(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

vone, thanks! she very good at looking innocent after being naughty! hahaha.

Snoopy / applejuz, guess going out with pram is not too difficult then.. only problem i have is the lift landing is not on my level!!! it's 2 levels up!

Passing guest, my baby also do the sleeping kicking thing! i dun swaddle too (cos she doesn't like it) only place blanket over her, the blanket always kanna kick off after 1 hr... and i dun dress her in long pants.. so her leg is exposed.. But normally i cool the room first before sleeping and turn off the aircon. The room will gradually become warm but it's okie cos i will switch on the air con when she wakes up for feeding for abt 1 hr (half hr drink milk, half hr coaxing her back to sleep) before turning it off again.

oh abt the cleaning nose thing.. how do u guys do it for ur babies?

cookies, my email & msn is [email protected].
my hp is 90888869. thanks!

Applejuz, even with bolsters at the sides, she is able to kick the blanky away. These days I wake up finding her 90 degrees turned from original position. She is very active during sleep. Quite funny to watch :) Will try your method of using another diaper for the legs.

moulincat, my PD advised the best way is to use cotton tips. Push the wax towards the in-side of the nose where the harder nosewall is and you can get it out quite easily. If it still does not, then leave it and wait for it to move closer to outside when baby sneezes.

For those moms who are using disposable breastpads, Mothercare is having a sale and their 100s is only going for $14+. Having tried many brands, I find Mothercare's the best. There is also a buy 3 get 1 free offer for clothes.
hi passing guest,

becoming a regular & not so much a passing guest anymore eh?

what we do with jeremy is let him wear full-length rompers - ie long-sleeved + feet also covered & we change him into the romper just b4 bedtime...
Hi passing guest,
wa.. ur gal can do 90 deg turn. Hee, must be dancing in her sweet dreams.

Hi moulincat,
hmm.. 2 levels away from the lift is difficult har. Same as my mum's plc, which is at 2nd flr, no lift, gotta walk down the stairs.. that's why i gotta engaged her help to bring the stroller down for me.

for the nose wax, I'm using passing_guest method. however, I'm using the better quality Pigeon cotton stabs. smaller.
Dear all
May I ask,
Re : Prepare milk
do you scoope the required milk powder in the container and when need just pour it into the bottle ? is it ok to do so or scoope direct from the tin is better ?

how do you cool down the milk ? put in a cup of tap water to cool down ? or any better way to do it faster? I make 2.5oz of hot water and 1.5 oz of cool water, so need so time to cool it down to a drinkable temp. (mum say milk powder will not dissolve if water not hot enough)so we make it hot and cool it down but timing is a bit long that my baby "protest" .

Re: Baby monitor
anyone use this? me live in 5 room only but when my maid wash toilet or cooking, she sometime cannot hear my baby cry unless my baby cry a few more time , a bit louder. maybe becos my door is a quite sound proof , but cannot don't close the door when washing as the baby will hear the scrubbing and water sound (toilet door face baby room).
was wonder to get one or anyway to solve this.. if get one , any recommedation on brand ?
Re : feeding

how long does your baby take to finish one feeding, my baby seem take a long time (4 oz take about 20 mins) till the milk is cold.. she will drink contsantly about 1.5oz then slowly after that.. taking her sweet time rest, look around, play the teat, drink drink a bit.. but the milk turn cold so not very good for her stomach (mum say)

anyone any suggestion on how to improve this ?
we feed her 4oz at every 3 to 3.5 hr (she now 7 weeks)
applejuz, if u can't download msn, u can always use d web version.

passing guest, i swaddle my boy & cover him wif a blanket. as my boy will kick away d blanket, wat we do is 2 swaddle him veri tightly so tat he can't kick it away.

ting, ur parents stay veri near me. i stay at blk 100+. if u wan, can always drop by my plc okie.

wendyg, hv rec'd ur mail. will call ineedmilk later.

