(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

seabreeze: where isit? what will be the rates like? RMH oso offers infant massage. not sure abt the charges. How on earth u still so full of energy? i almost gng to lay flat.. kekeke thank god i have a CL if not i die long ago manz

Hi mummies,
How do you know tat your baby is having teething? I have a feeling tat my gal is experiencing it but not too sure. She starts to drool and will use her fingers to dig her tongue or gum, crying...
Can't go for this outing liao... sob sob.. received violent objections fr my parents when they heard i want to bring baby out to orchard... they more kan cheong abt Zephan than me...

here's the revised list:

Re: gathering @ Orchard

<font color="aa00aa">Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5</font>

<font color="ff0000">Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - : </font>

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail &amp; maid (with pram)
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) cookies (take a taxi, coming without pram)
5) Seabreeze &amp; mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
6) skippy10 &amp; Mum (w baby n stroller)
7) triniti (without baby)
8) lib (with pram)
9) ixwong
10) christina
11} vone
12) aidanee
clarisse mum ...

Intro by Lib ... $20 for 2hr session ... at Serangoon garden area ... in a residential ... its her SIL massage teacher ...

Me full of energy?? I nearly died of exhaustion during my confinement when my bb demanded milk on an hourly basis ... now much better ... know his pattern liao

cat tail ...

So early mer?? Tot it will only happend during the 4th mth??
ting ting / seabreaze

why cannot go orchard?? i already brought julia to orchard rd a couple of times (but always with my hubby). must intro her to shopping centres mah... very impt for gal gals u know? She has already went taka, isetan scotts &amp; centerpoint! and she is less than 2 mths old! haha!
moulincat ...

mine is cos scared bb fall sick lor ... cos immune system low mar ... anyway we bring him out for meals then faster go home lor ... he been to J8 twice liao ...

today was our first try at the stroller ... think my bb got a scare when going up and down the escalator cos we ka-ran-ka-bok ...

tom going to united sq to meet frens for lunch ... hope we will be more steady with the stroller ...
wow... so nice that you gals are having a gathering... have fun ladies....

actually i tot of taking leave and join all of you but my son is still recovering from measles and afraid might spread to your babies.... was in and out of hospital for the past 1 week and i'm so tired... he wants to be carried 24hrs even when he's asleep at night!!! very chiam.... at least now better liao, he's able to sleep on his own on the sofa for 4 hours this afternoon... guess he must be tired plus the medicine was making him drowsy...
Hi Worshippertemple,

I agree with u...e gathering shd be fun with so many mummies &amp; babies ard...too bad I can't join cos I start work on 7 Nov!

Ur son caught measles?? Hope he can get well very soon!
Hi Moulincat,
u staying in Juring West too? I'm also staying at my mum's place at Jurong West (St.41), though my own house at Bukit batok central (near Westmall).
If u wan to go, we can share a cab together, but then hor, I may not be much help, cos struggling with my baby, pram &amp; barang Barang.. :p

Hi cat_tail,
My boy also seems to be teething, he always 'blow bubbles'&amp; put his whole hand in his mouth. I even got a mini teether for him..
isn't it too early for a 2mth+ babe to grow teeth?

Hi temple,
Xing Ku le. Hope ur son recovers soon.

ladies, do u think we need to exchange HP number for better coordination during the gathering? In case any last minute changes... or maybe can liase via a coordinator. Snoopy?
Re: Contacts of Mummies
how about consolidating a list of contacts ie. emails/hp/MSN, so that we can keep in touch with one another thru other means as well.
if u r keen, i can consolidate the list and email to all. can PM me the details.
Have added my details.

