(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

something heartwarming to share today.....

This morning as we were preparing to send my hubby to the airport, Cayden was getting abit impatient to go out. AS usual, he went around the house, tailing me with "ma-ma, go out"....I was really busy packing his stuff cos will be putting up at my mom's place for the next few nights. He gave up on me and went to rush his daddy. Daddy was still reading the papers. Din really respond to him.

Then, Cayden went to the shoe cabinet. Guess what? Cayden walked back with Daddy's shoe. With a broad smile and a soft "dad", he passed one shoe to my hubby. then he went back to the shoe cabinet and brought back the other shoe. This time, he told daddy "go-out"! I should have taped it down. My hubby was sooooooo touched and told me that he had 2nd thought of going away. (he still went lah!)

In 2 week's time, cayden will turn 15months.Time really flies....and sometimes i have this weird thought that i hope he will not grow up so fast.

aidanee? u serious he did tt? he's really smart eh...

nicky's mom:i tink m just going to try to find a brighter lot and hope that the thiefs.. wun want my car. heard from my friend tt the messier the car looks.. or dirty.. maybe will put off the thiefs.. i've never been to penang though. wads there to do? sightseeing?

Ops.. not true leh.. Dirty and messy just need to clean up.. a few hundred dollars of cleaning up vs a few hundred thosand worth of car..

Penang : eat, sleep and laze by the beach. there are some sight-seeing, but we were only out of the hotel to find food and do some shopping.
i thought Penang got some attractions, like the snake pagoda or turtle pond... but then again, i went there when i was 5YO. hee hee
nicky mom's:actually i think its alright to laze by the beach though..

wendyg: u ah... 5 year old?! but better than me.. coz i've never been to penang before.. haha
awww soo sweet...Anton will also bring me my slippers to me to ask me to go out ...again!!Faint... hehe
Our kids are all growing up.
wendyg: erm... next fri.. but to malacca first for one night, then up to genting on sat.. coming bk on monday. y? u wanna join? hehe... it'll be fun!
inflight bassinettes can only hold babies up to 8kg? So if baby exceeds that weight, means we gotto carry thru'out the flight?
What's your experience please. thanks
there are actually 2 sizes of bassinet. A smaller one that holds up to 14kg but will be quite squeezy for babies taller than 70cm. I always had to fold ryan's legs when I put him in the smaller one. The other one is 16kg. Not all flights will carry both types of bassinet. I always try to ask for the bigger one but it all depends on which size the flight carries.
forgot to add that I'm only referring to SQ flights... not sure whether other airlines carry 2 sizes of bassinet. But I would think they would at least have the one with maximum weight of 14kg.
hi Sarah's mum,
You tried giving dd lactose-free milk on which brand (Dumex or Isomil)? My dd refuse it cos of the taste... in the end MIL give her porridge-water with milk to stop her diahorrea.

Recalled you mentioned abt water-soluable magic pen for kids (not water soluable marker). Do you know where to get that? My gal is very keen in scribbling nowadays

Yap, our babies are toddlers already... I think this period is the happiest one (no homework just play)
arent they cute? must really enjoy this period......

in office now, after dropping Cayden at my mom's . The class at JG was fun, but Cayden was abit sleepy cos i woke him up at 7am. hope tomorrow is better.

Bumped into ixwong and HW.....wow, HW is better looking in real person! Too bad, i dun have a gal.

i din tape it down cos it was a mad morning for us......din expect it too. ....I think all bbs will go through this phase......GO OUT!!!! that's all they want to do.

And you enjoy your trip okie? share with us, cos i am tempted to go malaysia too. chaper and more manageable.

yah lor......wu you wu lu!

So now you are preparing for THAT big project! okie, the bassinet that Cayden took the last time when he went to japan was up to 14kg. Length wise, he fit in just nice....he was 74cm then. any longer, will be cramp. You might want to check? Maybe ang mo airline got bigger bassinet cos ang mo bbs are taller.....hehehe, just kidding!
ang mo airline said they'll only give out bassinettes to babies under 6m! *pengz*
at chk in counter I'll ask again.

tks emmie & snoopy too, for sharing the info
please check if the flt is full. cos if it is, it is better to pay for a child's seat and get more room. esp long flt, dun think IZ can stay still for too long.
personally, i dun like the location of the bassinets, which is right below the TV screens. i think regardless whether u're getting the bassinet, u have to pay for the child's airfare right? i only know budget airlines offer free flying for kids below 2 yo.
Good to see you too! Thanks for the compliment. I hope to hear Cayden say 'go out' tomorrow! Such a clever boy!
Hey Cakey,
You got me at the right time. Been AFK for a while as I had sent away my 3rd maid and just got the 4th one on Saturday. Oh dear, your dd hasn't recover yet? Have u brought her to the doc? Previously the PD prescribed Dumex as her explanation was that the taste is closer to the normal milk powder. Whereas Isomil is soya base?

