(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

re: baby crying all the time
surely it's a different cry for a different need? Eg cry when hungry/ tired/ wind in tummy are different.
Try burping baby, applying ru yi oil, carrying baby upright.

i bought the 1st month cakes fr Melrose. No comments lah... guests eat, not me! As long as cheap, I'm ok liaozzz

yeah Mrs Wong taught us how to massage liaoz.. plus there are loads of material on baby massage.. i roughly follow lor. Baby wun mind if we're not professional spa therapists.. =P
I wanna try bf for at least a year. My baby's feeding vol inconsistent.. sometimes 50ml, sometimes 100ml. I find direct latch the best, no need to worry abt vol, no thawing, no bottles to sterilise etc. But too bad, mummy gotto go back to work & can't bring baby along!!

Finally a recent pic of Anton
Hmm... today went KK for a checkup on his crying. Cause the polyclinic told me that bf baby should not have colic.
The doc at KK told me that is not true. Bf babies can have colic as well. Therefore, was asked to feed him with infacol before alternate feedings.
Aiyoyo... have been going out very often with baby already. Yesterday, went polyclinic, today went KK, tomorrow gotta go polyclinic again. Poor baby leh. Just 1 month old yesterday already gotta keep going out.
I didn't get a pram leh. Therefore, if go outing gotta keep carrying baby. Hee... very tiring hor.

Here's a photo of little Kai. Very dark hor? Hee.

Hi tingting,
Very siong rite!! Tat time when I am totally alone, I even got to carry my gal to toilet & do my business..haha..hope she dun mind my smell.. Now life is getting a bit better with my maid. We rotate shift in the daytime but nite I am totally alone to do the care for her.

Hi mybabydream,
My baby is a super sticky & cranky fellow & even my own mom oso commented tat she never seen such a notti one.
I simply cannot put her down & once I do, she cries! She always want ppl to carry her, walk around & sing song, so I eventually gets a baby carrier! Luckily she can doze off very fast when I put her in, so my hands are free to do my housework, buy/cook & take my meal. Can kill 2 birds at 1 stone. The only disadvantage is, when I want to remove her out from the carrier & transfer her to the cot, the velcro makes a loud noise & she wakes up very easily. Thus at nite, I dun use carrier & tat's the worst period of the day! She gets cranky easily than daytime due to colic. I can do the rocking, walking, singing from 7pm to the worst scenario of 3am when she's 2nd week old (I only engage a daytime CL)! Now she's so much better, and I am glad tat I only need to do tat for 1 to 2 hrs. Btw, do u give your baby gripe water every morn after bath? I think it helps a little for me. Of cos, baby cannot 24hrs stick to me. So when I really need to leave her for a moment, I will put her on the cot, tell her tat mummy is going away for a while & will be back very soon. Like tat, I won't feel so guilty when she crys.

Well, the thing is u really have to be patient with your baby & be more optimistic tat this is just a passing phase. Trust me, it will get better as times goes by, so just hang on it!

Re: Massage
Thanks Lib. I learned the massage all by theory but when it comes to real play, a bit lost. I heard baby after massage can sleep better rite?

Hi tulip,
I have already stopped bf, cos my workplace is not very motherly friendly for me to express milk. My 2mths+ gal is taking around 120ml-150ml of FM every 3 hrs.
wendyg ...

agree ... me think latch on is the best ... no worries at all ... now me cant stand it cos i need to express out the milk to store ... really wish i can bring my bb to work so that i can feed him hahahaha ...

eileenp ...

yap ... u bb very tan .... next time tall, dark and handsome heehee
HI triniti,
Your boy boy got ang moh look...is his daddy non-chinese? so cute!

here's a picture of my baby gal :eek:)

Re: gathering

Tentative dates:- 7 or 9Nov?
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue - due to a few preference of Orchard with nursing room, the venue is fixed at Taka as it has a spacious nursing room:-
Breeks @Taka level 5