Re: gathering @ Orchard

Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5

Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - :

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail &amp; maid (with pram)
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) cookies (take a taxi, coming without pram)
5) Seabreeze &amp; mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
6) skippy10 &amp; Mum (w baby n stroller)
7) triniti (without baby)
8) lib (with pram)
9) ixwong (taxi, w pram)
10) christina
11} vone
12) aidanee

r u coming to the gathering? If so, we can share a cab if u want.
your parents want Zephan to be mountain turtle.. *hiak*
Actually Orchard is v accessible fr our place coz of NE Line. Plus there are always TAXIs...
Or they scared little Zephan will be addicted to shopping, if expose him to Orchard so early??
Hi applejuz

i staying at st91. wow! u mean u can manage to carry baby and still bring pram along?? How to do that?? i still can't figure out how to. ur baby can hold his head up already?? mine can't so still have to carry her with 2 hands...
hmm.. about the teething thing, my baby also drooling and blowing bubbles now.. and she likes to suck her own hand too.. but surely it's not teething rite??? only 7 wks old! maybe it's just how babies behave?
musicgal, go to GWC don't need to pay me protection $$ lah....scarly people think I am from triad!! :p

Anyway, I found the bottle from the sasa in wisma, my other turf!! But this mummy is so lazy...until now haven't wash the bottle yet, so haven't start using it yet!

Tks cookies for coordinating the list. Will PM you my details.

Ting2, this is the 2nd time you are unable to join us, how abt asking yr mum along?

Seabreeze, looks like you are in need of those pram escalator lessons, which mummy offered to teach ah?

moulincat, I will carry baby with 1 hand and leave her legs to dangle. Then you have other hand to push your pram!

christina, vone &amp; aidanee, are you all coming with pram or not har?

applejuz, you can download the msn messenger, it is FOC anyway!
hey snoopy,

try the bottle! it made my life so much easier! cos i put the bottle by his cot, now dun have to keep running to the bathroom to get fresh water to clean j's face &amp; hands! now thinking of getting another to leave in my diaper bag!

hey cookies,

i've pmed u my details... thanks for doing this!
Hi cookies, i've pm u my details: THx

Hey snoopy/musicgal: I hve bought my bottle too, from the sasa @ HG mall..

Hi cat_tail: our babies are now exploring on their body parts. My girl oso like tt, dun tink is teething yet.. tink is too early for them.

re: gathering
any mommies staying in Seng Kang?

Tingting, i can understand whr yr parents come from, but hor.. tink abt it if u r kip yr baby @ home till a certain age, it doesnt mean they will hve a stronger immunity system.. this is my arguement to my mum &amp; MIL tts y i hve been bringing kylie out very often..
RE: Teething
Gee.. I really dun noe how to see whether it's teething. Some say baby will suddenly drools a lot, rub cheeks, dig tongue &amp; gum etc..

Hi tingting,
Persuade your parents tat weekdays in Orchard not so crowded. There are also a lot of babies around, so a lots of fun. I hope the Breeks' staff dun chase us out since there will be going to have a bug crowd of noisy babies &amp; mummies around... haha..

Aiyoo Seabreeze,
Be careful with the pram, got baby on board. Why not try w/o baby first? Hope today your UE sq trip has improved your skill.

Hi Lib,
I have also start to bring my baby out since she's 2 weeks old. I take it as a very good exposure for baby to explore &amp; true enough, she enjoys a lot. :p
Hi Lib

I'm still thinking of whether to join you guys or not coz the group is so big - a bit daunting for me :) If I finally decide to come, I can give you a lift.
Cat-Tail: high 5! I oso started bring my baby out since she's 3 weeks old, 1st try out was at Toa payoh kiddy palace.. then further to orchard - bugis- suntec... i tink is not my girl who has "flower-leg (hokkien)" is the mummy can't tahan to stay home for many days..
re:bringing baby out

my parents think that orchard is too crowded lor, and with flu bug around these days they think it's not worth the risk.. i've brought him to nearby places like punggol plaza n compasspoint liao..

lib, though staying at home doesn't mean they'll have stronger immune system, going out could mean they can get germs while their systems are weak... my parents prefer if it's meeting at someone's house lor...
snoopy, i havent decided if i wanna bring the baby out so am probably holding a "no-pram" status for now. im thinking of squeezing in a spa treatment in town before joining u all.

