(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Re: Breastfeeding & Bottle feeding

To mummies who still do partial latch on and feeding from bottles. It's best to let someone else feed the baby when using the bottle so as not to confuse the baby. Baby takes in less from bottle cos they prefer to feed from the breast directly.

Also if u are weaning off bm, your baby will not drink as much as formula feed babies cos they will still stick to their bm feeding patterns (i.e. drink less but often). So dun worry!

Cookies, i also clean my baby's tongue with a cloth but usually cannot get everything off. My gal also drop hair!

hmmm.. guess everyone is at the outing!
Hi musicgal,

just realise that it's not email bounce back but rather the email space is insufficient as my email to you is much bigger than your email space available.
hi mummies,
this thread pretty quiet today cause everybody is at the gathering hee hee do remember to post up some pics of today's outing ya?
re: refuse bottle feed.

Hi Wendyg & vone, changing teats also no use. the moment, we put the bottle near her mouth, she will cry very loudly regardless of the person who feeds her.

Hi ixwong, thanks. Will try to mix and see if she likes it.

My pd says could be teething problems.. i also dunno.

I am wondering if pacifier will help ? Cannot always be there to feed her lah...........

Any suggestion to wean her off from breast???

I wonder if anyone has the similar problem as me...how did you successfully change from direct latch on to bottle feed?
hi temple,

got it! thanks so much!
It was fun to meet up w so many mummies!!!

The group photo from our gathering this afternoon. Quite a challenge to mobilise all for the group pix, not all babies are featured cos a few in dreamland...zzzz....


Backrow from left:
Triniti, Lib n Kylie, Skippy10, Seabreeze, Coffeedrinker, ixwong n Haowen, Cat_tail n Edna, Vone n Darren, Snoopy, Applejuz

Front row from left:
christina n chloe (in the pram), another mummy from Oct thread (oops didn't get the name)
More pix....

Lib, Kylie and Skippy10
Christina n Chloe, Skippy10 n Ernest, Lib n Kylie
Christina n Chloe, ixwong n Haowen
ixwong, wahhh! you're fast and efficient!! heheh, was telling the other mummies i'm a bit blur today cuz of sinus lah..ears nose all blocked *sob*

christina's arms look fat...hmmmm should really work on that, 8more kgs to lose *wails*
can't tell lah... you're OK, no worries!! Thx for the bottlessssssssssssss!!

i met an ang mo mummy @ taka nursing rm.. her baby born July 05.. i told her abt the gathering, wonder if she popped by. Her baby Mary so pretty.. my Isaac was mesmerised by her eyes & forgot his manners, started drooling... chey.
Re infant massage class

3 Dec

1pm - 3pm
1) snoopy & hb
2) passing_guest
3) emmie
4) everafter_03
5) applejuz & hb

4pm - 6pm
5) Adel
6) Cakey & hb
7) ixwong & hb

Oh ... ALL hbs are included already heehee ... have assume that everyone will be brining their other half =) if the hb cant make it ... can bring someone to replace lor ... the course fee is meant for a pair of parents ...

cookies ... how ar you?

ixwong ... wow v fast ler you ... showed my hubby the photos and he said that the bbs are v cute ...

should meet up again ... then i can bring my bb heehee ...
wow,u mummies must hv lots of fun. got more photos to share??

ixwong, haowen looks tall, how old is he?

seabreeze, cant attend leh, cos hubby lesson only ends at 4pm. thanks anyway.
tis ok.. i dun look like Ms Universe, no need to know! *hee*
there's a pic of me in a previous posting, when tingting & ineedmilk came to my place. see if u can find it.
i only had 1hr in Orchard (while hubby got his haircut @ Far East), & part of that was spent in the nursing room, so really had to zip around to buy stuff. Unlike last time swinging single, i was Orchard kid & could walk from Forum to Suntec taking my own sweet time!
wah! u really very efficient! hee.... everyone looks great n the babies all so adorable!!! can u send the pic to my email? want to download n print it out...

galz, i really enjoy the gatherin todae! is my 1st time met up with so many mummies at 1 goal!

ur arms no fat.... think im worst than u! my hips n my waist look so FAT!!! really gotta work hard....still hv 5-6 kg to lose! esply my waist!!! sigh... must "jia you"

the slimmest mummie:
i think triniti,lib, cat_tail n one mummie from oct forum...(sorrie, me got bad memorie, cant remember watz her name...) will be the one..... you galz looks like not preggie b4....cant tell u r already mother of one! so slim!!! *hao xian mu* :|
Hi Ixwong, u r really fast.. can send me a copy of the pix. [email protected] tink i got to print out 1 copy and start writing the names on it.. haha.. too forgetful liao...

