(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

here's a pix of megan in her car


wah, megan owns a car at such a young age! the car looks v sweet! and so does megan, of course!

just came back from my mini shopping spree at tanjong pagar plaza.. there this shop that sells branded children's clothes. I got a carter's jacket and osh kosh khaki pants for only $29. Labels intact. (some items have labels snipped, but most aren't) More gals stuff than boys though, as usual!

sometimes depends on his moods also.. but i find that if we ignore his tantrum he may just give up trying n move on to other things.. hehe... but can't do this when his grandparents are around.. they too bu she de...

i like westies! maybe one day can bring zephan and my dog to visit you.. hehe...
Angel ,
I did not receive your email leh..
anyway, thanks for the picture.

Once the remote control is on and the car is on, the car will move and control from me , right ?
oops, I saw your email.. it goes into my "spam" folder ...

Megan is the girl that walk before one years old , right ?
Think she must be running now..

Heee... Yeah. School holidays now. Hahaha..

yah, when at home, i ignore him and let him throw his tantrum. But when outside, cannot leh.. Cause alot of people will be looking. I pai say lah.

No problem. Come, come. Wats the breed of your dog?
Hi Ixwong,

You went Aust recently right? Did you bring any baby food there? I have an impression that the customs there are ok with baby food. I'm thinking of bringing some formula milk, cereal and baby bites. Should be able to pass through right?
rainstan ...

If I am not wrong, all the dairy stuff must be sealed. Cos my cousin bought a tin of opened FM there and they make her throw it away.
Seabreeze, correct.. all kids items like FM, cereal and bottled food need to be sealed. Just carry sufficient FM on the flight cos before u clear customs, the opened items needs to be thrown away.
I brought 3 tins of sealed FM and a new box of baby bites. No problem at customs so long u declare. Also brought a few feeds of FM onboard the flight, no issue too even though I din finish using them onboard.
Hi mummies,

Any SAHM staying in the east wanna have playgroup for bb? I'm having a playdate next tuesday 5 Dec, from 3 to 6pm. Hope to meet more mummies in the east with babies similar to my girls age. she's 14 months.

Those interested, pls PM me.
was there 9 days, a bit ks. So bring 2 tins of 400g and 1 tin of 900g. In the end, only brought back 1 400g tin.

read that we should not differ in our treatment to their tantrums, be it at home or outside. cos they'll learn the difference and use it to their advantage. so scheming right? :p so when outside i also dun let him have his way, but will instead pull him aside and talk to him quietly. thank God there wasn't much of such incidences!

my dog's a shih tzu.

Really ah? Sigh.. Will try to talk to him whenever he wants to eat our food.
By the way, do you let him eat your food if he is interested?

depends on what food. definitely no no for fast food n fried n salty stuff. but sometimes when i eat burger will pinch a bit of the plain bread that has no dressing/butter for him. i also give him rice, sometimes bee hoon. but i find outside food quite unhealthy, no matter what i choose, so seldom give him anyway.
hi, i'm new to this thread. my baby boy - ernest is 14.5 mths.... he's a real fussy eater and sometimes refused to eat at all... btw he also dont drink bottle milk (expressed BM or formula since the 4 mths

Does anyone hv similar problem as me? Any idea what to cook for him? He refused to eat porridge
hi eileen, welcome! so what has ernest been drinking since? does he like something sweeter? he takes cereal?

hi everyone a little joke to share:

<font color="0000ff">One evening a preschooler, Krystal, and her parents were sitting on the couch chatting. Krystal asked, " Daddy, you're the boss of the house, right?"

Her father proudly replied, "Yes, I am the boss of the house."

