(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Hi All,
I'm new this section of the forum but baby was born around same time as yours (Sep 11). I was wondering if someone can help with my question.

What temperature do you give your baby the formula milk. Nowadays there are those boiler that keep to 60 deg temp -- do you really give baby FM at 60 deg or do you cool it down further?

Any tips will be most appreciated! Thanks in advance.

skippy ...

gone for my haircut and facial liao ... going for my facial again next week cos my skin is in a terrible state ... need intensive treatment ar ...

think i still got 6kg more to go ... cant fit into any of my pants now ... sob sob ...

cookies ...

me managed to convince my mum to join us for the gathering ... think she dun trust me to being the bb out alone ... so since I brought an extra pair of hand ... no prob with helping all ladies with their bb ar ...

adel ...

can get the sling from kiddy palace ... me doing okie lar ... cannot say doing a good job cos sometimes oso dunno what my son wans ... think he must have hated me v much today ... cos i keep forcing him to zzz on his side ... scared his head become flat ler .. he hates to zzz on the side ...

show your son's photo ler ...

Amz ..

Welcome ... my boy oso 9-11 bb ...

sweetpea ...

join us for the gathering ler ... its my first time joining oso although we been chating since preg days ...

lib ...

heard tt you are an expert with the sling? can 'conduct' a class at the restaurant? Then me bring my sling along ...

seabreeze: this is my boy's pic.. it was taken on the second day of delivery.. now he is 16days old only.. and am having heaps of problems taking care of him! sigh..

sling: can anyone teach me?
re: losing weight
me still hvn't lost my flabby tummy yet even though i had lost d weight which i had put on during my pregnancy. so i had 2 buy new clothes 2 wear when i went back 2 wk.

i'm a mummy, i'm using drypers diapers, so i dun use nappy liners. in addition, i dun find them useful. if u r using cloth diapers, d nappy liner will help in preventing d poo fr staining d diaper tat's all. it doesn't absorb pee or does it prevent d smell. my boy's diaper will aso hv d smell which u r talking abt. wat i do is 2 change him regularly, like every 4 hrs in d day. at nite, i'll change him b4 he sleeps at abt 10pm & when he wakes up in d morning at abt 6am.

ixwong, so far when i take taxi wif my boy, d taxi driver will normally assist by helping me 2 store d pram in d boot. if they dun, u can always complain against him. hehe...

re: prams on escalator
i can teach those mummies who r not sure abt how 2 do it. it's veri easy 1. but hor... must pay tuition fees okie. hehe...

sweetpea, try 2 make it on 9 nov lah... it's veri fun 1. me missed d last 1 coz i m not able 2 take leave. m keeping my fingers crossed tat it'll b approved 4 9 nov.

adelyee, u can buy fr momsinmind. www.momsinmind.com.sg.

amz, i dun hv a fixed temperature when i give milk 2 my son. i use my hand as a guide.

tennyson, mine slept thru d nite when he's abt 3 wks old liao.
adel ...

ur boy very handsome ar ...

vone ...

u are so lucky ... my boy only started to zzz for 4hrs straight at night and i am very happy liao hahahaha ...

tennyson ...

think depends on the bb one lar ... cannot force one .. see vone is one of the lucky ones lor ...
I keep my boiler temperature at 80degrees. My girl drinks about 140ml now. I pour about 50ml of hot water (80degrees) and top up the rest with boiled water that is cooled already, which i keep in a flask. When my baby was drinking 90ml, i poured about 30ml hot water (80 degrees) and top up the rest with cooled boiled water. This way, i find that the temperature is just right when i feed her after making the feed and changing her diaper.

Hi Vone,
I also change my girl's diapers every four hours (before each feed) and before her last feed at night and before her early morning feed..sigh, seems like nappy liner also cannot help..dunno how to solve this problem leh..cause i normally line the cotsheet under her buttocks part with a nappy, and i use a nappy to wrap her also. When the smell permeate, both nappies will get the smell (lucky bedsheet never kenna)..so the whole day i am changing and washing nappies..sigh..
re: massage class

ladies who are keen in the class ... i have called Veronica and she said that she will prob split us up into 2 session ... told her that late sat noon is preferred ... so she will look at her schedule and try arrange for us ...

keep you all posted when she calls me back ...
I'm a mummy,
Maybe you can stock up more nappies and wash using WM when enuff load? bb urine shld not be very dirty and with enuff bb detergent, the smell shld be gone.
My bb always spit milk and i've to wash alot of clothes, hankies, nappies too.. milk stain is even more diff to 'rub' off and would turn yellow if din wash clean. Now i find my fingers get painful some of these days..
Hi Tennyson,
Mine sleeps thru out the nite when she's 1.5mths. Now coming to 3 mths old, sleeping 8 hrs w/o any feed.