Wendyg, hey why nvr tell uncle deric to extend the no. of hrs in orchard..

snoopy, thx for coordinating this event!

re: infant massage class
her place is @ serangoon garden, near the NTUC. is quite fun to learn massage on yr baby.. hehe.. i will check out wif veron if i can drop by to see see look look.. hehe.. KPOKPO./
hey, parking expensive ley.. must save $$$ to buy more Petpet for Isaac. hee!
Maybe next gathering be outside CBD, eg Novena? I thought someone said the nursing facilities there are quite good too.
behind heeren???? Oh, Cairnhill multi-storey ah? Hee, we din even want to pay ERP... so he parked @ Far East.
Lib, u lost weight leyyy. Home alone with Kylie v stress ah? I thot she easy baby
hi ixwong
wow, you have a knack for efficiency haha...it has been fun meeting all the mommies and their babies!!Please have the gathering at my place next time so I won't have to be too stressed up to bring anton out!!hehe... It has been a fun outing

kindly sms me the amt I should TT to you ok? Thank you for bailing me out today!!You are my saviour of the day!hah
Heehee, couldn't wait to share the pic. I got no more pics liao. The rest with Applejuz. Just realised Aidanee is not in the pic....

my boy is 2 mths 3 weeks old. Will be 3 mths next Fri.
looks like a fun gathering!
Lib, Kylie has grown a lot!

These 2 days Zephan has been snoozing a lot.. dunno why... thought they shld sleep less as they grow older??
RE: Orchard Gathering
Hi mummies,
Nice to meet u all there & I am still a little blur blur who are so & so.. keke.. Btw, those babies up for the group photo are the cranky ones.

Wow ixwong,
U super fast. Can u send me those pics u have taken. Thanks~

[email protected]

Thanks for your compliment. I am still working very hard to shake away the flabby tummy.
wendyg ...

yap .. united sq got q good nursing facilities ...

aiyo after come back my bb like v cranky ... think he know th the mummy go out and jalan without him ... so now always wan me to carry heehee ... anyway miss him lotsa when i was out oso ...
Actually breastfeeding does help in slimming down
SO perserve in BF!!Actually I was really skinny before I was pregnant. I actually have 4 -5kg of weight in me after I delivered.
hee.... i know how u feel. got tt experience b4 .... perhaps next time u gotta bring alone bb so tt everyone can enjoy n hv fun! :eek:)

coffeedrinker n seabreeze,
we hv been chattin on mobile for few times till now then we get to see each other!

yeah yeah.....but no matter how my tummy still look so flabby!!! not like last time! now i dare not wear bikini coz of the flabby n stretch mark! so ugly!!!

wow! i believe u hv model figure b4 u preggie! must be a chio BABE! after preggie also tt prettie!!!

haha..... finally i recall ur name! here another brave n chio mamie! i dare not bring bb out alone when he was only 3 wks till now.... most of the time was wit my hubby.... :eek:)

i agree witz triniti, perhaps we shld hv one gathering at somebodie plc....think will be more cosyz n fun!
Great to meet all of you...looking forward to the next outing!

LIB, can i check with you the model of your allerhand bag? is it messenger in nautical?

IXwong, hey, u left me out in the picture!
skippy: i figured tt i got to do this soon.. might as well do it today since i have u gals as company!
really enjoyed myself today! oh yea.. after the meeting.. i actually went to shop on my own.. tried using the pram on the escalator! it was easy.. really..

sigh.. but my bb is so cranky after going out.. not exactly coz he was out but rather.. its his usual habit! is it normal for newborns to be this cranky? or its jus Brent?!
Hi mummies ...

Looks like even the babies are having a great time!!! Would have really loved to join in if not I had meetings today

Hi Vone,

Didn't know you work at Suntec??! Me too! My office is at Tower 1. How abt yours? Maybe we can meet for lunch one day?
skippy.. no one can beat him lor! he can fuss from like 7pm to 12am!!!!!!
this morning before going out.. he fuss from like 5am till 11am!
Hi, me too. Really enjoyed it. Great achivement too! 3 cheers for all mummies!

Let me try to insert the photos.

(left to right)
Standing: Seabreeze & coffeedrinker
Sitting : skippy10,applejuz,triniti,lib,christina,aidanee,ixwong,snoopy,vone & cat_tail
Image size too big. try again.

Here's the photos.

(left to right)
Standing: Seabreeze(in blue), coffeedrinker(in black)
Sitting : skippy10,applejuz,triniti,lib,christina,aidanee,ixwong,snoopy,vone & cat_tail


Left to right
Triniti,Lib,Skippy10,Adelyee,Seabreeze,coffeedrinker,snoopy,ixwong,vone,cat_tail, & christina with her black pram.






cat_tail & ixwong


Adelyee & her 3 wks old baby.
alamak. still cannot. qi si wo le.
ok will try again tomorrow. very tired liao. tomorrow start work.. sianz man... :p Miss my maternity leave.. sob sob.
Re: Glenn Doman teaching method
Here's a link to a video which I'm sure will impress anyone. Go to http://www.sgparenting.com and view the video clip on the left.

