(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

wow, busy day here huh? was out to compass point w another forumer in another thread this afternoon..

re: reflux (GERD)
it is common for babies to regurgitate/vomit milk occasionally after a feed. Babies may have reflux/GERD when they do this frequently, like 1/2 the time, and it can occur sometime after feed ends, say 1/2 hr or more. This is due to the valve muscle at the mouth of the stomach (i think it's stomach la) not being strong enough to prevent food fr going back upwards when baby is in horizontal position, as it should in usual cases. It's similar to heartburn that adults experience, and can be quite painful for them.

They usually arch their backs n appear stiff when they're uncomfortable.. can be gas, reflux, anything that makes them uncomfy..

For me, i try to position baby in a more vertical position, i.e. let him slant a bit while latching on, and put him in reclining position for 30 min after feed where possible. He still regurgitates once in a while, but much less frequently. I also unlatch him when i think he's done with the feed... if he's suckling for comfort only i'll use his pacifier instead, so that he doesn't overfeed.

cmy, me also going kuching! haha.. such a coincidence!

thanks a lot for the info on passport! me ulu, still think it's attached to mother's passport.. :p

re: gathering
i'm ok w next monday at compass point.. maybe tea time at jack's place / delifrance / starbucks (think there's one there?)
baby wants to be carried to sleep:
i am also having this problem. my nearly 1-mth old baby now wants to be carried to sleep in the day. once we put her in the cot, she cries! but so far at night, she's still willing to sleep in the cot. i wonder how if i am to handle her alone during the day, cant be carrying her the whole day! may surrender to sarong! anyone any solution?
Hi snoopy,
I am fine with the 2 places u mention, but I dun think I will drive to Orchard cos too expensive to park. :p Changi Airport T2 can go to Swensen.

Hi Applejuz,
Ya, I like Cynthia Koh's hairstyle.
My frds did the coloring & rebonding even though bf. They told me its ok unless u preg.

I tot tat is normal too? My gal oso like tat. With no reason, her whole body turns stiff & cry out super loud. Occassion milk, "sticky" milk or clear water (I dun noe wat's tat) will spit out. Sometimes, she also becomes a merlion.. Thus, I will burp her longer & always hold her upright for a while after her feed.

Hi mybabydream,
Your situation sounds like me & can u imagine, my baby is almost 3 mths & I am still doing tat! Perhaps, u want to try carrier or sling in the daytime. Sarong only last me a week & it stop the magical effects. Good luck on trying~
ixwong ...

dun think it works that way lor ... went out today (without my bb) for 6hr ... tot that when reach home can pump lots of milk ... but could only get 120ml (from 1 breast) while my bb drink from the other breast (find that the let down is faster for pumping) ... usually after 2hr - 3hr break I can get 90ml from 1 breast ... so I dun think if you combine 2 pump session into one you can get the same amt ... maybe will be slightly more than usual i guess ... think our 'container' can only hold a fix amt ar heehee ...

re: stretching

my bb stretch alot and he always stretch until his whole face turns red lor ... tot its normal ... hmmm must monitor then ...

ilmare ..

me too ... went for haircut and shop for a while ... been ages since i wore heels and my feet are already huting now ...

popped by to see angel and bb & inc and bb oso ... angel bb gal like ang mo like that ... brown hair and brown eye brow ... inc bb got very nice chin ... sharp sharp one ... my boy now round round liao heehee ...

re: gathering
me still on ML then ... should be able to make it ... but not sure if my mum and hubby allow me to bring my bb out anot ... they feel that the immue sys not mature yet ... better to avoid crowded places until he is 3mth old ... think if its weekend and someone's place they may be more ok for me to bring my bb .... but never mind lar ... me can help you all (if necess) heehee

re: weight
aiyo .. after 6 weeks plus i still have 7kg to loose ... hope i loose them soon or i wont know what to wear for work liao ...
Sorry all mummies, got to break your boys' heart after looking at my notti gal's pic. She's not an angel anymore..haha..

she still look like an angel, so cute, she know how to pose infront of camera.

re: strong neck
can advise when bb neck will be strong enough to hold their head n we can hold them upright? my boy still cant hold without support yet, he's gonna be 7wks old soon.

re: sleep
i'm so worried he slept so much today. since morning 7am till 12am (about 17hrs), only wake up 2hrs in noon for bath n feed, then at 6pm, 830pm for feed. isit normal?? its been a long long time he slept so much even thou some nites he stay up n dun wan to sleep.
Hi applejuz

how much is the clarins firming cream?

