(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

re: infant massage class

Snoppy/Cakey/Everafter/Cookies/Passing Guest/Cat tail/Emmie & Adel

veronica has arranged for us to have the lesson on 3 Dec. There are 2 slots:

1pm - 3pm
1) snoopy & hb

4pm - 6pm

Pls indicate the slot that you want attend the class.

Course fee is $20 per pair of parents and child which includes oil and notes

wendyg, yes i find it such a pity to waste the milk too, but by the time my MIL got it from her clinic it only has 1 month life span left so i couldnt give it away in time (confinement then). One carton has 32 bottles!! i can give u about 6 as my friends have reserved some too. The locations u suggested are not convenient for me but im in town every sat and sun without fail, so if u happen to be around, do give me a call @ 98766545

The latest batch of brands chicken essence comes in plastic screwcaps, no more metal cap. Pretty handy, can check it out.
hello skippy10
Re: Gathering
maybe i can join, can i don't confirm but pop in tomolo if i coming ? or you guys need to do reservation ? btw , if i come , i come alone (w/o baby)

Re: feed water
I feed my baby using different teat (not milk teat), water teat is very small hole and my mum let her suck about 4 to 5 mouth , pull out , rest a few second , then let her suck again for a few suck, then pull out... repeat the same process for about 3 to 4 times.. seldom choke (mum say feed water must be careful, choke water is danger)

Re: monitor & prepare milk
Thanks for all the contribution...

Re: Maid
My maid just told me she want a transfer becos she is scare when my baby cry. Especially when baby cry , she make milk , her hands will shake (scare). she say she feel helpless and don't know what to do when my baby cry...
so xian, next monday i start work liao, now got this "problem".
Got to get a new maid...
wendyg, did u buy plastic screwcaps for the bottles, to replace the original metal ones? If so where can we buy these plastic caps? Am asking on the behalf of my friends. 2 of them delivering soon and are intending to store breastmilk using my glass bottles. How long can the glass bottles last? Am pretty clueless about this cuz i am still latching direct. If i do express, i usually use avent bottles
emmie, re. suck hand, we used 2 pull my boy's thumb out. but after a while, we let it b & let him suck his thumb as we feel tat it's better. reason being tat he'll let go of his thumb when he's asleep, but not d pacifier. so no choice... re. toys, tis terrible mummy so far hvn't buy any toys 4 my boy yet. hehe...

triniti, so shiok... facial...
me hvn't go 4 a long time liao...

ixwong, d 1st day is always tough... hang in then okie...

moulincat, mine chokes when he drinks water aso. after experimenting, we found out tat it's d teat so we change it. now it's better. but hv 2 b careful, once we c tat he's abt 2 choke, we'll pull d teat out. i used 2 give my boy similac but it cause him 2 hv constipation so we switched 2 NAN now.

cookies, ern ray is veri cute... eyes big big 1...

tulip, mine not here yet.

ting, tink it's ur boy's poo or pee tat's irritating his skin. try 2 change his diaper more regularly, wipe during every change & apply nappy cream. tat's wat i do.

chris, hiya... wasted. shld hv collected them fr u coz my boy is drinking nan. hehe...

wendyg, hehe... tink u becoming a milk bottle collector oledi. but keep it up okie. bm is gd 4 our bb.

coffedrinker, poor u!! can understd how u feel. mine does tat on me on my 4th day of wk. then she scared my boy coz she's crying & shouting. i had 2 take urgent leave 2 settle her & get a new maid. now she told hb tat she wans 2 come back coz she 'misses' me & my boy. my foot!! i heard fr d agency boss tat d reason y she wan 2 come back coz d wkload at my hse is veri light. she was transferred 2 wk in a 3 storey terrace hse wif 2 kids, 2 dogs & 2 cars. so she can't take it. now then she noes tat she's lucky!! she shld thk her lucky stars i didn't strangle her!!
Hi Christina

i bought from TMC pharmacy.. nuk brand i think about $3.55 (2 in a pack). i got 2 packs to let go, wld ur fren be interested?
Dun let your maid come back! Now she regrets & realise how fortunate she was at your home! Serve her rite..keke.. so evil of me. :p
re: infant massage class

Snoppy/Cakey/Everafter/Cookies/Passing Guest/Cat tail/Emmie & Adel

veronica has arranged for us to have the lesson on 3 Dec. There are 2 slots:

1pm - 3pm
1) snoopy & hb

4pm - 6pm
5) Adel

Pls indicate the slot that you want attend the class.

