(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

erowen - yo! your gal gal very cute leh. your gal gal got double eyelid hor! next time must be a pretty gal

hi seabreeze,
thanks for co-ordinating the massage class. Glad that i could 'play' with the bb and meet you ladies at the same time

Re: swimming,
I'm c-sect also and my gynae actually say can swim after 2weeks! Maybe he very confident of his stitching skill hehe.. Anyway to be safe just swim slowly for a start lor..
hi ero, long time no c!! hey yr girl looks like u leh.. she oso abit tan hor...

re: massage class
seasbreeze, as far as i understand veron is juggling between work & family.. so bobian loh..

temple, i got yr mail liao, thx!
hi snoopy, paiseh...havent replied.

btw, i have not spoken with my hubby yet about bringing ah boy out alone cos he is coming back to town this evening...if i can make it tomorrow, i will come with pram.

anyone in Jurong west area? i thought we can share a cab....can sms me at 91888 619?

HI Temple
Can email me the book? to [email protected]
where did you get the flash cards from? quite cheap leh..for 700cards.

ahhh... I'm so sorry, I forgot that I should email you the attachment. Thousand apologies. Can someone teach me how to edit the post please? Quick quick
passing guest
on that post, there are 2 icons on right hand side. Click on the left one (looks like paper & pen). Then edit the post.
lib ...

yar ... she sounded v nice over the phone ... think she already tried her best to fit us into her tight schedule liao ...

asked everafter to help me buy the milk bag and pass to you ... so I collect fr you tom? pass u the $$ tom oso ...

passing guest ...

think you might have passed the allowed time to edit the post ... you may ask the moderator to remove the attachement by posting your request here ...


aidanee ...

can order from this thread

Sorry guys for the boo boo. I have already informed the moderator to remove attachment from post. Still have water retention in my head that's why so blur.
hi confused, my 3rd maid giving me headache... long story. will tell u separately. dun wan 2 bore d others.
my boy is okie, getting nottier by d day. how r u getting on??

chris, haha... really ah?? tink d stray cats will kena poisoning if u really do tat.
nxt time u got lobang, tell me okie. hehe...

cat_tail, ya lor. hb was telling me tat's veri dumb of her. tat's gd. at least u got 1 less headache. me keeping my fingers crossed tat she'll b okie. nope, i m not bringing her. dun feel comfortable 2 bring her along when i m wif frens.

pinkroses, if some1 feed ur bb, do u still hv d same prob??

temple, can email me aso?? tia!!

triniti, it's gd tat ur maid is capable. hopefully mine will b 2.

ero, long time no c!!
me oledi started wk. was telling d rest tat i miss my boy lots aso. but i occupied myself wif wk lor. then i dun feel so sad. re. exercise, tink swimming is okie, not jogging. not gd 4 d wound. i still feel pain when i jumped, so i rather not take d chance. hehe... ur gal got tis cheeky look, veri cute!!
How come your boy drink so little? Mine is taking 6 feeds a day, 170 ml each. I pump 600 ml a day also not enough

The plastic caps from Mt A pharmacy is $0.75 per cap. Yesterday, make a special trip down and grap 6. Need more now cos transport them to & fro from nanny's place.

RE mixing BM and FM
I'm doing that for my boy cos BM not enough. Pump only 150ml but he consumes 170ml, so always add in 20ml of FM. Read somewhere that it's ok to do so, no impact to the antibodies.

can email the softcopy to me too [email protected]? I also place order for the flash cards.
i dunno ley.. i think tingting's boy also same as mine.. both boys direct latch for first 2-3 months, now introduce to bottle, they seem to take less than other babies who've had bottles earlier. Now my boy only poos once a day, or alternate days... last time maybe 3 times a day?
i no longer feed via bottle liao.. direct latching really more convenient! hehe... i'll pump out for my parents to feed when i leave Zephan with them for a few hours.. think the last time he finished 100ml, but his intake depends on his mood also.. sometimes less... my boy still poos about 3 times a day.. change diaper until my hands ache... maybe that's also why his butt is more prone to rashes, with all the rubbing...
u gals have fun tomorrow.. won't be joining.. throat's still feeling scratchy.. better not spread the terrible flu bug around.. guess the forum's gonna be v quiet tomorrow...
ladies ...

only me will be coming for the gathering ... my mummy still prefers that my boy stay at home for the time being ... so maybe he will join at the next gathering lar ...
re: infant massage class

1pm - 3pm
1) snoopy & hb
2) passing_guest
3) emmie

4pm - 6pm
5) Adel
6) Cakey
wendyg, you starting a milk bank ah? collecting so many bottles... so envious of your milk supply... I can pass you about 6. Sengkang is preferred.
I am also planning to give solid when my gal turns 4 mths. I guess nothing wrong to start early cos tat's wat my mom do to me when I am a baby too.