Interested mummies (Pls vote on dates):-
snoopy (fine w both dates)
cat_tail (fine w both dates)
applejuz (take a taxi, fine w both dates but prefer Nov7)
cookies (take a taxi, fine w both dates)
Seabreeze (fine w both dates & can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
tingting (ok w both dates)
skippy10 & mum, both of you on or not? (dates?)
triniti (fine with Nov9)
lib (fine with both dates)
ixwong (fine with Nov9)

cookies, I was at breeks today for lunch, it is not crowded at all! So think it should be no problem to go there for lunch.

passing_guest, if baby gets hungry in the restaurant, I BF in the restaurant using a shawl or receiving blanket to cover myself. And I wear normal clothing, don't own any nursing wear at all!

ixwong, when I drive out alone with baby, I place the car seat at the back. It is safer that way as apart from the seat belt holding the car seat, I will push the front passenger seat back until the car seat is wedged between the front and back passenger seat.

lib, I am interested in the baby massage class too....keep me posted as to when it is.
re; Massage Class

Those who are interested in the massage class add on your name k ... think easier to organise this way

1) Seabreeze
2) Inc
3) Snoppy
4) Cakey
5) Everafter
6) Cookies
passing guest, is a 1-time class.. price is S$20 per baby and located at serangoon garden..

seabreeze, think not only tt u oso hve to plan a date.. hehe.. let u noe the number by tomolo
1) Seabreeze
2) Inc
3) Snoppy
4) Cakey
5) Everafter
6) Cookies
7) Passing_Guest

Er.. what if baby starts wailing in the middle of class... this is a super "buay zai" mom..
passing guest.. i tink the most impt thing is.. u r comfortable with your baby.. and dun feel pai-sei loh.. cos the moment u think thr is dozen of eyes looking at you.. u will feel uneasy..

for me, basically i started bringing my girl out since she was 3 weeks old.. irregardless short/long trips.. either she will be in her pram or sling.. sometimes when she gets cranky.. i juz sling her to coax her..
hey esther,
thanks for organising the gathering. this time round, i have to make it for either dates! high time i start driving with chloe alone, my car is all covered in dust now...i'm okay with taka, only prob is its gonna take me more than 30mins to drive from sembawang n i pray that she wun start screaming in the middle of CTE.
re: baby crying during car trip
For my baby, I'll try to feed him before going on car ride, so that he can fall asleep in the car seat & i dun need to carry him. 3 months 6.4kg liaoz, very heavy ley!!

cat_tail, I'm a Mummy,
yeah Triniti's hubby is caucasian. Saw his pic on their baby's blog that she posted some weeks back.

the way the picture appeared, seemed as though Anton was walking?!

i'm a Mummy
Your girl very sweet hor! I'm sure u'll enjoy dressing her up in pretty frocks.

your baby can compare with tingting's boy, also very dark! Coz she eats chocolate mah. U leh?? hee.

Passing Guest
my baby cries very loudly ley... so many places when he bawls, i can "feel" so many people looking & wondering why this mummy can't soothe her own baby?! sigh... just gotto keep cool & figure out why baby's crying & resolve the root issue.. getting anxious doesn't help the situation at all. Must gek seh & ai-zai, just like Lib!! heh heh
u very 'zai' leh. must show me how u do it, so next time dun hv to panic whenever bb hungry n rush to find nursing room.

mummies attending e gathering, any1 of u happen to hv extra of e glass bottles hospital give for storing breast milk to spare me?

my boy also very tanned, all cos of sunbathing during e 1st 2 wks of his life. he's born fair but now... looks like it'll stay with him for awhile.
Re: gathering

Tentative dates:- 7 or 9Nov?
Time: 11.45am (lunch)
Venue - due to a few preference of Orchard with nursing room, the venue is fixed at Taka as it has a spacious nursing room:-
Breeks @Taka level 5

Interested mummies (Pls vote on dates):-
snoopy (fine w both dates)
cat_tail (fine w both dates)
applejuz (take a taxi, fine w both dates but prefer Nov7)
cookies (take a taxi, fine w both dates)
Seabreeze (fine w both dates & can lend mummies a hand with their babies)
tingting (ok w both dates)
skippy10 & mum, both of you on or not? (dates?)
triniti (fine w Nov9)
lib (fine w both dates)
ixwong (fine w Nov9)
christina (fine w both dates)

ixwong, if baby cries while I am driving half way, I will ignore her and concentrate on my driving. While she is crying, that is not the time to get distracted and get myself into an accident!! Nicole will fuss for a while sometimes and then after a while she will tend to fall asleep, as the moving car will lull her to sleep. But feeding before heading out as wendyg advised is good, as baby will tend to feel sleepy after a feed.

