine from toys r us. kinda got her into role playing, these days she is very siao on about feeding her doll w spoon, shifting her butt aside in the pram so that the doll can sleep beside her, offering biscuits. etc. its darn cute. hope this helps
hi mummies..

i'm having a big headache.. i haven't told sam i'm expecting.. and i think he may have problems accepting it cos since nick came along, we had lesser time for him and he's got quite little attention from us. Furthermore, he's going to P1 in Jan, so that's already a big change for him cos there are none of his current classmates in the same school as him, so he will need to adapt to the environment.

Still wondering how and when is a good time i should tell him about it. Anyone can HELP?
Hi T_Teo,

You are pregnant?! Congrats!!! I'm thinking of having a no. 2 too but no courage. Think my boss will have a heart attack...

Btw, you may like to try Dr. Adrian Woodworth from Thomson Medical. He has a clinic in Compasspoint. A man of few words but gd at giving me assurance during my pregnancy. His charges are very reasonable too.
nicky's mom, ur having #3? congrats! is it a boy too? me no experience in managing sibling, but how about psycho-ing him that mummy daddy needs his help to look after the new baby, now that he's a big boy?

clarences_mum, hmm, me same situation as you wrt #2, but dun think i'm as indispensible as u.. :p
Hi Anissa,
Thanks! Was two weeks late and tested positive with the pregnancy kit but wont be seeing gynae till 2 weeks later. My bosses will have heart attack too coz I'm taking graduating classes this year and I'm the level coordinator. Sure will flip!

Was thinking of visiting Dr Adrian too, heard lots of gd reviews abt him.

Met little Clarence and ur dad at the supermarket just now.... cute little boy with his cap.
ting2 / ixwong, thanks..

ting2, don't be so bad leh.. help me to pray peanut's a ger lah.. if not i may need to maximize the govt's 4th maternity leave benifit leh. haha.. kidding..

dr says 70% ger cos 12th week scan still see nothing sticking out. and i already bought 8 pcs of dresses last week when i was in bali..

sam : since nick came along, we didn't have any time for sam. so not sure if now we tell him got #3, how will he feel. sigh.. i feel so guilty to sam leh..
Hi ixwong,

I am new to this thread but will always read and follow through this forum.

I intend to get something for my son from ON but realise that they did not deliver outside US. Thus, wondering how you manage to get things from there? Thks in advance!
Hi Lucan
I use vpostusa for shipping for ON (www.vpost.com.sg), but I'm now having problem w ON on my foreign credit card. My turn to be checked this round apparently
Hope they manage to settle it w my bank.

Ah Huat,
I can't remember the charges... just that it's reasonable compared to the others. There is a thread on Dr. Adrian here. The mummies there shld be able to help you.

You must be very excited to find yourself pregnant again
I actually do miss being pregnant myself! Hahaha...
