(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

hey ixwong,

ur photos of HW make me heart itchy itchy, also wanna get studio photos of jeremy taken! hehehe... can share how much u paid for the package?

hey anissa,

wah! clarence is so tall! i don't think jeremy's feet touch the floor when he's on the tricycle... and he shares jeremy's hobby - fooling around with the magicsweep thing! hehehe...

clarence really resembles a boy i see at a void deck with his grandpa every morning on my way to work. the block is just opposite sengkang cc. any chance that's him?

tingting & musicgal,

Yeah, kids grow fast. Clarence is very 'kaypo'. He insists on helping us to sweep the floor, water the plants and wipe tables every day. I have to hide the magicsweep as I find it very dangerous for him to walk around the house with it.

These days, he likes to imitate things he sees. He will crawl around, roaring away like a lion or walk like an old man etc.. It's very comical watching him at times.

My dad hasn't retired so he can't bring Clarence for walk every morning lah. Pose some pics of your little ones leh. I enjoy looking at kids' pics
hi ladies,
I'm looking for a confinement lady ard 18mar07. Any good one to recommend? Or any good agency? Thanks...

hi sarah's mum,
My gal recovered just that I wonder what to do with that can of soya milk
Thanks for info. will keep in mind that dumex might be better.

How do you manage HW w/o stroller at the zoo? Gotto carry him throughout? U still using the ergo carrier? Seems too warm to use at outdoor venue like the zoo...
Dear Mummies

Going to ask a funny question :
what diaper size is your baby wearing now ?

I don know if I'm wrong, my gal is wearing XL (she is around 10-11 kg)

when she used the L size , quite difficulty to tighten up the sides..althought the length of the diaper seems a bit long for her but her waist cannot tightened up leh...

same for your baby ?

or can share any brand diaper that has better cutting

Kai using Huggies Dry 'L' size. It has velcro fastening. He is also about 10-11kg. After fastened, still quite a bit of length left at the waist.
Hope it's helpful.
isaac is 16m, 11kg, wearing large for Drypantz & tape diapers & M size for Mamy Poko Pull Ups. What brand diaper are u using for your girl?

I used NTUC diapers before, i think the cutting is a bit small compared to the rest. It was pretty small for kai, so i changed to another brand. PetPet's cutting is quite big oso. But he developed rashes very often when wearing petpet. So i changed to Huggies Dry.
But Huggies Dry the width of the diaper is quite small.
Hope it helps
eileen, u manage to find a shoe for kai? I managed to find a bubble gummers shoe for nick last sun. the front was broad enuff for his feet to fit in.
hiya, anyone interested in buying over a bubble gummers blue colour, size 14.5 cm? my FIL bought the shoes for zephan, but it's a bit tight. bcos my FIL already let zephan parade in the shoes, i can't return to the shop for a change of sizes. Let me know can? it's only worn once for about 10 min.

i'm currently using NTUC, Pampers (Malaysian version), Pampers Premium, all L sizes.
tingting, can let me know the size? nick is wearing size 7. If it's size 7 or bigger, can take a pix of the shoe and email me? TIA
nicky's mum, will check the size and let u know.

skippy, ernest looks so cute and endearing! can see that he really loves water eh! zephan also quite as botak, hehe.. i think bcos their hair is more sparse, so in pics it looks like really no hair.
hee.... yeah, shaved him after his 1st mth till now. but on n off cut short abit. otherwise looks like "tarzan". i tried the alcohol on his hair, no effect ler..
bullshit one...

haha. guess wat, the 1st dae when i put him inside the pool, he cried like hell, as if i gog to poison him inside the pool... so leave it in the balcony n just let him get used to it till recently then he dares to step in n hav fun!
hey skippy how u get him to smile like that ah. as though he's posing for the picture.

isaac shaved so many times i lost count.. 4m, 5m, 13m, 15m...

wow , so many pic.
Being seeing baby name mentioning here and therer or gathering pic "published" also and now I can link their name to their cute little face.

So I know Isaac, HW, Ernest, clarence by face .
Nicky's mom,

Yup. I went to Bata and bought the Bubble gummers for him. A blue sandal. Fitted him well. Really wanna thank the mummy who recommended bubble gummer. Hee... Forgot who.