Re: Dryper Diapers
I have 1 pack of S size to donate. Any taker? vone u want?

Thanks Seabreeze,
Appreciate your help.
Hi cakey,

Ya lor..i know what you mean. wash wash wash iron iron iron..I bought 30 cloth nappies (for wrapping her and lining the bed), 40 face towels/hankies and about 20 tops for her, still like not enough to use! each wash-dry-iron cycle about 2 days...
seabreeze, mayb it's coz ur boy is on TBF. 4 me, i feed FM 4 his last feeding, so can tahan longer.

i'm a mummy, i dun really hv tis prob leh. i oni get d smell in d am after a long nite. in d day, no such smell. mayb u either change her diaper more frequently, ie every 3 hrs, or change brand. btw, i dun iron his clothes coz i dun c d need 2. as 4 washing his clothes, i oni wash on mon & thu.

cakey, i hv a pail which i use 2 soak my boy's clothes. i filled 1/2 d pail wif water & 1/2 scoop of laundry detergent. twice a wk, i'll wash his clothes in d washing machine. mayb u can try tis mtd so tat d stains r easier 2 remove & ur hands will not b so painful.

cat_tail, yes, i wan. tks a lot.
can pass 2 me during d 9 nov gathering.

tennyson, he was drinking 90ml at tat time.
hi vone,
I need to rinse/rub off the milk stain for each piece before soaking them for long cos otherwise the milk stain will 'spread' to other white clothings and make them turn yellow...

When I'm alone with bb, really wish i'm an octopus when she spit mouthful of milk... so busy wiping her mouth, her shoulder, the bed, changing her clothes (sometime my own t-shirt also), her nappy linning, also rinsing the stain pieces..
OK. The gathering is getting exciting. Got sling class as well as pram manoveur class to attend. Must note down taxi no. in case need to complain :p Only thing outstanding is a happy mood for my boy
seabreeze:wat massage class is tt? mm.. how i wish i can join in the gathering as well.. then i can learn a lot of things from you gals.!
cat_tail n vone,
i must book u galz on tt dae liao! must teach me how to go down escalator wt the stroller! hahaha...when my hubby's back, i can show off to him! tsk tsk tsk...

think i really need to invest some since most of my pantz cannot fit into it....

kickboxing combo:
galz, anyone interested? m thinkin of signin up .... :eek:) like vone said, all bcoz of the flabby tummy!!!! yucks!! i hate it too....
hi everyone

long time no post. very busy with baby.. no one to help me and hubby still cannot handle her.. she also very niam me..

here's a pic of julia..


Wish i can join u guys on ur outing on 9th. But i can't manage bringing her out on my own.. so sad.. sob sob!
re: sling
i'm not really an expert in the sling.. juz kip practising oni..

dony worri for me usually the taxi uncles r quite helpful.. oni once i got to open mouth to ask uncle to help.

dun worri i believe u will shed off the excess quite fast.. (looking @ yr mum)
vone ...

OIC ... may have to resort to FM for his last feed when i start to work ... not sure if i can tahan anot ...

adel ...

its the infant massage class ... u int? your bb going 1mth liao right? can join us for the class if you want ...

re: diaper change
me using pampers at night oso ... as long as he dun poo then me dun change cos if i change for him then he will wake up and i have to coax him back to zzzz ... the smell doesnt bother me ... think me too lazy to mind lar hahahaha ...
Re: gathering @ Orchard

Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5

Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - :

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail
3) applejuz (take a taxi)
4) cookies (take a taxi, coming without pram)
5) Seabreeze & mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
6) tingting (w baby - thanks seabreeze! )
7) skippy10 & Mum
8) triniti
9) lib
10) ixwong
11) christina
12} vone

Please iindicate as it will help with the space planning at the restaurant!

Seabreeze, I assume you are coming with baby since your mum is coming too. Thanks for organizing the massage class.

vone, I assume you are joining us from reading the above threads mentioning that you will give pram/stroller escalator lessons on that day.

