(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

And i realise cup size doesn't mean more milk too! I'm a cup D but pathetic supply...

was intending to buy the MIM strapless elastic bra too but i think may be too tight for me... Me squeezing into 36D now. It's Free size right?

i don't perspire easily and dont' get heaty easily. So maybe yr hypothesis is right!

I need milk
You should go and take a look at eternity bandeau bras... i think they are cheap and wearable...of cos another expensive brand is BONDS.
hi mummies,

re : BM & bra discussion.
Think I am one of d mummies that buck the trend too!! When I was preggie, my bra size did not increase! Wore my normal bra from beginning to end of pregnancy! When I went to buy nursing bras, based on measurement by sales person, I shld still be size 34 (same as before preggie) but I decided to get size 36 as more comfy. Got cup B as was told will increase a cup size....but although on TBF still no increase leh....even with my breast pad, still have room, so looks like no increase at all! So no african tribal lady for me!
re: gathering

That was really fun!! Let's do it again real soon! Love all the photos! Too bad my nicole was snoozing...so not in the shots!
i need milk,

wah, u D size arh? may not be able to fit you then. For me, it's quite ok. Maybe u'll need to stretch it a bit first. U can drop a mail to MIM to ask whether it'll fit u before buying.

hmm, not so sure abt the durability of eternity bras... got the nursing bras fr them (remember the cheap ones @ seiyu we were raving about months ago?), and now their elasticity has gone haywire.. but then, could be me mishandling the washing... :p
Haha.. u all so funny. Now the hottest topic today is who has the biggest boob!

Tat's a very sexy bra u shown! I am sure yor hubby drools when u wear it. *wink wink
I've just emailed u the photos.

Yes yes, the bras very nice & sexy.
Hee hee.. ur hubby sure cannot resist the temptation... tot of having 2nd baby soon?
triniti, i luv BONDS bras. but 2 ex 4 me liao. tink hb will complain...

ting, me r still okie leh. can still wear.

moulincat, u went shopping ah??
already sent to you. Didn't receive?

Re bra
also bought a lot during my last trip to Thailand...all in 36B/C (now wearing 40-42C). Praying v hard that br would go back to pre-preggie size. Dun like too busty cos wear tops always v "meaty", not nice...
Hi Vone,

I work at Suntec Tower 1, how abt you? My lunch hr is very flexible. Just let me know when you wanna meet. I shld be fine.
re: tube bra
Mine fr Marks & Spencer made me perspire so badly, i promised myself i wouldn't buy another of this kind. That was years ago. Prefer the traditional triangle cups. Nowadays i'm only wearing the wireless nursing bras fr MIM. $16 each coz i bought 3 at 1 go. No problm with elastic.
applejuz n ixwong,
can trouble u galz to resend the picz to this [email protected]. dunno why my yahoo cannot download the picz..

haha....so funnie! todae hot topicz here is abt Bras.....

wah!!! me so big size only upgrade to 80b..... n u so small size also wearin 80b! hee.... no wonder ur ss is high! ;p btw, where did u buy those wireless bra? i hv been lookin for it but cant find any... recently i bought 2 set from triumph like bikini....

haha..... think u r a bra lover! worst than me...i lov victoria secret too! used to buy a lotz till my hubby complaint! but now .... sigh......all the bras now cant fit into it anymore! such a waste!!! further more b4 i know i preggie, i went to HK bought a lots too!! my nice shoeS, my bootS n my suits!!!! some of the shoez i only wore it for once n now bcoz my feet size increase, i cant fit into it!!! im so angry! somemore the bootz are not cheap! costz me S$400-500 a pair!!!

galz, can we organize one more gatherin b4 i start work!? sianz... gog back office on 28 nov... no more time for me to play wit bb n ZZzz more at hm....
I officially start next Thurs. Sucks big time. Suddenly I seem to have a lot of things that I want/need to do. Should have been less lazy during the 3 months' leave. Those mommies who are still on leave, please make everyday count. You do not realise they are so precious until you are about to start work.

Just went back to my office this afternoon to pack my desk and check out where I can express. Sad to say there is virtually no suitable place as every single room door has a huge glass window. My accounts girl suggested using the toilet. Geez.. this coming from a mother of 3 young kids.
skippy ... same as you ... me bought lotsa bra when i went BKK before i knew i was preg ... think i cant fit into any of them now ... sianzzzz if after i stop bf and i still cant fit into them ... think we can really start a undies garage sale liao ...

passing guest ...

me going back on monday ... went for a company dinner tonight ... boss n colleague v happy that me going back cos they wan pass back the work to me hahahaha ... discussed with my boss and she allowed me to slot in 1 pump session bet lunch and knock off time ... and i offered to extend my working hr ... cos i figured out that i prob cant knock off on time oso heehee ...

luckily we have empty rooms which i can use to express milk ... my only concern is my supply ...

envy triniti and ting ting for their supply ...
seabreeze, ur baby looks so cute!

we have a nursing room in office, but quite leh chey to walk to the other end of the building.. maybe should up a makeshift curtain at the entrance of my cubicle... when the curtain is drawn people know what i'm doing.. haha..
today so zombified.. zephan refuses to sleep from 5am onwards (till now!), n i got to entertain him while half asleep... he was so chatty n alert... good thing he wasn't really cranky...
Applejuz and cat_tail
hee but that bra I have only worn it once and that was during pregnancy and it is already too small!!Err my hubby not a lingerie person he actuallty find the basic bras with no lace 'sexier'?!hehe I was thinking of having the second kid 2 years later

I bought mine from Pierre Cardin and they are really comfy.

