(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

i got another type of wind oil at home.. recommended by my malaysian CL. She say in m'sia they use that type. But will it really help? Oh well, i think i try tonight when her witching hours begin..

for ruyi oil, i'll put a drop on my palm & rub both palms vigorously until warm then quickly "wipe" Isaac's tummy. Cannot leave hands there too long coz may be too hot for baby - dat's what my papa says. Dunno if your wind oil gives the same effect?
Strange, perhaps your baby is over stimulated so he gets cranky? This thing, I feels tat Dr can never give me a satisfying answer & cure. I seen one before & he just say it's like tat one..will go off one day... grr... waste my $.

I dun mind getting a 2nd hand for the bumbu seat. U get it from Yahoo auction?

Your situation sounds like me... a mth+ ago. Hey, before u apply the m'sia oil on baby, try rub some on your palm & test whether it's too hot. Me too, I got a lot of funny m'sia oil from relatives and it's too hot & oily. Remember, rub oil on your palm until warm. Then press on her tummmy, side & back but dun rub.

U r so coolz! Wat a great achievement u made! I only bot some cakes at the foodcourt. Want to get some Gelatine ice-cream but bb start to protest.

Dun worry abt the Q for taxi. Although it's long, but the waiting time is very short.

Shiok leh! U going back to work soon, so stocking up new clothings? I dun noe when was the last time I did my good shopping. :x Anyway, I left Taka at ard 3pm.
Hi cat_tail,
Ya, I got 3 sets of new clothes from SENSE in Plaza Sing. They got 20%(Storewide) + 5%(members). So quite worth! :p
Furthermore, salesgirl says if I regain my figure, they can alter the pants for me.
cmy ...

that time my sis went to attend a funeral wake and came bake home ... carried my bb and from that day onwards my bb was very cranky ... me tot is was because he just 'recovered' from the photolight therapy ... so more active lor ... but my mum attributed it to the funeral wake that my sis attended ... so for the next 3 day ... she threw some 'hong hua' into the water and bath him ... surprisingly he did settle down better after that ...

might sound abit auntie ... but no harm giving it a try ... if that is what you fear lor ...
Hi snoopy, cmy, cat-tail,
what is the bambo seat for? how old must baby be before we can start using the seat?
how coincidental, today's Zaobao Classifieds Pg 5 has an advert for the Bumbo seat.
Suitable for 3 months & up. $79.90 each (UP $99)
Online purchase avail. www.kidzloft.com, tel 6333-6002 (Mon-Sat 11am-5pm, closed on Sun & PH)
cmy ...

not sure on the number of days ... but think as long as your bb settle down then you can stop lor ...

didnt know that so many ppl oso use the 'hong hua'

today q an achievement ... taking care of my baby alone ... my 'wei da' mum brought the maid to clean up my place heehee .... bath him for the first time today oso ... think gives me more confi to take care of him alone when she goes for her genting trip next week ...

bb now lying on me ... finds tt he more 'yan or' when am around ...
mummies, me going crazy liao!! my maid went crazy on thu morning after wking 4 me 4 1 mth. told me tat she dun wan 2 wk 4 me anymore & wan 2 go back 2 indo. d best thing is she told me tat when i was abt 2 go 2 wk. in d end, i had 2 take urgent leave 2 send her back 2 d agent. d 'best part' was she was screaming & crying when she told me tat. thus she scared d hell out of my son. argh... how i wish tat i can strangle her!! my son is terrified of loud noises as my 1st maid had scared him b4. he's been out of sorts these 2 days. he can't sleep 4 long, always waking up wif a start & kept wanting me or hb 2 carry him all d time.

luckily d agency had some transfer maids on hand. thus i got a replacemt immediately. but hor, i got 2 spend time 2 train her all over again... sian... dun understd y thr r ppl like tat in tis world. my maid claims tat she luves my son & will not do anything 2 harm him. but c wat happened. i m veri fed up now. feel like quitting my job 2 look after my son fulltime myself...

then hor on d same day, hb dropped a bombshell on me. he told me tat my fil is coming 2 stay wif us in abt 3 mth's time. his 2nd wife had sold d flat which they r staying in & he dun wan 2 shift 2 d new plc wif her & her son's family. ARGH... how come all these 'troubles' all come at d same time. now i got 2 pacify my son, train my maid & arrange 4 a rm 4 my fil 2 stay in.
went on the website but found the price for bumbo to be $99 leh. Where to find the offer price of $79.90? I want to get one for my boy.
hi ixwong
call up kidzloft they are having the sale..at that price
I went today and saw the bumbo seat for sale!I bought one too
am interested in the bumbo chair also. any chance of better discount via bulk purchase?

urgent: does anyone know if Sembawang Shopping Centre has a nursing room?

hi vone, ur day sure sounds bad... hope that your new maid will be able to learn quickly n adapt well...
Tat's nice for them to give free alterartion. I still dun dare to buy new clothings too early cos I hope my weight can drop a little bit more. Heehee...

