(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

musicgal, ya lor. cheap thing no gd, gd thing not cheap. haha... re d bcg jab, yup, it's normal. jus take care not 2 burst d bubble.

Re Sling
Seem like sling is quite handy to use, but I never master it. Mine is from baybsupplies. Tried once with my boy but he does not seem to be comfortable in it. Must go attend class to learn how to use it properly...Anyone know of sling wearing class that we can attend?

Re digital scale
I know guardian has one (costs only $19.90) but now out of stock. Waiting for it to restock. The OSIM one too ex leh.
hi vone,

yeah, true! sigh...

oh good! i at first also thought normal, but later after i saw the scar get bigger, i started having 2nd thoughts!
re: sling
cookies, we can learn together at the gathering!
lib's v good with the sling.. can teach us if she's going too..
i think it's easier to start when baby's small n more manageable.. now my boy big giant already.. harder to "slot" him into the sling... :p

re: gathering
so now there're 2 right? one @ compass point next mon n the other larger scale one coordinated by snoopy.

let me do the compasspoint one:

Date: 31 Oct (mon)
Time: 3pm (tea)
Venue: Starbucks / Delifrance @ Compasspoint (pl vote / add)

(1) tingting (ok w both venues)
(2) musicgal
Hi all, I'm new to this thread (just noticed it actually). It's great that you guys are sharing info. Makes a lot of sense since your babies are around the same age. My daughter was born 19 Aug. Will log on to this thread more frequently in the future:)

By the way, any moms staying in the Punggol area?
vone: *fainting* like musicgal ... hmm ... can buy few tins of milk powder & few pack of diapers .. keke ... counting counting

ixwong: really huh
tks tks, me chk it out at Guardian. Hope able to get it.
cakey ...

me keen in the massage class ... actually inc and me signed with with Mt A ... but since Lib lobang is cheaper and the class size is smaller ... i dun mind cancelling my Mt A class ...

Inc ...

what says you?? wan cancel the Mt A class and we go for the other one??

come back home breast hard hard lor ... then keep asking my bb wan milk anot hahahaha ... cos i prefer to pump with him feeding on 1 side .. faster lor ...

had lunch with the colleagues ... q fun lar ... sad to see my good fren going off though ...

re: gathering

i am fine with any where and any time since i will most likely not bring my bb ... so mummy who need extra help ... my both hands are avail ... but duuno if you all trust me with your bb anot heehee ...

me staying in serangoon ... any mummy staying near by ... maybe can meet and go down together .. then i can help out during the journey oso ...
Digital scale:
gals, my FIL got it from OG at 40 plus. quite gd. i use it to weigh my boy. :eek:)

cat_tail, i was thinkin to ask my mum along. is tt ok? i took a cab for my last gatherin where by i asked my mum along...coz i think i cant handle him by myself. :p

so the gathering is on which day? abit confused now....
er... milk supply still less than demand but i think i more or less resigned to it liao... i think my girl drinking more and more FM. But guess better some BM than none right?

passing guest:
hello! My girl was born on 15 Aug.. so a few days older than yours. I think this year got more bb boys than girls.. so our girls will be in hot demand when they grow up! Heehee.
Digital scale:
I saw the digital scale at guardian being sold at carrefore but more exp. It's glassy one and looks nice
I've using it so far and quite ok. Guardian only have square one while carrefour has circular one too. Better to get the circular one as the square one got sharp corners.

massage class:
hi lib, so now we have about 3 to 4 babies meaning possible to open the class? May we have the contact? I'm only avail to attend the class on Sat (late afternoon) or Sun (afternoon). Hope the timing is ok. Btw. what's the max size of the class? Thanks.
This thread is very interesting. Found a lot of similarities between Anissa and myself...our age, both used MAH for delivery, our babies born a few days apart and re-admitted to MAH within 2 days of each other, amazing discovery of the bouncer... most significantly, annoying ILs (at least for mine) haha...
Hi lib,cakey,seabreeze,

I'm interested to sign up e massage class as well. Who do we contact??

