(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Hi Angel,
I'll be delivering in Raffles Hospital too. Under Dr Thong, and I paid $2000 for the package. Think that it is too ex?
I'm due on Sept 4 too. See you at the delivery ward??


morning! had a relatively good rest over the weekend, but still having abit of morning blues lah... hehe..

been feeling more frequent BHC these days.. can feel that i'm edging closer n closer to D-day...
confused, dun tink so much. jus concentrate on hving a healthy bb okie. if u got any qns, remember 2 come in & asked.
take care ya...

ting, me 2. nearly didn't wan 2 come 2 wk. but i tink of my wk piling up, sian... cannot afford not 2 come.
hello snoopy73
Good morning. I think it is ex as Dr Thong is junior to Dr Tan who charges his patient only $1.8k

what a coincidence that our EDD is the same. See you in Raffles if our EDD is accurate. :eek:)
Dear mummies,
just a quick update on tea-party, 2nd July @ 2.30pm:

1) Lib
2) Christina - Fruit Platter
3) Yvonne-tt
4) Coffee-drinker - soon kueh & peng kueh
5) Erowen - Awfully Chocolate Cake
6) Aidanee - Durian Cake
7) Miso
8) Snoopy - Lana Chocolate Cake
9) Reenie & Hubby
10) Vone & Hubby
11) Maltbibi
12) Everafter_03 - will be late
13) Ixwong
14) Anissa
15) Sarah Goh

Please let me know if i miss you out OR if anyone else is interested in joining in

Location: Blk 268B Compassvale Link #10-25 S(542268). Right infront of Ranggung LRT Station, a stop from Sengkang MRT.
When: Saturday, 02 July 2005
Time: 2.30pm till anytime!

If you are bringing food, do update the list. Or you can sms me for any new updates : 9743 2309
gd morning everyone... ;o)

i gotta confirm nearer to the dae...coz i not sure whether my hubby can send me there or not...tho i really wanted to join in the fun! ;o)

hee...think is abit early to tell who ur bb resemble more... my bb was abt 1.4kg during my last checkup at 28+wkz... did u manage to capture a pic of bb's face?

think i must cut down on my starch n durin intake liao...bb is too big...
Dear mummies-to-be,

Good morning! Just did a quick calculation of $$ I spend on buying bb stuff....wah, I spent close to $1K liao. Didn't realise the nitty-gritty stuff (like milk bottles, bb clothes, clothe nappy, etc) all add up to quite a sum of $$. BTW, I didn't have to buy many big-ticket items such as cot, car seat, etc 'cos fren/relative give.
Good morning ladies, Reenie, FYI erowen says she will not be coming this Sat as she has a company function...

Remember i last said will ask a friend EDD in aug as well to join us, most likely she will be able to join.

* BTW ladies, i mite have extra clothings to pass some to u.. Once i got it from my friends will to a sort out.
Hi ixwong, i also spent quite a fair bit... but this is just the beginning...hehe...

yvonne.. did ur gynae mentioned that ur bb is too big? mine was also the same weight ard 29 weeks, but at 33 weeks, it's at 1.8kg, which is normal, so no need to worry too much.

hi confused, u're welcome!
morning ladies....how's your weekend?

confused, yes, i am seeing Dr Chew too. going to see him again this week...miss my bb!

i will be there but gotta leave by 3.30pm
cos must attend my relative's bb full month! got the invite over the weekend. heard the bb turned out to weigh 500g lesser than estimated from the scan...parents n gynae were surprised too....

also, i may bring durian puffs (from 717 at serangoon) instead of the cake....if you dun mind. but see how...i will sms you....cos going for durian feast on Friday nite...
my gynae said he is big but is ok for the weight now...yeah, shall see my bb's weight at 33wkz later... ;o)

went to ikea last saturdae n saw a lotz of preggie mummy! ;o) then sundae rest at home n play wit bb while hubbie n FIL went to new house to fix up some home appliancez...
Hi all,
Hehehe... messaging from the school.

