(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs


Really ah??? Chey.. Sigh. Maybe wanna change FM oleadi. Enfapro quite siong leh. But Kai taking it quite well, may be quite difficult to change.

Wah, u very fortunate leh. Menses haven't return yet ah. Mine came when Kai was about 3 months old. Somemore i TBF him until he was 10 months old lor...
Think it should be ok lah. If you are worried, then go visit your gynae. But i've heard of people whose menses return at about 1 year plus after birth. So, dun worry too much.

for babies learning to walk, best is barefeet (at home). If outside but indoors (eg shopping ctr) can consider soft-sole coz that's the nearest to his own feet. If outdoors on the roads & pavements, need hard sole for more protection. Furthermore, soft-sole for outdoors get dirty & v hard to clean the suede sole, dun u think?
ilmare, hehe, zephan also needs to hold stuff in his hands, unless he's taking his fav fruits. i'm also suffering from chronic backache from picking up after him all the time! He bahaves much better when we feed him outside, prob bcos he gets attention from everyone at the table. :p

re: walking, zephan is also lazy to walk. whenever we pull his hands to walk, he'll oblige for a while then want to crawl. but noticed that he seems more inspired to walk after seeing older kids walking.. maybe should bring him to older playgroups more often! haha... i still let him wear bobux. anyway, we don't let him walk on rough surfaces, only indoors.

zaczac, i also envy you leh! my menses came right after my lochia(?) ended! arggh! and i was TBF zephan till 6months and now still latching him on for his milk feeds... i'd rather they not come until i'm ready to have another kid! :p
not moving? good then... at least no worries abt Anton having to get used to a different environment/climate. house-hunt? that's a major headache then. Happy belated birthday to Anton!

re : walking
ryan's lazy to walk too. on some days he will oblige and walk qutie a distance with us holding his hands... most of the time he will just want to sink down to his knees and start crawling.
thanks for coordinating the ON spree. did i miss out your mail on the payment? i havnt paid yet. also, if u are organizing again, let me know cos want to buy other things too. tired to join the marketplace spree cos always not smooth. sure end up with a refund or cancellation!

Cayden came down with a cold after his birthday bash last fri 1 Sep. he had fun though. I rented the party equipment set from Grefio and all the parents n kids were very happy. parents could makan in peace and kids enjoyed themselves with the rides/slide. it came with 15 helium balloons too. no regrets!

presentation from neo garden was better than before. they even gave me a floral arrangement. i requested for food label as well.

Re: walking
ilmare, is it normal to get "jelly" legs? Cayden also like that. so i let him be cos he started crawling late n i am hoping that he could crawl abit longer though (good for brain development/ mother says good life hahaha...).....but he seems to have lost interest in standing on his own.

Re: throwing things
This is Cayden's specialty. My inlaws (when compared to Cayden's cousin gal (8months old), think that Cayden is hyperactive and sometime naughty and unreasonable! all because of this throwing habit! Their comments irritate me alot!
aidanee, no prob. have not asked for payment yet. intend to do that after vpost shipping cost is finalised, since there're only a few of us. will let u know if i'm organising another one.

boys tend to be more active n naughty. esp if everyone has doted on cayden (being first grandchild and all) of course he will get more vocal n active... you may want to start teaching him to pick up things after he has thrown them. good habit to pick up for future use!
aiyo, i nearly wanted to throw him out too!!! hahaha.....

RE: Speaking
Any of the bbs speaking already? I think Cayden is picking up quite abit of words since 10months...he can now say a few things confidently when he sees them....

when he wants to sleep, he will tell me " ooh oh(sleep)" when he wants to poo in his potty, he will tell me " ng ng" and point to the toilet. so funny.

last night i gave him a banana. I asked him to repeat banana, and he gave me a nanana! soooo cute!
zephan will say "na" for banana.. but he's definitely a man (oops, boy!) of few words. he prefers to gesture and point to the things he want/ places he wants to go. like a king ordering his subjects aka his poor parents... :p
i recall that your isaac can say ISAAC too!!! wow, he is already into phonics!! well done!

hehehe, u are so funny. wow, at least he points and dictates his preference. my son just raises his vocal cord and scream!
re: speaking

What language did your speak to your bb? Ethan so far only understand teochew as MIL only speak Teochew to him. Only when we webcam online see him then we speak Mandarin to him. So far nvr speak English. A bit worried if put Ethan to child care he can't understand what teacher and other kids communicate.
cmy, my parents speak to him mostly in Mandarin, me half-half, and my hb in English. I think he understands mandarin more cos he knows "ping guo" but not "apple". So now trying to teach him his ABCs.. :p but when i speak to him i try to use both, e.g. he points to the same object when i say "light" or "deng", "sun" or "tai yang" etc. Not sure if he'll get confused, but will sort that out later!
my grandmother speaks to him in Teochew, but that's only once a fortnight so i dun think he'll pick up much of that.
hee hee... talk abt bb speaking, Keyon still dunno how to call 'mummy' or 'daddy'. Only call "Ah ma" or "da da" when he's desperate & want us to carry!
But he can talk to cats & birds at our void deck! OMG :} nearly 'peng'.
other than (Apper=Apple, Ber=Bird, Ne=Milk, Car=Car), still lotsa baby language leh.