Hi tingting,musicalgal,

I'm able to join in e gathering on 31 Oct at Compass Point. Will b starting work on 7 Nov...sob sob...
Hi all,

Haven't been here for ages. Been taking care of bb and pretty busy cause he just cannot stop crying. Sigh...

I'm staying at Hougang Ave 3. Go to compasspoint quite often as well. Maybe met one of you all there before but dunno if it's you all. Hee...
I also no confidence to go out myself leh. If not would love to join you all. And my bb will probably cry the whole time.
Dunno why he always cries.
Date: 31 Oct (mon)
Time: 3pm (tea)
Venue: Starbucks / Delifrance @ Compasspoint (pl vote / add)

(1) tingting (ok w both venues)
(2) musicgal
(3) snoopy (ok w both venues. will bring friso 1 for musicgal)
Re: gathering

Tentative dates:- 7 or 9Nov?
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue - due to a few preference of Orchard with nursing room, the venue is fixed at Taka as it has a spacious nursing room:-
Breeks @Taka level 5

Interested mummies (Pls vote on dates):-
snoopy (fine w both dates)
cat_tail (fine w both dates)
applejuz, you on or not? (take a taxi, dates?)
cookies (take a taxi, fine w both dates)
Seabreeze (fine w both dates & can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
tingting (ok w both dates)
skippy10 & mum (dates?)

Re: nursing rooms

plaza sing has nursing room on the 3rd floor (near the toilet nearer to the carpark)

paragon has nursing room on the 5th floor (the level selling all the kids stuff)
hi skippy,

got 2 events: a mini one @ compasspoint next mon (31 Oct), and larger one on 7/9 Nov.

passing guest,
me on leave till next year arh.. if u're still on leave as well maybe can meet up one day?
think miso also back at work already..

my boy also cries a lot! but when he's outside he tends to be quieter.. maybe bcos unfamiliar surroundings plus loads of things to see..
hey everafter,

i've added u to the list below - do vote for ur preferred venue!

hi skippy10,

there're 2 gatherings - 1 on this coming mon at compass point, 1 on either 7 or 9 nov in town... wanna come for the CP one as well?

Date: 31 Oct (mon)
Time: 3pm (tea)
Venue: Starbucks / Delifrance @ Compasspoint (pl vote / add)

(1) tingting (ok w both venues)
(2) musicgal (ok w both venues)
(3) snoopy (ok w both venues. will bring friso 1 for musicgal)
(4) everafter
Hi tingting

I wish I could stay home for a few more months too but I will be heading back to work in a few weeks time *xianz*.

Yes, it will be cool to meet up before I return to office. In fact I'm trying to take my baby gal out as much as I can, just to train myself on handling her on my own. So far so good but I have never ventured out beyond 3 hours unless there is someone else to drive, so I can feed in the car. Sounds really dumb right.

Just curious, what do you guys do during these gatherings?
passing guest, we eat & talk. hehe... do join them if u can. it'll b fun. pity tat i can't coz i wking liao... argh...
What if you need to feed baby during the sessions, would you do it there and then? I have not mastered feeding in public (mainly because I don't have proper nursing clothes... I like to wear tubes so that I can just yank the top down for convenience).
cakey ...

me ok with sat (late noon) or sun (morning) ...

eileenp ...

yap ... come lar ... me can help ... unless my mum last min change her mind and allow me to bring my boy out alone ... today he gave her a hard time when i was out ... my mum knock out now hahahaha ....

re: stuffy nose

my boy is 6 week going 7 week old now ... he like got running nose like that ... but the dr said that he is okie and its normal for bb to have stuffy nose ... me bought the nose aspirator ... but dun really know how to use ler ... my boy keep shaking his head the moment i insert the aspirator in ...

does anyone got the same exp to share?
hi lib,cakey,seabreeze n everafter
re: massage.. so we can form a class?
Lib, can provide e relevant info for us, thanks.

if go lunch time, will it crash with e office crowd? isit better to go for a late lunch or tea?
its quite hard to ask my mil over to help coz she didn't even want to help me in confinement/taking care of grandchild. as for my mum, she 's the type who cant stay long in other pp's house... so i gotten take things as it comes lah..
Wow today thread is moving very fast! Just manage to coax my gal to Zzz...