Re: Bumbo seat
I am really keen on getting one, especially the lime color!! Like tat dun have to carry my gal all time.

Hi wendyg, thanks for the lobang. I made a call & they say their sale just started today with all the colors! Tomolo nag my ah lao to go down & buy.

Oh no vone,
Sounds like u have a bad day today. Guess wat, tat's exactly wat I encounter last week with my maid!! Suddenly she cried & insisted to go back to Phillipine cos of homesick! Lucky her sis who stays in Sg tells her dun be silly & persuaded her to stay back. I do like her performance so I hope she can stay. I frankly tell her "it's easy for me to change a maid but do u think u can go off so easy? Do u have money to pay the loan? Do u think the agency is going to let u go off so easy? I am sure they will give u a good scolding & put u to another home which cannot gurantee u will have a easy life like now." Hmm.. somehow it works.

I hope yor new maid can adjust well in your new home.
cat tail:
i only give baby gripe water when she cries alot.

thanks for your encouragement! my baby has changed pattern again. these few days, she can sometimes sleep in the day.
all mothers become more patient with babies yah?!
mamy poko to sell

hi, i have a pack of mamy poko M size for sale. It's opened, but i've only used 1 piece. The cutting does not suit my boy. Anyone wants to take over? Esp any of the mummies meeting up on monday? Then i can pass the diapers to you easily. How about i need milk? Letting go at $15.
haha, yah lor, thigh area too tight. if buy L then maybe the excess cloth will be too much. anyway, i find mamy poko not that much better leh.. after 1 feed the diaper feels full, though maybe it can actually contain more cos someone said when it's heavy it sags down?!
anyone has glass bottles to donate to me? Those given by hosp to store EBM.
I was at TMC today & they were too busy to entertain me.. esp since i'm not a patient!
Hi mummies

anyone knows if it's safe for the baby to take the milk i express if I'm taking clarinase to clear my running nose?
Hi mummies,

I went down to kidzloft and bought two bumbo seats for my girl (one for my house, one for my mum's house)! but hor, she can't sit in it unsupported yet, cause her neck still not that strong..

how old is your boi boi? my girl now is 2mth1wk, but she can't sit in the bumbo by herself..your boy boy very strong leh!

I asked Kidzloft. They say if you can get 20 orders for the bumbo, they can sell you at $72.00 each. alamak wasted, the woman replied my email too late..i already bought it by the time she replied me. But nevermmind lah..i stay very near Kidzloft warehouse hehe, so save on transport cost also lah..

kidzloft now discount selling $79.90. If more than 20 seats, they will sell at $72.00 each. If you want to arrange a bulk buy, let me know. I pass you the contact...includes a delivery point within Singapore.
mummies, is the below true?
"Stop night feeding after 1 month. Give water instead. After 2 nights, baby will stop asking to be fed at night."
Hi mybabydream,
I still give gripe water mix with abt 20ml of water every morn after her bath even though she's better. Btw, the one u asking abt nightfeeding, I never heard of it.

Today I really harden my heart & try to let my gal sleep on her own despite her drama cries... and after 1/2 hr, she stop & sleep peacefully! Will continue again every nite until she totally can sleep without any hug. Good luck on myself.

Re: Bumbo Seat
Hi mummytobe,
I went down & buy one today too! Change my mind & bot the purple one cos it looks sweeter.
hi I'm a mummy! My boy now coming 3mth. When he started sit in the bumbo his neck also up and down, need someone to support. I think need times.

mybabydream, i don't think 1 mth old can train in this way coz they're too young. Imagine that when you're hungry and force to drink water...Sure u will angry also.

Seabreeze, I gave my bb bathe with red flowers this 2 days. It's really work. After last feed he can fall asleep very soon. His routine back to normal. Thanks for ur suggestion ya!

May I know what red flowers are you talking about? I think need to bath my boy with that as well. Has been crying everytime after i give him milk and want to be carried. Everytime we put him down, immediately, he will cry. Aiyoyo... cannot tahan leh.
i never heard of such things before.. i think quite cruel to only drink water when bb is hungry leh.. moreover, bb's stomach is quite small when young so can't store up so much food. Thats why they need to wake up for night feeds.

why don't u call up yr PD to check if its safe?

cat tail:
i can't bear to let my bb cry for so long.... unless i know what she's crying abt.Read some dr sears website that say if we let bb cry it out and we dunno what they are crying abt, they may not trust us anymore.
mybabydream ...

me neber hear before oso ... but i agree with i need milk ...

cmy ...

glad that it worked for your bb ... seem like those traditional method does work somethings ...

eileenp ...

its some leaves with red tip ... my mum always make us wash our hand and face with the water with the leaves in it if we attend any 'white occasion' ... but lib uses flowers ... i think oso can lar ...

cat tail ...

wow you can bear it ar ... i do know that there is this school of thought of letting your bb cry themselves to sleep ... then after that they will come to know that its sleeping time and no matter how they cry no one will come to them ... but me dun think me can do it lor ...
mummies ...

anyway me finally back at my own place ... got time to download my boy - Yi Cheng's photos and figured out how to download these photo onto this forum ...

to recap ... when he was born (brought back memories ar ....)


his first mth ... very blue hor heehee


after pon pon ...

