(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

my son got bitten by mosquito again during bedtime, on the head/face. what can we apply so that it clears up faster?

already taken preventive measures, still kena!!!sigh!

hi pammie,

hi everafter, tt was fast of u. wah, gerald had grown a lot since i last saw him.

aidanee, can try hazeline snow.
wendyg, tingting:
how many bundles u gals want?? I quite small size leh... can't carry so many bundles.
I didn't check the price.. just saw a tower of bundles stacked together for sale.
can try calendula cream from california baby

wah so many bdays celebrated...and looks so fun and all the babies looks so big!! haha...glad the mummies all so happy and having fun...can't wait for Anton's bday to be over hee
Re friso 3 bundle
I just bought 1 bundle from a chinese medical hall near my place $35.50 - much cheaper than cold storage's $37.80. Mummies, u may want to check out medical halls near your place.
my pet doggie's ears also almost torn off liaoz..
he's lost lotsa weight too... now a skinny doggie, malnourished. hahaha.

JinTaiTang (branches @ Pasir Ris & Rivervale Plaza) doesn't carry... I've been asking around those small econ minimart/ medicinal hall - most dun sell Friso. Can give the addy of where u bought yours? One day i'll go & clear their stock for them. kekekeke

Carrefour selling $37+
that time NTUC was selling $35+, i only bought 1 bundle. *regret*
see maybe tmr's supermkt offers have la?
tks vone, will go clear their stock b4 i go to ixwong's medicinal hall. kekeke

Anyone here wants ENFAPRO? i've got 2x400g exp Dec 07 & Mar 08. Collection Braddell/ Punggol/ try to arrange. Pls PM me... tks!
wendy, i think the petrol u spend to go to those medicine hall will offset ur savings already.. haha.. but of course, if u do go there, remember to get 1 bundle for me too!

igotmilk, if u can, 1 bundle for me pls. can leave it in your office n i collect from you during lunchtime. but thought the original bundle is with a small tin of Friso 3? i no need the towels.. :p anyway, dun think the next offer will be here soon, cos they're now having the bundle for Friso 4. So if they take turns to promote their FM, prob got to wait for 1-2 months.

re: mosquito salve
i'm quite hesitant to use hazeline cos baby may eat it accidentally (rub their faces n suck their thumbs). maybe try aloe vera gel?

dunno if Friso does BP?
Tower of bundles, not Towels...
the bundle is 2x900g with 1x400g lor.
I won't purposely spend @ on petrol, parking & ERP to save a few $$ for FM. I'll plan my trips to maximise my savings.

i enquired with Chong Hoe
price is $0.20 more ex than Jin Tai Tong.
and no more bundles

may i know the name of the CMH near your place pls? tks
This morning , Anton started to stick his tongue out and playing with his tongue...I realised that his tongue is very long!!Like a giraffe!!!when he stick it out, its so long tht u dun see his little chin anymore...very scary

Do your little ones play with their tongue? Is it normal...or is he having like ulcers??
Angel - so cute to see Megan walking around w 2 balloons!

On mos bites, i use 'after bite for kids' contains eucalyptus oil. Not sure if suitable for under 2 but i used it anwyay.. i hear aloe vera is good for kids under 2.
thanks for the fm. appreciate it.

thanks for collecting for me. also, pls remember to wash the table tennis ball. Cayden was sucking so hard the whole night.

mummies, thanks for the recommendation for anti-mos./fast healing..... will get a few variety to stock up. My mom blames me for taking too much bird's nest during pregnancy. I blame my MIL for her plants outside the window. <faint>

hey, i think anton's teething....read somewhere that if it is the upper teeth, they tend to stick out the tongue to soothe the soreness. not sure how true but Cayden was like that before his 2 front teeth popped 2months back.

but long tongue means can speak v v well next time. can b a lawyer!

Now when i say TONGUE, he will stick out his tongue and followed with a big smile! sooo cute!

megan is going to speak soon........hurray!!!!!!!
try the clock. most bbs love the clock and will try to say CLARK. Cayden says CLAK when i point to the clock or ask him what time is it.
just blame the darned mosquito la.
u supposed to bring back the pingpong ball &amp; disinfect b4 returning to me la. kekekeke
Hi wendyg
Anton used to click his tongue when he was much younger and also do the choot choot sound when he likes the food...
but I think like what aidanee said, I think he is teething cos one of his upper teeth is coming out...

hee really long tongue means can talk well...? No wonder my hubby tongue so long too...Hee like father like son

Megan so cute..I like her walking. Anton also walks like that with the walker, hopefully can start walking when he is one
i bought the friso bundle @ Giant for $34.75. I bought 2 then. So Giant is the cheapest...

so u want 1 bundle @ $37 ah? Confirmed ah.. tomolo i go buy.
Thanks, I got milk. So far Giant seem the cheapest.