Hi Snoopy,
Envy envy...Really envy yr parents to be able to fly to many places and as often. My parents have only us (my hb and I) to keep them company as far as travelling is concern. Sis stays in States and brother juz came back from study with loads of work commitment. In other words, only two trips per year for them...So, can't miss them out in any trip. If only they could join yr parents..:))))) hmmm

sarah's mom, you changed maid again? sorry i not able to keep track of your maid problems... i am also in the process of changing my current maid... really want to scream!!! she is a transfer filipina, mother of 3 and been with us for nearly 1 month. AND till now she has zip zero idea what time to feed dominic milk, when he should be napping... basically she needs to be told what to do, the worst is that she will not close or bring in the washing when raining... so left to me to ensure that the house dun get flooded and clothes dun get extra "washing of rain water"!

now waiting for my new maid to come... hoping to be soon... i been making lots of arrangement at work so that can get time off to look after dominic when this current maid leaves... major headache!!
some airlines dun screen movies on the big screen anymore. Everyone has individual inflight entertainment system & can choose own channel
hi sarah's mom, wat happened 2 ur 3rd maid? poor u. seems like mynamar maids aso gt a lot of probs. gd luck in ur 4th 1.

hi ilmare, poor u. oh dear, ur ex-maid sounds like my ex maid leh. tt's d reason y i sent her away aso. dunno noe whether it's d same 1 or nt. i hope tt ur new 1 will b better.
haha.. shows how long it's been since i took a plane!

cakey, think i saw the soluable magic pens in popular, but i didnt buy any so can't be sure. will keep a lookout for u
hi ixwong,
din get to see you today cos we were running abit late. Cayden was saying go-out throughout the class today. He was very very sleepy. aiyo, i make sure he goes to bed early tonite. Dear boy needs his 11hrs beauty sleep! (9pm -8am)

see u at the zoo tomorrow!
aidanee and ixwong
Hehe I am also going to the zoo!! See all of u there
hee...dunno I can handle anton all alone in the zoo. Are u going to bring a pram?
Hi Hi...
how's everyone, me so busy at work

but looking forward to my family Taiwan trip next saturday! Yippee.

Emmie, SQ's bassinet up to 14-16kg? great, i reserved during my booking, but scared Keyon too big to squeeze in. I dun wan to carry him whole journey leh. :p

Haven't start packing, oni drafted out bb's logistic list.. see tat list i *peng*.

hee hee.. Keyon oso bring daddy's shoes to him whenever he see him wear socks. Best part is... he knows the correct pair! Sooo cute.
thinking back, sometimes the flight info is being flashed on the big screen, eg remaining travelling time, outside air temperature, speed, flight path etc.
Are you keeping yr Filipina maid while waiting for the new one to arrive? Filipina too? I could understand where tt u're coming from. Being an experienced mom and having stayed with you for 1 month, she should have known bb's routine by now at least.

My 3rd maid has no initiative, rude (as she never apologize for her mistakes), no patience towards my bb, bb din like her, gave away my home addy and no. to her friends/cousins staying in Singapore without my permission. Made phone calls and got pple to call her at specific time, when I picked bb from infant care centre.

I'm going back to Indonesian maid as I do not have confident to manage Filipina...

