(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Congrats hehe...! I was also in the 'scare period' for this mth but luckily my period came or else I might have to miss my Barcelona trip in June...

so many brave mummies getting preggie..seems like there might be some who are preggie but have not told all of us yet...heeee

wow clarence is quite verbal then...
That is great...it is certainly much easier when they can express what they want

i sent u a PM requesting for more info abt the Toa Payoh babysitter... pls chk? My colleague is interested. Her boy born Sept 06
Your parents can understand/speak english too?
Wow... Isaac and understands numbers already and in both languages!?!

Initally we taught her using english eg. no no etc and she understands and speaks that. But recently she 'switches' to using mandarin by herself leh... Instead of 'no no', she'll say "bu yao, bu yao" which we/MIL never teach her..
Seems like she's learning much faster thru listening/observation among the adults compared to we directly teaching her...
no i didn't ley... jialat.. skali i accidentally delete. could u resend pls.. thanks!

yeah my folks can teach isaac Eng/Chinese/teochew. hahaha

does clarence watch any TV/DVD or go to Childcare Ctr? He picks up v fast ah!
how old is ur boy hur! so smart! he knows 1-8!!!

picz taken last saturdae at sentosa beach... Ernest enjoyed his Sand play!

wa billabong berms ley... shiok ah!
so sunny, he didn't want to wear a hat?

i was considering letting isaac play with sand, coz my aunt recently gave him a set of toys to play in the sand.. u know those plastic pail, rake, moulds etc.. but i was worried that he may rub his eyes & the sand get in then cham liaozzz

isaac is 17m+ lor.. born 23/7/05
he likes to watch the numbers display on the LCD when we're in the elevator. We live on 17th floor! So by right he should know up to 17 liao hor.. hahahaha
triniti & wendyg,

Clarence watches a lot of Discovery Channel and Kids Central. I haven't sent him to a childcare centre though I would probably do so when he is 2 yr old. For now, he interacts a lot with my mum in a mixture of mandarin & English.

I am not too sure if the other bbs are having the same problem but Clarence can't differentiate between things which sound alike like ice & eyes. When I ask him "Where is your eye?", he will replied me "Ice, eat eat".

These days, he even tell 'lies' to escape doing things which he doesn't want to do/eat, like telling us he is scared of something when he doesn't want to do it or that something is hot cos he doesn't want to eat.

Wendyg, Isaac is so smart! Clarence can't count beyond 3. How did you teach him how to count? Frankly speaking, I am really impressed with Isaac. He is so well discipline, unlike Clarence.
wahaha... u sure!!!??? can tell even if he dun smile he looks like dad lor!!! maybe certain angle...haha... like cover his eyes, nose, mouth left wit the forehead! then maybe he looks more like me!! :p

i was worried too but after tat i realised tat he actlly so happie till he poured all the sand from his head to toe! haha.. seow da boh! but luckiely he didnt rub his eyes wit his sandy hands... oh, just to inform u tat ernest not like Clarence or any other babies so guay... can wear hat! he is v naughty! he will pull out n throw it away! haha.. maybe he is tellin me tat " MUM! I already hv not much hair! why u still force me to wear hat to cover off! " haha....

hey u shld bring issac to the beach n let him enjoys lor! oh yeah, ernest only 14mths ++ ...
Aidanee, Congrats! Tsk, tsk, so careless (or is it passionate?!) hiak hiak

Hmm...all the photos so nice. U know, cannot call them baby liao....they are now xiao peng you! Some will be jie jie and gou gou soon!

Hey, no volunteer for CNY huh?
Hello, mummies......thanks thanks....too many postings since mine! actually, i have already moved on to acceptance stage (from shock-denial). My hubby received the test kit and thought i sent him a thermometer!!!!!!! )hahahahaha..... He got a "fever" after that! I have made appointment to see a gynae this week on my own. I think i am only 5weeks. (i am not superstitous...)

Skippy/ Anissa,
Your boys are so flamboyant! so cool!! Cayden loves the sand and water very much too.... BTW, I think clarence is very clever.......can say full sentences liao. He is so well-exposed.

I have not collected my keys! it's killing me. can you imagine 4 people squeezing in a room come Sep 07? hahaha.....i should move in after CNY.....

I think Isaac and cayden can communicate as they have similar pool of vocabulary. He can sing malay song (first line only)....my mil's maid taught him that. very funny....intend to put him at half day or flexi - childcare next month. My mom needs a break.

Me at my mom's place....can catch up tonight?
Hi mummies,
Can I check if your dls have had the last MMR booster? My dl still did not have hers cause she allegy to egg. Don't know when she can take eggs leh...
hey, i also think Ernest looks like u leh. handsome boi..