I bought my friso from the chinese med hall next to the NTUC at blk 417 yishun ave 11. But not as cheap as Giant.

Megan is so fast! 1st to cruise, 1st to walk and now 1st to talk! Such a clever gal!
igotmilk, $37 is still cheaper than the non promo price right? i havent checked prices cos just started transiting zephan from nan 2 to friso 3.
Carrefour Bundle promo: $37.80 for 900x2 + 400g
Jin Tai Tong regular price: $33.80 for 1.8kg

tks for your info, i'll take a look if i ever go to Yishun...
Hi Sharon..

My gal, maegan just turned 1 year, on the 2/8 and still no teeh...now 1 tooth is cmg out.

Poor girl has got fever now.

is it true that when baby's 1st tooth comes out, they are bound to get fever? or is just old wives tale?
teething not nece = fever

teething = gums itchy
also happens when babies discover mobility
so they move around and put things into their mouths to ease the itch/pain
if items are not clean, germs may cause fever

dat's why pple always say teething = fever. But not necessarily so.
hmm, that prob explains why zephan didn't get fever when he was teething.. it came early and he wasn't mobile yet! haha... TGIF!
I just bought 1 for you... $37.80. Still cheaper than w/o promo... Let me know when u wanna collect okie?

Carrefour still cheaper than the Pasir Ris medical hall.
thanks for info wendyg

hey ladies..milk powder still cheaper in JB. I live in JB (am Malaysian) and go to spore quite often and i notice that the milk powder more expy after conversion..

but there are baby stuff tat i still buy from spore which are not available here
my mom says that too much bird's nest during the pregnancy makes the bb's skin very sensitive. ??????? i have yet to do any research on it. my mil, who was ever so excited for the arrival of her first grandson (eldest), made bird;s nest every week since 4th month of my pregnancy. my mom told me not to drink so much, but how to reject?????? good stuff leh. actually, i dun really believe in what my mom says....

lucky you stay high up! no worries on mosquito attacking your precious.

your gal is a role model for all the bbs here.

so you bought the walker? maybe i should consider too.......which one? the tomy one that angel recommended?
michelle chow
i'd love to get my supplies from JB, but i dun hv chance to go in so often... my last trip to M'sia was in May!

if factor in the petrol, parking &amp; ERP charges to get to Carrefour, then get from Pasir Ris better... i walk there from granny's place, or Deric &amp; Isaac waits for me in the car @ roadside while i dash in to buy.

i only heard that baby will hv good/smooth skin with lotsa birds nest during pregnancy.
hello aidanee

aiyo.. please don't say that.

I believe every baby develops differently at different pace. Eventually the faster ones will slow down and the slower ones will catch up to be on par.

God is fair!!! :eek:)
aidanee, wah, my mil didnt even do anything during my pregnancy... hmm, maybe bcos Cayden's skin is so good tht it attracts the mosquitoes? haha...
not sure abt the bb, but i thought my skin was very very good during pregnancy. after that, like shit. no more bird's nest after the grandson was born. now i am like a transparent stick in the house. Cayden is THE focus of attention. actually, HENG ah!

hehehe, u are very modest. i always thought your mom is a supernanny and your megan is a super baby. hahaha.... oh oh, not forgetting her super big eyes and super long lashes!!!! i told my hibby that i will want to keep a pix of her when i get preg with the next one.......hehehehe....
hillary licks her upper lips, like the naughty image of dennis the menace. she also likes 2 suck in both her cheeks, as if she was doing the sexy kiss poise.

i think ah-boo's apple in hainanese.
hee i got the vtech smart Grow and Go walker from Toy's R us...I think 79 bucks.
but I am thinking of selling it before I go to HK , dun wanna lug a walker all the way to HK.
hi mummies

Thanks for your compliments. I got it from from BP organised recently at $8 a piece uninflated and it's a steal as it cost only $2 to inflat it. For those inflated ones you see in shopping malls, it cost at least $15 to $18 I think.


here's a pix of megan poo poo in the adult toilet bowl. She refused to poo poo into her bb potty and kept standing up so we had no choice but to buy a attachment thingy to put it on top of the toilet bowl. This is no good actually as we intend to train her next time to go to the potty on her own when she needs to but she now can't potty on her own cos our toilet bowl is too high for her.

