(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Have emailed you already.

Haowen really looks very big for his age, so cute... He must have enjoyed himself!

Edna looks so sweet with her big smile, pretty gal! I also like you, ordered most of the birthday stuff online.

Perth is nice, was there in Sept 2 years ago and I miss the beautiful weather. Hope you'll enjoy yourself there!

Can everyone update their email address below to faciliate the money collection hahahahaha i have keyed in those email address that I already have .. pls check for accuracy

Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep 11am - 3pm
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting & Hb ([email protected])
2. JT and family ([email protected])
3. Cakey & family ([email protected])
4. ixwong & family ([email protected])
5. vone & hb ([email protected])
6. smallbell & family ([email protected])
7. applejuz & family ([email protected])
8. aidanee & family ([email protected])
9. cookies & family ([email protected])
10. snoopy & family ([email protected])
11. Sarah'smom & hb
12. featherG & family
13. Hosanna & family
14. eileenp & family
15. dressaholic & family ([email protected])
16. Samantha & Family
17. jh & family ([email protected])
18. Eileen (littledar) & bb
19. T_Teo & bb ([email protected])
20. cat_tail & bb (coming late due to work)
hi seabreeze, mine is correct
cat tail ...

i can imagine lar ... spend so much time preparing then end up like that ... i will be boiling mad too!! thats why every week when i see my MIL i will ask her if she want to invite anyone anot lor heehee

anyway i think edna has your gene lar ... her limps are so long ... will be a model next time and i love her smile ... so pretty!!

ixwong ...

hey enjoyed your party yest but too bad i had to rush off to JB ... thank goodness no jam at all so we reach my relative house very fast heehee YC love the clapper ... keep playing with it the whole day
yupz! My email is correct but I'll pay you when I see u on Sunday. You went JB, no wonder we didn't see you in class yesterday. But class was quite chaotic coz the babies seem to be all over the place!
I wouldn't call my party peaceful with so many babies/kids
but at least no frustrating event like u encountered. Sai yang u, k?

Glad u enjoyed yourself and YC likes the toy. My email add is correct.
Hi cat_tail and T_teo,

Yup...i am definitely excited about our trip. I love Perth and I can't wait till 16 Sept !!

ixwong: Yah...was actually quite a last minute decision but well....never too last minute for Perth
Wonder what matthew will be like on the flight though now that he is more active and all. The last time he just slept/ drank milk. But now....think will have to bring plenty of snacks to entertain him.
Hi Ixwong,
Wow... DIY letterings! I'm impressed..

Hi mummies,
How come all the 1 year olds look so steady? Mine is turning 1 next week, but still cant stand unsupported!

Just scroll up and saw your posting on the thread...any chance of sharing which program did your husband use and how did you do it ...thanks coz I need to DIY too..
The "Happy Birthday" was bought from Concourse but the name was done by my hb using Adobe photoshop. He advised that if u cannot find the font type u like in the existing selection, u can download some for free from the internet (try google search). If u need more details, u can PM me.

Re caterer
I used Neo Garden cos they had a 20% discount for baby 1st birthday. Food was quite good.
Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep 11am - 3pm
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting & Hb ([email protected])
2. JT and family ([email protected])
3. Cakey & family ([email protected])
4. ixwong & family ([email protected])
5. vone & hb ([email protected])
6. smallbell & family ([email protected])
7. applejuz & family ([email protected])
8. aidanee & family ([email protected])
9. cookies & family ([email protected])
10. snoopy & family ([email protected])
11. Sarah'smom & hb
12. featherG & family
13. Hosanna & family
14. eileenp & family ([email protected])
15. dressaholic & family ([email protected])
16. Samantha & Family
17. jh & family ([email protected])
18. Eileen (littledar) & bb
19. T_Teo & bb ([email protected])
20. cat_tail & bb (coming late due to work)
hi seabreeze, can u send out a "last call" before confirming orders for the food? cos not sure if my hb needs to go for overseas assignment then. thanks! but i'll still go w zephan at least..
Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep 11am - 3pm
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting & Hb ([email protected])
2. JT and family ([email protected])
3. Cakey & family ([email protected])
4. ixwong & family ([email protected])
5. vone & hb ([email protected])
6. smallbell & family ([email protected])
7. applejuz & family ([email protected])
8. aidanee & family ([email protected])
9. cookies & family ([email protected])
10. snoopy & family ([email protected])
11. Sarah'smom & hb
12. featherG & family
13. Hosanna & family
14. eileenp & family ([email protected])
15. dressaholic & family ([email protected])
16. Samantha & Family
17. jh & family ([email protected])
18. Eileen (littledar) & bb
19. T_Teo & bb ([email protected])
20. cat_tail & bb (coming late due to work) ([email protected])

Thanks ixwong & T-Teo for your compliment.

