(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

erowen, the lighting is very flattering thats y..heheh
my skin still looks pretty bad, im reacting very badly w breastfeeding hormones. The acne can only be gone if i stop breastfeeding. quite sad lah, dermatologist did mention antibiotics and hormonal pills. Side effects: my milk supply will drop.

so it looks like i have to live w crappy skin for a while

adelyee, there's a growth spurt at 3rd week, thats when babies will get fussier and they wanna feed more often oso. Chloe went through the same cranky stage, i remembered craddling her from 4am-7am, i actually watched the sunrise from my house., w her crying in my arms..

the phase will soon pass, hang on there
I started my baby on sarong since week 3, I think. So far haven't see any side effects. I used the sarong for all his naps during the day (cos he can sleep longer) as well as rock him to sleep at night. Once he's sound asleep, I will carry him to his cot. He will sleep thru the night in his cot (wake up for milk 1 time). If colic, ot sure if the yao lan would help. You tried putting Ru Yi Oil on his tummy?

My boy also always drop his pacifier (i'm using NUK also got mark on face), so in the end I let him hug a beansprout pillow, with one end of the pillow pressing onto the tutu...

You stopping bfg liao? To stop bfg, I read that you shd hand express a bit to relieve the engorgement but dun empty the breasts. Slowly the milk ss will drop.

I sent the pics to your hotmail account liao...
Ya, the next gathering preferably on weekends pls. Dun mind someone's place. Triniti, your place big enough to accomodate all of us plus hubbies???
Ya adelyee,
If baby gets cranky at almost the same time & last u for hours, tat should be colic. Bad news is, u can't get rid of it. Good news is it will go as time goes by. One way u can try is to carry your baby in a way tat his tummy is pressing against yours.

Hi erowen,
Dun empty your breast milk & pump out half to prevent engorgement. Then keep putting on cold cabbage as often as possible.
christina, it's good that you can bfg as long as you can. Dun worry, the skin is just a passing phase. Next time yr healthy baby will appreciate you very much one. =))
It was like my bad pregnancy rashes, got to endure. After delivery, it faded away.

ixwong, how old is yr baby now? my gal abt 2 mth plus, we slowly teaching her how to hug small bolster. But she dun want leh.
I did thot of changing to NUK one, hmm...so also will leave mark.
Ya i have to stop cos i dun have time to pump at work. My milk bank supply is finishing soon, my ss cannot really meet her demand. She drinking 150 - 170 ml now...
my gal gal will be on full FM soon.
sigh, quite sad to think abt it.

cat tail, tks for the info ya. =))
hi erowen,
working from home now till nxt week, clearing some urgent stuffs, boss ask me to reconsider if i can go back to office...my plan is to quit to look after baby for a year or so....quite reluctant to leave baby with my mother as she is always complaining about hard to cope with Denise crankiness..plus she is quite weak to handle Denise alone.

agree with you! must really have a super big place to accomodate all the mummies, babies and hubbies! hahahahaa..guess it will be real fun to meet up everyone again! weekends will be really good!
Hello gals

wow! i saw gathering pic. Can see that you gals are really enjoying the gathering. hao3 xie4 mu4
yo! the babies are so cute

vone - yo! wat happen to your maid? U can call me when u free.
no need to paisay lah. Have sent u the pix. Vone, also resend to your pacific account liao.

my boy is coming 3 mths next week. He's also drinking 150-170ml every 3 hr now. All along my BM not enough, so have always been supplementing. I'm back to work full time next wk, only intend to pump once in office during lunch. Have reduced my pumping session to 3x a day, can get abt 600ml a day - enough only for 4 feeds. The remaining 2 feeds always FM loh...why dun u cut down to only pump once in the morning & once at night? 1 bottle better than none...

Dun think bb know how to hug the pillow yet, I have to arrange his arms around the pillow, but the main purpose of the pillow is to stop his tutu from dropping out...:p but nowadays he's quite gd at turning his head left-right-left, so the pillow must put horizontal liao...
Actually it can be a bad thing if you are too skinny. I can comments all the time like how skinny I am and I should eat more. The fact is I eat so much and my metabolic rate is really high that is why it is harder for me to put on weight but the pregnancy is doing me some good
I will be happy if I can be 48kg and maintain it at 48kg though my current weight is more to the so called " normal weight" haha

I think all of you mommies look much more radiant than me!!Esp with all your babies by your side, you all look so contented and happy!!How I wish I have the courage to bring Anton out..