heheh, thanks to lib's encouragement i've been bringing my baby out every sat &amp; sunday since she was 3 weeks old, to super crowded malls in fact..ngee ann city, centrepoint, GWC, we braved through sales storms together like the recent one in robinsons. tingting, fret not, baby on breastmilk has pretty high immunity.
alamak, forgot to update:

Re: gathering @ Orchard

Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5

Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - :

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail &amp; maid (with pram)
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) cookies (take a taxi, coming without pram)
5) Seabreeze &amp; mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
6) skippy10 &amp; Mum (w baby n stroller)
7) triniti (without baby)
8) lib (with pram)
9) ixwong (taxi, w pram)
10) christina (without baby)
11} vone
12) aidanee
Thanks for collating, Cookies.

I'm feeling a bit down tonight cos sending bb to nanny starting tomorrow. Very bu she de even though I'll bring him back every night. He's most active and engaging in the day but come evening onwards tends to be sleepy. I foresee that we would have v little bonding time once I start work next week...
Haha Lib,
We are really notti, suppose to stay at home to do confinement but we break it.. kekeke..

Hi tingting,
It's ok. It's really own decision on how we want our kids to grow. Hope u can make it on tat day if u decided to join us.

Hi ixwong,
Can understand tat.
hi mummies,
dun mention..
will wait for more replies b4 i send out e list to all.

cattail, passingguest, lib, musicgal,
got yr details.

snoopy, i may bring along my pram too,thou its heavy, let's hope e taxi driver helps to load n unload. cos i'm afraid my hand will break if carry bb for too long (in case my boy dun like e sling).
lib and cat_tail, baby Nicole's 1st outing with hb and I (apart from going to the PD and to gynae) was to Centrepoint when she was 8 days old! So far Nicole is fine and healthy!

Ting2, my hb has been having flu (just recovered) and cough for the last 2 weeks - worst, flu on the home front! - Nicole's holding out pretty well, she is healthy like her mummy!

ixwong, can understand how you feel. Do spend as much time as you can with your baby whenever you can.
Re: gathering @ Orchard

Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5

Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - :

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail &amp; maid (with pram)
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) cookies (take a taxi, coming with pram)
5) Seabreeze &amp; mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
6) skippy10 &amp; Mum (w baby n stroller)
7) triniti (without baby)
8) lib (with pram)
9) ixwong (taxi, w pram)
10) christina (without baby)
11} vone
12) aidanee

cookies, I update with pram for you. Do change it if you change your mind!
hi ixwong,
I've started work already so won't be able to join you ladies for the gathering... enjoy the freedom of 'no need to work' while you can

Btw. which part of yishun you staying? mine is 800+ block.
I've also started to send my gal to MIL place.. Will visit her everyday but only bring back on Fri night. Not much chance to bond with her cos quite a few times she's sleeping when we visit her.. Maybe have to ask MIL to adjust her feeding time so that she's awake when we visit.
ting ting ...

my mum has the same worry as your parents ... so am praying hard that my bb wont fall sick after i bring him out lor ... if not my parents will sure nag at me one ... but i do try to avoid the super crowded area like orchard (on weekends) lor ...

ladies ...

went to united sq for lunch with fren today at globetrotter ... its a nice place for gathering esp for ppl with kids ... there is a very big playground for children who are >1yr old and the space bet tables and the layout of the restaurant is very stroller friendly ... the fish &amp; chip and grilled fish is nice ... the green curry is awful ...

there is oso a very decent baby room in the shopping mall itself with 2 nursing room and 3-4 diaper changing table ...

still abit ka-ran-ka-bok with the stroller but improving lar ...
hi snoopy, my hb also had flu a few weeks back... baby's fine but i caught the flu instead! :p guess my parents had a bad experience w my sister, who fell sick badly several times after going to crowded places... i'll see how...
moulincat, julia looks so sweet.

