(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

is that true? i felt my baby head on my left side of my tummy now, slightly bended downwards and her butt is on my right side tummy with her legs curl up i guess...hehehee...my tummy shape looks funnie!

hi yvonne,
don't worry too much, its too early to tell, some baby turns later, your gynae should be able to tell you and monitor as times goes by

me too, felt so tired and brain dead these days....if i can take a break, it would be so lovely

i guess for my case, i would be happy if my contract get extended and go for my maternity in Sept, no plans to take maternity nor rest day before baby comes.
yvonne ...

still thinking if i should work all the way or take 1 or 2 weeks before my EDD lor ....

actually was telling my fren that me quite open to the idea of c-section ... just get the baby out safely can liao heehee ... but of cos if can natural best lar ....
u mean u can tell ur bb's head n butt in which position? i still cant figure out which is which...hee....

u intend to go for a makeover, spa n facial after confinemnt ? u intend to BF for how long?

i want to go for hair colorin, spa and facial before i start work!!! ;p
our edd is quite close...im thinkin to take leave from end aug onwardz....hopefully bb only pop few daez b4 my edd... ;o)
yvonne ...

of cos lor .... miss my facial so much ler ... my face is in a terrible cond now ... blackheads all over ...

and my hair ... now its just long only ... no style and colour one ...

will try to BF for at least 6mths lar ... but that will really depend if I have the supply anot lor ... my boss is quite pro-bf ... so we can use our meeting room during lunch time to express out the milk =)

so when do you plan to start your ML?
hi reenie, yah... my tummy was widely stretched so i thot bb must be lying horizontally... but gynae says technically not possible, esp for 1st time mothers...

i'm planning to work till EDD... but if gynae wants to induce earlier then no choice... looks like chances of a national day bb is getting slimmer... :p

this morning i was waiting for bb's movements but felt nothing, so i told bb to give me a signal that he's ok inside... a while later he gave such a hard shove/kick that it actually hurts! notti boy...haiz...

are u gals intending to have a 1st month celebration? hb is quite keen on it, but the cleaning up seems quite daunting to me... i may opt to hold it at a chalet instead. if having the celebration do we still need to distribute cakes?
ting ting ...

me oso discussing with my hubby abt the 1month celebration thingy ... must it be like exactly 1month? can it be held like on the 5th week or 6th week? or it can only be held earlier but not later type of thingy?

cos was thinking if its held before my confinement end then i will have to face the world looking like an auntie ler ....
wah! 6mths! u superb mummy ler...i hope i can tahan for 3mthz BF...then consider whether shld i continue or not...heard alotz of ppl said, bf not easy....

hee...we can arrange to go for facial n hair do together!! :eek:)

plannin to take my ML on the dae i pop! so durin end aug will be takin my AL...dun wan to eat into ML...then gotta come back early for work... tsk tsk.. ;p

ur bb so cute....hav u got a name for him? yeah, me n hubbie r plannin for 1mth celebration...think will still distribute cakey for those not invited lor... think chalet is also a gd idea to throw bb 1st mth celebration...so tat we dun need to clean up the mess after the party... ;o) which cafeteria u lookin for? any good suggestion?
yvonne ...

if got supply will try for at least 6mths lor ... but hope that i have the discipline as I have heard alot of 'horror' stories on bf oso ... think starting is the most diff pharse ....

me thinking of calling my son Damien heehee .... anyone cfm your name for your baby yet?
hee...i didnt think of the worst situation when we still look horrible! ;p now gotta reconsider whether shld we hav the 1st mth celebration or not...look so ugly how to welcome guess! ;p

Damien! nice name! we r still thinkin a christian n chinese name for bb.... ;o|
yvonne ...

me usually very vain one hahahaha ... but with the preg like some old auntie now ...

cos if during confinement ... can we go out of the house for the celebration? or we die die have to hold the celebration at home?

geee thanks .... we will be getting those shifu to count for the chinese name ... so me only thinking of the ang-mo name ...
Hi mummies,

are any of you having stiff finger joints? for me, it only happens at night, after sleeping in aircon room, then my joints (actually its more of the knuckle area than fingers) very stiff when i try to clench my fist for eg.
hi yvonne,
yup, i am able to tell the position now.....only recently! hahaahaa...agar agar, unless i am wrong :p

hi tingting,
my parents too are keen on having baby full month, my hubby and i are quite neutral about this
I guess if i do one, it will most likely be held at home with a buffet catering. No intention of distributing cakes, maybe cake vouchers? its more easy and hassle free and they can chose what they like to eat.
i have friends holding full month celebration in resturant/hotel, so i guess its ok
Its up to you and your hubby.
reenie ...