Anissa, too bad you have a meeting on that day. Hope to see you at the next gathering.
Seem like many mummies need to go shopping for clothes. Me likewise. Maybe we should organise another gathering w/o babies for mummies who want to go buy clothes huh?

envy you leh. So far, my boy can only sleep 5-6 hr w/o a feed, so I still need to feed him once at abt 2-3am. Did u put your bb thru any sleeping training?
moulincat, julia looks so sweet and she has so much hair! Do try to join us! Some mummies are coming with their mummies and can help you with your baby.
my boy used to be like that too, every 3hr must eat. but recently his pattern changed liao, can sleep longer at night. Hopefully this will slowly stretch longer and no more nite feed.
Re: gathering @ Orchard

Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5

Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - :

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail
3) applejuz (take a taxi)
4) cookies (take a taxi, coming without pram)
5) Seabreeze & mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
6) tingting (w baby - thanks seabreeze! )
7) skippy10 & Mum
8) triniti (without baby)
9) lib
10) ixwong
11) christina
12} vone

I have decided to bring Anton out when his neck muscles are stronger and can hold his head on his own. thanks
Sure vone,
I pass the diapers to you.

Hi ixwong,
I give my gal a "commando training"...heehee...
First of all, I establish a schedule for her. Then I make sure she keeps awake from 6pm to 8pm & give her the last feed before I tug her to bed at around 9pm. So far so good, & she's been waking up until next day morn at around 5-6am for her feed, then doze off for another 1-2hrs. Just note tat if your baby demands feed in the night, try not to jump to her at the first whimper. Stretch the time between feedings & give her a chance to try to fall asleep again by herself or patting her until she really cannot tahan, then give the feed.
Re: gathering @ Orchard

<font color="aa00aa">Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5 </font>

<font color="ff0000">Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - : </font>

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail &amp; maid (with pram)
3) applejuz (take a taxi)
4) cookies (take a taxi, coming without pram)
5) Seabreeze &amp; mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
6) tingting (w baby - thanks seabreeze! )
7) skippy10 &amp; Mum
8) triniti (without baby)
9) lib
10) ixwong
11) christina
12} vone

*snoopy, hope u dun mind, I help u add more colors in it.
Alamak, couldn't catch up wif the postings again.
Been to Pasir Ris Chalet Yesterday, today went to Robinsons/JL. So many sales going on. A pity couldn't cover OG (also 20% storewide).

Oh, for the taka gathering, I'm coming with baby &amp; pram.

Re: gathering @ Orchard

Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5

Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - :

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) cookies (take a taxi, coming without pram)
5) Seabreeze &amp; mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
6) tingting (w baby - thanks seabreeze! )
7) skippy10 &amp; Mum
8) triniti (without baby)
9) lib
10) ixwong
11) christina
12} vone
oops cat_tail, u r online too. paisei. overwritten urs. Here's your colours. :>

Re: gathering @ Orchard

<font color="aa00aa">Date: 9Nov</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Time: 11.45am (lunch)</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5</font>

<font color="ff0000">Interested mummies - pls indicate if</font>
<font color="ff0000">(a) coming without babies</font>
<font color="ff0000">(b) coming with pram</font>
<font color="ff0000">(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - :</font>

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail &amp; maid (with pram)
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) cookies (take a taxi, coming without pram)
5) Seabreeze &amp; mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
6) tingting (w baby - thanks seabreeze! )
7) skippy10 &amp; Mum
8) triniti (without baby)
9) lib
10) ixwong
11) christina
12} vone
Re: gathering @ Orchard

Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5

Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - :

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) cookies (take a taxi, coming without pram)
5) Seabreeze &amp; mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
6) tingting (w baby - thanks seabreeze! )
7) skippy10 &amp; Mum (w baby n stroller)
8) triniti (without baby)
9) lib
10) ixwong
11) christina
12} vone

haha.....think im the lousy mummy here...gotta bring along my mum otherwise i really can die... :p
Re: gathering @ Orchard

Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5

Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - :

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) cookies (take a taxi, coming without pram)
5) Seabreeze &amp; mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
6) tingting (w baby - thanks seabreeze! )
7) skippy10 &amp; Mum (w baby n stroller)
8) triniti (without baby)
9) lib (with pram)
10) ixwong
11) christina
12} vone
Alamak, miss me out. Re-update again.
Pai sek, bringing my maid along cos can't leave her home alone.

Re: gathering @ Orchard

Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5

<font color="ff0000">Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - : </font>

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail &amp; maid (with pram)
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) cookies (take a taxi, coming without pram)
5) Seabreeze &amp; mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
6) tingting (w baby - thanks seabreeze! )
7) skippy10 &amp; Mum (w baby n stroller)
8) triniti (without baby)
9) lib (with pram)
10) ixwong
11) christina
12} vone
Re: gathering @ Orchard

<font color="aa00aa">Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5</font>

<font color="ff0000">Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - : </font>

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail &amp; maid (with pram)
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) cookies (take a taxi, coming without pram)
5) Seabreeze &amp; mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
6) tingting (w baby &amp; pram - thanks seabreeze! )
7) skippy10 &amp; Mum (w baby n stroller)
8) triniti (without baby)
9) lib (with pram)
10) ixwong
11) christina
12} vone
Hi everyone, thanks for your advice on the temp of FM, I am more assured now.