musicgal, I took my maiden car trip out with Nicole when she was 3 weeks old to get her passport done. Was nervous on the 1st trip as not sure if I could handle Nicole by myself as well as how she would take to the car ride. But after surviving that maiden trip, I have not looked back and have roamed here and there with Nicole! Nowadays, as long as Nicole is not hungry during the car ride, she seems to enjoy it as she will quietly let me strap her into her car seat even when she is awake!

Re: staring people
I get that all the time when Nicole cries in her pram and for various reasons, I may delay picking her up (eg. like when I pass an outdoor stretch that is drizzling, will keep her in the pram)....and some kpo aunties will even come up to look into the pram and ask me if baby is hungry! THat has heppened to me many times! Makes me feel very frustrated, as if I don't know that my own baby may be hungry! Many times I just ignore those kpo people! But feel like hanging a sign somewhere prominently for all to see that says,"Yes, I have a baby in the pram, and yes, babies do cry! But please mind your own business just as I am minding mine!"
Once, hb was carrying Nicole and she wouldn't stop crying! He got so many stares, that after that he told me that he was wondering if those people thought that he had abducted Nicole!
So tempted to join you all. But can't leh. Anyway, you all enjoy.

Just brought my bb to PD. Don't know what's wrong with him. Since Monday he continous start cries at 8++pm and refused to drink milk. He cries for 30mins till tired and fall asleep. Even cries while sleeping too. Really worry..Any mummies give "jin feng san" to your baby?

Wgt him...huh 7.1kg at 2 mths 3 weeks++...But he doesn't look that heavy!!

Hi mummytobe,
Your baby is sooo sweet & pretty!

Hi snoopy,
Guess wat? I am at Taka this afternoon too having my lunch & doing some quick shopping! Heehee... I wonder whether we pass by each other? And I really got to "pei fu" u, super "zai"!

Re: Driving
I wish I can drive out to Orchard but hubby very unsupporting one. Dun dare to let me drive further other than around my neighbourhood. :x

Re: Massage Class

1) Seabreeze
2) Inc
3) Snoppy
4) Cakey
5) Everafter
6) Cookies
7) Passing_Guest
8) cat_tail

I am wondering is the class size too big? Or are we going to split into few sessions?

Hi cmy,
So fast your baby can sit up, cute! Btw, wat is this chair call? And wat did the PD say abt his cries? I hope your boy is getting better.
regarding the gathering, im on for both... still thinkin whether shld i ask my mum along.... hmmm...

passing guest,
we r the same! think i worst than u....i more "buay zai" if i gog alone wit bb.... :eek:|
catil_tail, I was roaming around taka in a red t-shirt and blue jeans, with Nicole in her orange aprica pram. Bought some stuff from the baby section, had my swatch battery changed, bought some stuff at crabtree and evelyn, bought some jap snacks from the hokkaido fair at B2. Nicole was really cooperative! She cried for milk after I finished lunch and was at the baby section. After feeding her, she spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping in her pram and I was able to accomplished lots!

cmy's chair is called the bumbu seat I think.
Hi Angel, Wendy, Cat-tail,
Thanks hee :eek:) but let her looks fool you hehe she can be quite bratty and impatient..and can kick up a fuss when we put her in the car (doesn't like car rides)..sigh, don't know how to bring her out like that..first ten mins she is still ok..but any longer than that, she will start fussing and by the time we reach our destination, she will be crying/wailing already...
Hi triniti, eileen, cmy,
How do you post such big pictures here? i can't leh..they keep telling me the picture can't be more than 50kb. That's so small! i downsize my pic until 50kb, end up the picture so tiny. How did you post such big pictures? can teach teach,me IT blur one...
Hi Ladies,

Been so busy working on a project that I miss all the fun here!