i've only got 2 kg to go but it is the hips lah.. my colleagues said suddenly i had butt (and i hated it) i used to be only 50kg for my 1.65m height
aiyo tulip... i used to be 45kg for my height 1.6m... now think i weigh 53kg.... *sob* *sob*

cat_tail: i like the way your girl pose for the camera.... "don't you dare to get near to me" ;)
Hi cat_tail,
Wow, ur gal gal very adorable leh... got cheeky face hee hee... & with her hands on the waist, so cute. And u din cut her hair too, same as me. :p
So anyone reserve her oredi? Maybe my Keyon can woo her next time hor.. hee hee...

re: strong neck
cookies, my boy 2mths+ now, neck is stronger (like now refuse to rest his head on my hand when I burp him), but still, head will 'fall' here & there.

hi tulip,
so envy, only 2 kg left. Me also 1.65cm, used to be 46kg, now 52kg.. sucks! :p
Mr fren says she bought at those small shops selling diff brands of cosmetics & cost ard $70+ (must chk again)..
cat tail, your gal is really cute! next time you and HB will have to screen all her calls!!

strong neck:
dominic also can hold his neck upright when burping for a short time. when lying on his stomach, he can sometimes do the "cobra stand"(hands push down on mattress , arch his back and lift his head and looks up. like some yoga thingy). he will sometimes turn his head from side to side when sleeping.

bringing bb out:
my HB also very against bring him out. actually their immune system will mature when they about 4-6mths old, tat's when they will start producing their own antibodies. know someone who kept her bb at home till 6mths old.

my 3kg seems to be at the hips and shoulders. can still fit into my blouses but pants and skirts are a no-no. any idea on how to lose weight at hips and flatten flabby tummy?

mybabydream, think it will be better if you can get some help. my gynae commented tat it will be good to have some help around so that mummy dun get too stressed. tat's why i now staying with my parents!

so nice got outing, i also stay in sengkang, now at hougang with parents. not brave enough to bring dominic out on my own.

BTW, anyone knows the distributor of Advent? heard tat their office is in town, Gateway? can post their address and contact if have. thanks
Let's plan a lunch outing to town the following week (give all the mummies here time to prepare themselves)

Tentative dates:- 7 or 9Nov?

Suggested locations (thinking of spacious locations that can accomodate mummies and their prams:-
Breeks @Taka
Swensens @Plaza Sing
Changi Airport T2 (Swensens)
Any other suggestions?

Interested mummies (Pls vote on dates and place):-
snoopy (fine with both dates and all locations)
cat_tail (fine with both dates and all locations)
applejuz (take a taxi, dates? and location?)
cookies (take a taxi, dates? and location?)
Seabreeze (dates? and location?)
hi ilmare

avent is at gateway. my hubby went there a few times to fix my sterilizer.. they are reallygood.. the 2nd time we brought in the sterilizer with renewed warranty, they replaced a brand new steriliser FOC!

i intend to start yoga classes with my coy recreation club soon. also i got a voucher from babies and cream, free trial on their post natal pilates/yoga.. so will call them to fix a date
Hi, anyone looking for maid to take care of ur baby? I am/hv to consider transferring my maid cos my mil is complaining day and nite to my hb about communication problems with my maid! She's fili, 24yo, a mother of 2 boys aged 4 and 2. She can take care of my gal and do hsework well. The only set back is the communication probs with my mil! haiz.. really sad to have to consider transferring her out so am looking out for good employers for her.

Ya, my nanny is v near my place. 2 bus-stops away. I'm driving so no worries abt rain...For rainy day, you can take a cab? The taxi uncle sure v happy w such a short ride...

I use this agency www.bbnanny.com. The boss Adrian quite professional and screen the nannies quite thoroughly. I'm paying $550 for my nanny (daytime care).

I need milk,
Ok. will try out the new pumping schedule these 2 days. Hopefully can maintain the ss.

Re Gathering
Dun think I can attend cos really no confidence of bringing bb out alone to such far places. If I drive, no one help me keep an eye on him (somemore car seat in the back). If take MRT, think will be v tiring for me.
musicgal, u can get d digital weighing machine fr osim. it's pretty accurate.

ilmare, mayb u can incr d amt of milk he's drinking?? it cld b tat his appetite incr liao. avent's sg ofc is at:
Cannon Avent (S) Pte Ltd
152 Beach Rd #32-08 Gateway East
Tel : 6391 9191

ixwong, snoopy is better than me. she brought nicole out on her own much earlier than me. 4 me, i usually bring some1 along as i m afraid tat i can't cope. my 1st time out wif daryl is when i meet esther. luckily everything went okie.
mayb u can bring haowen out when we meet up, at least it's not so daunting. as 4 my expressing schedule, regret 2 inform tat i hv none. :p was 2 busy when i m back. 1st day kena engorgemt, damm painful. 2nd day was better. but hor... i can feel tat my supply kinda of dropped liao. so i need 2 pull up my socks.
oh, if u combine 2 sessions, u'll not get more milk. when i pumped at hm after my 1st day of wk, i can oni get 120ml of milk 4 even though i didn't pump 4 d whole day. so if u wan 2 maintain ur supply, got 2 pump regularly.