snoopy, hehe... so fast u cfm my attendance liao. tink i hv 2 make sure my leave is approved on 9 nov.
btw, me coming wif pram, as usual.

cat_tail, tks 4 d diapers.

wendyg, mine aso likes 2 pull my hair. whenever i carry him, he always do tat. then hb told me 2 go &amp; cut my hair. men... btw, i remembered tat u r asking 4 glass bottles. do u still need them?? i hv 4 which i intend 2 dispose of.

temple, gosh... measles. u take care of urself &amp; ur boy k.

cookies, tks 4 d co-ordination. hv pm u my contacts liao.

ixwong, dun fret okie. i m aso like u when i went back 2 wk. but it gets easier as d days goes by.
hi everafter/applejuz/vone...

my son is getting better liao... still having slight fever on and off... was told that it will take 2-3 weeks to be fully recover.... now the worst part is he wants to be carried 24 hours!!! if not, he will be screaming and crying...even sleeping during the night time... that's really killing me... so no choice has to carry him while i'm sleeping....
RE: going out

i agree in bringing baby out but not after they have their injection... i think because i brought my son out to Tampines Mall the following week after he had his injection and i think he got the measles there.... because we have not gone to anywhere crowded except church on sunday.... so when my son has his next injection, i will confine him at home for 2 weeks first....

it's super super siong taking care of him during his stay in hospital and after coming home... it's no joke.... so mummies, please be extra careful after your baby have the injection.....
wendyg, me stay in bedok reservoir, wk in suntec. all d locations which u state r not convenient. is thr any other locations whereby i can pass u c btls??
Hi Moulincat,
Re: Carry baby &amp; pram
Oh.. I'll ask my mum to help me load the pram on the taxi. Then when reach there, ask taxi driver to help carry out. After that, should be easy pushing it to Breeks using the lift. If driver don't help, worst case, I place baby on the taxi seat first (wif cloth underneath), then go fix up the stroller... 'leh chey' right..
My boy's head not firm yet. but carrying with 1 hand shldn't be a problem but not for long, cos heavy leh..:p

Hi cookies, thanks for compiling the list

Snoopy, ya, will try to download the MSN. :>

ting_ting, my parents not scared of flu bug, they more concern on the dengue. hee...as for flu, think my resistance also poorer than baby, every night when I BF him in aircon room, I'll alsways got running nose.. and baby is fine.. just a some nose wax to clear.

Hi mummies who has started work already,
did u buy the cooler bag with ice pack inside? How long can it last?
Me now preparing to start work on Thursday. So many things to bring.. my Madela dual pump, 2 extra bottles to store the milk, cleaning detergent to wash the pump ... *haiz* headache.
hi mommies, for those of you who let baby sleep in airconditioned room with you in the night, do you usually cover baby with blanket? I used to swaddle Annette and put a blanky on her until a week ago and now, without the swaddle, she kicks the blanky away within 2 hours of sleeping. Thought of using a Grobag but it's kinda expensive.
u work in Suntec? So does Ineedmilk. Maybe u can pass to her, coz we meet once a week @ church. wait, i arrange with her..
wendy, if u need me to collect e bottles fr vone i can also help.. my parents stay near bedok reservoir (@ jalan tenaga) n i go there during weekends...let me know..

u know, yest Zephan slept for nearly 6 hrs on his back in his cot! that was a record! think bcos he was kept awake during daytime, so zonked out once he hits the bed...

re: going out

yah, when my sis was a baby her resistence agst all those bugs was quite weak...

re: aircon @ nite

i only place a diaper cloth over Zephan at night, but my aircon is set at quite high temp.. 28 deg, so it's ok for him even if he kicks off the cloth.
Hi Passing guest,
I cover baby with blanket / sometimes thicker cloth from chest downwards, &amp; use bolsters at the side to press on the blanket. Also use another cloth nappy to cover waist downwards as a 2nd layer protection :p
