(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

I found the old evidence!!!! Isaac in the midst of crime while his innocent-looking partner keeps watch for him.


Scampers away when he realises someone caught him red-handed. Tsk tsk tsk...

Hi Joyful,

On weekdays, I bfeed her before and after work and middle of the night when she wakes up. On weekends, it'll be more frequent since I'm spending more time with her.

I'm thinking of weaning her off next month but gotta start slowly and with patience since she's very much addicted to latching. Actually, I feel like continuing bfeeding, esp when both of us enjoy it. But I'm kinda concerned with her being stuck to the habit of suckling for comfort (which happens very often now). Think the longer I delay, the harder it is to wean her off.

Any mummies still bfeeding and dont intend to wean?
Hi Raisintan,

Yeah, my gal's also addicted. I agree with you that I still enjoy bfeeding her and the best thing is it's so convenient. That's why a bit reluctant to stop too...

Yr gal still wakes up in the middle of the night for feed? Perhaps you might want to consider weaning her off from that feed. My gal was also doing that too until I felt so tired that I decided to stop feeding her at that time and she kinda adjusted to it. Maybe cos dinner is also filling for her too...

Any mummies already brushing your kid's teeth regularly?
Hi Raisintan,

I'm from the Oct thread and just happen to see your posting on bf and weaning. I'm planning to start weaning my 14mth old son in order to have my menses back cos I still don have it yet. Anyway its already pass 1 year so the nutrition level is the same as FM. But he is also very addicted to it esp at night, will search for it and gets so cranky if I dont give him. I'm also worried about the engorgement if I stop. I've already stopped expressing for many mths but will get engorged if I dont latch him on at least once a day. Are you planning to start weaning soon? It's gonna be a big challenge for me...sure will get sleepless and screaming nights one!
I started weaning her off the midnite feeds by giving her water and every nite it's a 1+ hour of struggle (rocking, coaxing, pacifying her) before she goes back to sleep. It's very taxing doing that in middle of the night. I stopped when she went on the food strike for 2 weeks, then after that she fell sick. So her food intake in the day wasnt that much. I'll start again when she goes back to her usual appetite in the day.

Mrs Tan,
Wow.. your menses are not back yet? Mine came when my gal was 4MOS. As for nutritional value of BM beyond 1YO, I remember reading that it's still very much better than FM. Furthermore, we'll still be passing all the antibodies to them. The thing is that for 1YO, they should be getting their main nutritional intake from solid food and not so much from milk, whether it's FM or BM.

Actually, I feel like continuing to BF but am concerned with her cultivating it as a habit. Yah, it's going to be a big challenge for me too. I read from the babycentre site that some ang moh mummies put lemon juice on their nipples and told their little ones that mummy's milk is spoilt and turned sour. Apparently it worked for quite a no. of them. I'll slowly wean her off leaving the night feed the last to go and might just use this lemon juice trick.

ya lor menses not back yet. good that urs came back, means at least ur body is back to normal after birth. I also very half hearted becos i do enjoy the bond still, but he is getting quite heavy as he likes to lie on top of me when bf so how am i gonna sleep like that rite? I'm also concerned that it will be a habit thats hard to stop in future. ha ha i read abt not lemon juice, but more like fong you oil or somethg in this forum. But then that means the child must at least be 2 yrs or more to totally understand the meaning so u can reason with him/her.
Hi Raisintan,

Yeah, I can imagine it must be real tiring to put up with her struggle. Nowadays, the kids so smart hor, know how to have silent protest...so heart ache for parents and we will sure give in to them.

Talking about putting lemon juice, I heard from a friend whose friend actually put some chilli on their nipples so that the kid really gets put off....that's real drastic....i mean the mommy also suffers....so painful man!
Mrs Tan,
wah.. i've never tried bfeeding in that position. think it's for mummies with fast flowing BM right? you must be producing a good volume of milk! as for the lemon juice/ fong you trick, think the taste will put them off! dont need to reason with them. keke..

Yah, on some nights i ended up giving in to her cos quite poor thing to keep crying for so long. I think lemon juice is better lah, chilli and fong you a bit harsh leh..
Dear all,

Juz came back from 1-wk Taiwan tour last Fri, but instead of getting re-charged, Keyon was down with gastric flu on Mon. Vomitted 3 times after his dinner porridge, Then on Tue noon, his fever shot up
& got fits! Scared the hell of me & my mum. Managed to calm him down aft 1 min, then tried to wake him up. Once he regain conscious, quickly send him to hospital & monitor overnight. Luckily he was discharged ytd.
But today still diarrhea & vomitted a bit. *Sigh* Can only feed him glucolin, porridge water & diluted milk now... Lost some weight.. poor thingz.
hi angieooi,
I've been delaying dd's MMR jab cos she's been sick on and off.. gastric flu last mth, follow by fever due to throat infection since last week. Usually injection for immunity are taken when the body is in well condition.

According to sarah's mum dumex's non-lactose milk powder taste more like FM. can try that. Dd refuse the other brand i bought. Also since it's contagious, adults needs to take care too...
Thanks. I've tried Dumex non-lactose in hospital, but Keyon dun like & refuse to drink. so gotta stick to GainIQ. So far, diluted FM seems ok.

btw, u expecting a boi? Congrats! Boys r more energy consuming, but i think ur gal oso v. active one rite... :p
Cayden was admitted to Mt A over the weekend for gastric flu at 3am! he got the flu bug from dad. He was on drip for 12hrs, had some diluted milk.....after he was discharged, i gave isomil which he was fine with and the diarrhoea stopped.