cat_tail, my reason 4 getting a maid is d same as u. cost...
oh, u stayed at kallang. me at bedok reservoir. veri near... btw, me wking at suntec, so if u gals r coming, let me noe so tat i can pop by. ur gal looks veri cute. so young oledi noe how 2 pose.

cookies, i read somewhr tat bb can support their neck when they r abt 3 mths old.

applejuz, tulip, tink d clarins firming gel costs abt $70 at departmental store, so if u go 2 d small shop & buy, it shld b cheaper rite??
re: massage class
i have checked out wif my sil, if any mommies interested can form up a class on yr own. location is at serangoon garden, maju village. charges is S$20/pax. tink oso include the essential oil
Thanks mummies for your compliment. She posed like tat when I want to bath her. So notti... :Z

Ya lor Applejuz,
Can't bear to shave her hair botak. I hoped she dun lose her hair so badly.

Re: Strong neck
Hi cookies,
Dun worry, another few more weeks your baby's neck will be stronger. My 2+mth baby oso the same as Applejuz. She can only hold up for a min or so & then later "swing" around.
U try lie your baby's tummy flat on the bed & do some push-up.

Hi ilmare,
Your baby is progressing very fast! How u train him?
sad to say.. i hardly bath my bb leh.. morning, maid go mil place.. when i am back home, bb already took evening bath

but he is making a lot of sounds already. cooing, etc. yesterday managed to take a photo of dd holding on to ds in the infantcar seat
hi vone

if can wait until got metro sale.. can get 20% disct?

btw, i was told if u do not lose the weight by 6mths.. then the excess baggage will STAY with you.
ilmare:my mum wants me to go home for shi xi. the guest room i am using at parent's house will be occupied by my borhter when he's married (Soon). sobsob. but mum did mention that she may come to my house to stay over for a few days (Seeing the way i handle baby) :pP
tulip, me aso. my son is oledi 2 mths old liao. til now, i oni bathe him once & wipe him down twice. veri bad mummy hor...

me waiting 4 d x'mas promo. sometimes can get freebies. if not, then i'll get during d sale wif d d/c.

i aso heard abt tat. but i was told not 2 diet when i m bf. now in 2 minds. haiz...
re: gathering

updated mine here:

Tentative dates:- 7 or 9Nov?

Suggested locations (thinking of spacious locations that can accomodate mummies and their prams:-
Breeks @Taka
Swensens @Plaza Sing
Changi Airport T2 (Swensens)
Any other suggestions?

Interested mummies (Pls vote on dates and place):-
snoopy (fine with both dates and all locations)
cat_tail (fine with both dates and all locations)
applejuz (take a taxi, dates? and location?)
cookies (take a taxi, dates? and location?)
Seabreeze (dates? and location?)
tingting (ok w both dates, ok w any place that has nursing room
snoopy, applejuz, cookies, seabreeze & cat_tail,
i wanna meet up too. but like wat ixwong say, i also cant handle bb by my own esplly go down town. usually is my hubby, mum n me bring bb along go shoppin.

any other suggestion? wat abt a gathering at somebody's home?

think i missed ur earlier post abt the sling. Yup, it's the MIM sling.. dunno how to carry the correct way, so not hands free for me, but at least the cloth is supporting the weight n i'm just holding the baby loosely at his bottom... he can fall asleep / be calm for some time, unless weather is hot then cannot use liao, cos my living room not air-conditioned.
re: nursing room
Any mommy knows which shopping centre in Orchard has nursing room other than Taka? Want to bring bb out to shop but scared that no nursing room in the shopping centre.

My fren once went to OG Orchard with her bb and realised that their nursing room is actually store room!!

Does Centrepoint has a nursing room?
hi lib,
I'm interested in the massage class if it's on weekend. Need how many person to form a class? It's only 1 lesson right? Any contact no. Thanks. Any other mummies interested?
vone, thanks for the address!

cat tails, no training, his neck was quite strong by 2nd wk or so.sometimes have to be very careful when burping him, dun know when he will suddenly decided to "see the ceiling".

my mum did say that maybe i will not slim down... so sad... i can't even take out my wedding ring now, dun know whether to enlarge it together with other ring.

mybabydream, initially my mum also say want to come over for a few hours every day to help, but i keep telling her i can't be alone with bb. how to settle myself, meals and washing etc. so HB suggested i move in with them lor. mayb your MIL and mum can take turns to pop by, one in the morning then one in afternoon?
Re:- Shampooing baby's hair

Hi mummies,
can check, how do you wash your baby's hair? i find that when we shampoo my baby girl directly on her hair, she will have little red spots later, like mild rashes..but if use the shampoo in the water then wipe with towel, not so bad.. i'm using Johnson top to toe..but it doesn't affect the rest of her body leh..