Haowen's Daddy is so creative!

Enjoy your trip & do post some pics when u r back.
I have yet to contact Mrs Lam cos busy with my posting to Hk and Anton's birthday...still very unsettled.

I called them up but they told me the 2 cakes have to be the same size
Customised cakes has to be 1.5kg and above...guess I dun have anyone to share the cake with me...sigh....
seabreeze, i kpo k. :p

Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep 11am - 3pm
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting & Hb ([email protected])
2. JT and family ([email protected])
3. Cakey & family ([email protected])
4. ixwong & family ([email protected])
5. vone & hb ([email protected])
6. smallbell & family ([email protected])
7. applejuz & family ([email protected])
8. aidanee & family ([email protected])
9. cookies & family ([email protected])
10. snoopy & family ([email protected])
11. Sarah's mom & hb
12. featherG & family
13. Hosanna & family
14. eileenp & family ([email protected])
15. dressaholic & family ([email protected])
16. Samantha & Family ([email protected])
17. jh & family ([email protected])
18. Eileen (littledar) & bb
19. T_Teo & bb ([email protected])
20. cat_tail & bb (coming late due to work) ([email protected])

I've included my email address. Thanks.

Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep 11am - 3pm
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting & Hb ([email protected])
2. JT and family ([email protected])
3. Cakey & family ([email protected])
4. ixwong & family ([email protected])
5. vone & hb ([email protected])
6. smallbell & family ([email protected])
7. applejuz & family ([email protected])
8. aidanee & family ([email protected])
9. cookies & family ([email protected])
10. snoopy & family ([email protected])
11. Sarah's mom & hb ([email protected])
12. featherG & family
13. Hosanna & family
14. eileenp & family ([email protected])
15. dressaholic & family ([email protected])
16. Samantha & Family ([email protected])
17. jh & family ([email protected])
18. Eileen (littledar) & bb
19. T_Teo & bb ([email protected])
20. cat_tail & bb (coming late due to work) ([email protected]
Thanks. Ya, my hb likes to do such stuff. It's his interest. He also did all those "magazine cover looks" of Haowen which were pasted on the wall below baby's name to show how our baby has grown...

hi dream
HL Foo - same owner as Liang Food.
I used them for my wedding reception - fantastic service! Mrs Foo (the cook) very warm & friendly. Great food at good price. But presentation is quite normal la. I go for the $$ value & taste more than the looks.
no lar, my hb not a graphic designer but he's in IT profession. Doing the mag cover is one of his newfound hobbies ever since haowen is born...:D
mummies, i gt 1 tin of GAIN IQ growing up milk 4 children 1 yr onwards (400g) 2 give away, exp date - 18 apr 09. collection is at suntec or bedok reservoir rd. pls pm me if u r interested. tks.
Hi Seabreeze,

I've included my email address. Thanks.

Children's Day Party
Date: 30 Sep 11am - 3pm
Venue: Bishan Loft
Cost: $5 per adult/ Children FOC

1. Tingting & Hb ([email protected])
2. JT and family ([email protected])
3. Cakey & family ([email protected])
4. ixwong & family ([email protected])
5. vone & hb ([email protected])
6. smallbell & family ([email protected])
7. applejuz & family ([email protected])
8. aidanee & family ([email protected])
9. cookies & family ([email protected])
10. snoopy & family ([email protected])
11. Sarah's mom & hb ([email protected])
12. featherG & family
13. Hosanna & family ([email protected])
14. eileenp & family ([email protected])
15. dressaholic & family ([email protected])
16. Samantha & Family ([email protected])
17. jh & family ([email protected])
18. Eileen (littledar) & bb
19. T_Teo & bb ([email protected])
20. cat_tail & bb (coming late due to work) ([email protected]
re: Zoo
Went to the zoo today and I must say that we have certainly a very good first class zoo in Singapore! I was totally impressed... considering i didn't want to go in the first place. It was hb that insisted that we go since its Eliz birthday today. Down side is that it rained throughout our zoo outing... had to wear ponchos and only managed to cover like 1/2 of the zoo. Definitely recommend u gals to bring yr babies there on their birthday! Oh yah, quite difficult to take photos cos baby always look back at the animals instead of camera...

