(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs


most bbs jaundice should be gone by 12th day. However, for breastmilk jaundice (for bb on total bm), can last up till 2-3 mths. My bb was on almost total BM and she still had jaundice up till 8 weeks. But for the last 1 week, i increased her intake of FM and she doesn't look yellow anymore.

BM jaundice is normal by the way. The reason why i increased my bb FM intake is becos i don't have enough milk plus, i wanted her to sleep longer hours at night. You can check with yr PD if u r very concerned.

Hi all,

I'm back at work!!! Leave my baby at my mum's place last night cos afraid I can't cope in the morning. Sure miss him
Will go see him 1st thing when I knock off (can't wait already). Expressed milk at 7am this morning then again at around 12pm. So far so good. Will probably express again later at 4pm.
Hi inc,

Do monitor your baby's jaundice level closely cos their kidney will not be fully developed until the 10th-12th day. In the meantime, jaundice level can shoot up very fast. My baby only has slight jaundice when he was born. The hospital didn't put him under the light. 2 days after discharged, his jaundice level was very high - 16.8pt. If jaundice level hits 17pt, baby's hearing and eye-sight can be affected. You can take your baby to any polyclinic to check for jaundice level. The cost is $10 (excl GST) each time. Waiting time is fast.
Hi mummies...

wow.. seems like some of u are back to work.
Anissa, must be tough to miss ur baby... I'll experience that on 10th Nov.

btw, anyone put babies in infant carseat already?
I still carry him while my hubby drives.. when's a good time to start har?

Also, any good reccommendation for stroller (preferrably those kind wif baby facing u.)?
me so frustrated with my stroller (given by relative)... aiyo, the 4 wheels always go in 'un-intended' direction, so tot of buying new one.
my baby rides in the carseat... he loves it - falls asleep easily.
I'm using a Combi stroller that has reversible handle.

i sort of figured out the sling... started out with intention of him sitting against me, ended up in the cradle hold with his head outside. OK lah, managed a trip to downstairs supermarket.. but felt the sling drooping by the minute!!
my bb has started on infant carseat n he loves it very much. we got the peg perego pliko-p3 for bb, me n hubby like it v much too. easy to carry n is compact fold..

i understand how u feel. sianz right! esplly after burp him then gotta coax him to slp again. by the time we only rest the few 1-2 hours.... but got no choice. no matter wat, we need to burp bb. my PD said we only need to burp bb for 5mins, if no result then dun need to burp them liao...
skippy ...

i will usually burp my bb if he is still awake after the feed ... and so far we only heard him burp once ... but he fart alot lor ... so i told my hubby should be okie lar since there is another way for him to release his gas heehee ... lazy mummy hor ...

but my mum will def burp him if she feeds him from the bottle lor ...

hows your bb?
angel ...

me still at my mum's place ... if not you would def hear my boy cries liao ... he can scream the whole house down man ...

me pop by your place with my boy when i ret home ... we prob will start bringing him back for the weekend after my confinement ...

my mum wans me to do a 40-day confinement ar ...
RE: Nepia diaper
tink individual baby got different skin loh cos wen use mamy poko or petpet won't loh.. yes i use nappy rash and her change is like every 3hrs
i think isaac is half my size. That day when i tried to sling him, i felt that he is going to crush my chest. Ha ha!

i think can start anytime for infant car seat right? My girl will cry when we put on the seat belt for her but the minute the car moves... she's very very happy.

for those mummies doing direct latch & EBM:
Can i check if u r also the one that bottle-feed yr bb? Every time i bottle feed my bb, she is very very fussy and unhappy. Its like she knows its me and of cos, she prefers the warm breast to the bottle.......... sigh, very difficult man.. especially when i am alone at home most of the time and gotta use bottle cos i feel that i am sucked dry.
bb is gd. naughty n chubby now! :eek:) wat abt ur boy boy?

how r u n ur gal gal?

i need milk,
my bb is on bottle feed. i seldom latch him on unless im not in time to prepare his milk. wat bottle u usin? my boy now change to avent bottle after using 1mth of NUK bottle... he quite happy wit it. only things is he will check on the bottle b4 he start to drink... tastin tastin first...
Hi wendyg, skippy10, i need milk

Thanks for ur reply.
Need any neck support for the carseat?

wendyg & skippy10,
how much was your stroller?

i need milk,
actually i tried putting my boy in, the seat belt also makes him uncomfy...& seems the seat is too steep, make his head bent so low .. hee hee... *saw his double chin