Course fee is $20 per pair of parents and child which includes oil and notes
seabreeze: am with u! haha.. hope the rest of the mummies wun find me a kpo to join in hor...

caterers: i seriously need recommendation for caterers... can anyone recommend? or has anyone used neo garden? any good?
will appreciate ur inputs!

sarong sling: aiyo.. am having troubles using the sarong sling.. can anyone teach me?
cat_tail, tat's wat hb & i hv decided aso. she mus learn tat it's not tat easy 2 wk in sg!! hehehe... btw, how's urs?? okie now??
hello gals

Wow! so happy to see u gals bb 2-3mths old liao. Hee! now my turn to count down liao.

gals - Anyone deliver at Mt E? Can share with me the experience n cost?

Vone - how's your bb boy boy n maid?
hi tulip, so the caps u mentioned are able to fit into Nan glass bottles? I've just sent an sms to my friends, will get back to you on whether they r interested.

vone, alamak, should have given u the milk. didnt know that u were using Nan1. I cannot bear to throw away these expired bottles. At one point i wanted to feed the stray cats with the milk, my hb called me crazy...mabbe i will concoct a home facial mask or something
Re: Massage class.
Opps.. just realise that the 4-6pm class is full.
Anyone from the 4-6pm class can swap with me cos might be late for the 1pm class after my church service? Thanks.
Re: Massage class.
Oh 3rd dec is Sat not Sun..
Any mummies can swap with me? I hope can swap to 4-6pm class cos our car is off-peak-car can only be used after 3pm

cakey: erm.. if tts the case.. think i withdraw out.. np.. u take my slot.. then..
am.. the extra one out actually..hehe..
re: infant massage class

Snoppy/Cakey/Everafter/Cookies/Passing Guest/Cat tail/Emmie & Adel

veronica has arranged for us to have the lesson on 3 Dec. There are 2 slots:

1pm - 3pm
1) snoopy & hb
2) passing_guest

4pm - 6pm
5) Adel

Pls indicate the slot that you want attend the class.

Course fee is $20 per pair of parents and child which includes oil and notes
passing guest
when i was on ML i direct latch, din express. Baby drank fr only 1 breast every 3 hr.. it's definitely less than what i'm pumping now - drain FLAT both sides every 3hr.

re: plastic screw caps
$0.80 per set (screw cap & sealing disc)
Cheong Choon Store @ Blk 34 Up Cross St #03-132 S(050034), Tel : 6532 3855
Call before going.. Opening hrs flexible. They're sometimes closed on Sundays & PH.
christina ...

you can get the plastic cap from the pharmacy in Mt A ... think $0.95 per cap

re: massage class

I have sms veron to see if she can conduct 1 more class for us ... told her that the 4pm-6pm slot seem to be more popular ... will keep you ladies posted once she gets back to me k ...

re: gathering

aiyo now my mummy have second tot of bringing her percious grandson out tom ... i perfer to bring him along so that i can feed him as and when he wants and not have to rush home to pump out the milk .. oso think that it will affect my supply ...

serrich ...

yap we should meet up again ... so hard to talk cos all of us were busy entertaining our little ones ... thanks for the present ... can tell story to my boy next time using the puppet =)

my boy will give me abit of face when we go out lor ... but if he is really very very very hungry ... he will scream even louder than your gal ar ...
Glad tat u made up your mind not to take your maid back. Keke.. somemore dare to say "miss" u..*lol.. wat a lame excuse.

My maid so far has sorted out her tots & happily stay put at my side. Yesterday was her first pay & she's so happy until can chat with me non-stop.
Tomorrow u bringing along your maid out for the gathering?

Before you returned to work, you did not express some to standby? My freezer is now like a milk savings bank. Ma hubby is complaining that there is no space for his ice cubes.. bloody hxxx, what is more important? Ice for his baileys or baby's food.
hey passing guest,

dun i know it! the calls from office are oraidy coming in like nobody's business! so irritating!

sure envy your milk savings bank! poor jeremy is still living "pump to mouth"! *sigh*

re: reject bottle or milk?

