(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

yan yan ... welcome =)

vone ...

i agree and for my case my boss wanted to help me get my promo this year so she gave me a few major projects .... but when I know I was preg and was very sick for the first 2 tri ... i decided to pull out from the project ... cos not fair to my colleague who is covering me oso ... think my promo will not come lor ... but keep telling myself that can always prove my worth again after i give birth ... gain some loose some lar ...

but was very sad when my boss hinted tat me not as proactive as in the past ... cos me was already trying my best ... in fact being able to come work is an achievement for me now ....

very tired ... was tossing and turning the whole of last night .... *yawn*

ting ting ...

maybe i should discuss with my gynae on the room and see what he say ... but was told to ask for the new wing ar ...

I bought my car seat at bb hyperstore. Didn't buy the thick-padded one cos think it would be hot for bb. Bought one with a wider-width and cooler material, but con is the bottom padding not thick enough. Will be buying a padding to add on. BB hyperstore sell a 2-piece head/bottom padding ($19.90) but don't have the color I like. still hunting. If you see nice one somewhere, do let me know.
seabreeze, true. wat we can do now is 2 wait 4 our bb's arrival.
after tat, then chiong 4 our career again. dun take wat ur boss said 2 heart. jus do wat u can okie. rest more...
ya i am refering to gynae charges. my whole package include supplement and scanning and urine test included natural birth cost about S$1800.00
if c-section will add S$900.00
hi ixwong

Spoke to the manager from Rob and she said the Britax Royale is v good and v popular. I asked if the material might be too hot for bb, she said no cos there's aircon in the car. Don't know whether can believe her or not...

Will look out for additional padding when I go bb shopping.
hello Yan Yan

I am seeing Dr Koh from Raffles too. But instead of $1800, I paid $1550 for my package. Maybe your package price is higher cos Dr Tan is the head of the department.

Have you gone for the Hospital Tour yet? I like the delivery suite (only 6 available) and may book the 1 bedded ward as the price difference is only $400 btw 1 bedded and double bedded
seabreeze, tat's gd. stay cool okie.

yan yan, mine doesn't include supplements, scanning & urine tests leh. if i add up all these, cld b around d price which u paid. 4 c-section, i hv 2 add another $200.

angel, get a 2nd opinion. i usually take wat d sales ppl say wif a pinch of salt. been burnt a few times oledi.
Hmm...I also no expert on car seat, but I think vone's right. You should get a 2nd opinion. Why don't you post a new thread and ask for suggestion from more experience mummies?

$438 is a very good bugdet, I spent only $169. With your budget, I think you can check out other bb specialist stores such as bb hyperstore and Kids Mall. Why don't you call them up to check with them on the car seats they carry?
hi angel .
u oso going to raffles . oh your package only S$1550.00 that is cheaper than my . i ardai pay 1250 so the rest will have to pay when i admit into the hospital .
yap i had gone to to the hosiptal tour. ya i oso like the delivery suite very big . i have book the single bedded what about you?
when is your due date?
did you for for the class yet?
hi ixwong... 2-bedder can be too quiet for comfort... not enough privacy to do what u like, but too quiet for my liking... maybe can bring ear plugs for a good night's sleep..hehe... will decide after going for the tour...
Hi Yan Yan,
Haven't started packing yet. I think still have time.
I haven't pay for any package for hospital yet, so I don't remember what's the cost.
when I tour the TMC 4-bedder, saw only 1 bed is occupied. Apparently most people opt for 1 or 2-bedder, so do note if you are looking for companion in 4-bedder. Not sure abt Mt A though.
that's what I saw on my two tours at TMC leh, but their 2-bedder and 1-bedder is packed. Dunno if other MTBs notice the same or it's just me at the wrong timing.

Dun worry, if I recall right, their 4-bedder is the closest to the nurse station, so a lot of buzz.
hehe... miso, isn't it better? u pay 4-bedder price but get a huge 1-bedder experience...

the other time i visited a fren at MAH the 4-bed ward was fully occupied so she got upgraded to 2-bedder at no extra cost.
haiz.. if i alone in 4-bedder.. too big leh.. so scary. somemore will be during the 7th mth ghost festival.. paranoid. hahaha..

anyway, according to a friend who has the 'ability' to see things.. say no diff.
anyone has good recomendation for posrt natal afte delvery,,, Saw other threads they reommend mdm nani, rose from goldwelless...etc. Wonder aanyone has any review on them....
Hi mummies,

Have you started buying nursing/breastfeeding wear yet? Any recommendations for shops selling nice nursing tops?
Hi all,
Haven't been here for 2 days. Went back to school for meetings.

Wow, so many discussions already. I told my gynae i wanted a 4-bedded in TMC. Think cost about $900+ without epi.

angel and yanyan,
Wah, your package quite ex leh... compared to mine. Think cause your gynae very experienced and from Raffles. Good for you.
I would recommend funky moms for nursing tops. You can find it in Hemisphere in OG Orchard Point. Very pretty nursing wear
I bought 5 in one go!
BTW, I am new here
29weeks pregnant and my baby is a boy.
Gynae is Dr WK Tan in TMC
Now attending antenatal class at TMC ( going for my 4th class on Sat 2pm)
EDD is 6 Sept
Nice to meet all of you here
Hi eileen
It is not cheap.It costs 73SGD for one top but it is much nicer than all the other nursing tops I have seen.
But if you go to the designer's house ( Costa Rhu condo) She can give you a 10% discount if you buy more than 3 I think.
It is worth it if you are thinking of breastfeeding in the long run.
Hi Vone
Hee, it depends how long you are going to breastfeed. If you think about it, when you wear nice tops, you feel good about breastfeeding as well as yourself too