On bottle feeding, i do latch-on & EBM... bottles no prob for my boy. as long as its milk. hee hee.. he hates plain water. :p
hi mummies,
For bb that sleep through or sleep longer hours at night, does the bb become super hungary and need to drink much more after wake up? My gal will 'move' or make soft noise during the night, but if i put pacifier for her then she can sleep back... wonder is this consider 'sleep longer' or should I just feed on her cue i.e. moving, wanting to suck. Cos if sleep longer she'll be super hungary and keeping demanding for more milk when finish.
re: latch + EBM
initially, my hb did the bottle feed, but nowadays i do the bottle as well. he's fine w both. but some babies may reject bottles by mummy. it's like,"why give me the fake one when u have the real thing?!"
i use a head support for carseat, not neck support.
My stroller cost abt $230 i think. Combi is very lightweight, easy to carry, thoughtful features coz Japan designed. But also heard people say that it doesn't last as long as those heavy duty ones. We think our kid will outgrow it v fast coz he's so huge!!
My boy hates water too... he'll hv the teat in his mouth, but when we finally check, the amt is still same... sometimes when he does take in some amt, he'll spit it back up when we remove the bottle. I can't do anything but laugh at his bewildered face. hahaha.

no kidding, when i carry him & walk for too long i also get short of breath coz my diaphragm restricted by his weight!

i'm feeding direct & i burp baby after every latch. And he burps!! On the contrary, if i don't burp him, he'll be very uncomfortable.
hi i need milk,
Re: sling,
when your bb sits in the sling her legs are folded? i tried that and seems that the bb is sitting on her folded leg and i scare will hurt her legs leh.. otherwise how should the legs be? Thanks.
i always kanna "bluffed" by my boy early in the morning.. he'll shift n attempts to wake up, loads of saliva and mouthing motions, but when i pick him up for a feed, he suckles for about 1 min n goes right back to sleep! So during this time of the day, i let him fuss a bit on his own... usually he goes back to sleep after 1 min or so. I think this is his light sleeping period. I also use the pacifier then.. when he really wants to feed, he'll push the pacifier out of his mouth himself.
hi... how's everyone...

the thread has been going on so fast and it's hard for me to catch up liao...

Now have been back to work for more than a week already and still trying to adjust back to working life plus bringing my son to nanny's place. so tiring!!! how i wish i'm still on maternity and look after my son myself. At the end of the day, still have to go and pick up my son from the nanny and by the time i reach home would be about 7pm liao. Reaching home, still have to settle him first before I can do other things.... *sigh* so tiring... everyday not enough sleep. how i miss those days i can sleep through the night, taking nap etc.....

has anyone gone back to work already? how's your adjustment like?
hi all,

would like to seek some advice from u all..
my baby wants to be cuddle all the time when he is awake. when we put him down on the bed, he will cry almost immediately. when carry him, he stopped crying immediately. he is about 6 weeks old. my dad said that it b'cos we always carry him during confinement. is your baby like that also?

i tot of getting those cloth sling. is this kind of sling good for baby? will it cause any problem to the development? wat's the adv and disadv?

thanks for ur advice...
need some opinion. Originally intend to send my bb to infant care centre when I go back to work. But he's used to sleeping in sarong which infant care centre certainly does not cater. How huh? Should I go find a babysitter instead?

I need milk,
My boy was on Similac but suffered from constipation. Recently changed him to Nan 1 and he suffered from runny stool!!! Headache cos dunno what suit him. He's currently on 2 FM feeds per day. Very worried cos intend to stop BF after going back to work next month. any advice?

I also used sarong + auto rocker, else really no time to do anything. Nowadays, my boy cannot sleep without his pacifier, even after a full feed. If dun give him, he will scream the whole house down and cry until his throat sore. *sign* The only time he don't need his tutu is after the night feeds.
my boy also needs his pacifier after his day feeds to fall asleep.. bcos he doesnt sleep after his feeds automatically..

re: FM
how abt trying Nan HA?
Hi Applejuz!
re: Stroller
I am currently using "lucky baby". It has reversible handle too. It costs ard $150+. Can't remember the weight. It has features like brakes, 3 adjustable incline, adjustable wheels. Plenty of colors to choose from. And the colors are very sweet, like light blue ( got that one for my bb gal), pink, purple, green and orange. Quite a good buy. Made in Korea.

re: sleep through the night
Initially, whenever my bb makes noise while she is sleeping , i will carry her and bf her. But, each time, she will vomit the milk out after feed. I guess, she is not swallowing.
Later, i learnt to ignore the noises she made and she actually slept through the night, from 10pm to 5am. Read from books that it's normal that bb makes all sorts of noise while they are sleeping. So, it is better that mommy and bb sleep in separate room or else mommy can't sleep.