I started taking my baby out days before he turns 1 mth
It's definitely not easy, lots of preparation but once you master the 'skill', it's actually quite ok. I have even tried breastfeeding on a train! Hahaha ...

Today I did something very crazy. I pumped milk in a taxi! Yeah, you are reading me right. I blocked the driver's view by placing big bags infront of my boobs. My breast were so engorged after a day of hard work at work I just couldn't wait till I get home ...

Ok, here is a pic of my happy family

re: crying baby

brought my baby to do the handprint and footprint thingy last week ... the shop was at KK Hospital then my boy was hungry ... so we searched and searched and could not find a nursing room (the nearest one at the retail outlet was close) so we decided that we chop chop do the print lor ...

then you know lar when bb hungry they will cry and fuss lor ... so i was 'ignoring' his cry and trying to get the print done so that we can go home quick to feed him ... was carrying him and he was moving alot lor ... and the shop lady actually just took over from me and say that 'the way you carry him like very uncomfortable hor' then she started patting him and rocking him ... abit PISSED cos i dun like ppl to rock my bb (even my MIL) ... and of cos he quieten down lar ... and she started telling me that let him cry so much will get wind inside him sheese ... aiyo that is my bb ler ... think i dunno his pattern mer ...

think there will always be such 'helpful' ppl around lor ...


No prob .. pass me the number n me coordinate lor ...
cat tail and I'm mummy
haha yeah daddy is British therefore he has the eurasian look.

Wendy ng
he is actually lying down but I rotate the picture upright hee
update on Compass point meeting:

Date: 31 Oct (mon)
Time: 3pm (tea)
Venue: Starbucks / Delifrance @ Compasspoint (pl vote / add)

(1) tingting (ok w both venues)
(2) musicgal (ok w both venues)
(3) snoopy (ok w both venues. will bring friso 1 for musicgal)
(4) everafter
(5) passing guest
(6) skippy
Seabreeze: some ppl just love to tell u wat to do.

Anissa: nothing wrong to breastfeed in the train as long as its well covered.
of cos its funny to pump in the taxi, but i guess mature taxi uncle will be ok with tt.
acutally doctor also can't tell me what's wrong with him. Anyway, doctor prescribe colic's syrup (can't remember the name) for him. I asked around they said either my bb too excited at day time or some "friends" are distrubed him. Sound scary right!!!

Yup. The chair is call bumbo seat.

i'm a mummy,
I used a free software to shrink the size. The jpeg file only 20k but the quality is still very good. if you want the software maybe you can give me ur email then i send it to u... The setup file is 1MB..
I'm a mummy,

I just used 'paint' to open up the pic file, then i click on the 'image' then 'stretch and skew'. Normally i change both to 50%. Then the image will be smaller and the file size also smaller.
Hi skippy10,
I am bringing my maid to tag along cos I can't just leave her alone at home. U see whether u can come alone if not bring yor mum also can.

Hi snoopy,
I can't remember cos there are so many mums around.
Can you identify me? I am wearing a green top with blue 3/4 jean, then follow by a maid. I am pushing my red color Macclaren going up & down at B2 food court, Taka baby section, Kinokuniya.. and trying to get some bb clothings at the fair but give up cos the Q is too long. Do u noe there's a Hokkaido fair, & a Jap chef is preparing the noodles? I feel the price a steep so din try.

U r so lucky, Nicole let u do your shopping! Mine.. haiz.. only dazzle by the moving lights & then sleep for 1/2 hr only before she cry for hugs.

Hi mummytobe,
U try to hang some dangling toys to entertain her for a while.
I use this free software to adjust the size of my pic. Very easy to use.

Hi Seabreeze,
It's like tat one lah, always got some "KPO" aunties want to tell u wat to do. Just smile & ignore them lor.

Hi triniti,
I am sure your boy will turn up into a handsome boy!

Hi cmy,
Aiyoo... dun scare yourselves lah abt tat "thingy". Does he cries w/o any reason at the same time everyday? Colic is something tat cannot be treated so we have to try a lot of ways to see wat can calm him down. One of the way I feel quite effective is to carry my baby in a way tat her tummy is pressing against mine. At least the warm on her tummy can soothes her. Hey, there's a magazine "BABY" has some redaings abt colic & reflux. U want to get one & read abt it. Very useful info.