Btw, any good VCDs or cartoons to show our babies?
My MIL told me dd could understand what we say but I don't feel so that much leh... Now I realise maybe it could be because MIL is talking to her in Mandarin where I'm talking to her in English..
Sometime MIL will speak some English words to her like 'sit, fish' etc. but with funny pronounciation... (eg 'fish' becomes 'phee'). Hope dd won't pickup the wrong ones hehe..
cakey, yah, that's why i always tell my mum to speak to him only in mandarin (which is actually not v standard also, cos got dialect slang, e.g. for "eat" she says "chi4" instead of "chi1", but better than her england!). Got to make it up during weekends lor.. :p

applejuz, i just let him watch a baby einstein vcd. my dad bought a tom n jerry one, which i felt was not educational at all, and he said that i'm too KS! :p but i insist, cos for the tom n jerry one, he'll just run the disc and let zephan watch silently, but with the baby einstein one, he'll point out the animals and describe the scenes to him.

keyon is soo cute! is he a doc DoLittle?
yeah, sometimes my heart drops when i hear people talking to isaac in less than perfect english (eg red colour!) but i tell myself that i can correct him later on.. & try to *relax*
Hi mommies
Hope everyone is well. Been MIA from this thread for the longest time.

You moving home? Where to? Us too!! We can't wait coz our place is getting way too crowded with only 2 bedrooms. We are hoping to move near Rosyth where Annette will be enrolled in 6 years time :p

I promise to pop by this weekend. heee... Been busy with work then a bit unwell etc. Just feel like lying in the longbath everyday, read and do nothing. Is it age?!
passing guest

no leh, not moving.. anyway we haven't reached min 5 years to sell, and havent made enough to buy pte property yet! heheh.. how come u have only 2 bedrooms? converted one into a walk-in wardrobe? so wei da, moving near your gal's future school.
Do u remember my study area with a raised platform? That was a bedroom before we knocked it down to become part of living room. We will hit 5 years next July. By moving, we will also be near my mom and my best friend. And slightly farther from MIL wahahaha...
passing guest

haha.. always good idea to move further away from ILs... :p oh yah, remembered your study area. Singapore's flats are really too small.. if u have a study room there's only 1 more left for kids. and with their rooms so small, it's hard to have more than 2 kids. I think someone has to redesign their flats if they want people to have more than 2 kids (or 1 if there's a maid too!)
hi all
re talking
seems that most of your kids can say a few words by now, my boy can't talk at all .... he can't even say da da. ma ma etc... is it normal for a 1 yr old not to talk at all?

re sleeping
thanks to some mummies who shared your opinions .... i tried applying teething gel & playing soft music, now my boy can sleep better in the night liao... thank u so much!! =)
hi almcaleb,

teething gel helps? my boy has been sleeping poorly since like when he is about 6 mths old. every 2hrly he will wake up. Do you apply the gel before he goes to sleep? any recommendation as to where to get it? or my problem is different??

I bought the teething gel from Guardian. I applied it only when he cries badly. I once read from the instruction, think it said something like "apply 20 minutes later if necessary". So, i think the pain is stopped for a while only. Therefore, i apply only when he started crying.


My boy is only lazy lad. He doesn't like to open his mouth to talk. Therefore, he mostly 'Mmmmm mm mmmm' his way through. Only once in a while will he open his mouth and say 'da da' or 'ma'.

Ethan doesn't really talk too. Every time when we online webcam, he will looks at the monitor and "eh" or "oh" to us. Just like the parents are "computer". Once a while can hear he said "nene" or "mam mam"..Till now, can't even want to wave say bye bye too. Very lazy boy.
re: talking

YC talk but what he say doesnt make sense to us lar hahahaha everything oso per-per or pa-pa-pa but 100% sure not calling his daddy lor

passing guest ....

wow so fast chop the preferred school liao ar heehee

eileenp ...

has fwd the children's day party email to you liao

give him formula b4 he sleeps? That solved isaac's night wakings..

weekend day time maybe no one home. But every night after 8pm i'm home liaoz. If u wanna come weekdays day time also can, my folks are in. U can send Yati over? Arrange via SMS hor.
And chk whether u're pregnant.. if u're expecting dun soak in hot bath too often.
re: talking

dominic is also not talking... except he picked up malay word for open from maid... i tot he was saying book until HB mentioned that it is open in malay.

he can call ah gong and po po, we parents are still non-verbal
so sad... and he hardly point, just demands!