I think my living area can accomodate about 10-15 ppl..just that my sofa might not be big enough for so many..I think max 7-8 ppl but I still have the dining area with 4 chairs haha...My place is big just that there are not enough seating area with so many ppl, unless the daddies dun mind sitting the stairs or the floor haha

the problem is I am always out in the afternoons to do errands with my hubby during the weekends.
re: infant massage class

okie ladies who have signed up ... the venue of the class is 18 Portchester Ave (in Serangoon Garden) ... can click below to see where it is located ...


3 Dec

1pm - 3pm
1) snoopy & hb
2) passing_guest
3) emmie
4) everafter_03
5) applejuz & hb

4pm - 6pm
5) Adel
6) Cakey & hb
7) ixwong & hb

triniti ... nice of you to offer your place ... am sure the daddies dun mind sitting on the floor ... but you will need to prepare a 'nursing room' for us heehee ....

adel ... my boy oso ... during his first month ... almost every day there will be 3hrs whereby he is super cranky ... but it happens at diff time of the time so i guess mine was not due to colic but pure crankiness ...
the mummies can use the guest room as nursing room. Snoopy used that as the nursing room the other time she came to my place. you all can lie on the bed, there is a bed rest.It is very private and quiet so I think it will be ok
can underst how u feel.
Me now at work really miss xuan xuan terribly. I will stare and stare at her photo. sigh

My gal also need a lot of attention. Now my mum is looking after her also, but my dad has taken 2 mths unpaid leave to assist my mum. My gal dun wan to sleep in the daytime one, always want people to sing and talk to her....

cat tail, you apply the ru yi oil only once a day? hmm, now i wondering if i and my mum apply too much liao, we will apply abt 2 3 times a day leh

ixwong, thought of that too, but once i start work, think it's my stress level, my ss starts to drop. sigh.
Ya i also arrange my gal's hands around the bolster and let her sleep sideway...after a while she move here and there and kick away the bolster.

Btw yr office is pumping friendly, mine not really lor. Though my colleagues are very supportive but the only place i can pump is in my pantry. Very pai say, cos i have to lock the pantry and people cannot come in and get water. During lunch time, it's the only place for my colleagues to eat.

triniti, how i wish i have yr weight leh. Fast metobolic rate is good lor.
adel, me not planning 2 use d sarong. dun wan my boy 2 b 2 reliant on it.

ero, me using tis pacifier fr sesame street. it's part of d hamper which my client gave me. but it's not so gd coz d pacifier is curved, so my boy's face will hv lines when he's sucking it. re. weaned off bf, 4 me, i dun drained my breast totally when i latch my boy on, so after a while, my supply dropped aso.

cat_tail, oops, tis blur mummy 4got 2pay u 4 d diapers. i oni remembered when my hb asked me. paiseh paiseh... can u pm me ur bank a/c no. & i transfer d $$ 2 u. so sorri...

chris, dun fret okie. u still look gd!!

ixwong, tks. rec'd liao!!

confused, okie. noted.

musicgal, dun worry okie. will c u at d nxt gathering.
Hi triniti,
Ya lor, fast metabolic rate good mah, can burn off fats etc faster hehe..48kg is still light leh..how tall are you? you mean you used to be even lighter? wah...

Hi erowen,
I am off breast feeding totally already, due to health reasons.. initially, i tried to take those chinese herbal drinks recommended by the physician. he said take once good enough..i took three times, milk supply still never stop, never even decrease! i was having engorgement every day, cause cannot pump..if pump, milk supply will replenish..so i tried pumping less and using cold cabbage..also no use! breast hurt like mad, engorgement and fever everyday and i stank of cooked cabbages all the time. Finally fed up, went to see doctor to get the medication. There are two types - one more effective/faster (take 2 tablets, milk supply will stop within 5-7 days) another kind take 5 tablets or something, take longer for milk supply to stop. but, regardless which medication, you will still have to go through a few days of engorgement, cause cannot express. so have to take painkillers in addition to the medicine. ..of course, the more effective one more expensive lah..one tablet $25 must take 2 so $50 lor..doctor say i got too much milk, must take the faster one if not i will get engorgement for weeks..so i took the $25x2 tablet, and suffered engorgement and fever ( got painkillers to help relieve pain) for another days before milk supply completely stopped.
hi i'm a mummy,

thought my supply was problematic enough... urs was worse.. :p funny how many people try to increase supply and we try to reduce.

