(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

yeah, my boy also chew chew his teochew style porridge, then he rejects soft apple coz dowan to chew anymore! If i blend the apple he'll wolf it down.

HW does digest most of his food, but I notice that stuff like brown rice, dried raisins and corn are usually not digested, so I avoid these. No problem with white rice though.

HW got 8 teeth. I think his molars are popping out soon...

HW has his dinner at nanny place every night cos I usually pick him up quite late around 7-7.30pm. My nanny cooks everyday for her own family so no issue. As for weekends, I now very xinfu cos my mum who just retired cooks, so I just topang....hee hee. HW takes the normal songhe new grain white rice. As we adults take brown rice, we cook separately for him but din purposely cook till soft soft. just normal texture.

Feed solids usually is slower than porridge or puree, but I bo bian cos my ds will spit out all things that are meshy. Sometimes he even insist I feed him rice using chopsticks and refuse spoon! *headache* I think he's really into imitating us adults.....

Me on half-day off today! Going for facial...:D
Hi Rasintan,
You've got company. My gal who was sick last week, had sore throat. So I nursed her every time she woke up crying, cos didn't want to aggravate her sore throat. Now, she wants me to nurse her before her naps, night time, and in the middle of the night.

I let her sleep with us when she was sick. Now have to train her to sleep in her cot and not drink milk at night. So difficult. Keep trying....
hi tingting,
I've PM you my ON order in case I'm still in time.
Decide not to wait for my cousin in case OOS.
hi to all mummies here
i do not usually come to this section of the forum... usually only come in to buy things & spend money...lately i m having some problems with my son's sleep & wonder if any of u hv similar problem as me

my son just turned 1 last week.. prior to turning 1, he sleeps at abt 8.30pm nightly & will sleep thru to abt 6.30 in the morning.... during the day, he will take his nap for 2hr+/- in the am & 1hr+/- in the afternoon.... & he enjoys being carried & rocked to sleep.... & oso he needs to drink milk before he sleeps

all these have changed on the day he turned 1..... he refused to be carried & rocked.. he refused to drink milk before he sleeps ....he will want to go onto his cot.... but when i put him down, he will toss & turn on his cot or on our bed for 2 to 2.5hr.. in the process he will feel frustrated ... fuss alittle. play alittle..... cry alittle .... he appears to be very very tired but hv difficulty falling asleep... i tried singing.... patting.... carrying.... but it didn't help.... usually he will finally fall asleep after much fuss & at around 10.30 to 11 .... that's not all .. he will wake up crying for 3 to 4 times throughout the night..... & i will hv to coax him to sleep again... & he will wake up at 5.30 & refused to sleep again.... his day time nap shrunk from a total of 3hr+/- to only 0.5hr!!!... & now he will always wake up crying as opposed to the wake up only see people smile.... =(

it has been abt 2 wks liao.. & i feel very deprived of sleep!!! ..... but more importantly i m worried abt his lack of sleep affecting his development.... my MIL scared me when she made guesses abt him "seeing things" during the 7th mth etc... that's why he cant sleep soundly....

any of ur bbs hv such "strange" behaviour/sleep pattern? .... any advise on wat i shld do? .... i m really getting rather worried. =(
cakey, oh no, i just placed my order liao.. sorry!

almcaleb, poor thing.. was there any drastic change to his schedule or environment recently? i dont have the same situation (touch wood!), but perhaps you would like to establish a new routine for him. let him have a wind down period before his sleep time, so that his body can prepare itself for sleep. Babies of different age groups have different sleep schedules, you may want to check on that and plan his activities around it. i do know that shortly after 1year old, kids may start to drop one of their naps and have 1 long nap (say 2hrs)instead. Observe his body clock and try to prepare him for bed before he gets overly tired. HTH!
hi tingting,
It's ok. Next time perhaps

hi almcaleb,
It's really tiring and worrrying for you.. maybe you can try some soft music or play some story CD as part of the bedtime routine? Or is there some mosq disturbing? Or did you check his tummy whether its very hard? Can rub some oil before his sleep.
hi almcaleb,

hai... we mummies feel so worried and helpless when they suddenly show a change in behaviour right?