But, if you can ignore the noise your bb makes, i think it's ok to let bb to sleep in the same room
re: FM
ixwong - can try enfalac or Nan 1 HA. Regarding the runny stool on Nan 1, is it like BM poo? Cos he only taking 2 FM a day so his poo should still be like BM poo which is runny......

re: sling
cakey - her bum should be on the sling. Her legs should be bent like in the womb.... i think if its uncomfortable for yr bb, she will make noise right?

ting ting,
my bb knows its me and she doesnt like me to feed her the bottle.. but if its my MIL or hb that give her the bottle, she is ok with them.
hi ixwong,
What is running stool? meaning its watery? My gal stool comes out like a snake when she poos but it is really very soft and abit of darker yellow but abit greenish. She's on partial BF and FM but most is FM.
wendyg ...

now i know the 'power' of burping ... last night my bb was crying the moment we put him down onto his cot ... even after much coaxing and meeting his dd for milk ... he was still screaming away ...

then i was wondering if his tummy got wind ... so started to burp him ... after giving out 2 burp ... he zzz straight away ... stupid mummy and daddy hor ...

re: jaundice

anyone know how to convert the reading for jaundice? I brought my bb to the polyclinic today and they said that his jaundice is 162. How do i convert it to the other reading?
Hi skippy, yes we are fine.. thx.. nwadays her sleeping hours in the day have shorten, which means more time for activities.. and this girl doesnt like to be left alone. so very busy loh.. u?
Seabreeze, 162 level for jaundice is fine. If reading is above 260, baby will need to undergo photo therapy.

Hi all, I am attaching 2 photos of nicole, the rest are too large and need to be resized before i can upload them.


Hi wendyg,

Oops.. i meant head support.. :p
My boy is huge too, hmm.. think better go shopping n let baby try on the stroller first.
Ya ya, my boy refuse to suckle the plain water.. & when he does, he'll give me a "hey-wat's-that face".. hee hee...:p

Hi nicole,

My boy 7wks liao.. when he's awake, he'll play a while, then make some noise to get attention to carry him, usu bcoz he wans to sleep. And we had to carry, walk & pat his butt until he sleeps, then put him to bed. Very siong man! We did not buy sarong, next time when he grow heavier, dunno how liao..:}

HI ixwong, i need milk,

I'm also supplementing Similac once/twice per day. The rest direct latch on BF. Now baby only poo once every 2-3 days, still mustardy yellow. I tot its normal or is he constipating?

Hi pinkroses,

Thanks for advice on stroller... will go take a look too.

ha ha, i also ignore the noises from baby... sometimes its just false alarm. Even if its a sudden loud cry, we'll try to pat & soothe him first, he may be having a nightmare....
anissa, my turn 2 go back 2 wk is coming soon oledi. tink i'll miss my boy aso.

applejuz, i put my boy in d carseat oledi coz he's 2 heavy 4 me 2 b carrying him 4 long periods. dun noe wat brand is it as it's given by my bil. will hv 2 'upgrade' him 2 another carseat when he's bigger. hehe... my boy doesn't like plain water aso. he'll spit it out when we feed him.

i need milk, it depends. sometimes my hb feed him, sometimes i feed. makes no dif 2 my boy as long as he got milk.

cakey, no leh. mine still drinks d normal amt of milk even when he sleeps 4 longer hrs in d nite. mine aso move & make soft noises in d nite. usually we'll ignore them & he'll go back 2 sleep. we'll oni attend 2 him when he cries.

nicole, mine used 2 b like tat after my 1st maid scare d hell out of him. so wat we did was tat when we put him down 2 sleep, we'll hold his hand & talk 2 him 2 let him noe tat we r around. after a while, he's okie oledi.

ixwong, i had d same situation as u. my boy aso got constipation when he's on similac. then we switched 2 nan & he started pooing. mayb u can try other brands of FM 2 c whether it helps?? when u mentioned runny stools, is it veri watery??

snoopy, u managed 2 figure out how 2 upload ur photos oledi.
hi ixwong,

my nanny is quite good. my son was pretty hard to handle initally but after a while, she knows the pattern of my son and she has not much problem after that. I think the most important thing is to communicate with the nanny often, to fill her with information about your baby so the nanny would find it easier to handle your baby. another important factor is that the nanny must love baby. if not, the nanny will just look after your baby purely for money. as for my nanny, i can tell that she geniunely love babies. she even give massage to my son so that he can poo poo more often. (use to poo poo 3 days once now is about 2 days once)

and of course you have to provide her with the necessity like clothes, milk powder, wipes, pampers etc...

my nanny actually got her own baby cot, bouncer, bath tub so i need not to provide her with all these big item. (she went to get it from her brother).

you must also look out on the cleanliness of the place and whether she has any younger children she needs to look after like toddler. if your nanny has kids like toddler, the attention spend on your child will be lesser.

remember you control the nanny and not the nanny controls you. you tell the nanny what to do and not the other way round. also, find a nanny that's not so calculative, if not, you will have a hard life man (that's what i think).
Temple, so u actually get a nanny near ur working place is it?