my boy today v funny leh.. kept rejecting the breast since this morning, never suckle for more than 2 min before pulling away... and funny thing is he doesn't seem hungry... plus he's super cranky... think he had such a mood at 2 months, but forgot why already...
hello everyone!

the outing looks so fun too bad i can't make it.. kinda regret now..

aidanee / applejuz,
both of u live in jurong west now rite?? me too! maybe can arrange a day to meet at my place for tea?? very bored leh.. every day only stare at baby.. i think she also bored of staring at her mummy! hahah Any other mummies interested can join in too.. but might be abit far for the others to travel!

Btw, any one shaved their baby's head already? Where did u do it and was the baby difficult to control during haircut?? How abt shaving the eyebrows?
Re: Sarong

My gal sleeps in the sarong (must be rocking one) in the day time but at night she can sleep on our bed or in her cot.. although she prefers our bed.. maybe got her mummy's smelly smell.. ahhaha...

Re: pacifier
hey! my gal also always drop her pacifier! she will suck suck suck then suddenly 'pui' spit out the pacifier.. then guess wat? she crys! duhz.. i always tell her to suck properly cos if drop then she very gan cheong and very cry..
but i realised if i stand in front of her she will suck properly.. only when no one is ard her then she will do the pacifier dropping stunt.. is it her way of seeking attention???
Hi mummies.
First day at work today. Rather refreshing... got many warm welcome from my colleagues. Haven't really started work yet. Busy reading thru' those emails & rearranging my cubicle.

Okie, Let me try to paste the photos again. Hope it works.


Ha.. it works.. ok more coming up. :D

cat_tail & ixwong
Ha.. it works.. ok more coming up. :D

cat_tail & ixwong
Adelyee & 3wks baby.
wendyg, though she is an easy baby still get cranky at times loh.., haiz wat to do being a SAHM, still got to juggle between home & social life..

tingting, yes she has grown.. how time flies hor.. she is now in her week 15 liao.. guess wat i carried Adel's boy who is oni 3 weeks old, after i put him down, i broke into cold sweat, and my palms are cold!! haha.. miss kylie's nb time..

aidanee, my bag is carry-on. colour code is sunflower.

Hi reenie, how are u & little denise? have nt heard from u for quite some time.. u r still working? or not doing handover?

Erowen, me very stress leh.. imagine taking care of her 24/7.. not oni got to take care of small baby, i still hve another big baby at home.. hehhe.. if not big baby get jealous.. haha..

You mentioned you now express 500ml at office. Do you still express when you get home? At office, how often do you express and how long do you usually take? Thanks for any info/tips as I will be going back to work next Wed and I'm not too confident I will have enough ss.

Seabreeze and Lib,

Thanks for organising the massage class :)
Hi vone.
Will have to try the hard method if really no choice. PD thinks that it might be due to teething. So, have to wait and see.
btw, what brand of pacifier did you use?

Hi Moulincat,
I had already shaved my bb gal's head. Use those hairs to make into calligraphy brush. The hair cut is free. Didn't shave the eyebrow though.
The person who helped me to shave is very fast and my bb gal didn't have time to cry.
passing guest
when i get home i dun express - direct latch. But recently i've been giving him water for night feeds, so i still express once, say 4am.
At office i express every 3 hours, each pumping session abt 15min. Take another 5min for washing pump. And another 5min to go canteen to buy KOPI!!! I allow myself 1 cup a day after a pumping session, if i really concussedddddd.
The rule of thumb is: more demand = more supply. So if u gonna pump frequently, supply will surely increase. May not be overnight, maybe over few days. Btw, i eat FISH for almost every meal. And take a fenugreek capsule once a day. But sometimes i forget, like today!! *hiak*
My supply can't compare to tingting and i'm a mummy.. mine's average only, not genetically gifted with excess milk glands.
when my baby was 3 weeks old, i was struggling with breastfeeding, had terrible skin problm due to confinement food, was sweaty all the time coz no fan... gosh, u look like u went to spa to hv your baby... fantastic!!
I'm a mummy
Heard taking those medication will cause bust size to shrink smaller than pre-preggie size. True or not?
I'm mummy
I used to be 45-46 now I am 50-51kg.I am 1.68m though some ppl said I look taller hee. It has been along time since I measured my height.