It's my first day of school and I'm already soooo tired. One and a half hour to go!!!!

Did you all experience tummy ache recently? I had a terrible tummy ache last night at about 3am. Couldn't sleep at all. Feels like when you had to go to the toilet that kind of ache. But nothing came out when I sat on the toilet bowl for like 20 minutes.
Dunno what's happening inside my tummy.

I might not be able to join the meetup. Cause our school involved in the MOE Excel Day in Suntec. So I gotta be there kapo kapo abit...
Sounds like so much fun, wish I could be there. REmember to take many photos to show us ok???
aidanee - oic. ya! i agree his machine very advance. btw, did u do the NT test n triple test? Done in the clinic or hospital n is it necessary to do those test?
really hor...see so many preggies nowadays...hubby was saying that it's bcos we are preg so we are more observant/sensitive to pregnant ladies. but i dun think so leh...i think maybe govt policies seem to be working.

hi confused, i did both tests. NT test by Dr chew cos his machine is advanced to do, so no need to do at the hospital. triple test is at the lab. just draw blood only. NT/Triple Tests are both optional tests cos some parents believe that whatever happens, they will carry on with the pregnancy. Think the most important is the detailed scan at 5th month. You can speak with Dr Chew. For me, i din know it was optional until i did both. Even then, i would choose to do too.
Hi eileen,
its ok, if we have another meet up, you can join again!

Hi yvonne,
i hope your hubby can send you here! look forward to see u!

Hi aidanee!
i am happy to know you can make it! its ok about the food, just let me know, i will probably see how many persons coming and prepare some food too

Hi Lib,
thanks for your updates! happy to know you and your friend can make it!!!! huggies.....
Dear mummies,
just a quick update on tea-party, 2nd July @ 2.30pm:

1) Lib & friend
2) Christina - Fruit Platter
3) Yvonne-tt
4) Coffee-drinker - soon kueh & peng kueh
5) Aidanee - Durian Puff/Cake
6) Miso
7) Snoopy - Lana Chocolate Cake
8) Reenie & Hubby
9) Vone & Hubby
10) Maltbibi
11) Everafter_03 - will be late
12) Ixwong
13) Anissa
14) Sarah Goh

Please let me know if i miss you out OR if anyone else is interested in joining, welcome!

Location: Blk 268B Compassvale Link #10-25 S(542268). Right infront of Ranggung LRT Station, a stop from Sengkang MRT.
When: Saturday, 02 July 2005
Time: 2.30pm till anytime!

If you are bringing food, do update the list. Or you can call/sms me for any new updates : 9743 2309
hello ladies

Did any mummy bought babysafe latex mattress for your cot? Latex mattress is really ex and I am wondering if it is necessary to spend this $ or juz buy a high density foam.

website: www.babysafe.com.sg
anyone thought of going for a makeover and take some pix of the tummy at a studio? i checked out hollywood secrets, but they dun do pregnancy shots. anyone knows of anybody who has done it or any recommendation?
aidanee - Thanks for the info. now i more fan xin liao cos i afraid both got to do it in the hospital. For the blood test, is it only 1 time injection only? (the nurse only poke once or twice) sorry for asking u tis question cos i really afraid of drawing blood again. (i did a blood test last mth n aiyo really painful leh)

u going for a makeover. maybe u can try calling Chantel Goh Studio n ask whether they do it for pregnant woman. (i did my make over there few yr ago)
Hi ixwong
Is the cost 700 for 7 sessions? or 70 dollars for 7 sessions?
I got confused...
Anyway I just called her but she din take up her call. I left a message and hope she will call me soon.
confused, hahaha, me too, so scared of needles. they will poke once, but draw into 3 tubes....takes a while....so drink orange juice after that to replenish...btw, got to fast after 12mn (no food, only water) before the triple test.