Here's elizabeth at the zoo... waiting in the shade for the rain to stop!!
was it difficult bringing 1 year old to zoo? was planning too but was thinking abt baby's nap time n food..maegan is 1 year already and love to see birds, was planning to do the bird park. Any feedback?
The zoo is big! I have been bringing my baby there twice & I still can't manage to cover everything! Normally I like to be there around 9am cos it's not too hot & then left the place before 3pm. Remember to plan your itinery well so that u can try to catch the show in time.

Do bring extra baby clothings if u intend to let them play the water fountain at the children play land.
i was there from 10.30am - 2.30pm. Was stuck in shade for 45mins due to heavy rain. But only managed to cover 1/2 of the zoo... so i guess its a full day outing thing!

cat tail:
oh, there's a water fountain? aiyah, i didn't go to the children's playworld...
Hello Sept Mummies..
I'm from Oct thread but my girl was actually born in Sep... I drop by this thread occasionally to see how the other kids her age are doing... I enjoy reading your exchanges n I think the pictures of the kids are all so nicely taken! Hope I'm welcomed here...
Hi, mummies,
Any one here uses Play yard.. thinking of buying.. think useful at her stage now (next month 1 yr old )?
Pls advise (being thinking buy,..don't buy..buy ..)

Pammie you are welcome.
hi pammie, welcome!

re: zoo
wow, u gals covered more of the zoo than me! i was there from about 11 plus till 1 plus only though, and watched a show in between, so only covered a bit. Though it wasn't raining when i went, there was little wind so this spoilt mummy was hot n tired after a while.. haha..also, both adults were not feeling well, so we just visited a few animal areas n wrapped up the tour with a lunch there.

yah, was impressed by the "quality" of the zoo.. a nice experience!

for food, i brought zephan's lunch out. cooked porridge n put in thermos flask. for fruit, i brought a banana. fed him during animal show time. didnt let him nap there, but i guess he can sleep in the pram if need be.

Even though he didn't walk, zephan was tired out by the trip. prob too visually stimulating, and keeping up with us pointing this and that to him.
coffeedrinker, Tingting, thanks.

On play yard, I dont know but personally feel that it wont be much use for kids who can walk and you child wll soon be walking so can only use for a few mths. I also find it very space consuming unless u fold and keep them all the time. Jus my opinion..
Hi Mummies..

If you intend to go to zoo often considering won't be able to conquer the whole zoo in 1 day...I would suggest to get a Friends card..is cheaper and 2 grandparents are free....

The expiry is 1 yr...so if you go 4 times, the cost is already covered...

If you have Toys R'us card...the Friends card will be cheaper..

And free parking everytime you visit the zoo..

Is very worth it..we already go 3 times...coz of timing and don't really want to over stimulate my Boy...
Sweetpea, Thanks. Incidentally, I call my daughter Sweetpea..

IC69 - i'm using mamil gold 2 so I suppose i will just progress to mamil gold 3 when she turns 1 yr next mth.
igotmilk, if got the Friso bundle u buy for me also? keke.. i can try to collect from you at suntec during lunchtime one day so that u dunnid to lug home.

re: play yard
my parents actually do fold it up when zephan goes home at night. no need to dismantle the panels, but just push it together against a wall.

wendy, of course feed zephan lah! the monkeys there quite ya ya one.. maybe their diet is much more appetizing than bananas.. haha...
Hi mummies,

It's been a long long time since I last posted any msg on tis thread...

We juz celebrated our boy's 1st birthday on 13 Aug & here's some pics to share...







wah, how come everafter look like Ericia.. ix shen's girlfren?

wonder if Giant still got anot ah?
i try to find out when the carrefour promo ends, maybe can buy on my own la... but dunno when & how?!?! few weeks back i went to plaza sing carrefour & saw the promo, tempted to buy, but no transport!
