(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs


im organising a Bb for recaro car seat. anyone interested please indicate your name and which model you are looking at....

wanted to buy Helium balloon from a Vendor but must hit $100 then got free delivery..($15 for delivery )

I only want to buy $37.60
Anyone ?
The delivery place is : Woodlands Drive 75 on 17 Sept Sunday

see web : http://www.grefio.com.sg/

The other vendor free delivery fully booked that day..
i got one number 1 helium balloon. u want? i give it to u. didnt manage to use it durin ernest b'dae...
Hi Wendyg,

I heard from my mum that bbs with fine hair will have a good life ahead and those with coarse hair will lead a tough life. Clarence has very dry hair so I am now using the J&J shampoo which promises fine hair on him. Hahaha...
Hi mummies,

Something very strange happened to Clarence. He started walking the day after his birthday party. Now he can practically run!

Btw, I would like to check how many of the mummies here pull back their bb's foreskin every day. I didn't know I have to do that for Clarence till today when I take him to the doc. According to the doc, his foreskin are closing very tightly as we don't practise that and we may have to circumcise him if the condition does not improve. Does anyone know how far I am supposed to pull back his foreskin??
hi anissa

here's what i found..

Retracting the foreskin for cleaning
Do not force the foreskin back over the tip of the penis. Initially, a baby's foreskin may be difficult to pull back over the tip of the penis. After the first few years of life (though it may take somewhat longer), the foreskin will gradually become more retractable. By the time a boy is 3 or 4, his foreskin is usually fully retractable. Up to this time, wash or instruct your son to wash the outside of the penis with soap and water. Pushing your son's foreskin back too early can cause scar tissue formation and damage.

hah, i'll tell the fine/ coarse hair info to my granny-in-law, maybe she wun insist that we shave him anymore. He really was quite frightened by the loud sounds & i couldn't carry him to provide any comfort.
anissa, i was also told that there's no need to pull back the foreskin to clean. unless clarence has a special condition?

wendy, we DIY the haircut. my dad got this electric shaver for about $10 (at the shop near our house). he still cries whenever we cut his hair, but it's over in 1 min lor.. we just trim, not shave though. there're some kiddy hair salons that lets them watch tv while having hair cut.. distracts them.
wendyg & tingting,

Thanks for sharing. Lots like there are diff school of thoughts. Now I am really puzzled. Anyway, dunno what's wrong with Clarence. There are patches of red on his scrotum and little spots with white pus on his penis... Dunno if it's due to the pool at the zoo...
mummies staying around punggol and sengkang,

wanna get anything from ON? The current sprees' collection points are not ideal for me. If there're some people keen here i can purchase on behalf. There's a US$10 discount for min US$75 purchase. Plus shipping charges by ON we save US$5. If keen, pls PM me.
hi! some 'cold' jokes from me... to all mummies!
hang in there.. the weekend's almost here.

There's this blonde out for a walk. She comes to a river and sees another
blonde on the opposite bank. "Yoo-hoo!" she shouts, "How can I get to the
other side?"
The second blonde looks up the river then down the river and shouts back,
"You ARE on the other side."

A Russian, an American, and a Blonde were talking one day. The Russian said,
"We were the first in space!"
The American said, "We were the first on the moon!"
The Blonde said, "So what? We're going to be the first on the sun!"
The Russian and the American looked at each other and shook their heads.
"You can't land on the sun, you idiot! You'll burn up!" said the Russian.
To which the Blonde replied, "We're not stupid, you know. We're going at
hi ting ting, i'm thinking of getting something from ON too, I'm at serangoon station, NEL too can or not?

Will u limit to only baby items or adult items also can?
ting ting,
i want to buy from ON.....but busy with cayden's bday bash tomorrow. when closing?

I have a pair of brand new shoo shoo blue sports shoes wiht white stripe(L). Bought from Robs at 20% off. Cayden cant fit at all!!!! I think need XXL. Anyone keen? can let go at $15.
Re shoes. Think Shoo Shoo only got up to XL which HW is now wearing. U can try bobux cos their size are much bigger.
it is soft sole. er....i need to go back n measure the size. hahaha. sorry, i am really lousy in bb clothes/shoes sizes.... denzel can walk liao? sms me at 91888 619 so we can arrange to meetup. then you decide if you want it.

i am only into shoes now cos my mom did not allow any shoes prior to 1 yo. ok, will check out bobux. must be expensive!
cakey, i think if order by this week should be alright. that's 1 month away from the gathering. Promo's valid till 9 sept.

aidanee, i intend to do a quick one leh, before the stuff goes OOS. Let me know by sat? I'll place order on sat night.

ojx, i seldom take NEL leh. ur office around Tanjong Pagar? Or if u can come collect from me at Punggol? Adult or kid stuff also can.