agree with tingting - any change in environment or schedule? and is it cos of teething that's causing discomfort? my girl just contracted urinary tract infection and i'm a bit paranoid now - read that some kids do not display any symptoms (dunno how true but my girl had fever).
Could he be teething? Haowen is always more irritable and wakes up multiple times thru the night during those times. Why dun u try putting some teething gel/teething tablets for him to make him rest better? In fact, when the molar pain goes really bad 2 weeks back, I resort to feeding HW some baby panadol (painkiller) prescribed by GP. I can see it helps relieve his pain.
why dun u try having shorter naps during the day eg one hr in the morning and another hr in the afternoon. If he cannot withstand no sleeping in the morning, then u can let him sleep 2 hrs in the afternoon. Sometimes, too much sleep in the afternoon might got disruption in their night sleep. Hope this help
My baby also similar to yours. The difference is that he will cry very badly for about 1 hour plus in the middle of the night and 3-4 small fusses.
Kai is teething now, so i think he's uncomfortable. I tried applying teething gel for him, but doesn't seemed to work. So, i just comfort him and hope that he will feel better. Dunno what else i can do.
Hi , Mummies,

any recommendation on walking shoe for our baby 13 months ?

Not those Bobux, shoo shoo, jack & lily type.. more on those suitable for outdoor walking..

What brand have you buy.. or you know of any brand ?

I bought one Oshkosh and one sandle from Kiddy palace.. seen one sandle from Colette but very expensive, $40.00
I bot Clark. Though it's pricey but it's very comfy & the sole is good. THere's oso a lot of good & affordable shoes at OG, can give a try.
Hi Sharon,

My boy has also started walking the day he turns 1. I just bought him a harness from Gold Bug as my mum is having a hard time catching up with him
re: hard sole shoes
i bought a pair of sandals from Metro, squeaky type $14. Bought another pair 2nd hand from this forum $3. Have 3 more pairs given as full-month gifts.. no chance to wear yet coz the sizes so huge.
because my gal also started walking liao, now thinks of wat shoes to buy for out door walking liao, any recommendation ? wat brand ? wat size ? how much ? and where to buy ?
gracemum, you can buy Clarks crusing shoes for her. For clarks, they will measure the size of baby's feet and advise you on the size. Think Clarks at takashimaya is still having sale, so it would cost around $30+ (hope I didn't remember wrongly).
I bought a bubblegumer sandal from bata. The sole could be bent so consider not too hard? It costs abt $16+ and still got some allowance although it's the smallest already. I can't find anymore softsole shoes (except bobux foreign kind of shoes) that can fit my gal's big feet. She could only walk the most 2 steps so the sandal is mainly for 'standing' when outdoor at the moment.
for outdoors like roads, pavements etc, get hard sole shoes. But if u only let your girl walk indoors, eg shopping centres, then soft sole shoes are ok. Bring your girl along to get the correct size if u can't estimate. Go to any department store, eg Robinsons, Metro, John Little, Isetan etc, chk out their shoes dept/ children's dept. Bata also hv kiddies shoes.
If u're like me, seldom got chance to go shopping, then buy from forum lor.. measure your girl's sole & ask for insole measurement from seller.
I had brought 2 difference size of Bobux shoes liao, the problem is i always let my gal walk everywhere i go. de shoes become very dirty difficult to wash. thinks of buying one is really suitable for outdoors walking maybe will try out Clarks.
Sabrina has outgrowing size m liao,
Thanks everybody
Hi triniti

when you say shorten the nap time, do you wake Anton up when the time is up rather than let him wake up by himself? I try to let Ryan wake up himself instead of trying to rouse him cos he gets very grouchy when i try to get him to wake up.
Hi sharon,
I prefer to get two pairs of shoes. 1 for places such as market, playground, hawker etc. And 1 for shopping centres, house visit etc.
What I usually do is I will open the door and make sure there is enough light to wake him up. Yes initially they will get grouchy but once they get used to it, it will get better. Try to play games they usually like for eg, peek-a-boo or his favourite toy or let him drink some water. So once they used to the timing, they will wake up at the timing. As long he sleeps for 2 hrs during the day time, it is enough to last them during the day
Hope this will work out for u
need some advice. I was reading up the "what to expect on toddler years" and there was this section that talks about weaning the baby off BM/FM to cow's milk. In fact, it mentioned that FM for toddlers are full of sugars and addictives and should best be avoided. I tasted HW's Friso 3 thereafter and it's indeed quite sweet. I also just realised that 'glucose syrup' is part of the ingredients. I also checked other brands and all have 'sucrose' as ingredients.