But Krystal quickly burst his bubble when she added "Cause Mommy put you in charge, huh Daddy?" </font>
hi... when my boy first started solids, we realised that he prefers his food warm. Some babies dun like texture in their food, so everything gotto blend until gooey..
elder folks would suggest adding some dark soy sauce or chicken broth into the porridge for taste. Also, what about just giving him what we adults eat? Like white rice mixed with soup, fish meat &amp; veg cut into small pcs. Can try soft pasta mixed with jar food (i use Heinz Mums Recipe), smells like adult pasta dish. My boy loves eggs too.. yummy!
hi Eileen,
Guess you've to try various type of food/texture/temp/taste etc.. I find that my gal dislike dark color food (dark brown/black). The only food she'll leave us alone is chocolate ice-cream. Once she saw me eatting those preserved peanut in the porridge she said 'yi-yi' (meaning dirty)
Hi Eileen, welcome..
Nick is a greedy boy.. so i can't help u on this.. the only food he doesn't eat is durian, so when daddy buys durian home, nick will run and hide in the room.

Mummies.. i have a problem. i realized nick dunno how to share his stuffs. When they are his stuffs, other pple like grandmother or even his brother cannot touch them. The only pple who can touch his things are me, daddy and the maid. And this not only happen to his toys. Even things like his pram also he will grab them back. Last weekend, we brought nick to grandma's house. He went in, see my dad, he cried and he dragged his pram out of the house. after he brought his pram out (me, hb and maid were still standing inside the house), he went in to grab his diaper bag, dragged it out and stand outside the house and cry.. How do i make him to learn to share his stuffs and how do i teach him not to drag his stuff out when he goes out of the house?
nicky's mum,

actually ur description is quite funny, the way nick behaved.. :p

laughter aside, i think it's at least good that he allows a few people to touch his stuff. perhaps you can try to encourage sharing at home, say, sam gives him his toy, and encourage him to give it back. after some time, try letting nick share his toy with sam, and sam giving it back. can slowly expand his circle of "trusted" people.

as for dragging.. hmm, does this happen to every house u visit, or only particular houses?
ting, the dragging happens whenever we goes somewhere he doesn't wants to go. It's like, if he's going away from one place, he will bring along the items that belongs to him with him. His bicycle, pram, diaper bag are usually the items he drags along with him.

Yah. Normally, when i have a burger, I'll also pinch the burger bun for him.

Nicky's mom,

I also find that Nick's behaviour quite cute leh. But I understand your frustration. So, did you manage to convince him to go into the place after a while?
Eileenp, no leh.. he still refuses to go in. My mum's house is 1 of the places we will go fortnightly and he will stand outside crying then after a while, the maid will give in and bring him downstairs to walk. Cute lah, but made us feel bad too cos he's ah ma and ah kong feel sad after that. Tried using all the toys and food but still cannot convince him to come into the house.
wendy, he refused to move. He'll just cry and cry. Best thing was ah gong and ah ma wanted to kiss him before he go off, so they grab him and kiss him making him cry and scream louder.. My sis says he cry like he kanna raped like that.
Nicky mum..
I have the same situation .
My gal see the ah gong &amp; ah ma (my husband's parent) will cry and cry
When the lift reach 6th floor, she know is ah gong and ah ma house liao.. and she start crying.

The ah ma will "force" and kiss her before say good bye , she cry la after that.. but I laugh.

now a bit better at least not cry until tear rolling.. only tear "dropping"..

2 month ago, she see ah ma walking towards her from far , she cry liao (when we meet at the market.)

because of that, the grandparent never come to my house to see her , so we go la.

she will "sweep" away ah ma's hand when ah ma try to touch her and say "nngg"

I don't know if I should believe in "chemistry".
but to My sister and mother , my gal will smile and let them carry. we see each other fortnightly.
or maybe my mother , my sister and myself look alike (we have "family" face).
My in-law got all white hair and got winkler so maybe ..she scare..
Hi mommies, hope you are all well. Need some help.

One of my preggy cousins just asked me a question which I am unable to advise. She is presently in Europe and not sure if it is due to the dry weather, the skin around the bust area gets really itchy. She was prescribed steroid cream but it didn't help. Apparently this itching has also caused the skin on her nippies to be flaking off.