think will depends if can hold the first month at least after my confinement anot lor ... hopefully can so that i can at least bath and look presentable at the party heehee ...

btw confinement is 28 days or 30 days hur?
i think there's no fixed date for 1st mth celebration..but usually not much later.. like we dun celebrate our bday too late/early rite?

i may be getting both cakes (for relatives) n vouchers (for colleagues n frens) cos my dad feels that there's no sincerity in just giving a voucher. but was thinking whether it's necessary to do both that n celebration. not cheap!

we've decided to call our boy Zephan, and have narrowed down to 1 or 2 chinese names, but not decided yet... the chinese one is the hardest to decide! maybe bcos only 1 brain is working at it (hb not mandarin-savvy) n i have to translate for him the meanings of the names i conjoured...
Hi ting ting, I cannot remember exactly how many pads in a day I will use leh.. but I buy more of the nite pads in case. Anyway, It can be used mthly as normal nite pads.

To kpo and answer some of the qns above..

For full mth celebration, old folks will say it's ok to celebrate bb's full mth earlier for bb boy.. and later for bb gal. I will send out cake cards to those who did not come for the full mth celebration buffet.

The exact confinement period is 40 days if you wish to follow strictly.
miso ...

really ar ... aiya then think i have to face the whole world looking like some messy auntie liao ... was still hoping that i can steal at least a day or two to go doll myself up abit ....

hmmmm dun think i will go for the 40 days one lar ... at most 30 days .... best 28 heehee ...
me also thinking of going out during my confinement period, like half day to do my hair! I miss my treatment :p

as for confinement period, i think i will stick to 30 days at most....and full month celebration can be earlier but not later, this is what i heard.
reenie ...

can anot hur? think my mum will bar me from stepping out of the house unnecessarily ler .... think if i tell her that i am going out to cut my hair she will prob scream at me ... esp when she is quite firm that i should not wash my hair during the confinement period ...

so was hoping that i can do the 1st month party after my confinement lor ...
Hi reenie,

Thnks for removing my name from the list

I've been tied down with work of late. That's why I hardly come in anymore. Last week I only managed to login once.

Feeling so bloated these days. The pain is unbearable. Can't believe I still have 2 mths to go
Carrying 1 kg of extra weight (baby) every day is no joke at all.

Btw, any idea if we r allowed to video the delivery process??
hi gals.. hope everything is fine for u....

Samantha/vone/miso/timie: sorry wasnt active during the chat earlier.. can't realli sit infront of the pc for too long.. not in the right posture.

Was so angry wif my hb these few days... the thot of asking to do housework is realli annoying me.. i've oredi tried my very best to close 2 eyes in terms of the expectation of cleaniness.. sometimes i got no choice got to pinpoint at wat he had done.. then he said i'm like a commander.. juz now i realise that he actuall use the pail that i use to wash bb clothings to soak all the dirty floor mats.. So sickening.. he is juz not meticulous at all.. after seeing i'm like so piss off, use dettol & boiling water to disinfect the pail
Hi all,
Long time no chat here.

My flu is getting better but still left some running nose & flam... haiz...it seems that it's not easy to cure before I am preg.

Hi reenie,
I dun think I can come for the gathering but I hope I can join u all next time.

Ok, here's the latest update. Let me know if anyone wanna add into the list.