Really nice pics taken. and such beautiful smile. Kai also has very little hair. Have not shave him yet. Cannot bear to. Hahaha...
ting, ya loh.. too small. nick is now wearing size 6 and i think he will outgrow size 6 soon liao (and this KS mummy bought the same sandal size 8 too).. Very sad cos the shoes and sandals they could only wear at most 2 months then have to be placed aside liao.

eileen, me lah.. i'm bubble gummer fan.. haha. sam grew up wearing bubble gummer. i used to shop for bubble gummer in malaysia and thailand for sam cos the shoes there are a lot cheaper. convert back to S$ is only about 10 bucks each pair. i used to stock up different sizes before sam could even fit into them.
nicky's mom,

Ohhh... Hahaha... Thanks a million. The sandal fitted him very well. I think will be going back there to get another one. Hee..
my dad said isaac wore sandals & walked around the playground at 9am, after a while his feet felt hot. Squeaky Snoopy sandals bought from Giant $14. Why ah.
haha...know why the photoz'r well taken? hee....cos i was the one behind did all the funnie lookz...so hubby can captured such smiley face of ernest!

i dare not shave ernest anymore...scared later his hair not growing.... think when ernest reach 2, he will still be botak lor!!!

Re Bad Temper:
do ur babies throw temper e.g. when u scold him or tell him not to touch/play anything things?
aiyo...ernest will grin at u and gives u tat kind of sound "hmmmmm....arhhhh" then throw away the toys/stuff from his hand!!! GOSH.!!
skippy ...

YC will throw everything on the floor and throw himself into the sofa/cushion/bed or whatever soft surface that is near him

then come over and beat us

what a brat right!!
wahaha....ernest and YC can be good frenz liao. Ernest will beat me after i scolded him! then after he will hugs me to carry him!! haha...wat a silly boy...
seabreeze, yup! how come u were there? never call me?

skippy, zephan will stop, look at you, and sometimes touch the forbidden stuff again. for subsequent times, he'll look out for you before touching them. *faint* If he wants something but doesn't get it (esp food, phone, remotes) he'll give a loud scream. I dun give in, but my mother will, which doesn't help to stem this attitude problem.

nicky's mom,
yah lor, size 4.5 is too small already. if i can sell that and buy a larger pair at least my FIL wont know and feel hurt.. :p
nicky's mom
erm... PVC la. Hard sole shoe.

yeah, isaac will scream & cry & whine as tho the world is coming to an end if i dun let him play with keys etc, so gotto distract him with other things
hehe.. nick, when i scold him, he just walk away. when i scolded him the other day form drawing on the wall, he "answered" (in baby language which i dunno what he said) back loudly too.

Best was yesterday daddy told him to change clothes wanted to bring him to the supermarket. but by the time nick finished changing, daddy fell asleep liao. nick walked into the room, "scolded" daddy loudly, took daddy's t-shirt and throw on the floor.. but his daddy still didn't want to wake up. so he went to daddy with his small sandals and wanted to put it on daddy's face. so funny.. me and the maid just stand there laughing and laughing..
Nicky's mom,

That's soooo cute. Nick knows how to put on his clothes??? That's cool..


Is it the right age to discipline them now? I'm having a hard time trying to reason with him.
He would always wanna eat our food. Even though he just had his porridge and fruit.
If we dun give it to him, he will cry and stamp his feet and scream.
So, everytime we eat something, he must have it. How?
He also likes to take things that he shouldn't. When we scold him, he will carry on. Or, walk to me and hit me. Gosh!
Dunno wat to do leh.
Haha.. eileen, no. nick dunno how to wear his clothes.. Maid puts them on for him. he only knows how to put on and takes off his sandals. Oh.. and the other thing he enjoys doing is throwing his sandals into the fish tank aftter he comes home. naughty boy..

nick should be 15mths liao.. turning 16mths soon
Here are some recent pics of Kai to share.

Still botak after 14 months.


My new ON jumper!


Doggy, see my new jumper???


Notice his hair??? Still little. Sigh...

Hee... Excited about his new jumper. Once again, thanks Tingting for your help in getting the ON stuffs.
eileenp, kai looks great in his jumper! should be able to wear over the next year.

re: discipline
zephan is also a super greedy pig. will want to eat whatever we eat. when i see no harm, i'll give in to him, but if we're eating fried stuff, it's definitely no no. i'll reason with him that he cannot take. sometimes he listens and plays by himself instead. sometimes he'll protest. if so, then i'll go and spend some time with him first before resuming my dinner. that usually works.

is ur dog a terrier?

Wah, Zephan very good boy leh. Will listen and play by himself. Kai will definitely put up a fuss. Super big fuss man.
I will try your method of spending time with him first before taking the dinner.
Sometimes, I'm soo frustrated, i feel like giving him something spicy to scare him off. But, hee... I dare not. Hahaha...

Yup. It's a West Highland White Terrier (Westie).