moulincat, is it?? mine aso. whenever i 'scold' him, he'll smile at me. hehe... re. nose cleaning, i use a cotton bud 2 clean it.

coffeedrinker, i scoop d milk powder into d container. find tat it's faster coz my boy is veri impatient.
4 me, i use 50ml of hot water, then put milk powder & shake it. when d powder dissolved oledi, i add in 100ml of cool water. my boy can finished his milk veri fast. tink his feeding time is abt 5 mins max. i agree wif ur mum on tat. if bb drinks cold milk, it can cause wind in his tummy. i got 1st hand experience on tat. aiyo... c d way my boy cries when he's got wind is so heartpain. as 4 bb monitor, i aso plan 2 get 1. heard tat d philips 1 is not 2 bad.
Hi Coffeedrinker,
I scoop the milkpowder into the container before hand then pour into bottle when needed. no time to slowly scoop directly from tin when you have a screaming, hungry baby hehe My girl also take very long to drink her milk, about 15-20 mins to drink 140ml. I tried rubber teat on her, bigger sized teat, enlarging the hole on her current teats etc, all no difference..think she is one of the babies who like to take their own sweet time to drink and savour (according to the nurse) haha i feed her warm milk, so far, by the time she finish, the milk is still a bit warm, not cool yet.

As for milk powder dissolving, i am using Nan1HA premium, which dissolves very very easily, so no problem on that..

I am using the Philips monitor, cause we stay in a three storeyed house, have to use monitor when we have our meals and baby is sleeping in the cot/sarong upstairs. mine is the 2 way one, ie. can talk to the baby from the handset..like walkie talkie, can't remb the model number..quite good. reception also good, cause can received from basement (baby on the top floor)
Hi Passing guest

My boy can do the 90 deg turn as well! One morning i even found him right next to the cot railing. I swaddle him at night so that he does not wake himself up by flairing his hands. But he always manages to wriggle his hands out.

re : measles
just wondering, is it like chicken pox whereby you get it once and you will develop the antibodies against it?

re : drooling/blowing bubbles/suck own hand
does the mummies here let their babies continue to suck their own hand or do you pull it out from their mouth?
Hi wendyg

I will pull out too... but his hands will find its way to the mouth again... afterwhich he likes to rub his face! And his daddy is teaching him to rub his eyes with his fists. Terrible daddy! Hope this phase will pass soon...

Re : Toys
what kind of toys do you buy for your babies? I'm thinking of buying those books which are made of cloth material so that even if he licks them, I can still wash it. Wonder where to get such books.
Hi mummies
I will have to leave at about 1pm cos my facial appt at bugis is at 130pm. That is the only time slot they have for that day which I can allow myself sometime for. See all of you pretty mums on wed
Toys? I bought lots for Anton. from 0 months to 18mths even!!I think you can visit www.tinylove.com for some ideas what to buy...I bought most of my toys from tiny love actually though he is only 2 months old
I'm staying at 300+. You start work liao? So fast. You didn't take your ML 3 mths straight?

thanks for comforting. I'm surviving the 1st day w/o baby. Kept myself super busy w a session w my fren and a facial. Going to pick up bb in 30 mins' time....

I just scoop direct from the tin. I prepare the milk at the right temperature (1 oz hot water, 3-4 oz cool water) - not much problem dissolving the powder, just swirl it well.

RE baby monitor
I use a baby monitor cos have since moved my boy into his own room. I used the new Philips SBC SC484. It's a DECT baby monitor and I bought it at $187 during Philip fair. Expensive but super clear like the DECT cordless phone cos got 120 channels....