Chantel goh? i did mine too many years ago...but din like it. thanks!!!! will scout around. dun want to spend too much too. just need 1 or 2 good pix for keepsake!
hi angel, i did not get a latex mattress... just a 4-inch firm foam mattress... i think bb's head is not heavy enough to turn his whole face onto the mattress when he's v young, n when he's old enough he prob can lift n turn his head when he is facing down... impt thing is not to place loose blankets/bedsheets below him.. always use fitted sheets n make him sleep on his back.
You meant the post-natal massage? It's $70 per session, and usually the whole course consists of 7 session. So total cost is $490. Ya, she's quite busy and don't take call during her massage. Tried calling her again later lah.

I also dunno why the figure ended up so much. I suppose it all adds up, a hundred here and there on thermometer, cot bedding set, stroller, car seat, toy, etc. But I have finished all my buying for now liao *whew*

My fren gave me the babysafe mattress, so didn't have to buy. I may allow my bb to sleep on his tummy during the day (heard bb sleep better this way, though higher SIDS risk), so a babysafe mattress will give me better peace of mind.
Hi Angel,
i am using the normal type first. but in the event that my bb has got sensitive nose/tract, i may get the latex one cos it is anti-allergenic etc. quite good.
aidanee - thanks. at least now i m prepared. yo! 3 tubes of blood, faint ah.

really ah not gd. i went there twice. 1st is the staff n the 2 nd time the boss took it for me. i quite like mine. Or u can try Coverlooks oso not bad. i think must see thier portfolio b4 signing.
ixwong, oic. well, at least u finished ur shopping. tat's gd. now u can concentrate on waiting 4 ur bb oledi.
Hi angel, I bot the latex mattress for ds when he was born. I will feel more at ease when he sleeps on tt, cos he wont get suffocated. I put ds to sleep on his tummy, chances of him kenah frightened not so high.
hi tingting,

rem the aloe vera gel u mentioned the other time? my fren managed to get me a tube! it's good, very cooling! thanks for the tip!
glad it works for you! i use a combi of the gel n cocca butter, cos tummy stretching too much already... i use the gel after bathing to moisturise n soothe itchiness, and use the cocca butter before going to work for "intensive" moisturising... u'll find that tummy gets tight towards the middle of 3rd trimester...
hi tingting,

tell me about it! i thought it was bad at the 2nd trimester, now it's way way worse! the skin on my tummy is redder than the usual skin so i can't even tell if there're any stretch marks!

but i find that if i use the more intensive moisturisers, e.g. rosken which is great for my hands and legs, i'll get little pimple-like red bumps! so yucky! i'm trying out some olive oil which my mom swears by... hope that makes things better!

but in the meantime, i really must say that the aloe gel is fabulous! sure helps sooth the itch!! it's a life-saver! thanks again!
Hi ixwong
I finally got hold of her and she will be doing my postnatal
Thankfully she is not booked in the beginning of sept.
She said she does not do prenatal massages except for injuries so I went to Rose at Gold wellness which is pretty good.I have decided to go once every week until my delivery.

When do stretch marks appear? I am at my 30 weeks now but no signs of stretch marks yet.
Ya, when I called her up for pre-natal, she told me the same thing too. Only after I told her my upper backache is real bad that she agreed to come by. Must say, the massage was a torture (but shiok as I enjoy pain during massage..
) Subsequently, my muscle was so sore for 2 days but never felt more relieved. I'm thinking whether to get her to come by again cos there's a slight ache at my lower back nowadays. BTW, I also tried out Rose's massage b4 Rohaya. Felt Rohaya was better as she targeted my problematic areas. After comparing the 2, decided to opt for Rohaya to do post-natal since many forummers recommended her.

I also experience the pimple-like bumps if the moisturiser is too rich. You can try applying some baby powder on the skin after 10 mins of applying the moisturiser. The powder will help absorb the excess oil/cream and hence no more clogged pores.
Hi miso
My due date is in early sept.I will be having my last prenatal massage in the last week of August.
The reason why they do not advise massage near the due date because they are afraid that it might cause early induction. However, the crux of the massage is not to touch your feet but only the back of your body and the back of your legs.