Hmm so far my eternity bras are serving me well but I think because my maid handwash all my clothes and lingerie.I think that helps me maintaining the elasticity for the bra
Hi tingting, sometimes when my gal woke up for milk arnd 5.30 am, she also will be alert and keep making noise, so i just burped her and laid her down on the bed. A while later, she will sleep by herself. haha.. seeing me no hue her perhaps.
anissa, me in tower 2. i arrange wif u again nxt wk k.

ting, tat's funny, mine r still okie leh.

skippy, i agree. d last gathering was fun rite!!

seabreeze, yicheng looks veri cute.
pity tat he's not thr at our last gathering.

triniti, gosh, ur maid handwash all ur clothes ah. mine throws all into d washing machine. now i m considering 2 ask d new 1 2 handwash liao. coz i found a hole in my new top. argh... btw, d bra is really sexy. tink guys dun noe how 2 appreciate tis. wasted... hehe...
Hi Vone,

We'll most likely move to tower 2 end of the year cos the current office is too small. Anyway, do give me a ring and we can meet up for lunch.
Hi Mummies..

I'm back at work too. So sian. How i wish the ML goes on and on and on.. Hehe.

Seems i'm left with no more BF.. so stress and peisah to pump in the conference room.. so sad. Can't help feeling guilty.

Just brought my baby to PD for his 1st 5 in 1 jab yesterday and guess what the doc say? he's too fat.. His weight 7.99kg and 67cm long.. I'm beginning to wonder how come he's so long. Me and my hubby average size only and my big boy is also not so tall.. How come the younger one is so long leh?
So many mummies starting work...me too, going back coming Wed.

Tingting, I also thot to put up a make-shift curtain at my cubicle, but worried it would look v unprofessional. Heard there is a new nursing room at my workplace, will check that out, else will DO IT at my cubicle...luckily, lunch time not many people around.

My boy always wake up at 5.30am and make noise. I don't feed him cos it would only be 2-3 hr from his 2am feed. What I do is give him his pacifier, if that does not do the trick, will move him into sarong and lightly rock him to sleep...during all these, I will keep the light off.

Nicky's mom,
Wow, your boy is huge! How old is he? Mine just went to his PD, he's 6.98kg and 63cm, already above average for his age 3 mth. Mine is taking 150ml every 3 hr (6-7 feeds a day). Yours?
anissa, dun noe whether i'll still b around when u shifted 2 t2. haha...

nicky's mom, dun feel guilty k. i m sure tat u hv tried ur best oledi. gosh, ur boy is big...

ixwong, wow, haowen is pretty big aso. tink we can train our arm muscles liao.
Hi ixwong,
My boy 3mths old on the 9nov.. we started calling him baby elephant.. hehe

He's drinking 210ml per feed / every 4 hourly. and these days, he sleeps around 9pm(that's the last feed) and only wakes up for milk around 8am the next morning. wonder if this is ok for such a young baby..
help! dunno wat happen to my boy! he refuse to drink milk for tiz 2 daes... only drank like 300ml/day.... but he slp alot!

u mean Pierre Cardin sellin wireless n strapless? sometime when u wear singlet, u need to look for strapless bra....but most of it are wit wire! will go J8 to check out PC later....

ur ah boy so handsome! think he got little bit looks like u right?

Nursing Room:
i will be using the store room in the office! n guess wat! there's 3 mummies including me need to take turn to pump!! my boss told me tt i will need to schedule the pumpin session wit the other 2 ladies! sigh..... the store room is full with boxes n archive files! got no other plc to pump unless...... *washroom*....

nicky's mom,
wah ur boy v big ler! my boy now is 6.6kg at 2mths 2wks.... do u know how much shld my boy drink hur?
hi mummies,

how's every1, looks like bra is e hot topic. i guess i'm 1 abnormal bf mummy, didnt really increase in my bra size leh, still wearing e same 1 as b4.

tingting, my boy also wakes for an hr or 2 for his 1st mornign feed, so always hv to entertain him. sometimes i put him on my bed, talk talk awhile till i fell asleep, then he'll wake me up to entertain him again. so tiring.

some of u mummies really hv big babies, i wonder how u achieve that. my boy seem small n i wonder isit cos i didnt feed him enough breast milk. i always thot BF baby is big, but dont think so now.

re: ways to increase Breast milk supply
i got a feeling my ss has drop the last few days, feeling quite depress. used to be able to pump out about 70-100ml once a day ontop of latching him, but now only 30-50ml. can any1 advise how to increase???