Pl PM me and i'll send u the excel spreadsheet to enter your order. Thanks!
ok ting ting, i will pm you by sat afternoon.

thank you!!!!!

RE: HR-stationery supplies
just wanna check if any mummy here happens to be in HR function and if you know of any cheap n reliable stationery supplier? wanna cut cost liao cos the office staff use alot of paper...
u don't take NEL? then how you go tanjong pagar? hubby drive...sorrie...kpo :p


sms you liao. yes...denzel almost can walk. should he still wear soft sole? if so, i think i will wanna buy.
ok tingting... yap i also thought NEL is the logical way to go tanjong pagar...

I work at raffles place. can pop by during lunch time at tanjong pagar to get from u!

let me know if it's inconvenient for u. i'm just getting socks for my boy. no hurry one... can wait one. thankx!
hi ixwong, ok, will check it out.

samantha, haha, not really bcos of that lah, cos i drop zephan off at my parents' place in the morning at eunos mah. i take train to work from there.
orders received from wendyg, aidanee & ixwong.

Ojx & cakey, would be great if u can get back to me by tonight, so i can place order liao.
hi ojx, ur socks are OOS for 12-24m (heather blue & charcoal). only brown in stock for the size. Pl advice if you want to replace.
Hi mummies,

Those who want to buy toys may come to Concourse. Concourse's shopping basement is having toy fair start from today. I think is similar as Comm Tech toy fair and now they switched to Concourse liao. (Fisher price,mattel, barbie...)
hi cmy

thanks for the info! Used to go Concourse quite often before getting married.. bought some wedding decor from there.. and also got a DMK shop! i enjoyed shopping for shoes too..
hm... talking about fisher price, anyone knows where to get fisher price's rocking horse? it's a rather small one & i think it's green in colour. no wheels though. my boy loves it when we saw one at star furniture's children playground.

or any nice rocking horse to recommend? thinking of getting 1 for my boy
hi tingting,
I'm checking with my cousin if she's getting it for me and still waiting for her reply. I guess you can go ahead first cos don't want to delay your order.
If she happens to reply fast will PM you to see if in time to add in. Thanks alot!

Btw how's HW? Is he eatting porridge again?
Hi wendyg,

I seldom go downstair shop unless got something to buy. Found out some of the things are more expensive than outside but one stop can buy all needed,lazy!! Normally one month before Christmas and CNY lots of stall will setup at the basement for 1 mth. Toys fair/baby clothes fair will held at least 1 yr once or twice. Next time I will post and let your know. But one thing is not very convenience coz nearby doesn't have MRT but can get free shuttle bus from Raffles place.
oh yah har... is little tikes part of fisher price huh? their products looks almost the same kind of pattern ones.

which toys r us huh? can't find them at jurong point one & paragon one
ojx, yup, the 8pair socks are still avail.

cakey, ok, noted.

ixwong, ok, will amend ur order.

btw, i forgot to add the US tax to the price. will adjust accordingly and update when collecting payment. fyi.
my IL's textile shop @ Sultan Plaza - nearby Concourse. Last time while waiting for hubby to knock off, i would walk there to shop shop. Coz Anchorpoint nothing much ley
thanks for concern. HW still refusing porridge. He now only want to eat rice or noodle and drink soup like we adults. He's a true-blue cantonese cos really love to drink soup, can finish 1 bowl easily and will complain when no more. I have started him on table food, so he's eating whatever we are eating, although his version is always less salty and non-spicy...
ixwong, does HW digest his solids? i find that zephan still doesn't chew his food. when we feed him rice, it comes out undigested.
no wonder you so familiar this area lah. Oklah.. Time for me to go down shop shop the toys fair liao. Update your later.

I think it is good for HW start adult food as long as he chew. HW got how many teeth btw?

so you cooked every night and on weekend every meal? wow.. peifu leh..
My MIL also said that 1yr bb might not be able to digest rice yet as a full meal.. But looks like HW is taking it ok? Or is yr rice very very soft?
I tried to give dd porridge that's not so soft but she taking long time to chew and swallow.. in the end I gave up feeding her that porridge.