Re: Gathering @ Breeks
Woah, really looked like you had loads of fun. Will pinch my fat thighs for missing it. Anyone interested in getting together again early part of next week? My maternity leave ends next Wednesday *BIG SOBS* After that, I'm sure I will be deprived of time. I want to quit my job!!
Hi mummies,
looks like you had a great time! Must have been really fun! Nice pictures taken..Applejuz, looking forward to your pics :eek:)

Would have loved to join you gals but me very buay zai and my baby fussy and got temper one! don't like to sit/travel in the car, don't like to sit in the sling, when carry, cannot carry cradle hold, must carry in 'sitting up' position all the time. if carry cradle, she will keep doing 'sit ups', trying to sit herself up..like that how to bring her out for long...will try to make it for the next gathering though heh
morning ladies ...

skippy ... yap finally we met ... and aidanee too ... been SMS-ing during the confinement month ...

adel ... i find that the bb first month is the most challenging ... think that we are trying to get use to each other lar ... you will soon figure out his pattern when he gets older ... u already v steady already heehee ... anyway you are really a young mum =)

re: next gathering
agree ... if we have it on a weekend and at someone's place would be really nice ... then we can all pot luck n the hb can join ... would be nice if we put our bb in a cicle and take photo for them hor heehee

re: infant massage
okie ... will take the following list as the final list ... will pass you all the address once i get it from veron ...

cookies ... maybe you can contact veron and ask her to arrange for you another slot?

3 Dec

1pm - 3pm
1) snoopy & hb
2) passing_guest
3) emmie
4) everafter_03
5) applejuz & hb

4pm - 6pm
5) Adel
6) Cakey & hb
7) ixwong & hb
hey mummies!
the gathering seems so fun! wish i could make it! was down with terrible sore throat and feverish for a few days....
Must be work stress....clearing some outstanding stuffs now from home.
Will definitely make it for the nxt gathering with Denise!

I love to see more pictures! everyone looks great! with all the lovely babies!
seabreeze: wah.. taking care of baby ain't tt easy man.. oh yea.. check with u gals... do u all use the sarong to coax the baby to sleep? any side effects? when do u all start baby on sarong? 'yao lan*
temple, got ur email. tks. wat i got 2 do now is 2 print it out & do some reading.

pinkroses, i hv a suggestion, but u mus b a bit hardhearted k. wait til ur gal is really really hungry, then u feed her wif d bottle. tis shld wk as i tried it on my boy. u can try d pacifier, but my gut feel is tat it might not wk since she oledi refuse d btl.

ixwong, wow... tat's fast of u 2 post d pics. btw, can email d pics 2 me @ [email protected]?? tia!!

chris, no worries lah. u still look gd okie.

wendyg, pity tat u cldn't stay. looking 4ward 2 mtg u again.

skippy, no lah, u aso look gd okie. tink i m d fattest mummy around.
okie, got 2 lose more weight liao!!

ting, i tink it's d weather these days. mine aso tend 2 sleep a lot.

adelyee, it's like tat 1. coz their normal schedule is disrupted. mine aso does tat even now.

anissa, really?? okie, let's arrange 1 nxt wk, me a bit tight tis wk. i sms u again.

applejuz, dun fret. b4 u noe it, it's time 2 go hm liao!!
btw, can email d pics 2 me aso?? tia!!

mummies at d gathering, it's nice mtg all of u!! let's do it again soon.
vone: yea.. tts why i am contemplating to use the *yaO lan* but wonder if there are any side effects of using it too young or not..
morning gals!

wow, the pixs looks great! all mummies look so radiant leh. =))

Christina u where got fat! U look okie mah! And your skin looks very clear also. Cheer up, u are a pretty mummy. =))

Lib, ya my gal gal got the tan skin look, like my hubby, or or one lor. kekeke.
How's things with u and Kylie? U look so slim, envy leh.
And kylie look so chubby! very cute leh. =))

reenie, U take good care of yourself ya. Hope u will feel better soon.
u back to office for work? u planning to quit soon?

vone, u using pacifier for yr boi boi? what brand u using?
I'm currently using avent but it always leave a big big mark around her lips leh...hmm, but it seems like in the market all the pacifier like that one.
recently my gal started to spit out the pacifier. put back and she spit it out. Like a game like that. so tiring.

Btw mummies, for those who have weaned off bfg, how do u do it? put cabbage?
I still have engorgement every 2 3 days on one side of my breast, still need to pump out.
How do i stop the BM from leaking out?
Thanks ixwong,
Got the pics in my email.

Why fret abt your figure? U actually look great! Only the boobs bigger, but tat will reduce when u stop bf.

Got to agree tat u r the prettiest mum of all..haha.. no doubts.

Hi adelyee,
Could it be colic? Mine also cranky very badly like yours due to colic until when she's almost 2 mths old.