Oh bumbo seat, feels like getting one cos I cannot carry her for long liao. She's getting heavier everyday..
Hi miso & snoopy you got a mail.

cat_tail, actually i do hope it's not those thingy. It happen on Monday after we brought him to downstair walk around. That time was around 8pm. After came back he start cried and scream for non-stop. He continous cries in this way for 3 days. (same timing) Started from 8++pm for about 30mins. No matter how we carried,coax,pat and rock(sarong)he just cries. This never happen to him since he born. Before that, i let him lied on my chest after last feed and he can sleep wtihin 5 mins. Now, he reject milk and cries.

I thought maybe he is colic that's why brought him to PD. Doctor said he doesn't look like have colic coz colic normally start at earlier age. He looks normal and active when visit doctor.

At day time, he's normal. Don't cry except hungry and want milk. Nowaday, am very scare night time coming. I really dun know what should i do! I'm so regret to brouhgt him walk around on that night! (We did bring him out at night time but he is ok)

You can get the bumbo seat at carefour $99. i bought 2nd hand. Maybe you can buy frm exchange market if you don't mind it is used.
me interested in the massage class as well...

Re: Massage Class

1) Seabreeze
2) Inc
3) Snoppy
4) Cakey
5) Everafter
6) Cookies
7) Passing_Guest
8) cat_tail
9) Emmie
yup, i still latch my bb on whenever i can except for the 2 feeds of FM at night. Then i pump out.

my girl also suddenly start crying inconsolably for the past 2 nights. Starts from around 8plus pm till 2am. Apparently now 2am is a magical time for me cos she will suddenly be guai guai drink her milk and sleep. I tried everything - bottle feed, breast feed, FM, EBM, walking, rocking, singing songs, etc. But all doesn't work. I hope this phase gets over soon. Dunno how and y this started.. worst thing is my hb is overseas for 3 days!

by the way, yr bb can sit on bumbo seat liao? Like can support the neck liao hor? My bb still cannot sit on her own. her neck will just droop down.
cat_tail, you are right, there were so many mummies around that I can't remember if I saw you or not. I was at the B2 Hokkaido fair. Tried the creamy crab croquet, no big deal. I bought this chestnut mochi and black sesame mochi that was done in a twisty manner, that was good!

Nicole was on her good behaviour yesterday. Sometimes she fusses and I have to carry her w one arm and push her pram w the other hand!

cmy, thanks for your mail! Ops, it is actually the bumbo seat and not bumbu seat.
u really v "zai" and nicole so "guai". My boy got no patience to sit in car seat. 15 mins and he will start complaining liao.

me like you. Car covers in dust. I stay in Yishun so it's also 30-min drive to Orchard. I'm considering if I shd take a cab, but worried abt the long Q for cab on return trip....
Hi cmy,
Wow, ur baby can sit on bumbo seat liao. His neck very strong. :p
Mine still swinging here & there. and he's 2 mths 1 wk. Hope he can steady by then.:p

Hi cat_tail & snoopy
U all really at taka ytd? Me too! I shop with my fren from Plaza Sing & ended up at taka ard 4pm+. Spent around $200+ on my clothes alone... Achievement. :D
Saw many parents pushing prams, could be one of u..:p, I left my Keyon at home with my mum. Hee..
did u try burping her & applying ruyi oil? Come to my place & Deric will swaddle her. Maybe swaddle her together with Isaac, let them warm warm... whaddya think?? heh heh
yeah, burped her but still like dat leh. I got no ruyi oil at home... my MIL say babies are like that at night.. cos they r tired, wanna sleep but also wanna eat. So cranky cranky. But last time her crying not so bad leh...

eh, boys and girls cannot be on close proximity okie.. don't always have designs on my elizabeth!

go buy some ruyi oil. NTUC, pharmacies & chinese medical hall have. Warm warm apply on tummy, maybe will soothe her a bit. If u want i can buy for u pass to u next wk, but then u gotto tahan her. I think u sling her go & buy better.