Anyway, how long did it take for your milk supply to be completely drained off after you took the medicine?How often are you engorged? Yours sounds like a serious case of over supply. For me, my flow is sometimes too fast for the baby but I do not have a serious case of engorgement to the point of meningsitis.
hey wendy,

forgot to ask u.. u said u empty both breasts at the same time while at work, but Isaac only drinks from one at a time at home, so won't u feel full on one side while at home?
can the mummies here share on how to resume back to pre-pregnancy weight? and how to reduce the tummy??! {the mummies in the pic look so slim nah!}
yah lor.. i also think all the mummies look slim in the photos!!

passing guest:
A good estimate of pumping in the office is approx 30mins! 20mins to pump and 10mins to clean up. Wendy takes quite fast cos she expert liao. Or maybe you can pump at home and time yrself. Also i find that my regular pumping in the office (3-4 hourly) has somewhat increased my supply.. first 2 days only pump 80ml but nowadays already pump 110ml each time. And i just started work for 4 days....... more milk = take longer to fully drain the breasts for me.

eh, at least yr supply is twice mine! u pump 500ml in office, i only manage 320ml if i pump 3 times.
hi all!
i went out today to get my hair done.. finally! phew.. was in a mess man.. got it all straightened le! mm..

wendyg: i guess... i wasn't into the confinement thingy.. so.. went out to have some fresh air with Brent.. i thought.. since i will be meeting so many experienced mums.. it shouldn't be any huge problem! and thank god.. it went well smoothly.. mm.. i didn't go to a spa to have my bb.. u jus didn't see the night before.. on how i struggled to take care of him!!!! if i were to look at myself into the mirror.. tat night.. i will definitely look like a walking corpse!
i need milk and wendyg,

Thanks for the info. 320ml is only enough for 2 feeds. I'm so hoping that I would not have to supplement with FM. Do you get letdowns easily? I realise for me, if there is no letdown when I pump, there is virtually no output unless boobies extremely full. Hence I pump when feeding Annette. I think I would have to blow up a poster size picture of baby to put in my office. The next hurdle now is where to express. Arghh...
yes u're right. Bo pian, tahan lor.. somehow no matter how i coax him, he won't take 2nd side. So for next feed, i HAVE to remember to start from 2nd side, o'wise i'm in TROUBLE.

u know why i'm faster, coz my Avent manual allows me to go as fast as my fingers squeeze! Unlike slow slow electric pump. Hee!

passing guest
i thot u were the one whose husband complains that there's no space for ice cubes in the freezer.. if u hv stock, then no worries lah.
I hv at least once letdown per session.

i'm a mummy
for someone with no problems with supply, what a pity that u've got to stop bf prematurely..
Hi vone,
Dun mention, it's FOC for u. Just remember to give me a good treat next time.

Hi adelyee,
No prob. Hope your baby's colic will get over earlier.

Hi mummytobe,
Sorry to hear tat, sounds like u have a very bad experience on breastfeeding. Hmm.. as for whether pills will reduce breasts size, not so true leh. My frd oso suffer bad engorgement & she took the pill. So far ok, breasts size still the same as before.

Re: Teething
Anyone can advise abt this especially those who have seen a PD? Think my gal is having this problem. She drools a lot, sometimes cry & putting her fingers inside the mouth as though in pain.
wonder when will the colic end!.. gotta carry him in such a way whereby his tummy's at mine! so poor thing.. stomach must be pain pain ah..
let me know how u like the Huggies...
in case u're interested, it has "Leak-Lock system" that quickly locks fluid away fr skin so baby feels drier & better protected, EVEN OVERNIGHT! (I shall see about this!)
Hi i need milk, passing guest & wendyg,
After u pump in office, how do u wash the pump & bottles to ensure its clean for the next pumping session? do u rinse with hot water?
Today's my 1st pumping experience in office. Alamak, can't find a proper place to pump, hide inside a room with empty cubicles. & scared people come in. So only pump twice & only getting 130ml & 100ml.. so sad. guess tonight gotta be extra hardworking to pump, else tomorrow my boy no milk liao..