Re feeding.
My boy also very distracted after filling his tummy half-full. I will slightly constraint his head from turning all over the place and told him to finish his milk in a stern tone. He will tend to listen cos his mummy me v fierce one...
my boy doesn't rub his eyes at all. He will start looking very stoned when he's sleepy... or he will start getting cranky. Oh, if you need more glass bottles, let me know... i have some lying in the cupboard.

triniti, such a doting mummy! so far i have only bought a plush toy for Ryan, the rest of the toys were given by his doting uncles and aunties. So I thought as his mummy, i better do something about it. hehee... :p
re: thumb sucking

i only try to pull out half heartedly.. cos he always puts it into his mouth again.. and he'll also suck at night..
got a question to ask. does anyone's baby choke when drinking water?? my baby drink milk okie but when i feed her water, she tend to choke and cough cough cough.. i use the same teet for drinking milk and water (avent 0mth+). dun know is it she think is milk and suck too hard until choke.

Julia also suck her hands but she is still wearing mittens. i dun stop her cos she looks very happy sucking so normally her mittens all wet!

ixwong, 1oz hot water plus 3 oz cool water, is the milk very hot?? my gal also drinking abt 4 oz now.

anyone using similac?? i find that it creates alot of bubbles after being shaken. i tried enfalac too, no bubbles at all, but cos the iron content quite high so i only feed enfalac occassionally. my gal got abit problem passing motion.
re : water
Ryan doesn't like water... he will push the teat out after he realise that it's not milk that I'm feeding him. wonder how else to feed him water other than adding the gripe water.

re : thumb sucking
same here... after i pull out, he will put it into his mouth again and give me a cheeky smile.

re : similac
I'm using similac as well. Lots of bubbles but Ryan seems to like this brand and he has progressed from passing motion every other day to daily now... so don't really feel like changing though might consider other brands soon cos Similac has increased prices. Haven't tried other brands... what other brands are good?

re : Tiny Love toys
are they sold in Robinsons/JL? I haven't seen them in stores.
my girl chokes even when bf (direct latch)!! And my letdown is not even fast or powerful. I think she was probably sleepy ....

re: starting work
i just started work today. And yes, got so many things to bring to office! pump, extra bottles, ice block, cooler bag, brush, detergent etc!! Lucky thing i got 2 pumps. If not, gotta bring pump to and fro office..... As for yr qn on the ice pack thing, if use ice block, can keep cool for 12 hours. I think the ice pack (gel type) not very lasting. Dun think can last long.

re: prepare milk
I also scoop direct from the tin. As for the hot milk thing, i think we can just test on our wrists. If too hot, then just run it under tap water to cool down.

passing guest:
i think got a cheaper versiuon of grobag. Can find it from robinsons. It gots the winnie the pooh print.
my boy also!! he only chokes when i feed him wit water! sigh... cheeky baby... if is bm is okie for him only things is difficult to feed him water...

u r back! wanna join us for the 9 nov gathering?

im using the philips monitor. is very gd. reception is v clear......

passing_guest will soon be back to becoming "passing guest" once I start work next week. You have 4 more days than me, so fortunate... Aren't you dreading it and counting out the days.

So this week, Annette is very poor thing coz the mommy wants to bring her out every single day before she starts work. No afternoon nap for poor Annie.
By the way, any mommy here who have started work but still on total BF for baby? Has your milk supply gone down much? I dislike the idea of FM, so troublesome....
Emmie, u can try rose syrup. i alternate betw rose syrup and gripe water.

my pharmacist fren says that actually enfalac is quite popular. u can try it. but it doesn't smell as 'xiang' as similac.

i need milk, ur baby sleepy not latch off meh?? how come choke? poor thing.

re: drinking water & choking
do u all think that it's because they dun wan to drink the water and wan to cry at the same time that they choke?? i observe julia when she drinks plain water, she will suck for a while then face screw up in disgust then will choke.
re: water

i seldom feed my boy water, but he doesn't really like the taste as well.. trying to feed him more often now to cultivate the habit of drinking water.. i think they tend to choke bcos milk is thicker than water, so they might have sucked too hard as they were anticipating milk n not water, which flows down their throats more easily?
Hi temple,
Sorry to hear abt your son having measle. Pls take good care of yourselves. Rgd abt baby carrying, best is to have someone rotating shift with you, or else mental & physical very stress one.