I have decided to continue with Rose with the prenatal massage unless you have a better recommendation? She said that my breasts are highly susceptible to engorgement so she massages the 'blocked ducts' so it will encourage better milk flow especially the colustrum for the first week after delivery...wonder how true that is. But she really hit the jackpot when she said that my kidney is slightly inflammed and I should drink more water. ( I don't drink enough water daily!)It really hurts when she massages my boobs though.
Hi Reenie,

I'm afraid I won't be able to make it on the 2nd July after all as I have a gynae visit at 3pm. Not too sure how long it will drag

Do take some pics to show us anyway ... Enjoy yourselves, ladies!
morning ladies ...

was on leave yest to REST ... today back at work ... SIANZZZZZ

yvonne ... think 1.4kg should still be ok for now right ... as long as your gynae didn't say anything should be fine lar ...

my mum is so worried after knowing that my baby is not in the correct position ... keep telling me and my hubby to talk to him at the nearer to the bottom of the tummy so that he will turn his head down to listen hahahaha ...
Dear mummies,
just a quick update on tea-party, 2nd July @ 2.30pm:

1) Lib & friend
2) Christina - Fruit Platter
3) Yvonne-tt
4) Coffee-drinker - soon kueh & peng kueh
5) Aidanee - Durian Puff/Cake
6) Miso
7) Snoopy - Lana Chocolate Cake
8) Reenie & Hubby
9) Vone & Hubby
10) Maltbibi
11) Everafter_03 - will be late
12) Ixwong
13) Sarah Goh

Please let me know if i miss you out OR if anyone else is interested in joining, welcome!

Location: Blk 268B Compassvale Link #10-25 S(542268). Right infront of Ranggung LRT Station, a stop from Sengkang MRT.
When: Saturday, 02 July 2005
Time: 2.30pm till anytime!

If you are bringing food, do update the list. Or you can call/sms me for any new updates : 9743 2309
hi Anissa,
its ok
if we have another gathering next time, hope u can make it!
how's work lately? i am so swarmed with work recently! need a break..looking forward to weekends.......
Unfortunately, dun have other recommendation for pre-natal. Most important is that you like Rose's service. Ya, when she massage the boobs esp, it's quite painful.

Since now is Lychee season, perhaps I will bring some to the party unless can think of something better. Those in woven basket from china is really delicious!!! The fruit is supposedly heaty but guess no harm if we all eat in moderation.....*greedy*...

sorry to interrupt....
anyone want to buy sarong net?
i have 2 sets of sarong net (green & blue) for sales. use for 1/2 time only.
selling off at $5.00 per pc
interested pls send email to me at [email protected]
my baby also in wrong position now, last scan is head down, now baby is sleeping horizontally...hahaha...guess the position will move until its closer to our EDD
Don't worry....i was whispering to baby yesterday too, telling her to move into correct position when she's ready to pop!

Its great to take a break at home to rest, i wish i could....been tiring travelling to work these days and especially attending meetings and doing up presentation, low battery...i felt abit useless now
Keep telling myself to "look energetic" =P
hi reenie, my gynae said that our womb is not that elastic for bb to be in a horizontal position leh.. they're either heads up or down... mine from last scan was heads down..though on screen we see bb as lying horizontally, but apparently it's not so....

someone mentioned there's a bb clothes shop above S11 coffeeshop at chinatown.... what time does it close? too lazy to walk there n back during lunch time... if close late then will go after work n can go home from there...
btw, miso, how heavy is our flow after delivery? e.g. roughly how many pads did u use per day, and how long did it last?

hi galz, good mornin....

reenie & seebreaze,
i also worry abt bb'z position...hope tat he will be guai guai when comez to edd....

im feelin so tired and lethargic 2...dun feel like workin man...

when r u galz plannin to start ur ML?