Welcome to tis thread! So ur gal born on which day of Aug?
My Keyon also taken his MMR when he was 15mths last Nov.

Congrats! Must take care during tis crucial 1st tri okie....

Okie, now my turn to share. hee hee.
Me Preg too! But will only end my 1st tri this Friday. My EDD 30-Jul-07.
My 1st tri not so smooth, got bleeding on & off, But think quite stable now jus the morning sickness keeps bothering me, goin for checkup this Fri

But Aiya, I'm gonna celebrate Keyon's 2nd Birthday during confinement...
The other time when we go for the jab before this, the nurse told me not to go for the last jab if she allergy leh.
The other time when we go for the jab before this, the nurse told me not to go for the last jab if she allergy leh.
congrats!!!!!!!! lotsa of good news.....i think christina (dressaholic) is spreading the bb dust here.....

i may not go back to SC Chew (4D scan) cos his charges are too expensive....as we are not prepared for this pregnancy (no money liao )....so may consult another one at TMC.
hi applejuz,
Wow congrats! know the gender of bb already? Do take good care of yourself and dun work too hard in office

me on leave today and going checkup later...
Somehow for 2nd bb not so concern anymore and also weight gain is minimum (lesser by 4kg compare to 1st bb at same period!). I don't even remember what week I'm now and everytime when pple ask, got to recalculate backwards from EDD...
Hi Cakey,

Haha... me also not very concern for 2nd bb. Till now haven't buy anything for 2nd one. Very bad mummy...

Congratulate to all preggies, do take care. Me more tiring compared with the 1st one. Easily tired and gets sick...

Any mummies will put your kid in childcare? I will put Ethan to CC this coming Mar. Last month brought him to see the environment, he cried, but not because scared of the place but is he didn't want leave the place... *faint* Think he is very excited with other kids there.
Congrats to mummies who are pregnant again!!!

I'll be sending Kai for childcare when he turn 18 months plus. Therefore around april.
I brought him there also, but he did not want to join in the fun. Just keep hiding behind me. Die lah..

re: talking,
Clarence is so smart. Kai is still at the 'hmm hmm hmm hmm' stage leh.. Think i'm going to change his milk powder already. Hee..

re: milk powder,
Can i ask if anyone is using Mamil Gold or Enfagrow? I'm considering something else other than Dumex Dugro which Kai is taking now. He seems to be getting slimmer and slimmer. Think not enough fats in the milk leh.

School has been crazy. That's why didn't log in as frequent. Hope that preggie mummies stay healthy and take care.
Hi All,

Found this link which may interest you. Check out this event which will cover the emotional & medi-physical aspects of parenting & pregnancy esp since most of us here have young kiddos & some are preggie.

Celebrity Evelyn Tan will also share her experience as Mommy...


I'll be signing up!

Hi Nancy,

My colleague's son also allergy to egg. When he eat egg, rashes will come out... so when she brought her son for her MMR, the doctor says cannot take. Must eat more eggs until the rashes are completely gone.... that is, abt one month.

Hi mummies,
can share which childcare u all sending ur child to?.. very headache lah...
COngrAtulaTIon!!!!! hee.....i think chris really spreadin the bb dust lor!!! so many preggie mummies!!!!

haha... i think more ppl say ernest lookz like daddy than me lor.... :|

aidanee & Applejuz,
ur gynae from tmc? which one?
wow wow, congrats to all 2nd time mummies!

aidanee, would have recommended you my gynae in punggol who's quite good, but she's not really cheap compared to others. Still, i had a good time with her. Let me know if you're keen to check out her rates. Dun worry about coping with the 2nd one.. i'm sure u'll be able to handle it well.
Hi Ting ting/skippy,

thanks for the wishes. I am trying out TC Chang at TMC later cos heard alot about him. I think your gynae is the lady near primemart opp my mom's place? Heard not bad too.....but hor, i prefer male dr.....dun know why???!!!!

I am checking out CCs around Braddell/bishan which is near my office. But i will start with only 3times a week half day for the first 2 months, then 3 times full day when he has settled in at 20months. Hopefully by the time bb arrives in Sep, he can be independent and will enjoy 5 day full day at CC....Then my mom can help with my newborn. Looking at Shaws and Babies by the park.
oh forgot to add. When i first met you n Ernest when he was 2months old at Breeks, i thought he looked very much like you. But when i saw him at Kindermusik at 10mos, (your hubby around) ithought he was a carbon copy of your hubby. Anyway, looking at the recent pix, i think there is still some resemblance. Somehow, can tel you are his mother lah......