Hi passing guest,
My gal oso starts to kick blanket so I let her put on a trouser before her last feed then cover her with a blanket. Ya... grobag very exp! How abt getting from some 2nd hand?

Re: Nose Cleaning
I use cotton bud to dig her nose when she's asleep. Heehee..

RE: Prepare Milk
I only scoope out the milk in the container when travel out. To prepare FM, first mix the hot water & cool boiled water until desired temp. Then lastly, I add the milk powder & gently shake to dissolve.

RE: Baby Monitor
I have a Philips PSC484 baby monitor as a gift from friend. Quite good & the sound is crystal clear. Got talk back feature too.

Re: Water
So far I only give water mix with gripe water once every day.

Re: Thumb sucking
Sometimes I pull out, sometimes not.. depends on the condition.
Hi temple,
Side track a bit. I saw the thread tat u r coordinating the Glenn Doman books. Mind I know wat's the concept abt?
Re: gathering @ Orchard

Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5

Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - :

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail & maid (with pram)
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) cookies (take a taxi, coming with pram)
5) Seabreeze & mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
6) skippy10 & Mum (w baby n stroller)
7) triniti (without baby)
8) lib (with pram)
9) ixwong (taxi, w pram)
10) christina (without baby)
11} vone (with pram)
12) aidanee

Seabreeze & aidanee? Just missing the 2 of you....are you coming with pram or not?

2 days to our gathering!! So exciting!!
hi mummies,
those who provide their details, i'm email u e list.

do not wan to post it here in the forum in case 'outsiders' use e info for other purposes.

mummies who wan to be in the contact list, continue to PM me yr contact,will update as and when.
snoppy ...

me not sure ler ... should be lar ... since me dunno how to use the sling yet n we dun wan to carry him all the time ...

re: infant massage class

Snoppy/Cakey/Everafter/Cookies/Passing Guest/Cat tail/Emmie & Adel

veronica has arranged for us to have the lesson on 3 Dec. There are 2 slots:

1pm - 3pm

4pm - 6pm

Pls indicate the slot that you want attend the class.

Course fee is $20 per pair of parents and child which includes oil and notes
re: infant massage class

Snoppy/Cakey/Everafter/Cookies/Passing Guest/Cat tail/Emmie & Adel

veronica has arranged for us to have the lesson on 3 Dec. There are 2 slots:

1pm - 3pm
1) snoopy & hb

4pm - 6pm

Pls indicate the slot that you want attend the class.

Course fee is $20 per pair of parents and child which includes oil and notes
re: infant massage class

Snoppy/Cakey/Everafter/Cookies/Passing Guest/Cat tail/Emmie & Adel

veronica has arranged for us to have the lesson on 3 Dec. There are 2 slots:

1pm - 3pm
1) snoopy & hb

4pm - 6pm

Pls indicate the slot that you want attend the class.

Course fee is $20 per pair of parents and child which includes oil and notes
seabreeze, no problem. u go ahead with this class 1st.

if other mummies cannot make it that date, then i will arrange with her another class.
Re: gathering @ Orchard

Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5

Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - :

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail & maid (with pram)
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) Seabreeze & mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
5) skippy10 & Mum (w baby n stroller)
6) triniti (without baby)
7) lib (with pram)
8) ixwong (taxi, w pram)
9) christina (without baby)
10} vone (with pram)
11) aidanee

hi snoopy n all, apologies, hv taken my name off e list. talk with hb jus now, he not too comfortable w me going out with bb alone, cos i too blur and 'buay zai'. he say to do so only when baby is slightly older n i've master my skills w stroller n sling. do not wan to further argue with him much, so agree to it.

will definitely make a point to join u mummies, if there's another 1 in a month or 2's time.
Ray looked so cute and alert! Is he enjoying his octotunes? Wah u mommies also got gathering arh..