<font size="-1">
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mummies To be</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>timie</TD><TD>1st Aug</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cmy</TD><TD>1st Aug</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>lib</TD><TD>7th Aug</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>chemistry</TD><TD>9th Aug</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>tingting</TD><TD>9th Aug</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>everafter</TD><TD>12th Aug</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>miso</TD><TD>16th Aug</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummytobe</TD><TD>19th Aug</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>tulip</TD><TD>19th Aug</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ixwong</TD><TD>20th Aug</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>hoshi5</TD><TD>23rd Aug</TD><TD>GEH/MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cakey</TD><TD>23rd Aug</TD><TD>TMC/MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>erowen</TD><TD>26/27th Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>wishes</TD><TD>28th Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>vone</TD><TD>28th Aug</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>reenie</TD><TD>29th Aug</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cat_tail</TD><TD>30th Aug</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anissa</TD><TD>3rd Sept</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>angel</TD><TD>4th Sept</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>aidanee</TD><TD>11th Sept</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>christina</TD><TD>11th Sept</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ilmare</TD><TD>11th Sept</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>yvonne</TD><TD>11th Sept</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cookies</TD><TD>12th Sept</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Samantha</TD><TD>12th Sept</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ameliaa</TD><TD>13th Sept</TD><TD></TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>seabreeze</TD><TD>13th Sept</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>snoopy</TD><TD>17th Sept</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pinkcitron</TD><TD>18th Sept</TD><TD>MAH/MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>eileenp</TD><TD>29th Sept</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></font>
<font color="0000ff"> Boy = 16 </font>
<font color="ff0000"> Girl = 13 </font>
Hi Lib,
Totally agree tat man have no sense of cleanliness! Same goes my hubby! I am still doing the vacuum every week cos he's lazy &amp; cannot do a better job. Then finally he cannot tahan me anymore tat he's going to engage a part-time maid to help me..heehee.. I think he scare I hurt our bb.
Hi Lib,
Don't get too worked up. think of it this way, at least he help you out in doing housework. Just tahan a bit and keep BOTH eyes closed at ALL times...hehe.
Hi ladies,

Just came across yr forum....i'm a sept mtb too! Now 28 weeks. Expecting a lil princess....Gosh, think i'm putting on 1 kg every week....do u all experience this as well?
Hi Lib,

totally understand your situation. before preggie, i was doing most of the housework. now my hb helps me to vacuum the floor (we use iecologi), but sometimes he feels lazy or tired n skips 1 week... initially i was also not used to it, but after that i relented cos dowan to quarrel over such things.. so for days he didn't clean floor i'll use magic clean dry wipes to go round the house instead... at least alleviate the situation a bit...

one persistant thing that bugs me still is the cleaning of my dog's pee/poo tray. initially i was quite scared of toxoplasmosis, so insisted that hb cleans it instead, but he always delays or just doesn't notice that it needs changing that i got fed up n changed myself most of the time in the end. just make sure i clean my hands thoroughly with sanitizer n soap after that.
hi joyful, welcome! i also put on 1kg per week for 1 whole month! got a bit scared at the rate, cos think average is 0.5kg per week... but if u've been underweight to start with, some extra weight gain is expected...how much have you put on by now?

btw Lib, to avoid mixing up the pails, maybe get different colour/designs? thinking of doing that myself cos dun think hb will be able to differentiate as well...
tingting: thr is oni 2 pails in the bathroom 1 is for mopping the floor. the other is for washing the clothes..

u noe something gals, i was also the one who is doing the housework most of the time.. from vacuuming to mopping to washing of toilets.. Though i so be glad that he does help out in housework, even not doing a good job.. why can't he juz do a better job?

1) in terms of vacuuming, he simply juz vacuum the floor w/o looking ard on the corners.. u gals noe sometimes spider web does occur..

2) in terms of washing toilet, can u imagine he wash the floor w/o washing the toilet bowls.. and given the number of guests visiting our house.. can imagine how unhygenic.

3) in terms of washing the toilet, *OMG that is my horror, initially he wash the floor w/o washing the tiles..

** last sat i was quite hurtful by his words. cos i grumble that the common toilet bowl is very dirty, and since he is oso using why can't he juz clean it when he see is being stain.. he told me then why u kip telling me to do this do that why can't u do it. I argue wif him, if i can do it now i won't be asking u to do it.. ****

i noe many gals are oso experiencing the same thing.. do u noe that time i still wash the full toilet when i'm in 7th month?? i told his sis i am realli disappointing wif her brother and this carry on.. i can't imagine wat will happen when bb comes out
hi cat_tail, thanx for compiling the list
good to hear u r gettin better, do take care!

hi lib, no frown la..my hb oso lidat. the other day he washed bb's clothes with the pail he used to wash car..haiz..he says nvr mind cos he'll wash the pail clean clean b4 using. i kept arguing dat he shd use a designated pail, but gave up cos i breathless liao..tho he's quite a 'clean' person by nature, he oso say last time ppl where got so clean, oso lidat wat..so i give up lor..

welcome, joyful
hi Lib, i also face the same prob with toilets.. though right from the start of marriage we already agreed that he'll be in charge of toilets, but he doesn't scrub the tile grooves n remove soap stains from the shower stall. I also nagged at him initially but he argued that grooves will get dirty again in a week's time n glass will get soap stains anyway... pengz... when i wasn't preggie sometimes i'll just take over, but now, got to close one eye n he'll do the "full works" once in a long while...