So I got a neighbour nearby. Any others staying there as well? We can meet one of these days to chat!
we got the stroller n carseat (1set) at $789...

my boy still slp alots in the dae time. nite time as usual, wake up every 2-3 hrs for milk.

how to get bb slp thru the nite? tried to play wt him, but seem like he is more interested in ZZzzz.... (think like mummy...haha..cos my hobby is to ZZzz.)
This started after my bb had abt 8 feeds of NAN over 2 days (was preparing for full FM). His poo is very watery and comes with a bit of muscus. Each time he poo, it leaks out of the diapers from behind. Before Nan, he poo 1-2 times a day (very nicely formed ones) but after the 8 feeds of NAN, the watery poos happened abt 5 times a day (yesterday), after almost every feed. Immediately, I stopped the Nan feeds. Today is better, so far only poo twice, still watery. If tomorrow still the same, will bring him to PD. *sign* Now very scare to try new FM...

thanks for the tips. I'm visiting 2 potential babysitters tonight.
temple, i aso heard abt tat. but when i c d way my boy strains as he tried 2 poo, i heartpain liao. dun tink i can tahan if he dun poo 4 so many days.

ixwong, my boy's poo is veri similar 2 urs. i tink tat it's normal. dun worry so much. 2 me, tis is better as compared 2 his constipation. gd luck in ur search 4 bbsitters.
hi ixwong,
Re: sleeping in sarong
Does yr boy fuss when sleepy but no sarong? Went to my mum's place last weekend and happen bb sleepy but no sarong.. in the end cried and fuss for nearly 2hrs. Try to rock her in infant carseat instead and she only manage to sleep abt 5mins for a few times
She only in sarong for 1wk already like that... Thinking of getting an auto-rocker too but scare she become more and more dependent on sarong.

Is it possible to restore BM if it's stops? I din BF for about 1.5 day last weekend and only express abt 3 times.. Now seems my BM is gone.. no leakage or letdown feeling since this morning till now..
Hi Applejuz,
My girl 7 weeks old also like that..when she's awake, she'll play a while, then make some noise to get attention to carry her, and if we don't, she'll just make more noise until she starts crying...mang zhang..she gets agitated and excited, then her arms and legs will be like all over the place, waving and kicking...wants to be carried..in the end, we got the sarong with auto rocker haha..

Hi Cakey,
my girl same problem. Went to my mum's place, bb sleepy, mang zhang, hyperactive, no sarong to calm her down. Put her in the infant carseat to rock, also no use...told my mum to go buy a sarong hehe

Hi Ixwong,
Me also use sarong, autorocker, bouncer, bassinet and infant carseat to distract her when she's not in her cot..once, i even resorted to putting her in the pram/stroller and pushing her around inside the house! (don't want to go outside cause scared got mozzies) but the most powerful weapon of all is my MIL haha she really know how to carry my girl..she carry for few mins, baby sleep in her arms liao..but i try not to rely on my MIL too much..scared baby too attached to her 'smell' afterwards don't want mummy liao
Hi lib & Temple,

I'm staying in blk 412B. How abt u both? Let's meet up one of these days juz like what Wendy & the rest did in Punggol...Hv u all started working?? I'll start work in 2nd wk of Nov...
Hi I'm a mummy.. (still used to callin u 'mummytobe', hee hee..)

oh ya, our babies almost same Birthday

Mine also very mang zhang one, very impatient & also agressive, esp when he dun get his milk... aiyo! Also kicks all over the place....

chk w u, how much weight ur gal gain so far?
My boy inconsistant leh.. gain 1.5kg during 1st mth, but subsequent 2 wks only 0.4kg. Is it becos 1st mth I use more FM, now more BM?
we're all learning lah... so next time u'll be sure to include "BURP" as your Top 3 list of how to soothe crying baby. hee.

I'm using same method as u for my boy's sleeping routine. He should be 6kg liao... 2.5 months. Heavy ah!!!!!!!! Carry & walk a bit - I get out of breath!

Check out this website for benefits of slinging.
Why Wear Your Baby??
re: carrying baby
When my 6kg boy needs to be carried non-stop, I try to remind myself that it's only temporary that i've got the privilege to carry my boy. Next time when he grows up, he won't even want to come home for dinner, much less let me cuddle him. haha.

ineedmilk/ Lib
oh congratulate me! I managed to sling baby when i'm outside of home & he was contentedly asleep while i shopped for 2hrs! hee hee.. this time he was upright with head against my chest, occasionally on my arm.
But the 2 round buckles were quite low... supposed to be on shoulder-blade but they were on my breast instead. Hmm... still need to fine-tune a bit.

Hi applejuz,

first month she gain 1.5kg also, but i haven't weighed her since then..you bought a baby scale? i only weigh her when we bring her to the PD...