I enjoyed our meetup last Sun! Seems that we still have lots of stories to share hor?! Maybe catch up in another 1 mths time? Yi Cheng's cry realli mild as compared to Sherilyn. She is like a blowing trumpet!!
my baby still on TBM, it's my 3rd wk back at work. I think my supply increased since i returned to work coz i'm consistently pumping 3-4 hourly, draining both sides. Last time at home, baby drinks 1 side every 3 hours.

re: water
hey, i tried the method cmy (i think?) suggested - feed him water at night.. in the hope that he gradually sleeps thru the nite. Last nite 2am he took quite a lot of water (i too sleepy, din check how much) & slept 3 hrs.. haha. I figured if he were still hungry for milk, he'd be up & crying in less than 30min.

I've been getting spotting every few days, but no PERIOD as i know it. Dun come better. haha!!
passing guest
I also dislike the idea of formula... so $$$

yes i want glass bottles!! I think i change my nickname to "GlassBottleCollector". Punggol/ Sengkang/ Hougang/ Braddell convenient for u?
hi wendyg

how come will have spotting ah? u on TBF right? i am only on partial, i was expecting my period to come back faster.. just scared ganna preg again ah?! hahaha

why need so many glass bottles ah? can recycle one right? i always bring a few to office incase want to pump more but hardly use cos i only pump during lunch.
i wanna "wean off" milkbags... hee. Save $$. I pump 500ml daily, need 6 bottles to store ley. My boy only drinks 2-3 bottles a day..

how i know why i hv spotting.. my gynae chkup end of this month. Maybe i ask her. But then again, i dun really need to knowwwww hee.
Hi wendyg

one bottle is 90ml rite? ur boy drink so little? u can ask fr hospitals. also heinz bottles are of the same type of opening as the hospital ones. alternatively, you can use like the essence of chicken bottles? that is the same eh?

if u go checkup and ask for me.. usu when period will return or it doesnt? i cant exactly recall but i think for my first one, right after i stopped pumping/latching, the period came
re: spotting

according to my gynae, 3 situations can happen to mummies who BF: no period, regular period, irregular periods. They can be heavy or light. I happen to be the 3rd kind, and i already got mine during 2nd month!

wah wendy, think u can start a milk bank already... hehe.. hope i can have the same success as u when i go back to work.. but really must need discipline to pump regularly...

i'm also starting to train Zephan to sleep heads up these 2 days.. last night was quite ok, but after his 3am feed i placed him tummy down cos he was sleepy but not enough to sleep by himself.

re: bums

anyone's baby having rashes around the anus area? Mine's a bit red, and yesterday i felt that the skin's a bit rough.. dunno is it because i use wet wipes? Have been applying the desitin (aloe vera), but the redness comes on n off still...
wendyg, i dunno which glass bottles u were referring to but i've a whole carton of Nan1 (90ml) from my MIL, who's a nurse. They expired last month because i'm on TBF, im still keeping them because my gynae has suggested that i can recycle the bottles to store breastmilk anytime. You interested?
tingting, same here! I had some heavy spotting during the 6th week and was freaking out cuz i thought i wasn't breastfeeding often enough. Read from somewhere that the early return of menses is an indication of infrequent breastfeeding, but my supply seems okay and bb is growing healthy and well leh..

I spotted some rashes in the crack of isaac's butt. Hope they've gone away by now.. will chk again tonight.

the last time i went to TMC, they were too busy to entertain me coz i wasn't a patient..
Brands Essence bottles cannot lah.. screw caps can't fit!

wow, a whole carton sounds like A LOT!! Such a pity, here we hv expired milk but elsewhere in the world children are dying of starvation.. I wish i could donate some of my BM to Africa, but..... maybe i go mission trip there & bring my pump along?? hee.
anyways... Punggol/ Sengkang/ Hougang/ Braddell convenient for u?