Are you a SAHM now? Maybe we should gather the east mommies to form a playgroup.
i will be bringing the pram, but cant decide if i am using the old one or the XT cos XT abit heavy...imagine got to move up and down the tram. And the old one is light and i can handle it on my own.
sarah's mom, ic. no wonder u sent her back. actually i prefer indo maids. it's better tt u get a fresh 1. 1 w/o overseas experience. gd luck in ur search.
ya, m a PT sahm nw. if u gals r organising 1, let me noe & i'll try 2 make it.

aidanee, ixwong & triniti, njoy ur zoo trip.
Aidanee, triniti
I won't be bringing my pram cos I understand that we need to take the tram, and getting on/off the tram w a pram is a hassle (must close the pram before boarding based on my last zoo trip experience). Instead, I have invited my babysitter and her daughter to join us for the zoo (i got my company's friends of zoo pass for them, so only need to pay $2 for their entrance fee). hiak hiak hiak! I'll go direct to the zoo, so see you gals there!

Thanks, vone! Me very xiong this week cos morning bring HW to class, and afternoon go to work, at night continue to work at home cos can't finish my work
hi applejuz
when you board the flight, ask the stewardess to get you the bigger bassinet. It would be less of a squeeze for Keyon than the 14kg one. Even if Keyon doesn't stay in there, it's useful to keep your barang. Hope you are not taking the overnight flight cos SQ very kiasu. Alittle bit of turbulence, they will want you to carry your child out.
look what i found on the website of an ang-mo airline..

Bassinets are provided, free of charge, on all international aircraft (747, 767 and 777). These bassinets are large enough to hold a child up to approximately six months old.

is it ang mo baby is bigger, so at 6m they're already 14kg?! kekekeke
Thanx, will sure ask for bigger one. I'm taking morning flight. Hope it'll b smooth trip.

Wendy, ang mo drink different milk powder meh? hee hee.. maybe got beef inside :p
har har.. hard that some airlines dun cater for bassinette like SQ type. Theirs is only a cushioned flat platform, so only for babies who dunno how to roll/ crawl. *pengz*
Hi everyone..

i'm back from genting.. and car is back too.. The whole genting is very crowded with student groups and Singaporeans.

Adelyee, bring more clothes for your baby. The weather is pretty cold for the last few nights as it was raining. Alot of road works going on on the highway, 3 lanes merge into 1.
nicky's mom: hahahaa.. i like the way tt u said the car is back too! how's the temperature like? anything for bbs to do? mm.. and also how's the car park? too crowded to find lots?
adelyee.. a lot of Singapore cars.. we had a hard time looking for carpark lots. nicholas only went on the monorail and train ride. didn't take note of the temperature, but was pretty windy, and the wind is cold. especially if u are staying at Genting and Highland hotel, the lobby is very very windy..
my previous trip to Genting in May, highlight for isaac was heated pool. Even tho outdoor is cool, water was comfortably warm & he enjoyed himself. Back in the chalet, there was also a huge jacuzzi. When it rained & we couldn't swim outdoors, he had a good time in the jacuzzi too.
Went up to the First World shopping/amusement arcade.. but i think that time isaac may hv been too young to appreciate. Quite boring for us as we didn't want to shop nor take the rides nor visit casino. One of the days we drove down to KL & spent a whole day at Giant. hahaha.
Hi all,

It has been a looooong time! Been really busy with work of late. Read that some mummies here are planning to take their bbs on holidays. Well, enjoy yourself! I've just booked for a 5D/4N trip to HK next Jan. Infant w/o seat is S$295, with seat is $366. Can't believe it! Decided to buy a seat for Clarence in the end. After all, it covers one meal and it's more spacious for him...

Anyway, here are some new pics of Clarence to share:


My new tricycle!


Posing @Vivio City


Want to join me on the swing?


Building sandcastle is not my cup of tea!


Nothing beats a dip in the water on a humid day!


Hey, why are you looking at me?!


My favourite pasttime


After a day of fun, it's time to help mummy with housework!


See how good I am at the job
wow anissa, clarence is such a big boy now! i think zephan compared to the others here seems so puny n "gin-na"... good training on him helping out w housework! haha..

i also realise after i got married, my favourite shopping places are giant, carrefour and NTUC.. sigh.. am turing more and more aunty..
nicky's mom/ wendyg: no lah! shopping at giant/carrefour/ntuc.. doesn't mean tt u are turning aunties! me and my hb.. shops at supermarkets way before marriage... or before our son too! more for groceries! but u dun see me..like am an auntie ma! keke.. probably more naggy maybe.. but again.. my hb says am not naggy because.. i only like to say things once.. if he didn't do it, i'll totally flare up and keep quiet.. (which is worse than nagging) keke..