My bb simply refuses to be bottle fed and i will be going back to work in 2 weeks' time. i dunno if the prob lies with the milk or the teats.

i had already changed the teats from avent to pigeon but to no avail. i remembered some mummies here mentioned that their bb reject the FM. Just wondering how do you know bb don't like the milk?

one nanny suggested that i mix BM and FM together in a bottle to feed my bb. Anyone tries this before?

i'm really at my wits' end!!!
i dunno abt mixing FM & BM, but may i suggest u try NUK teats? Thinner bottles though.

Passing Guest
oh yes i did.. but only once in 2-3 days. that time abt 125ml, 140ml per session. EMB taking up half my freezer.. still hv space for ice cubes =) My suggestion is: BUY A BIGGER FRIDGE!! *hiak*
Re: gathering @ Orchard

Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5

Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - :

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail & maid (with pram)
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) Seabreeze & mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies & with pram)
5) skippy10 & Mum (w baby n stroller)
6) triniti (without baby)
7) lib (with pram)
8) ixwong (taxi, w pram)
9) christina (without baby)
10} vone (with pram)
11) aidanee
12) coffeedrinker (tentative & w/o baby)

Mummies, think i will go down 2 breeks tdy to chk out where we can plant ourselves and discuss d space allocation w d staff there.

cookies, too bad you can't join us! Hopefully can see you at our next gathering.
hi confused, its been sometime since we all hear from you! Glad that u still pop by to say hi. i delivered in Mt E, the experience was superb, good service, spacious rooms..my bill for natural delivery w epidural, single bedder with hb's lodging came up to about 2.3k, excluding doc's fees. i've tucked the receipt somewhere, if i do find it can give u an overall break down of the costs.

when r u due? all set and prepared? do enjoy the next few weeks w ur hb before baby's arrival. watch all the movies u can, do all the shopping u need, and eat everything and anything u crave for! take my advice!!

ya... those 5 days at hospital was bad man... now back to home and still trying to get him back to his normal routine...

well, the books are regarding about flash card which was created by this person's name Glenn Doman. the flash card teaches baby about maths and how to read... because i brought the flash card from the bulk purchase which is also currently going on @$128 for 700 flash card. so i started the bulk purchase for the books that teaches you how to use those flash card... if you are interested, i can email the soft copy of another book (something something intelligence - can't remember the title liao) by the same author...
hi vone
Yeah it is my first facial after I delivered. Have to do some maintenance cos I got a dinner to attend on friday and a wedding dinner to attend on sat. I am taking the whole afternoon off to do some beauty regime. Luckily my maid is great and really know how to take care of new borns but my hubby has told me to specifically let the maid take care of the baby when necessary so therefore I can have my afternoon free cos I told him "you don't want an ugly wife to be by your side when we go for the dinner and wedding, right?" haha

I am currently reading " How to teach your baby to read" by GlenN Doman and even bought the reading kits and maths kits from US. I totally agree with the methodology and concept in regards to Children brain development. I will be trying to use the flashcards once I finish the book.

You got the MI book..so did you try any of the methods in it? I understand it is the consolidation of the various ways of helping the child, in maths, reading and physical abilities.
hello christina - I come to this thread but didnt post cos dont know wat to say to u gals mah (no bb yet n dont know how to start the conversation) and i'm so happy for u gals that all babies are growing well.

Thanks for the info
Now i have in mind wat's the cost like. Actually i prefer sing bedded but was told very ex ($5k++) n 2 bedded i afraid to stay alone. i'm due in mid Jan 06. i'm still shopping for bb stuff. (Gynae ask me not to walk too much cos i feel pain on my lower abdominal) so i got to buy my things slowly.
re: infant massage class

ladies ...

veronica replied to say that she cant have another session on another date ... but she will get her assistant to help out for the 4pm - pm group .. so that group can have a max of 8 babies ...

so adel ... dun need to pull out ... cakey can join the 4pm to 6pm slot oso ...

cookies ... how hur? was thinking if another date you can join that session ...