If your baby is on formula, there is an indication on the tin as to how much the baby needs to drink in a day.

If baby on breast milk, there used to be a posting by a mummy on how to calculate how much a baby is supposed to take per feed (i try to go home and locate where i wrote the thing and post later. )
I used the following formula to gauge if my boy is havig enough milk intake per day = Weight x 150ml per kg. E.g. my boy at 7kg shd be taking abt 1050 ml per day.

I read in other threads that sometimes bb go on a milk strike around 3 mth old. It's a phase and will apparently revert to normal later.
to all the other mummies who got the bumpermat from Korea
I got my dinoops mat and its gorgeous!I so totally absolutely love it!!!! hehe I am leaving out for the odour to vaporise and keep it for later use

for mummies who missed the offer, now smallsmall world is giving a 15% discount for 1+1 for LG prime!!So hurry!!
one of my gfs wants to buy the mat so if any mummy wanna chip in, let me know
skippy ...

yap ... bb look more like me than the daddy heehee ... i compared him to my bb photo and the similarity is q obvious ...

cookies ...

me bought nursing tea from moms in mind today ... hopefully it would help me to maintain or increase my supply .... my fren said that it worked for her ...

went for the sling lesson today ... the principle behind the sling seems easy but need lotsa practise ... my boy was cranky throughout the session cos he wanted milk, milk and milk heehee ...

triniti ...

u got the LG Chem one isit? I orderd the ipark piro ... hope that it turns out well too ...
hi triniti,
I would like to chip in.
Interested in the "mousse Bear". I have called the smallsmall world, althought this design is out of stock now, but if confirm by 1 dec, stock will come next month.
ok I will let my fren know


I got the dinoops LG chem Prime bumper mat
don't think it is in the smallsmall world website but it is similar to the alpha dino

I am sure you will like it!The colours are so vibrant and colourful!Worth the wait and the money. It is soft and the cushion is really good
re: Nursing room
i pump in an empty office with glass windows/door (some parts covered with frost) but what i do is that i face the wall to pump so if pple wanna peep thru the glass window/door, they can only see my back! Plus, i switch off the lights so quite dark. My HR pple quite worried for me cos they scared i expose myself. I quite boh chup. Also, the other day i pump at my cubicle at 7pm.. and my IT guy walked to my area!! Lucky thing i was wearing a nursing top and kind of covered the pump funnels.... :p Basically, don't need to be too shy when expressing in office... i think nowadays pple shld be more open minded liao with the pro-bf campaign.. So mummies, don't give up expressing even tho u going bk to work okie??

passing guest:
i know the sian feeling of going back to work.. but guess gotta think of the $$ that u will earn to buy stuff for yr kid!
hi, triniti
Please contact me via Hp 91089791 regard the order of the mat
My pc on virus... think it will so crash my hraddisk. now doing last minute backup.
should you see me no reply in this forum.. call me
triniti and temple,

What is the diff between children's playmat and bumper playmat? I missed out on the bulk purchase recently, spent too much time deciding whether to get or not.


How much did you pay for it?
u hav msn? where did u buy the bandeau bra? i dun really like it coz it makes me feel uncomfortable... like "bao bak zhang"
anyone want to get the following items?

1) 4 boxes of 100 pieces Tollyjoy Nappy Liners - $20/-

2) 1 NUK Latex Slp-time Soother, 1 NUK Latex Vented Teat and 1 Avent Teddy Silicone Soother - $12/-
re: feeding milk

today fed my bb while traveling between places heehee ... not bad ... save time and he is happy hahaha ...

re: discharge/menses

how long did you ladies had the discharge for hur?? mine lasted for abt 7 weeks ler ... then recently ended ... but yest got menses like discharge ... got a feeling that my menses is back ... v sianzzzz heard that once the menses is back ... the milk supply will drop alot ... v worried .... if really is menses .... me v surprised cos tot bf will delay the menses one ....

re: baby size

glad to hear that my baby isn't that big afterall! at 3rd mth check he's 6.8kg but only 60cm long. Hopes he'll grow taller! Btw, dun be puzzled if baby seems to be tall/big though both parents are petite, got to look at ur siblings, cousins, etc too!

re: milk strike
mine goes on strike once in a while.. think sometimes it was bcos my menses came back, so the hormonal changes affected the breastmilk temporarily.. sometimes he just had an off day... drink less than 3 min then kept struggling n turning away.. i'll just try a few times then either leave him to play or to sleep. Gathered since he's already gotten so much fat stores won't harm if he drinks less for a day or 2.. haha...