Did anyone of you have such a problem and how did you manage to stop the itch? I was thinking of asking her to use aloe vera/olive oil but I thought I read somewhere that preggies cannot use aloe vera due to some medical reasons. She should be in her third/fourth month now.
I was just reading the old posts. Your EDD is 18/3/2007? Just a few days away from mine :))) So exciting right :)

ting2, wendyg, skippy and others,
It's been a long time since we last gathered. The boys' hair growth seem to be very stagnant leh. Check this out... scary...


seabreeze &amp; ixwong,
I will be using one of these for passport. Thanks for teaching me the photoshop way. Hopefully it will be acceptable when I go to ICA tomorrow.


Hahaha.. That was funny.
Can I ask how you train Megan to use the straw? Kai is 14 months old oleadi still dunno how to use straw. Everytime i want him to drink water, will have to use spoon. Very troublesome.

Your girl is very pretty. Very big and round eyes. Nice curly hair too.

nicky's mom,
Will it help if you bring him there more often? Kai doesn't like my grandparents initially. But, I brought him there very often and he enjoys himself there now.
Maybe you, your husband and maid can try to hide, but watch from where u r hiding and see if he will accept them. Get your parents to bring him into the house or stay with him outside the house. I'm not sure if this is the correct way or whether it will work.
Because, that what my grandpa did. Kai didn't like him. But we just ignore him and ask my grandpa to bring him downstairs for a walk. After a while, when we go to my grandparent's place, he will go to my grandpa's room to look for him.
hi, does anyone send yr dd for playgrp (1/2 or full day care)? any recommendation for childcare centres in the east or punggol area? tks.
actually my boy doesnt like cereals too... yesterday i bght the heinz mum's recipe (jar form) and mix with pasta... he didnt eat as well... i'm super stressed coz he practically doesnt eat these few days (could be due to teething).... and reali at my wit's end on what to cook for him
passing guest,

think only zephan's hair is stagnant. wendy shaves Issac often.. :p We should try to arrange a gathering soon.. how about christmas day say lunch time (11-2pm)?


i think zephan is recently learning to drink a bit from the straw already. before this, he was drinking from the Nuby sippy cup that has got a silicon spout. i just recently let him hold the straw cup with piyo piyo design, which he really likes. at first when i tell him to drink he only puts his mouth into the straw but does nothing. then i imitate the sucking sound and he just chuckles at it. but recently i think he's learning to suck already. u can try letting him hold the cup during the day. he may figure it out soon. (btw, zephan's already 16 months, so Kai's not too bad!) or u may want to skip straw and train him from cup? we let zephan do that sometimes.

re: self feed
anyone's baby self-feeding already? zephan can bring the spoon to his mouth quite well, but still doesn't know how to scoop the food from the bowl. hesitant to let him self feed fully cos of the potential mess he'll make. he doesn't clamour to self-feed though. is that the cue we should look out for?
another joke for smiles:

<font color="0000ff">When my three-year-old son opened the birthday gift from his grandmother, he discovered a water pistol. He squealed with delight and headed for the nearest sink. I was not so pleased.

I turned to Mom and said, "I'm surprised at you. Don't you remember how we used to drive you crazy with water guns?"

Mom smiled and then replied....."I remember." </font>
Passing Guest ...

No problem lar! The photos are well edited so I think should be fine

So bad lar you ... post such a 'scary' photo hahahhaha

re: Drinking from Straw

YC couldnt drink from the straw (those hard mag mag/water bottle type) until we let him try those adult straw from the restaurant then he got the idea how. after that he can drink from any kind of straw

re: self feed

I also wonder when can we start to let them self feed? YC is still eating those porridge that he has been eating since 8mth old!! He show no interest in other kind of food and now he even spit out bread and cake (which he used to like). But now he likes to take spoon and bowl then go 'Mum' with the spoon. So not sure if thats a sign?

some photos of YC too!

cheeky look


Ah Beng look


His fav hiding place


Happy Look


On a shopping Trolley


Anyway u can visit his blog: http://www.bbyicheng.blogspot.com for more update (advert time hahahhahaha)there are links to the other few bb in our thread too
Elieenp, i bought nick a water bottle, after teaching him how to open, i pretend to suck from the straw. After that, he tried opening the bottle and suck from the straw. That's how he learnt. Maybe you could also buy a cup of drink, drink it infront of Kai and then he will want to try too..