1pm - 3pm
1) snoopy & hb
2) passing_guest

4pm - 6pm
5) Adel
6) Cakey

Pls indicate the slot that you want attend the class.

Course fee is $20 per pair of parents and child which includes oil and notes
confused, the costs u stated probably includes doc's fees. if c-section is involved then the charges are different again. if u have any questions regarding bb stuff, do let us know, we'll be glad to help.
hello gals!!!
so long never login liao.
how's everyone doing?

wow this thread still very active! So good, u gals got gathering, me start work liao, miss my baby gal terribly..

Mummies at work, how do you cope with such feelings?? I feel rather sad at times. sigh

Confused, how are u feeling? So exciting right, abt 2 mths and u gonna pop liao. Yes take christina advise and do whatever u want now!!!
Must sms me when u deliver ya. I might pop by and visit u. =))

Christina, u got Nan free sample? I using Nan now?
how to get har?

Btw my gal now abt 10 weeks, me can't wait to start her on solids when she reach 4 mths. Do you gals think that's too soon?

Vone, how's things with u?
oh ya, btw for mummies who went thru c section, how long u wait to exercise? my gynae advised 3 mths but some of my colleagues said 6 mths...i miss swimming and jogging and i seriously need to burn off all the fats!!!

adelyee, i used neo garden, i find not bad lor, portion very generous!!
exercise?! wow, can't seem to find the time ley.. although i do "weight training" when i carry my baby. hee!!
btw, if u're breastfeeding, u'll find jogging v painful!!
Hope you don't mind, I added babies' names and DOB. Please see attached.

Moderator's note: The list has been removed as per requested by passing_guest.
erowen, my gynae is encouraging me to start solids from the 4th month, he did so for his three kids...he mentioned something about building up iron..eh i dun quite remember liao
hmmm, passing guest, think not very nice to post all the mobile no out cos very sensitive. Somemore got the baby name and dob. perhaps take out the mobile no

wendyg, kekeke, ya cannot imagine jogging with 2 heavy watermelons. Me gonna stop bfg soon liao. sigh. my work is too busy.
unfortunately carrying my gal around not enough for me to lose weight liao. kekek
oh yah, my MIL took all the Nan samples from her clinic. i find her very strange, she told everyone (including my nurses at the delivery ward) that i have to "breastfeed because i'm a housewife" (the mention of it just made my blood boil), yet she's been dumping all these samples at my place. somehow i see it as a trap rather than a kind gesture. cuz she would take the opportunity to embarrass me if i dun have enough breastmilk
hmmm, passing guest, think not very nice to post all the mobile no out cos very sensitive. Somemore got the baby name and dob. perhaps take out the mobile no

wendyg, kekeke, ya cannot imagine jogging with 2 heavy watermelons. Me gonna stop bfg soon liao. sigh. my work is too busy.
unfortunately carrying my gal around not enough for me to lose weight liao. kekek

christina, my mum also encourage me to start her on solid during her 4th mth if she's ready. I am looking fwd to see the look on my gal's face when she taste soemthing different from milk milk. =))

u still bfg? envy u gals leh, me now working, so swamp with work, think will have to stop soon liao.
Dun let yr MIL affect u, my MIL also like that. She didn't bf her two sons. dun underst the goodness of bfg. Luckily my hb and mum very encouraging. My MIL keep condemning EBM.

here's a picture of my gal. she look like a boi boi hor.
christina - ok. thanks for your help

Hi erowen - how are u n bb? i'm very gan cheong whenever i think of labour. (scary) i agree with christina that must enjoy now but i cant leh. The more i walk the worse it is (now my leg become pig trotter liao)

ok! will sms u when i deliver. Since gyane say u can go swiiming after 3 mth 9if everything is ok), i think shouldnt be a problem bah? (Swim slowing n dont overdo it)
erowen, your gal is adorable! That's a well-taken picture, i've never succeeded in snapping a smiley face cuz Chloe fidgets too much and i'm too slow.

I love her spikey hair, did you shave her head? Her hair looks pretty thick, so jet black!

hi triniti,

haven't got both books yet... will be getting them this friday.... will be trying out once i finish the book and when i got the flash card


temple back to work liao


someone from the thread (the one i have bulk purchase on for the books) email the entire book to me...

cat_tail... you've got mail