but have got to admit that he's also cleaning the hse better in some ways.. e.g. he'll pull back the sofas n clean underneath, when usually i dun cos it's too heavy for me to shift them...

guess we'll have to give n take... show them we're appreciative of what they're doing, n gently prompt them to do certain things they overlooked. over time, the idea will get into their head... like last time my hb doesn't have the habit of going ard the house to make sure windows are shut n doors locked when he's the last to sleep, n it bugs me... i will remind him nicely before i go to bed, n deliberately leave on a light so that he definitely have to go to the end of the living room to switch it off (therefore passing by the windows). also, i try not to fuss the next day if he does forget... now, am quite happy to say that he remembered 95% of the time, n even made the effort to check the kitchen as well...

actually, we're physically able to continue with housework, just that it is tiring n we would like our spouses to help out... maybe lowering expectation is the best attitude to approach... if really cannot tahan, engage a part time helper if possible... don't let this affect your relationship...
Thanks timie,
My health is getting better but not totally recover yet. Am still blowing my nose..heehee..

Hi ladies,
Looks like all our hb sama sama, the same kind!
cat_tail yar men are all the same!!!.. haiz...

not too sure for u tingting, for me rite nowadays i can't really stand/walk for too long.. will get severe backache &amp; buttocks pain..

juz sharing my sorrows wif u gals, cos oni women can understand women.. thx gals..
lib, cool down. tink men r like tat. when both of u hv cooled down, try talking 2 ur hb again okie.

cat_tail, u okie. ur flu has been going on 4 quite a while oledi rite?? u take care k.

hi joyful. welcome.

ting, at least ur hb does it once every 2 wk. mine oni vacuum &amp; mop d flr last wk after 1 mth+!! so we c who can tahan more. i succeeded!!

timie, my hb aso said d same thing. i actually wanted 2 buy another pail 2 soak bb's nappies, but he refused. his excuse is d same as urs.
Lib, me also... when ironing clothes cannot stand too long... 1/2 hr is my max... so got to rest halfway before continuing... hb still expects me to cook during weekends.. pengz.. how to stand over the stove for so long??

thing is, we have to try to be more tolerant... they're already doing something extra, and it's prob demoralising for them to be criticised for their efforts, esp if they've never done this before marriage. If there's a lesson to be learnt, that is to involve our kids (esp the boys!) in housework so that their spouses will not complain like us...
that said, i'm quite envious of gfs whose hbs are more particular abt cleanliness than they are...haha...

try to give yourself a mini rub with your knuckles along the sides of your lower spine during the day, sit as close to the back of the chair as much as possible, lift your legs up, do some stretching exercises learnt in prenatal class... they should help alleviate your discomfort.
guess im better....at least, i dun really do alotz of house work...except throw my dirty clothes into the washin machine then hubby will do the follow up...tsk tsk ;p

i dun do housework like vacum or cleanin b4 or durin my preggie...my hubby n FIL will do it... ;o) they r very nice...

hee...i only give my hubbie massage when i see he is v tired...n as specially after he vacum the whole house..wahaha... cheecky right, me!
tingting, agree dat most of the times, i find soft approach more effective. at times, oso use 'ku rou ji' heee..

lib, understd yr discomfort. now i'm oso unable to stand/walk/bend much. even sittin down oso veri uncomfy, as tum tends to harden which makes doing anything veri difficult. my back/waist area is always 'sen' and the lower pelvic area achy. some men are pretty stubborn, so the more we grum at them, the more they dun listen. guess jus gotto compromise a bit lor..mebe u lower yr std, and give him a bit of time to adjust oso, esp if he's not the kind who does hsework in the past..
Hi all, back home from work. Sooo tired.
My legs are bursting.
Wow, the thread moved soooo fast that I can't really catch up.

Talking about hb. Mine is ok lah. If i lazy ask him to do, he will do lor. Tingting, like you, I have 2 dogs at home. Most of the time, I get him to clear the poo/pee. But sometimes, if he's busy doing something, then I no choice gotta do myself lor.

Lib, cool down ok? Not good to get angry at this time. Must be happy for the sake of bb.

