(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

ixwong, i think she meant that she'll consider it after 37 weeks. She feels that if bb is already of healthy weight n ready to leave the womb, staying longer will leave more chance to the potential complications. Although average bb weighs bet 2.5 - 3.5kg, if u are small size or thin, a bb beyond 3kg may be difficult for you, n c-section may be required. So if bb is already healthy at say 2.8kg, it may be better to induce and deliver by natural birth.

Good morning MTBs,
Hmm.. The clothes from the website in funkymoms do look a little weird. Hehehe...

I asked my colleagues when I went back to work for the past few days. Quite a few of them told me that they insisted on not using any anaethetics. Wow!!! Really admire their courage man. Don't think I will be able to tolerate the pain. Hahaha...

I see. Sounds logical as well. I have heard some giving birth to big bbs and it was really difficult. Ever wonder how the gynaes were able to know the weight of the bb?? Will the scan machine be able to tell the weight? Amazing right?
Hi Tingting,

What is an uplighter and where to buy? oh these night lights don't have any wires. Its the kind that you plug immediately into the socket. You know the type that automatically turns on when the room is dark? basically its stuck to the socket type.
eileenp, my gynae will monitor the bb's weight when she scans during my monthly visits... dunno how she measures... but pei fu the machines... maybe they measure the surface area n thickness of the bb n do an estimate?

I'm also hoping not to use epidural... maybe will use the gas though.. may be better if we dun go to hospital too early? walking ard at home may make us more relaxed n dilate better, so that by the time we go to hospital it's almost time for delivery. think i saw from another thread tht a mummy even went for breakfast before going to hospital..

hi mummytobe, an uplighter is usually a standing lamp that faces the ceiling, so that light is projected upwards instead. they are usually able to provide sufficient lighting without being glaring. I know the type of night lights u are referring to... unfortunately it won't be v useful to me cos my sockets are all near the floor, so won't be able to see clearly if need to diaper change or check on bb....
ixwong ...

think anytime after 36 weeks is fine cos the baby is already fully developed by then ... only gaining fats during the last 4 weeks ...

me oso hope that my baby will pop say 38 weeks instead of 40 weeks ....
Ya lor... Am really amazed by technology nowadays. I heard some mummies even go shop shop for bb things before going to the hospital wor... So steady... hahaha...
Hi ting ting, I also tot of inducing for this pregnancy.. at least I know when and can do some arrangement.

When I was told to go for inducement for my ds at 38 wk 5 days, I went home and pack my hospital bag, took a nice long bath and hb prepares hard boiled eggs and chicken essence for me. hehe..
eileenp ...

my hubby fren was telling him to stock up chicken essence ... not for the mother but for the father ... cos the father got to help out with taking care of the baby n work heehee
Hi seabreeze, the idea of taking chic essence with hard boiled eggs.. is to give u the energy during labour. But I heard of an old wife's tale which says it will help in faster and smoother delivery.

Stock up on chic essence and DOM cos u will need these 2 a lot during confinement. I had chic essence and 2 soft boiled eggs every morning during confinement.
Good morning ladies.. After a long day ytd helping out my SIL for her wedding.. phew.. finally is over.

Welcome triniti!

Musicgal, i dun tink i went to 316A so far.. My mum stays ard 310 area so if were to see me in anchorvale, either 310 cos i do walk my dog at times or 308 for my meals.

Hey miso, tats oni provided u go for induce.. What if the sudden delivery? dun tink got the time to eat/drink liao.. hehe..
I have not done post-natal before. There is a wrap but not sure if it's come with herb. As for benefits of massage, you may want to check out http://www.eastshore.com.sg/postnatal_massage_info.jsp

Seem like induction nowadays is getting quite acceptable. Anyone know if the pain level from natural or induction is the same?? Actually hoping for my bb to come earlier at wk 38/39, better still National Day!
eileen, tat's gd. u take care ya.

ting, tink my gynae expects me 2 give birth earlier than my due date so he nvr say anything.

triniti, is it?? then i chk them out if i m in d vicinity. tks.

seabreeze, ur hb's fren is so funny.
For confinement breakfast, my MIL said that eating fried rice (fried with chopped ginger, egg and chicken fillet) is also very 'bu'.
wow, thread is very active today.
Miso, sure need 2 bottles of chicken essence with hard boiled eggs? sounds so chicky....
My frens says inducement very uncomfortable leh... like got things boiling inside you. Is it true?