Another place is Mothers en vogue (www.mothersenvogue.com)About 50SGD for a top but I feel the nursing top selection are not as nice as the ones in funky moms.
One note is that the tops in funky mons are locally made and only have limited pieces for each design
true aso.
but i prefer cheap & gd.
i went 2 mothersenvogue 2, but as wat u say, d selection is pretty ltd.
If cheap and good but not as trendy as funky moms, then I think www.momsinmind.com.sg
is not bad. However, because I am quite slim therefore the S size there is still too big for me.
Funky moms nursing wear are so nice that my gf wear it as a normal dress even when she is not breastfeeding
hello yan yan

I didn't go for antenatal class in Raffles. Went to Mrs Wong class in TMC... going for 4th lesson this Sat. I am still considering if I should stay in the single bedded. My husband said the cost difference is minimal so may as well. But it's $400 diff leh... I can buy my car seat with that money. My due date is 4 Sep. Maybe I'll see you there during labour.. hehe

allo eileen
Actually our package is not expensive. I think if you add up your gynae antenatal package + gynae delivery cost, it will come up to about the same. Our package is inclusive of normal delivery charges.
Hi vone,
School starting next week. So far, have been attending meetings from 9-5pm. Sit there listen already tired. Cannot imagine start teaching next week. Hahaha...

Wah... $70+ buy already I heartache leh... If I really love the design. Think at the most I will buy 1. Kaos... you buy 5 wor... hahaha...
Hi angel,
Hmm... The cost is not important. As long as you are comfortable with your gynae. It's like a once or twice in a lifetime thing lor... But I quite 'gneow'. Hehehe... My antenatal package plus delivery only cost $1250... hehehe
eileen, gosh fr 9am-5pm. wat u ppl talk abt? if u feel tired, remember 2 sit down. afterall, bb is more impt okie.
Hahaha... Listen to the principal, the HODs, then level meeting about what to concentrate on next term, then subject meeting... etc.
Sometimes, we have courses planned for us as well.
I will definitely take care of myself, for the bb.
Hi mummies,

Do you know where i can buy cute night lights from in Singapore? Want to buy a nice one and put in the baby's room
I saw some very nice ones on some US websites, but we can;t really use them here in singapore because of the different type of plug head and voltage i think..

some examples..
came back from my gynae visit today... hehe, i only gained 12 kg, not 14kg that i thot i gained... bb is 1.8kg at 33 weeks... everything's fine, n can see bb sucking his thumb... hope it's good practice for his bf in future!

hi triniti, welcome! am probably not getting a nursing top for now, cos am not intending to bf in public... shy lah... but will be buying nursing bra at least for home use... me not funky, so won't be buying the funky tops..

btw, my gynae told me that she wld prefer to induce birth if natural birth doesn't happen by 37 weeks. she feels that mothers are more calm n better prepared if they can expect the delivery date. also, bb have already completed development, and will just gain fats during the last few weeks. if wait till 40 weeks, complications could arise, e.g. lower amniotic fluid level, twining umbilical cord, etc, signs of distress n difficult delivery of a larger baby. Not sure if i want to go along with that... if so, then my delivery is only about 4 weeks away! maybe i'll see the weight of bb then... gynae did say that with my body frame it may be difficult to deliver a large bb, increasing the chances of c-section..
hi mummytobe, if u really like it can use the traveller pin head converter...can find it in DIY shops... think IKEA may have some selections? thing abt such wall mounted lights is that we can't conceal the wire that runs down to the socket... i'll be having an uplighter instead.
hi Mylene
The reason why I did not put up the funky moms website is exactly the reason!!The website does not do justice to the clothes at all.
I would not have bought any of the tops if I have not seen the tops in real life myself.

So go to Orchard Point OG Hemispheres and then you can really see for yourself if it is nice or not. The website just made me cringe when I think of it....
Funky moms tops/dresses are actually for more voluptous women but for some reasons I can fit some of the 'S' sizes.
Hi Angel
I will be staying in the single bedded room in TMC. If you hubby is staying overnight, it is better to have a single bedded room

My EDD is 6th of Sept, hehe very close to yours
I would be engaging Mdm Rohaya (94506374) for my post-natal massage. Not cheap $70/session for 7 sessions. She's recommended by some other mummies http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/36738/107155.html#POST1218767

I tried her pre-natal. Agreed that she's real good. She does not just simply go thru a routine but customised her massage according to your problem areas. She came to treat my upper backache 3 wks ago and my back has since been better. She would even teach us how to stretch and relax the problematic muscle.

For BF clothes, dun intend to spend too much cos not sure if will be successful. My fren loan me hers and I bought one simple dress from MotherEnVogue (sale at $15) during the motherhood exhibition....shd be enought for now. If I'm successful at BF, will look out for a nice dinner dress cos got 2 wedding dinners to attend after confinement. www.iwantmilks.com got quite nice BF dresses at reasonable price.
isn't 37 weeks a bit early? I thought the official full term is between 38 - 42 weeks. I read that if bb is overdue (i.e. more than 40 weeks), there will be an increase risk of complication as you mentioned, but we should at least wait till 38 or 39 weeks, if induction is required?
Hi ixwong
I just wanna ask, if the post-natal massages require you to wrap your tummy with herbs overnight? What is the purpose of post-natal massages?