FM before sleep will solve night waking? then i also want to try.... will talk to HB tonite and see how...

will be celebrating dominic bday tomorrow, small family gathering, my ILs are coming from KL.... i guess i am as far as i can get from my ILs!!!
re: talking
Zac can say bababa, mum mum, ma ma, berberber, lelele, lalala, perperper, aiyah all sorts of sounds but i wonder whether he knows how to link ma ma to me and baba to daddy or not.

re: wlaking
Zac doesn't know how to stand up on his own, he has to hold on to things/furniture to stand up. and his legs always criss cross then fall down. He only learnt how to crawl at 11 months 2 weeks old.

btw, I go to JB very often now. cos my ds is staying in JB with my MIL. She offered to take care of him and I can't reject her leh. So she'l stay with us in Spore for 1 week, go back to JB for 1 week and so forth. Good thing is me n hubby can rest well at night when zac is not around but we missed him so visit him every 2-3 days. bad thing is mil will stay at our house for 2 weeks every month. Hiaz...
btw, any mummies tell me where to get nice jacket for dominic.... tot want to get one for him to wear in a/c environment.... went to kiddy palace but the denmin jacket costs S$27! wow so expensive...
hi ilmare, to keep warm better buy cotton jackets. feel that denim ones are heavy n dont keep warm well. i buy zephan's jackets from old navy or the carter's brand. during sale their jackets cost US$10 or below, n including shipping i think the item costs not more than S$20. Buy 1 size larger for more mileage.

re: FM
i also latch zephan before he sleeps. i think feeding before bedtime works only if the baby wakes up due to hunger. If it's due to other reasons, e.g. change in room temperature, not knowing how to self-soothe, etc FM wont help.
i'm trying intro FM to Daryll but its a total failure.. i'm letting him try Enfapro, first 2 night he was willing to drink while sleeping but total rejected last night.. sian
any recommendation of other FM brand that is close to bm?
hi ixwong, aidanee, wendy n ojx, our items are shipped from ON! hopefully can collect by 30 Sept.

rayray, hmm, actually i just received a mailer from them saying there's a baby sale starting 10 Sept. if i find something nice maybe will start another one.. hehe..
hi, have decided to do another purchase at ON! Thanks to aidanee, whose 1 item was OOS, ON has offered me a 10% disc off my next purchase. and they're having a baby sale now. hehe.. can't resist lah.. let me know if anyone is interested. I'll place order by tuesday night, hopefully can make it in time to send to singapore together with the previous purchase to share shipping costs, but no guarantee cos i want to be able to past the stuff to the mummies on the 30 sep gathering.
hi gals, haha.. ok, but do note that i'll be capping the value of purchase at US$100 cos the previous order was already US$100. WAnt to avoid being charged GST. The priority for orders is:

1. Me!
2. eileenp
3. aidanee
4. coffeedrinker
5. cakey

eileenp, you'll need to provide me with more details on your purchase. can follow the format that coffeedrinker has given.

All, pls note that collection places are as follow:

Punggol @ my place
Tanjong Pagar mrt station
Eunos mrt station
Seabreeze's Children's Day party (if they arrive in time)
Postage (to be paid by you)
hi tingting,
I've PM you my order. thanks.
A mistake in my PM though... I mentioned 2 items.. should be total 5 items instead.
hi ting ting,
Just saw yr post. I've pm you again with the priority of item since mine may or may not fit within US$100. thanks
noted your revised list.

from the order that I got from myself, coffeedrinker n cakey, we're already nearing US$100. This being the case, i'll do a separate shipping from my first order, so that aidanee and eileenp can catch onto the purchase. Anyway, i think it's not v possible to combine cos ON usually process v slowly.

eileenp, remember to send me your order again with more details hor!


Here goes...

Painter Jeans for Baby
Size : 12-18
Qty :1
Price : USd12.37


Denim Overalls for Baby
Size : 12-18
Qty :1
Price : USd10.87


Ringer Tees for Baby(Medium Heather Gray)
Size : 12-18
Qty :1
Price : USd3.99


Will collect at your place or Seabreeze's baby party depending on arrival of goods.

Thank you very much!