Nick : Sometimes, after spending an hour with grandfather, he will play with him. But after he takes a nap and walk up, he seems to completely forget that he's seen such a face before and start crying and crying. When we were in genting, he sees grandpa and grandma day in and day out. but after every nap or the next morning, he will cry again.

Ting2, Nick can self-feed and enjoys doing it, but after that the whole place will be very messy. usually what we do is we will cook more porridge then he can finish as he will have at least a quarter of the porridge on the bumper mat. After he finish his meal, my maid will wipe the bumper mat.
pg, i tink tt it due 2 d dry weather. ur cousin can use baby oil. if she can get it in europe, emu oil is gd aso.

eileenp, snoopy hv a mtd which i find tt it's v useful. u can try it &amp; c hw.
quote fr snoopy:-
"I taught nicole to drink from straw using this method.
1. I fill the cup with liquid that she likes (juice/gripe water/honey water which baby likes).
2. I put the straw of the straw cup into the liquid and hold one end of it.
3. Put the end with liquid into baby's mouth and release the straw, so that the baby will be able to drink the liquid. Do that 2-3 times, so that baby knows that the straw contains liquid that he/she likes.
4. Then put the end of the straw with liquid into baby's mouth again, but this time do not release the other end of the straw. As baby knows there is liquid in the straw that he/she likes, he/she will suck at the straw to get the liquid out. Do this a few times to let them get the sucking idea.
5. Then put the straw and cap back on the cup and let baby drink normally. Chance are they will know how to suck from the straw to get the liquid up.
If the next time, you offer baby the straw normally and he/she doesnt suck it immediately, do the above steps 1-5 again. Success is when you offer baby the cup and straw normally and they straight away suck from it. Try it!"
if u succeed, pls give all credit 2 snoopy.

eileen, dun worry, it's a phrase tt he's gg thru nw. if he doesn't like cereals/porridge, hw abt letting him eat biscuits or something which he likes? he's still drinking milk nw rite? so it's nt tt bad. he'll start 2 eat once he's better.

ting, tt's a gd joke.
since zephan can bring d spoon 2 his mouth quite well oledi, u can try 2 let him self feed. a mess is inevitable. do u hv d messy mat? if yes, then u can put it beneath his highchair when he's feeding. if nt, u can use newspapers, like wat my mum does when we start 2 feed ourselves.

sea, YC is so cute, can take d spoon &amp; go "mum".
vone, i have the messy mat, but problem is my chair is fabric! haha.. so prob got to line the chair also, or get a cheap chair for him.

i tried snoopy's method, but didnt work. though he learnt to suck when the straw was placed horizontally (i.e. at steps 2-3), but when i placed the straw back into the cup he loses it, cos it's now placed vertically! pengz. but remember to put more liquid into the cup, so that he doesnt need to suck too hard initially to get the liquid.

one funny thing to share: zephan likes to drink water! he likes to drink from his nuby cup, which can contain up to about 150ml of water. and he drinks it like someone who drinks beer. after a few gulps, he removes the spout from his mouth, gives a satisfied "arhh" and grins. he wont let go of the cup until he finishes all the water in the cup. is this a happy problem or what? :p
ting ting,
try tollyjoy instead of the magmag. i feel that tollyjoy's straw is slimmer and softer. There is less chance of the tot getting choked.i just let Cayden play with the tollyjoy cup, open, suck/bite, close....then after a few tries, he got the hang of it.

now i am planning to wean him off the pacifier during bedtime! maybe when he turns 18mos......now abit tough cos with all the teething and discomfort, i bet he will not be coporative.
hi ladies,

can i check if any of you still nursing your kid? Any idea how to cut down and wean them off? My gal's getting too sticky to me and as I work from home, find it hard to wean her off.