As for 1st month celebration. My hb was thinking of booking a chalet and celebrate lor. I'm just afraid of the hassle of staying in a chalet. Therefore, still considering.
Hi Tingting,Eileenp,

I used to hv 2 dogs at home too. Just found a new home for my chihuahua last wk...still feeling very sad but hv no choice cos I cannot manage especially after my baby is born...
ting, i can't iron these days oledi. feel veri tired when i iron, so hb took over. as 4 cooking, i told him tat i can't cook since i dun wanna 'cook' his bao bei.
so he either cook himself or we tapao back. btw, chk wif u, how's ur iecologi?? m tinking of getting 1, but d reviews fr d forummers aren't so gd.

yvonne, ur hb is so nice.
After hearing you gals, I think I must count myself blessed. Between me and my husband, I'm the lazy one, only like to wash dishes, cook and do laundry. The rest of the housework used to be done by my hubby, including ironing his own shirts. :p Now that I'm preggie, we have engaged a part-time maid to help out so that he can spend more time with me. So now he offers his services in terms of backrubs and massages....
hi everafter, yah, i really hope that i won't have to give away my beloved dog after bb comes.. i even told my dog that she's gonna be "big sister" soon... really treat her as part of the family... hopefully will be able to manage or at times get the help of my neighbours who like my dog a lot.. initially was v tempted to get a 2nd dog, but resisted cos we know we want to have kids n may not be able to cope when the time comes...

eileen... taking care of a dog is like taking care of 1/2 a kid right..

ixwong, we may consider getting part time help if really cannot cope... u're doing quite a fair bit already lah... not lazy...
i think there has to be give n take between a couple... appreciate whatever that is offered... makes living together n ur relationship much more pleasant!

vone, i have no complaints about the iecologi... only troublesome thing is u have to clear the water everytime after use, otherwise it'll be stinky... also, got to clean the vacuum pipe regularly to maintain good suction power... but my hb does the cleaning up of the machine...hehe... it's good in the sense u dun need to sweep/vacuum/magic wipe and mop separately. May be a bit clumsy to use at the beginning, but u'll get used to it after a while. Some people said that it's heavy, but that's not a problem to me cos i dun need to carry it around the house... just pull the vacuum around using its wheels... may be a bit heavy to clean windows, but i use it to clean shower stalls n steam clean curtains so that i dun need to wash them often... there are other similar products around... u may want to check out best denki or tangs to compare...

overall, it's definitely not better than using cloth n going on all fours to mop the floor, but compared with a mop, it's much better cos u can pick up the dirt rather than wiping it around.. for me, it has added benefit of sanitizing the floor, which is important since i have a dog at home..
Hi tingting &amp; everafter,
Yup. Having 2 dogs may give me a lot of work in time to come. Keep telling them that they will not be the baby of the family anymore. Cause 1 real bb coming out. Hahaha... So told them to enjoy the attention while they still can.
I don't have the heart to give them out leh. I'm sooo attached to them already. Hopefully, they will accept the bb.
Dear mummies,
just a quick update on tea-party, 2nd July @ 2.30pm:

1) Lib &amp; friend
2) Christina - Fruit Platter
3) Yvonne-tt
4) Coffee-drinker - soon kueh &amp; peng kueh
5) Aidanee - Durian Puff/Cake
6) Miso
7) Snoopy - Lana Chocolate Cake
8) Reenie &amp; Hubby
9) Vone &amp; Hubby
10) Maltbibi
11) Everafter_03 - will be late
12) Ixwong
13) Sarah Goh

Please let me know if i miss you out OR if anyone else is interested in joining, welcome!

Location: Blk 268B Compassvale Link #10-25 S(542268). Right infront of Ranggung LRT Station, a stop from Sengkang MRT.
When: Saturday, 02 July 2005
Time: 2.30pm till anytime!

If you are bringing food, do update the list. Or you can call/sms me for any new updates : 9743 2309
hi Cat_tail!!
thanks for updating the list for us!!

u take care ok??? how's your work lately? still have to run around? huggies....
morning ladies.
it's a rainy day today...

ting, tks 4 ur comments. will chk it out.

reenie, do u need me 2 bring anything?? let me noe okie.
Just a quick update at my end. i saw my gynae this morning....at 29weeks, ah boy now weighs 1.41kg. i put on 1.5kg and that amounts to 5.7kg in total since conception. dr said bb's head is quite low (compared to normal) and told me to rest more to prevent premature labour...this explains why my tummy looks lower than normal. so guess no more shopping liao! he also said i should avoid pre-natal massage too.

I also find my appetite dropping leh...dr said
bb should start gaining fats now...and will be seeing him 3 weeks time, followed by every 2 weeks.

aidanee ...

wow you put on very little weight ler .... 5.7kg only *envy* ... you should be able to get back your figure very fast ar ...