No problem. All mummies looks great in the photos! :D

I'm also ~51kg, but u look much slimmer than me... aiyo, my weighing machine spoil lah..:p

How's ur trip back home that day? Did the taxi uncle help you? I think we weren't in luck to get good taxi drivers... both no initiative one..especially the 2nd one, talks alot & complain so much abt the on-call thingy.. Humph.
triniti ... seem like your place is an ideal place for our next gathering heehee ...

passing guest ... me have the same prob as you ... can only pump out fast when my bb is latched on on the other breast ... when i pump on my own ... need to massgae with hot water ... look at bb photo ... do all sorts of pattern then can pump out ... really hope that when i ret to office i can pump out milk for him ...

very scared that supply will drop cos can only pump out during lunch ... very paiseh to go pump on a 3hr basis ler ...
I rinse the pump & soak in tub with sterilising tablet. Lukewarm water can liao.
Dun stress when pumping, skali cannot squeeze out anything.
No stock ah?
HI Ixwong,Cat-Tail,
Yes, the breast will shrink but go back to pre-preg size..the reason why people think that breast become smaller is because they forgotten how their breasts look like before pregnancy hehe cause during pregnancy, breast increase 1 cup. then when milk supply come in, breast size increase somemore..so after taking the pill, breast suddenly become smaller (no more milk), they are shocked that the diff is so great, and somemore there is a lot of 'wrinkly' skin, so the breast looks like a shrivelled up prune haha but the size is actually the same la, for me at least, and the wrinkly skin (cause skin stretched to accommodate when they grew mah) recovers in a few days/weeks. But one thing though, breasts definitely sag after breastfeeding,cause cannot wear underwire and breasts so heavy..now i can rival an african tribal woman, sigh..rubbing the clarins bust cream everyday now...

Hi Triniti,
First 2 days i took the medicine (2 tablets break into half, one day take 2 halves). then engorgement for i think 4 or 5 days (including the first 2 days) but the engorgement gets progressively less as the days pass lah..by the end of the week, milk supply completely stop. zero, zilch, nada, empty. if you wean off through cold cabbage or less pumping or cold turkey etc, you will still have some milk ie. few drops, wont be completely empty at least forthe next few weeks..

i only breastfed for 4.5 weeks..the last two weeks was very bad, i had to express every 2 hours if not will have engorgemet. Baby doesn't drink every 2 hours, and baby doesn't empty breasts everytime she feeds, so most of the time was spent pumping and washing and sterlizing and before you know it, its time for the next pumping cycle again...i had to wake up twice in the night just to pump..and when i had engorgement/fever, waking up in the middle of the night to pump while shivering/feverish is a nightmare!! i had breast infection (mastitis) twice because i didn't express fast enough (both times was because i slept through the night, didn't express for 6/7 hours because was sick) then kenna breast infection. So i was on antibiotics twice during confinement month. By the 2nd week of confinement, i was pumping up to 225-250ml each session.

Hi Wendyg,
Ya my gynae also said very wasted. the reason why i stopped breastfeeding is because i suffer from very bad migraine (with aura, seeing bright spots, nausea, vomitting etc). During pregnancy, i was so happy! nine months no migraine at all..but once i delivered, within the first week, i kenna migraine twice liao cause not enough sleep. Then subsequently over the next few weeks of confinement, with lack of sleep due to expressing, then plus fever, engorgement, i was practically like a zombie having migraine. and couldn't even rest cause have to express milk every 2 hours!! lucky that time got confinement lady. But once she went back, that's when i threw in the towel..i couldn't look after the baby, express milk, and be sick at the same time with migraine, fever, engorgement what not..cause when ihave migraine, i can'tsee properly for at least an hour or so (see bright spots and like got blind spot like that)..i just couldn't cope..i also think wasted, but i really had no choice..i cried myself silly when i was forced to make this decision because i felt i was letting my baby down