My son looks like me when hubby is not around.
Wow!!! Congratulations to all 2nd time mummies!!!

I'm beginning to change my mind abt stopping at one

Thanks for all the compliments but I rather Clarence is more reserved and less out spoken. He is quite a handful to handle at times. Lately I think he is getting out of hand. I've to keep reminding my mum not to spoil him
wahaha.... thanks hur! i feel so much better after reading ur reply! only if daddy not around that can tell is my son! :p
i hear my name i hear my name!

FWAH doris!!! Big biggie CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Omg!! i called my hb immediately after reading your post! i m due next week le4, keep having strange cramps here and there. ANd guess what, my gynae is outta town again, how sway is that?? He didnt manage to deliver Chloe either. Oh well.... Strangely i actually find myself more comfortable w female gynae this time heheh

Oh yah, do u remember our anaesthetist? Is he John Liew? i want him to do my epidural but dun quite remember his name le4....
Hihi!! Congrats to the preggy moms, applejuz & aidanee!

Christina!! You are still around!!! Was wondering if you've popped!!! So the big day is going to be next week? Keep me posted yah!
Esther, long story... I spent NY eve n NY in the hospital. Chloe was hospitalised for 3 days because her fever wun subside. By day 4, everyone in the family was half dead, the hospital environment was toxic and depressing... her pd actually wanted to keep us over for a 3rd night but we requested to go home... it was heartbreaking to c her fed w a corktail of medicines and she was screaming "walk walk walk" all the time. (couldn't walk for days cuz she was placed on drips)

anyway we were told that Chloe had E. Coli infection, sounds 3rd world to me n i suspect she caught it from her Gymboree classes...!!!! will catch up over on msn soon..
take care of chloe n urself... remember to text us when u pop!

haha.... must be hiding secretly to prepare herself too!!! :p
thanks thanks....please text me once you pop. Please get Dr David Tay! He is superb. Take good care of yourself and chloe. Big hugs!!!! I totally understand cos i "bunked" in with Cayden when he kena gastric flu the last time. but 2 nights is no joke!

so did you finally get a maid or a confinement lady?

Ladies, i need recommendation for Confinement lady cos my usual one is unable to do for me this time. PLEASE HELP!!!! thanks!

was at TMC...spent 2 hrs waiting to see dr. another 30mins for retrieval of my car, then was stuck in the heavy downpour and jam for 45mins. Not so sure if i want to switch gynae and hospital now! TMC revised the room rates up again!
thanks......how was the HK trip? going to bring Cayden for jab tomorrow. will pop by to say hallo if he is not cranky after that.
oh yah its David Tay!!! i gabraaaa liao, now i remember, david tay did my 1st epidural and john liew was the other anaesthetist who did my fish bone op (eh, i actually got hospitalised 2 mths back for swallowing a fish bone, had to do x ray and go under G.A for a minor op to take out the friggin bone)

i got my confinement lady jus 2 weeks back from another mother's recommendation. My mum was supposed to help me out but her wrist injured... if she is good i will pass u her contacts
me guinea pig 1st
Paging for Timie paging for Timie, if u happen to c this msg gimme a buzz okay? i was hoping to get aunty meihao's fish soup recipe and her potent red dates drink recipe from u. thanks
Congrats to all 2nd MTB.

PM me or any helpful mommy can keep me in the loop once pop. Time to dust the "long hu ban" & flash it up again.

Haha.. no lah, still haven't pick up enuff courage yet.
Jus came back fr my gynae visit.
Jialat...tis 12-wks foetus seems more active, moving none stop during the entire scan.

re: childcare
Hmm.. thinking when Keyon turning 18mth in Feb.. send him to those weekend enrichment first.
Then when's my 2nd bb is born, Keyon will be 2 yrs old, than send him to child care.

My gyane fr Gleneagles leh.. I rem not many mummies here delivering there back in 2005.
Wow time flies, we've known for 2 yrs!!

tat makes me Mrs Piggy.. haha. Going to form a farm liao. With A Rooster & A Pig!

u due next week! Aiyo, we oso getting excited for u!
And oh yes, not oni same school yrs, for the boi boi will be same camp yrs!... hahaha

hey other mummies,
Jia You Jia you! Let revive our baby stories like 2 yrs back!

GA when u're in 3rd trimester?!
wow that must've been scarey.

i think john liew was my anaesthetist during isaac's birth. Fair guy with thick eyebrows? he helped take our first family pic.. so nice of him