Hi skippy10,
It's ok to bring along your mum. Maybe can even get some tips from her on how to take care of babies.

Hi eileenp & tingting,
Mine oso crying very often at home, and a lot of times are based on guessing wat she wants. *sigh~ But once outside, she's ok cos she enjoys looking at bright & moving objects like lightings.

Re: Massage Class
Is tat a hands-on class on our own baby?
Hi mybabydream,
Why not go to your mother house & stay for a few days? Your hubby at home or travel overseas?

I do have a hard time initially. After my baby's full month, my hubby went overseas for 2 weeks immediately & I was left alone, 24hrs a day non-stop to handle my cranky baby! Very tough!
hi cat_tail,

me also literally handling baby on my own. daytime hb working, by the time he comes back from work ard 8pm, baby already into his night mode, and i take care of his night feeds too. so for me, it's really sama sama...

re: feeding outside
i dun nurse in public also. my boy is a very messy n noisy eater! i either bring a bottle of EBM, or nurse in nursing room.

passing guest, do join us next mon for the compass point outing if u're free. just add ur name to the list!
actually i missed out the last gathering, so i'm meeting the gang for the 1st time too!
Hi all,

I went to rebond my hair yesterday, wow, feel so refreshed! :D
But hor, that few hours make my breast engorge.. wow the thread so fast hor, gotta dig back the archives..

Hi pinkroses,

Thanks for the info on Cherlee's pricing.

Btw, Orchard OG's nursing room is not storeroom leh, its actually inside the customer service ctr. Got changing bed, wash basin & hot water.

Hi I'm a mummy,
I'm still using the Johnson top to toe to wash. Haven't use shampoo yet.
But I fing my Keyon's hair getting dryer & more brownish. Shld I use a shampoo separately?

Hi Passing Guest,
Welcome to this thread. Oh ur gal 19 AUg..(mine boy 20th :p) It not too late to join.
Sorry, I'm staying in the west side.

Hi snoopy,
Yes Yes, Me on. fine with both date (though wld prefer 7th, since starting work on 10th, so 9th a bit sian). Oh fixed at Taka, Okie. Got lift to go up right? Cos I dare not take the escalator with pram yet...

Hi Seabreeze,
My boy got stuffy nose twice liao..but nose aspirator no use for me leh.. only helps to bring the 'stuff' near to the nostril where I can use the contton stick to dig out. :p But once out, got achievement leh.. big 'stuff'!
hi Snoopy, if its the 9th of Nov I can join u gals and pass you the 5 pieces of pampers premium NB.

Anyone wants Enfalac A+ (900g)for your child? My ds totally rejected formula when I tried to try...so it is almost as good as new just that it has been opened for a week..so I am selling at only 10SGD. Any mommies interested?
RE: Massage
Ok.. since so many interested parties will checkout wif my SIL on the person-in-charge contact number.. Yes is a hands-on class on yr own baby.

RE: Meeting up
Snoopy, my girl is having her 1st jab nxt mon.. so can't join u gals.. the one either on7th/9th.. i shld be able to join.. but preferably in town area.
Hi ladies

jus wondering.. did u all attend the prenatal class? when i attended for my first bb, mrs wong taught us how to massage bb already leh.

also, when do you all plan to stop bf or expressing?