@ home today ...
i'm a mummy n cat_tail,
i was there too ard 1230-1pm... were u gals there ard the same time? i bought one for my ah boy too. initially got the lime but after tt changed my mind, got the blue one coz his dad likes blue.... :eek:) spent abt 135bucks over there...

i'm a mummy,
think our labor date quite close hur.... my boy also 2mths 4 daes....

i got a few from tmc but i just throw it away last wk...coz i thot glass bottle is not safe to keep in the fridge....

ohhh....i like the 1st pic. ur ah boy so cute! why so late u still awake?!
skippy ...

you oso what hahahaha ...

cos i hardly come back to my own place ... so now sorting out the photos lor and sending it to some of my frens ... a typical proud mummy here hahahaha ...
hmmm...how's the feelin being at hm now... any helpers? hee...afernoon i nap too much tt's why cant slp... think another 1hr my bb is wakin up liao... "feedin time..."
skippy ...

actually me oso waiting for the next feed then go zzz ... cos me fed him until 11pm just now ...

q shiok actually ... but going back to my mum place tom night cos if my hubby not around ... then no one to buy food for me ... we hardly cook at home lor ...
ic. me lucky got my FIL n my mum to help out. otherwise i be like u, gotta travel here n there. slp at 230am wanna talk to u last nite but the stupid pc alwaz hang, so i went to do some study... :eek:|

will u be joinin us for the gathering tom?
heard from my hubby that his colleague tried that method with his baby boy. Only give water no milk at night. In the end, the baby stop waking up for milk at night, but somehow the baby also refuse milk/bottle even in the day (not sure if it's due to the night practice). End up, they need to force-feed him. each milk session became a nightmare....
hi SeaBreeze,

Re: massage class
Thanks for coordinating on the massage class. My available timing would be Sat after 3pm and Sun after 1pm cos in the morning will be attending church service.
clarisse ...

thank you ... ur bb gal oso v cute ... lets meet up one of these day ...

skippy ...

my mum helping me ... thats why stay with her ... next time when i go work .. she taking her of my bb oso ...

dun think can join u all tom ler ... my mum went for holiday so no one to take care of my boy ... my hubby not keen for me to go out alone with my boy cos he still small mar ... esp to shopping mall scared my boy fall sick ...

serrich ...

find that bb all look abt the same one hor heehee ... your nephew oso v cute ...
cat tail/cmy/i need milk/ixong/seabreeze:
actually i heard from a no of people they use this mtd and it works. but i am still wondering how true. they said give them 2 days and they will not wake up at night for feeding. once they sleep throughout the night, then its ok if they go w/o milk since they are sleeping.
cat tail:
you muz have made some thoughts and strugges b4 using this as last resort right. i dun know if i will use this as last resort coz it pains to see my baby cry loudly.
I totally agree with cmy. 1 mth baby is still too young to stop nightfeeding cos their tummy is very small to store milk to last them thru out the nite. Somemore water dun have any nutrients & substance, won't fill their tummy up. Dun be anxious, u wait for another 1 mth & see lor.

My problem is different from wat Dr Sears cos I know wat she cries for. She just simply wants somebody to hug & rock her to sleep which is a very bad habit. When I put her down she cries, when I pck her up she's ok! Got to break tat but its not going to be very easy. Very heart-pain for me to see her cry but got to think of long term to solve it.

Thanks mybabydream, U understand how hurt it feels when baby cry & u just leave her alone.

So much different Yi Cheng looks when newborn & now. A lot of weight gain.. heehee..

Date: 31 Oct (mon)
Time: 3pm (tea)
Venue: Starbucks / Delifrance @ Compasspoint (pl vote / add)

(1) tingting (ok w both venues)
(2) musicgal (ok w both venues)
(3) snoopy (ok w both venues. will bring friso 1 for musicgal)
(4) everafter
(5) passing guest
(6) skippy

Hi all, is tea still on? Can one of you PM me your number so that I can call if I can't find you (not like I won't be able to spot a group of moms with prams, but just in case :p)

I managed to BF Annette in a cafe just now (sans nursing wear too!), so now I have a teeny bit more confident for tomorrow's outing.