I'm now confused on whether continuing FM is good. Any views?
hi ixwong,
Do you mean the book suggest to give bb cow's milk instead of FM? Tot toddler too young to have cow's milk?
Seems like it's unavoidable since most FM have the sucrose as ingredient? I guess as long as bb is drinking enuff plain water then it's ok? Maybe one way is to cut down on unnecessary sweet stuff eg ice-cream, ribeana etc.
hi tingting/cakey/raisintain/ixwong/triniti
thank u so much for sharing & for all the suggestions.... no there isn't any change in environment/routine.. there were no mosquitoes too (fingers crossed)..... but his tummy is usually very hard i dunno why though as he doesn't eat/drink much (but that's not something new so i doubt this is the cause of the restless sleep)...... previously when he was teething, he wasn't fuzzy... i guess maybe it could be the molar is coming out.. molar more painful i suppose?? ...i will try to apply teething gel (but i m very fearful to insert my fingers into his ever-ready to bite mouth!!!)..ok i will heed all your advises & try out all that u gals hv suggested.. hopefully these wakeful nights are only temporary!!! ....

so u are having the same problem as me!!!....xiong rite .... sigh....really not easy being a mummy!!!.... but let's jia you together!!!

my boy can walk very well already but some people say it is actually better to walk later...coz imply better life(??!!). plus not so stressful on their developing legs

think u may want to check out osh kosh or nike's sandals for outdoor, seems cool & comfy

i am oso alittle confused as i remembered being told that FM is not as good as we think.. oso some pple say give goat's milk better coz easier to digest..... other mummies any views to share?
Yes, cakey. The book suggests to give cow's milk once after 12 months. I am quite confused cos the common practise locally is to continue with the stage 3 milk.
ixwong and cakey
Actually, I am letting Anton drink Organic formula and in january converting to Cow's milk. Formula in general has alot of artificial chemicals in it so that is why I switched it to organic at least, it has less artificial ingredients esp growth hormones. I think it is beneficial for the baby to drink cow's milk around 14-15 mths onwards so they will get used to cow's milk. It is better to do it in transition as usually cow's milk is colder since it is from the fridge. I am using HIPP organic formula now and my son loves it. It actually contains 1g of fibre to aid pooing. My gf is selling her excess 4 boxes as she decided to wean her son's off formula . If anyone is interested to try, she is selling off at only $32 and that is 10 dollars off the price in Brown Rice Paradise. One box lasts me for 4 weeks. Please PM me if anyone is interested.
read an article somewhere that discourages giving non BM, not cow's milk, cos cow's milk is meant for calves, not humans (no malice intended!). the article said that nutrients found in milk can be found in other food sources too. still, i think even though the FM has sucrose, they are at acceptable daily intake level, and we just need to make sure they don't get much sweets from other sources.

talking abt that, yest we went to this ice cream parlour called "Icekimo" that serves local-flavoured ice cream at Sin Ming Plaza. Tried the Teh Tarik and Bundung... v nice! i like it that it's not as creamy as american ice-cream..
hi Ixwong,

i think its best to drink milk formula cos it still contain aa , dha etc to aid development in your kids brain,,,, the fruttose is only veri minimal . anyway we need some sugar is our diet as long its not glucose,,etc . fruits contains frutose as well.....

actuallty if you can afford , stage 2 can be drink up to 7 yrs in europe country.... other stages are not sold in europe country, the reason y asia have stage 3 & above is bacause manufacture feel we asia wants cheaper formula so they manufucture stage 3 onward as the aa, dha etc is lower so cheaper cost....


i learnt from the manufacturer.... so i know of a friend still using stage 2 for her son age 6

hope this helps!!!!
Thanks, mummies for all the inputs.

Hmmm. Money aside, now that HW has tried the tasty stage 3, I'm not sure if he's still willing to go back to more bland-tasting stage 2....
.... why money aside?
it's one of the main considerations for me...
maybe one day i'll give isaac some diluted condensed milk. kekekeke
wendy, $$ impt, but nutrition still overrules lah.. haha.. i never tasted his FM cos i dun like milk myself.. maybe the stage 2 FM also sweet already?

recently zephan has been reluctant to get into the car seat. i wonder if it's bcos my hb now lets him sit at the driver's seat while warming up the engine...