Thanks temple,
I have rec'd the softcopy. Wow, it should take me a while to finish reading all.
I heard abt using flashcards to teach kids from my colleague. Can see the results to be really effective cos his 3 yr old daughter is very outspoken & knowledgeable when they used this method. And best of all, they made the flashcards themselves!

Hi vone,
I have no choice to let my maid follow wherever I go. Somemore I never left her alone at home, scare she anyhow..heehee.. u noe lah.
Re: gathering @ Orchard

Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5

Confirmed mummies :
1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail & maid (with pram)
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) Seabreeze (w/o baby & can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
5) skippy10 & Mum (w baby n stroller)
6) triniti (without baby)
7) lib (with pram)
8) ixwong (taxi, w pram)
9) christina (without baby)
10} vone (with pram)
11) aidanee (with pram)
12) coffeedrinker (tentative & w/o baby)

Ok mummies, the final count for now is 14 adults and 8 babies with their prams! I have made arrangements with Breeks and made a reservation under Esther. Hope there will not be any more cancellations.....see all of you tomorrow!!!
hi mummies
hv fun tml.

temple, possible to email me too, [email protected], i also purchase e flash card, waiting for it to arrive, thanks.

re: cleaning tongue
i use cloth with hot water to clean my boy's tongue to wipe off e milk, but always cant reach the inner part, n it always has a thicker layer of the milk. how do u mummies reach the inner part?

re: bb hair dropping
is this normal? he's only 2mths old. how long will it last?
re: infant massage class

1pm - 3pm
1) snoopy & hb
2) passing_guest
3) emmie
4) everafter_03

4pm - 6pm
5) Adel
6) Cakey

Hi Seabreeze,

I didn't manage to buy e Playtex disposable bags for u as only 1 pkt left tat day & I bought it for lib...
everafter ....

no prob ... i still have some avent bags left ... just that me ks ... tot buy 1 more box just in case ... maybe when my supply run low then i go buy
Hi, I'm interested in the massage class too. Can I take up the last 1-3pm slot?

re: infant massage class

1pm - 3pm
1) snoopy & hb
2) passing_guest
3) emmie
4) everafter_03
5) applejuz & hb

4pm - 6pm
5) Adel
6) Cakey
Hi i need milk,
Thanks for your advice on things to bring when back to work. oops I forgot the brush..:p
Ice Block can last 24hrs? Then I shld get some. Thank Qoo.

So excited, will be seeing u all later.
How to identify u all? Hmm.. perhaps I'll approach any mummies bringing babies huh.
I'll be pushing a purple lucky baby pram. Rebonded shoulder length hair. If anyone see me, can gimme a signal? thanks!

I'll be bringing a digital camera. fyi. :>
I'm looking forward to the gathering too. Hopefully bb Haowen will put on his best behavior....

Yesterday had my 1st trial at pumping at work. Very troublesome, got to bring my electric pump, battery pak, cooler bag w ice block, towel, wet wipes. End up pumping in the handicap toilet which is luckily quite clean. V bored staring at the wall for 30 mins.....only consolation is manage to pump out the usual amt.
ting, u take care okie. hope 2 c u during our nxt gathering.

cat_tail, yeah, i can understd. but i dun really like d thot of bringing my maid. hehe... i m still a bit fed up wif her. i really wonder y her brain is. if it's left in phillipines, then by all means go back. paiseh, me being grumpy again.

applejuz, ya, me aso excited at seeing u gals. i'll b in a dark blue pram. c u gals later.
Re infant massage class

The 4-6pm session on 3 Dec can accomodate 8 babies? If so, would like to join in.

1pm - 3pm
1) snoopy & hb
2) passing_guest
3) emmie
4) everafter_03
5) applejuz & hb

4pm - 6pm
5) Adel
6) Cakey
7) ixwong & hb

Where's the venue huh?
eh vone, good news, im bringing my baby gal for ur ds to look at hehehhe. Lib, kylie can meet her friend again!

esther, not a cancellation but a last minute change. i cant find a babysitter so im bringing chloe in her giant pram

c u all
Re: gathering @ Orchard

Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5

Confirmed mummies :
1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail & maid (with pram)
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) Seabreeze (w/o baby & can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
5) skippy10 & Mum (w baby n stroller)
6) triniti (without baby)
7) lib (with pram)
8) ixwong (taxi, w pram)
9) christina (with pram)
10} vone (with pram)
11) aidanee (with pram)
12) coffeedrinker (tentative & w/o baby)
Hi Seabreeze,

Re infant massage class

3 Dec

1pm - 3pm
1) snoopy & hb
2) passing_guest
3) emmie
4) everafter_03
5) applejuz & hb

4pm - 6pm
5) Adel
6) Cakey & hb
7) ixwong & hb

just at small update to indicate that my hb is joining in also (in case they need adv planning for space). I remember the place is somewhere at serangoon but need to get the actual addr from Seabreeze also. Thanks.

wow cat_tail... seems like the results is going to be good... glad that i brought the flashcard.... i agree... got a lot to read up man... don't know whether got time anot :p