Sam.. what u mean by got things boiling inside u?? I think induce got diff types too.. mine is by putting pessaries into the cervix to open it up.. then when it's open like dunno how many cm, my gynae will break my waterbag.. tt's when i will feel the real urge to push!
hi all mummies...

yeah yeah....weekend is just ard the corner!

so we gotta drink chic essence b4 admit to hosp? my mum also told me abt it...either milo or chic essence...

but i think abit gross right, mix with egg!?

btw, usually 4 1st time mother, will they pop early? miso, u popped at how many wkz for ur 1st one? i wish to go thru the full termz..40wkz..like the feelin bb inside my stomach rollin here n there.... ;p
Hi sam,

I heard hor, induce with drip, very painful one. Is tt the case from what u heard from ur friends? Mine after inserting the 2nd pessary, very fast contractions came. Overall, smooth delivery.
hello gals

wow! so long didnt chat with u gals liao. Wow! abt 2-3 months times u gals can see your bb liao. So happy for u gals
Want to share good news with u gals, i'm pregnant again (10 weeks ++ liao)

can i ask whether NT/triple test very painful? Any injection?
SeaBreeze - thanks. OMG! Blood test again? i afraid of pain. If i not mistaken NT test is something like measuring the bb neck n spinal cord. Wonder how they measure?
hi confused,
congrats n hope all is well. are you with Dr chew? basically NT scan is like the normal scan, just that he will focus on the neck,cord etc. at the end of it, he will give you a report of the probability of Down's and other abnormality based on your age....no worries....

Triple test- they will draw out 3 tubes and maybe dr chew will also order a urine test at the same time.

when are you due?
aidanee - thanks. ya! i'm with Dr Chew. oic, i fang xin liao cos thought NT test need injection or something more scary. (i went for injection every time i go for checkup n until i afraid)
aiyo! i just went for blood test (i've a rare blood) n 2 weeks later got to go another again. So painful. Thanks for the info

hee! i'm due in mid jan 2006.
miso - thanks. Mid jan. Yo! our CNY on 30/1/06. think i cant celebrate liao. Any way i oso paiseh to celebrat cos i'll be Ms Piggy then.
Hi Confused,
CONGRATS! Do take good care of yourself in your 1st trimester. How are you feeling? morning sickness?
hi confused, though ur edd in Jan.. but do drop here often to chat with us k?!

Do take care ya.. rest more. Anything just ask! haha
confused, u are welcome. btw, if you are lucky, you may know your bb's gender at week 13/14. I knew mine at week 14....hehehhe...
ixwong n vone - thanks. feeling very uncomfortable most of the time (cant be too stresful - i'll bleed or having discharge) but think worth it (at least i know bb is growing) i use tis to an1 wei4 myself lor

miso - okie thanks

aidanee - really ah so early? i thought its abt 17 weeks onward then able to see the gender. wow! u very lucky
confused-the credit goes to his powerful machine and his great ultrasound skills. the only thing he mentioned to me then was that i got skinny tummy so could see very clearly.
hi confused, happy for you!
if u have any questions, feel free to ask us.. we're now guo lai ren...hehe...

have a good weekend gals!
hi gals,

need to ask a dumb question... have u ever heard sounds coming from ur tummy when baby kicks?

i've heard some 'tiak' sounds from time to time coming from my tummy these last couple of days when baby kicked... y'know the bubble wrap we get when we buy fragile items? the sound sounds like what we hear when we burst 1 bubble on the bubble wrap! so scary that it's coming from my tummy!
Congrats, confused gal. Maybe you can aim for CNY bb liao

Yah, all those I heard go through drip, so I thought it is the only method. they all say very uncomfortable.
Samantha - thanks. btw, wat do u mean i can aim for CNY baby? i dont understand leh. oso can i ask whether all pregnant woman carry the bb till full term (45 weeks)? i'm so worried now cos my brother getting married in mid Dec n gynae told me my EDD is on 17 jan 06. Will it be earlier?
I think the full term is 40 weeks if I'm not wrong. Some say if it's the first bb, normally it will be later. But hearsay only lah.
Hi confused,
Congrats! Pls take good care of yourselves during yor first trimester.

I oso tot the full term is 40 weeks?
hi confused, yah, full term is 40 weeks. usually bbs may arrive anytime between 36 to 42 weeks...anytime before 36 weeks is considered premature. Have heard equal stories of 1st time mothers delivery early or late, so think it's still quite random, depending on whether ur bb wants to come to the world earlier! Bcos next year CNY is around end jan mah, so u may give birth to a CNY bb?

went for my gynae check yest .... baby is now 1.1kg @ 28+ week ....

dr managed to capture a shot of his face yest ... still cant make out who he resemble more ...

anyway dr was telling me that the position of my baby is not correct i.e. head is up on top ... but still got lots of time ... so hopefully he will u-turn nearer the date of delivery ....

going to JB now with my hubby to attend a wedding ...

see ya tom =)