He lost 1 kg over 3 days....and now his appetite is still bad. sob sob!
calling for people interested in ON purchases:

would like to get some stuff, and ON is giving free shipping for min $50 purchase. as usual, limiting purchase value to US$100, and collection either in punggol, eunos or tanjong pagar. Interested pls PM me by today. Hope to place orders by tonight!
Oh no, poor Cayden. Glad that his diarrhoea has stopped. Yes, Keyon also lost almost 1kg now.
Why gastric flu so distructive?? Grrr...
hi aidanee, applejuz,
Bb will gain back their weight fast when they recover... so dun worry. I gave my gal some wholemeal bread when she had gastric flu, she ate quite alot of that although her appetite not that good yet. Maybe wholemeal bread easier to digest?

Yap, 2nd one is a boi
Although my first gal is very active but she's timid.. so might be bullied by her didi next time hehe... Actually i don't mind if 2nd one is gal too.. Cos I think sister & sister would be much closer then sister & brother.
wish i was the one kena! so painful to see him so through all this. Hope our boys will get well soon!

Cayden even rejects his fav wholemeal bread. The only thing he loves is his cinnamom cookie which i only give one pc a day cos it is heaty. other times, he just drinks water...and water...and that's it! He is also very clingy. I think he is still feeling very uncomfortable somewhere. My mom will bring him to see a GP later to make sure he is fine.

anyone getting christmas gifts for colleagues can swing by Action City. quite a good range of desktop related items.....Heeheeeheee......
shhhh shhhh!!!! i need extra "help" now that my son is not well. hospital bills very high! heheheh..... support support okie!
hi aidanee, i dropped by your outlet at compasspoint the other day. quite a lot of interesting stuff, esp for teenagers..

will check my email later for your list.
recently, a colleague's gal was hospitalised 4 vomittin 2 phlegm/cough n even after discharge, had frequent consultations due to cough. heard fm de news last wk that many kids r hospitalised due 2 accidents related 2 toys also.

n now Cayden was hospitalised 2. wif so many such incidents, would it have lessen de bills if parents bought hospitalisation or accident coverage policies? m tinkin of dis cos 2nd gal pretty rough n 'hazardous'. any good policies 2 recommend?
hi everyone.

just came in to have a look to kpo. My boy is born in Jul and seems like that thread is less active.


I've bought the medical coverage for my boy with AIA using CPF to deduct every year of about $90+ and also another one which is "Pink of health" to compliment the 1st one. Maybe u can check out the website to get more info.
jh, our medical insurance are with NTUC income. We bought the incomeshield policies with CPF, then bought a rider policy to cover the cash component we need to pay. the rider premium is payable by cash. I also got a scare after zephan got the viral fever n nearly wanted to hospitalise him.
Hi JH,

Ya. Ethan also has the same policy as Rowena the AIA and pink of health. Got this idea coz I was hospitalised 2.5 yrs ago and luckily I got this policy. In the end, i still "earn" about 2k for 1 wk hospitalisation. On top of $90-CPF(yrly) we still pay $300++ cash yrly. (depend of which catergory you buy)
does it take long to receive your claim?

Hi rowena
my boy born 23/7/05. Supposed to be National Day, but he was early
Hi Wendy,

No. I take about 1 wk++ to received the cheque after submit the docs. Before that, my agent already called me to inform that my claim was successful. Coz I was on degue fever= accident, in the end got extra $200 daily. Compared with similar policy, the other claim I take longer time to received the cheque.

I'm paying about $200+ each for Kyan and my pink of health. Can't remember was there a higher plan. Maybe getting old liao.
Heard that AIA pays out fast as my colleague had experienced a major event and from there she had comment that pay out and help from NTUC Income is the slowest and worst. That's why I'm sticking to AIA.

Hi wendy,

Think I've chat with u before in other thread. If i remember correctly, u stay around CCK too right?
I just spent some $$ to support u last weekend at the booth near Lido....
Hope Cayden get well soon.

Re medical insurance
My hb and I signed up Aviva myshield and haowen gets free coverage.
CCK?! no way ho-say, i'm in punggol. there are many Wendys here, but i'm the only wendyg

wah, now got islandwide "support Cayden" fundraising going on huh. hahaha
hi, orders placed for ON. Cakey, "knickers for baby" is OOS. CMY, "ringer tees for baby" is also OOS. will update you guys again.
Hi Rowena,
Ethan one is slightly higher coz he has to fly back to M'sia often so his policy kena another 15%-25%? of charges for staying more than 6mths at oversea... can't remember the exact %.

Hi tingting,

ok Noted. Thanks in advance...
hi coffeedrinker,

my bb will have milk and occasionally bb biscuits for snacks.

hi cmy,

just received the bill for the renewal for the pink of health policy and it comes out to be $297+ so close to $300 per person also.
if there's time for afternoon snack after milk & not too close to dinnertime, it would be fruits & yogurt.

Isaac is happy flipping books/magazines, walking around the house, pushing his tricycle, messing up the house with his toys etc. If weather is good during morning & evenings, we'll bring him downstairs for a walk. He'd chase cats & dogs, point at bicycles, motorcycles, babies in prams etc. And a trip to the supermarket is always exciting, coz he loves to see real fruits & veggies

Hallo mummies,

hope this msg finds everyone happy and fine! been eons since i last posted. and i m gonna pop next month! Heheh

need your help on a couple of things, does anyone know the contacts for nepia diapers? i cant seem to find newborn size off the racks...

and does anyone have contacts for homemade rice wine?

thank u lots!