Wendy, aidanee, ixwong, ojx:
ON update - our items are pending shipment. So i guess there's no issue with the credit card details right? Aidanee, the rugby shirt is OOS. Fyi.
thanks triniti! will try out your suggestions. How's your preparation for your HK move?

re : Stage 3 FM
strangely my son doesn't seem to like his Gain IQ as much as his Similac. He takes almost twice as long to finish and that's with a lot of coaxing.
Re: milk
My gal is still not taking solid food that well eg. not able to take porridge mix with pork. So don't think she can afford to wean off FM. If bb is taking a variety of food well everyday then it's ok.
Hmm.. not sure how to teach her to chew properly leh... esp if lump with porridge. She'll take it that everything in the spoon is soft if feed together with porridge and just swallow. After choking a few times she'll refuse the whole bowl of porridge..
but i got no $$ to give him organic food ley.. how? If he eats organic, i hv to eat grass liaoz. Still must set aside $$ for diapers. Also nvr send him for Shichida/ GUG etc..
hee not going anymore!I am so happy but we are moving house though, but have yet to find the house so we are becoming homeless soon....hehe

solid food
my son also rejecting his own usual food. so I am trying to give him more adult food and he seems to take it well. I think its because it has more flavouring and salt!!oh well, I am more relaxed now since he is officially one today hehe...

aiyoh, since when was organic food n shichida/GUG necessities? normal food can still give the same nutritional value except that they are grown using pesticides n chemicals. u grow ur own veggies lor, rear your own chickens, sure organic one!

cakey, my boy also doesn't really chew. thing is, he's so greedy that he just swallows whatever's in his mouth and takes the next bite!
i dun hv green fingers, all my indoor potted plants died.. if i were to grow veg for isaac, he'd hv nothing to eat..! keke
isaac is chicken.. chicken dun eat chicken.. he eats pork & fish. I need pig farm & fish farm. Maybe at my lift lobby la.....?
Hi mummies,

Any idea when is the recommended age to wean babies off the bottle? My girl still chokes now and then when drinking water from the pigeon straw-bottle. I doubt she can handle milk in it.
Hi mummies,

Hehe, saw Angel's megan on the Baby Bonanza advertisement. Sooooo cute. And felt so proud. Keep telling my hubby to see. Hahaha...
Congrats to megan for getting into top 10!!!

Any mummies feeding your babies Enfapro?
I'm trying to find the 1800g Enfapro but can't seem to find them at all.
Very siong to buy the 900g one all the time leh.

walking shoes,
It's not recommended for them to wear hard soles issit? Cause Kai wears a hard sole shoe whenever he goes out. Think better get a proper sandal for him.
hi long time never post.

saw u gals discussing about walking shoes...is shooshoo ok for walking outdoor? This zac can only walk abit, but tend to run instead of walk. not steady yet but he keeps pushing us away when he walks. I'm also thinking whether need to buy him a good pair of shoes.

I saw some very nice good ones at united Square basement. They have a few kids/baby shoes shop there. Very nice but very pricey leh!

re:weaning off the bottle
i think for my ds a bit difficult cos he can't drink from straw yet. Let nature takes its course bah! see when he's ready then switched lor.

re: anybody still latched on?
I'm latching on at night only and my menses haven't return yet. Zac is already 1 yr 2 weeks old liao. Am i normal.

hi all

re:step 3 milk
will continue to give ds milk till he is mayb 5-6yrs old bcos of the nutrients which should be more easily absorb by the body.

cakey, you try giving her some baby biscuits... i gave ds and he is chewing with his gums! there are days when he will be lazy to chew and end up choke and refused to eat his lunch/dinner. *sian*

tingting, you are so lucky! dominic will need to be distracted to eat! he will "guai guai" eat till about 1/2 way thru then need to hold something in his hands(explore and throw!).

re:drinking water
dominic still drinks from bottle... he only want to chew on the sprout and straw, so still bottle for him... i got him the pigeon mag mag straw cup, but now in cold storage... will try again soon.

i just bought a pair of Jack&Lily for dominic... gonna to let him walk in it for a while... tried to get him to walk at home, taking 3-4steps then topple over! he is kinds of lazy, prefer to crawl then walk(faster for him to escape from us!) and he will even refused to stand(jelly legs). think it will be ages before he will walk.