Hi Lib,

Can give more details regarding the massage? What's the name of the place? $20/pax or per baby? so if hubby and i bring baby down will be $40? how long is the duration? thanks!
i'm a mummy. No is s$20 per baby.. and a bottle of blended essential oil will be given.. basically they will teach u the basic massage for baby from top to toe.. the duration is abt 2hrs.. is taught in a residential place.. but by qualified teacher
Hi skippy10,
Take a cab down & we help you there. How about I bring my maid along so she can help out with other mummies.

Wow ilmare,
Your baby is so strong! His motor progress will be faster than us.

Hi mummytobe,
Is your baby allergy to Johnson's shampoo? May want to try another brand? I dun like the smell of Johnson so I switch to Kodomo. My way:
Lie her down on my lapse, wet her hair with towel, put bath gel on her hair, massage & then rinse off by pouring a small pail of water onto her hair.
ixwong: ya .. will take a cab on raining day and hope peak hr easy to hail one!

tingting: me intending to buy a sling so can 'hands free' to do other stuff.

vone: do you know how much is the osim digital weighing machine?

cat_tail: yr gal really adorable.
wah so many posts!! i gotta open 2 windows - 1 to read, 1 to reply!

sigh, doesn't it really suck? dun understand how come the hips can expand so much! i jioed a fren to sign up for pilates at sengkang cc! hope it helps!!

i need milk:
me too! thought he was just stretching! until he spat up a whole bunch of milk! so much that it made a splat on the floor! so poor thing...

btw, has ur milk supply matched bb's demand?

ur girl is so cute! her eyes v alert leh! and her pose is so funny!

bringing bb out:
we have brought jeremy everwhere with us... to church, go shopping, to my granddad's and another relative's funeral wake... poor bb has attended 2 wakes liao and he's only 2 mths old!

same qn as tennyson - how much is the weighing machine? i v broke from buying stuff the past week!

gathering @ compass pt:
mon tea sounds good! i'd prefer starbucks or delifrance cos they've got comfy couches!

gathering outside sk:
aiyah, that wk i agreed to go back to office to help out a bit... so can't make it... actually i also not confident of venturing too far alone with j. go compass pt still can - anything happen i just drive home - 5 min only! so far i haven't actually gone out alone wth j, only in church, i gotta handle him alone cos dh is in the worship music team...
ilmare, u r welcome.

tulip, tat's wat i m doing now. hopefully can c results soon.

tennyson / musicgal, dun flip okie, d weighing machine costs $178.
hi mummies, can help answer my worries on baby sleeping too long...
my boy has been sleeping since yesterday morning (25/10,7am) till now, only wake up 2hrs (25/10,12-2pm, 12mn- 2am). n also to feed and bath (short interval only). is there a concern?? he nvr sleep tis long b4. i check his temp, its ok.
musicgal, hehe... actually i aso hv d same reaction as u when i saw d price. 'yi fen qian yi fen huo' lor. but hor, i didn't buy it. hb is going 2 kill me if i did. i bought d ikea 1, but as wat tennyson said, it's not accurate if we wan 2 weigh bb.

cookies, tink it shld b okie. these days, d weather is veri cooling, so bb tend 2 sleep more. i realise mine sleeps a lot more aso.
hi cookies,

j is also sleeping a lot... wake up to eat and bathe only! alert time < 1/2 hour per 3-4 hours!

hi vone,

yeah lor! the ikea one not v zai leh! my pils have 1 - every time u step on, the weight changes cos the dial shifts! hahaha!

vaccination scar:
hey gals, i noticed about 1 wk ago that j's bcg jab site, the one that was given at the hospital, is red and swollen! it seems to be getting a bit bigger now... do ur bbs have the same thing?

Re: Gathering
very interested, put down my choices 1st. but must build up my confidence too,cos its gonna 1st time bringing bb out, duno will flick out or not leh.

Interested mummies (Pls vote on dates and place):-
snoopy (fine with both dates and all locations)
cat_tail (fine with both dates and all locations)
applejuz (take a taxi, dates? and location?)
cookies (take a taxi, both dates ok and location-prefer orchard n with nursing room)
Seabreeze (dates? and location?)

ting ting,
i've got e sling too, but also duno how to use, cos got it fr my cousin n not given e demo disc. only tried once, n i still use my hand to support, in e end,effect e same,hand tired.

ixwong, thanks for e info, will check it out later.

lib, cakery i'm interested in e massage too. can provide more info. who to contact?

cattail,will let him exercise his neck more often.