also, by now how much is ur bb taking? mine is still taking 120ml every 3 hrs
tulip: my intention is to bf till end of this year by then kylie is ard 5 mths liao.. she now in her week 12 and taking 140ml every 2.5hrs
Tingting - sorry to sound so suaku... do you heat your EBM and put inside a warmer bag before going out or warm it before feed? Gotta blame my hubby for not allowing me to bring baby out for the first 2 months on my own.
passing guest,

i dun heat up the EBM. If going out for longer time, i'll usually put in warmer bag. Else, just put in plastic bag in case of leakage. But going colder places e.g. shopping centre think better put in warmer bag. I also never bring baby out till his 3rd month, mainly bcos he's a v noisy feeding baby, quite paiseh to bring him out n attract attention.. :p now cannot care too much, else will become mountain turtle liao..
I see, you are probably using fresh EBM. I freeze/fridge most of mine. I'm interested to meet you guys next week since I have only 3 more weeks before I head back to my life as work slave. Just wondering if the locations suggested are able to accommodate all the strollers :p
Hi Clarisse's mum & Snoopy
Thanks for the info. It's really useful.

Hi I need milk,
Yah. Just keep latching her on if possible. Every feed of BM counts. If really no choice, then just have to supplement. Better than bb being hungry and not gaining weight.

For me, I need to find nursing room cos my bb gal is like Anissa's boy. She also rejects bottle and will really cry very loudly if I bring the bottle near her mouth. Feeling really embarassed esp in the public.
Only can wait till she is in the sleepy mood then can coax her into drinking from the bottle. Nowasdays, I have to wake up in the middle of the night to feed her cos' she simply refuses to drink from bottle so i have to bf her for her last feed. Sigh.....tired.....

Hi Applejuz,
Har? Then, my friend must have given me the wrong info. Thanks goodness that it's not a storeroom. Yhew!

re: J&J shampoo
I agree that J&J Toe to Toe wash seems rather harsh on bb's hair and scalp. My bb got dandruff from using it. Now, just use Lactacdy for washing head and body.

Re: reject milk
Hi Triniti,
How do you know your bb is rejecting the milk? I was wondering if my bb gal cries so loudly whenever we try to feed her could be due to rejection of milk or bottle
Wah, so many mummies going for the gathering. Really want to join. can opt for 9 Nov or not cos 7 nov is 1st day bb w nanny?

BTW, how to bring bb & pram & take taxi huh? Sling the bb or use baby carrier? The taxi uncle will help or not?

Mummies who drive & bring bb out alone, where you put your carseat huh? back or front?

I intend to just express once at work during lunch time, and change the pumping schedule to 3 times a day. My supply will surely drop as time goes and will stop then. My boy still drinking 120ml every 3 hr.

Applejuz/Passing Guest
My boy is one day earlier - 18 Aug!
cat tail:
currently i am still doing confinment at parent's house for 40 days, which is ending soon. i cant stay on at parents house any longer after that coz my brother is going to renovate the room i am currently using for marriage once i leave.

how did u manage alone esp when your baby is cranky? do u have to carry your baby most of the time? or does your baby sleep well in the day as well? my baby cant sleep well in the day unless u carry her to sleep. she wakes up easily when put to cot.
re :reject milk
my baby sometimes also cry halfway when drinking the milk. i also wonder if she's rejecting it as well? but she still finish up the milk in the end.
ixwong - That's really cool. My girl has another potential boyfren then. I have the exact same questions as you... pram or no pram, sling or not... how to manoveur the pram up escalator when alone... if baby cries and you need to carry, how can we push the pram with our hands so full etc.. headache.

If driving alone, baby seat will be placed in front.
update on Compass point meeting:

Date: 31 Oct (mon)
Time: 3pm (tea)
Venue: Starbucks / Delifrance @ Compasspoint (pl vote / add)

(1) tingting (ok w both venues)
(2) musicgal (ok w both venues)
(3) snoopy (ok w both venues. will bring friso 1 for musicgal)
(4) everafter
(5) passing guest

Hi I need milk,
forgot to tell you that somehow i managed to supplement with only 1 feed of 100ml of FM in a day due to my bb's rejection of bottle. I just kept latching her on and switching sides. Somehow, she can sleep after that.
You might want to try to keep on latching her on until really no choice, then give FM.

Or check out this link to see how to increase ss.