Hi Seabreeze, your bb 11-9 too? what is his weight now? mine is 5kg and I think she seems to put on so fast not sure if ok but next PD visit only on Dec. what's yr bb devt now? mine still not holding her head up yet, hand also not grapping things yet
Amz ...

mine was 4.5kg last measured at 6th weeks (but he was wearing a v heavy diaper ler) ... think 5kg is okie lar .... i suspect my boy is abt 5kg oso ...

my boy will do mini push up when i put him on his tummy ... but make lotsa noise lor ... think he hates me for making his exercise hahahaha .... hand very itchy ... but not grabbing anything in particular ...

skippy ...

me oso bringing my mum mar ...
Thanks snoopy!

Eh, dun really know if i can manage to travel all the way from jurong west to town on my own with baby.. scarli cannot make it.. then poor baby and mother die together! haaha.. So far i have not venture out alone with baby..
though i really wish i can go cos i also have a sling which i bought but have not open and figure out how to use. So the sling lessons will really be a great help!

Julia sleeps 4-5 hrs during the nite now (she's 7wks old), sometimes can even stretch to 6 hrs. But i dun like it when she sleeps too long cos she will wake up screaming for milk, too hungry i guess.. and sometimes i can even hear her tummy growling!

She can push up and stand with me supporting her and lift her head up when i lie her on my chest. Oh her hands already grapping stuff.. Sometimes she will put her hands on the milk bottle when feeding like trying to hold on to her own milk! I think she scared the mummy steal her milk.. :p
seabreeze: am also interested leh.. but dunno can manage or not.. hiak hiak..
my baby's been very cranky for the past one week.. sigh.. so tired out from taking care of him..
are u a SAHM? am at least going to be a SAHM for about 6 months or so.. sigh.. tough road ahead..
Re: gathering @ Orchard

Date: 9Nov
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue: Breeks @Taka level 5

Interested mummies - pls indicate if
(a) coming without babies
(b) coming with pram
(c) coming without pram, i.e. coming with sling only - :

1) snoopy (with pram)
2) cat_tail &amp; maid (with pram)
3) applejuz (take a taxi,with pram)
4) cookies (take a taxi, coming without pram)
5) Seabreeze &amp; mum (Can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
6) tingting (w baby &amp; pram - thanks seabreeze! )
7) skippy10 &amp; Mum (w baby n stroller)
8) triniti (without baby)
9) lib (with pram)
10) ixwong
11) christina
12} vone
13) aidanee

me too... will b coming....
Hi adelyee

Where are u staying? Maybe we can go together?
Dun feel dis-hearted. Sometimes i also feel very sian of taking care of julia. My hubby no help in handling her (he doesn't really know how to carry her so only can prepare formula or do other stuff), most of the time i am the one hands on with the baby.. it's really quite tough! But when i see her smile or when she 'talks' back to me, i feel like everything is worth it! She's getting quite vocal nowadays, always want to 'talk' to pple.

I wonder when will our babies grow up and tell us 'i love u mummy!' That will be the day, wldn't it?

Snoopy, let me consider whether i can go out alone with baby. my hubby says if i wan to go i can go lor. Maybe i practice at home first! haha!
i feel like getting my hair cut super short soon.. coz my baby starting to grab my hair.. most times i tie it up, but sometimes can't coz just washed hair &amp; need to let it dry... &amp; when i carry baby he'll grab. *ouch* I think in few months' time when he knows how to play, it'll get worse! May even pull my hair out, before i pull it out myself..
adel: managed what? gng for gathering? kekeke. u better stay home till confinement is over ok.. be good.. if not during confinement bb go out sometimes at nite will be cranky.

adel ..

okie include you for the massage class then ... see if the date is okie for you anot ... think by then your bb would be pass 1 mth liao ...

me like to be SAHM ler but cant afford to ... need to work ...

think need lots of patience with bb cos we have to guess what they wan most of the time ... all they know is to cry ... but when he give me a 'satisfied' look when I meet his need .. the feeling is q shiok lor heehee

clarisse mum ...

not the gathering lar ... she thinking of joining us for the infant massage class ... u wan join?
