(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

Hi I'm a mummy,
Thanks. I didn't shave Keyon's hair.. can't bear to see him botak.. hee hee... :p
Its Chicco car seat, pass down from my relative.

Re - auto sarong rocker

mummies, can i check something with you? once your baby falls asleep, do you stop rocking the sarong, or leave the auto sarong on? normally i will manually rock baby until she sleeps, then turn the auto rocker on.. but my mother was nagging me yesterday, she said once baby sleeps, nobody keep rocking one lah..she told me to rock until baby sleep then stop rocking altogether..but my girl will wake up leh.. also, i read in some magazine that rocking in a sarong is actually rocking baby in 'unconsciousness' cause we are rocking the baby's brain? its in the October issue of Young Parents Baby edition...advice from a nurse..
hi mummies who drive:

read so much about driving alone with the baby... i will also be doing that very soon as my husband will be going overseas for a few days for biz trip this coming 27. anything to look out for? i quite worried he will cry and cry and cry all the way to nanny's place.... *sigh*
i'm a mummy!

i remember Mrs. Wong mentioned that sleeping in sarong is no good for the baby but can't remember what no good... anyone attended the class can remember???
Applejuz: your boy has very thick hair!!! i heard from the older folks saying that it's better to shave their hair so that they will have thicker and nicer hair... but don't know how true....

i also can't bear to shave my son's hair... he got quite a thick hair also....

anyway, i was told that only can shave hair after 4 months later...
Hi temple,
I think she was referring to the spine is it? no lah, i only put my baby in sarong when she is fussy. If not, most of the time she is in her cot, the bassinet or bouncer :eek:)

I also didn't shave my girl's hair...girl girl must cut hair or not? dunno leh..she already don't have much hair, can't bear to shave her hair away..i tot they cut hair at full month?
I think Mrs Wong was saying that it might be a bad habit for the baby cos she will want to be constant rocked all the time and cannot sleep on his/her own easily

Just to share my baby Anton's blog, it will be updated with the latest pics from time to time.
hi temple,
oh ur hubby will be overseas too?
Mine already gone for 1 week & will be back next Sunday, so I get to drive his car..Luckily got sms & yahoo msgr, else I'll miss him.. *blush* *blush*
Drive out alone with baby, here's the things I'll do.
1) Ensure no hungry tummy. Make sure he's well fed.
2) Prepare pacifier beside him.
3) A blanket / rem to reduce car aircon
(I forgot abt that... end up bb shivering when I reach destination
bad mummy..
also bcoz I put in front passenger seat lor.
4) The sun shade / Carseat cover (useful to prevent the sunglares)
As for night, I'm not sure how to prevent the fast moving streetlights?)

re:shaving hair in 4th month
I also heard of this tradition. But i think i won't follow, unless his hair drops until very ugly.. hee hee...luckily, my mum also din shave when me & my siblings were young. (I used to have lots of hair too when I'm a baby..
And my MIL won't insist on that too. Glad no pressure from elders.:p
thanks applejuz... streetlights for the night still not so bad... but it's the morning and evening sunlights that i'm worried about... how to block it when i'm driving!!!!... any good sunshade to recommend?

i'm a mummy! not sure leh.... because i totally forget what did mrs. wong say about the sarong thingy.... anyway... i don't like to put my son in the sarong because i don't want it to be a bad habit...
Mummies w bb sleeping thru the night
How many hours your baby nap in the day? My boy will wake up at 8am, nap from 11am till 5pm (in between wake up for milk). He will want to sleep again at 8pm. After that, all the way till morning except wake up every 3 hrs for milk. Wondering if he not sleeping thru the night is due to too much sleep in the day?? I tried feeding him more at the 11pm but he either refused to drink or still wake up at the 3rd hour....
hi ixwong... my son has about the same pattern as your baby... i also tried to give him more for the last feed but still he will wake up at least for once for milk... think they are still trying to get use to the sleep through the night pattern... perhaps have to give them more time...

like last night, his last feed was 10.45pm and he woke up at 4.45pm... that's 6 hours straight!!!
I need milk
Have a small tin of Nan 1 to giveaway, still got abt two-third left. Baby got diarrhoea from it. U want?

I dun mind your Friso, but distance is an issue cos I stay in Yishun...Anyway, thanks for the offer.
Re: Driving with baby:-
3) If you put baby in back passenger seat, (if car is hot) ensure that the aircon reaches to the back. Don't turn down aircon when we feel cool in front as the back may not be cool yet.

temple, applejuz is rite, make sure baby is well-fed before embarking on trip. As for sun, think you can go to any auto shop to get sunshades, normally comes in a pair, to place on the windows. But since the car will be moving mostly, don't think baby will get much sun unless we are caught in a traffic jam.
thanks snoopy.... the thing is... TPE always jam from the exit from punggol to pasir ris... so car will be slow moving... and the sun will actually shine on the person siting at the front seat. wondering after putting the car seat, will the sun still shine at the eye or the body of the baby (car seat is higher mah).
hi gals.
how's everythin? shall we hav a new mother gatherin soon? my hubby is gog outstation too n is for 1 mth!! :eek:( sob sob.... gog to take my car licence since my hubby is still in town.

ixwong, seabreeze, coffeedrinker n lib
how u copin wit ur new born? i tried once for 6 hrs not to express bm, end up got fever n engorgement! so painful! now dare not to it. no more direct latch on for bb, only bottle bm...

ur bb so cute!!! :eek:)
re: sarong auto rocker

i rock him all the way, cos he also wakes up once the sarong stops moving. wonder whether it's ok, but he only sleeps there for about 1-2 hrs per day, so i think it's ok...

if anyone knows exactly why sarong is not encouraged, pls share..

My gal is going to be 7 weeks old and still not sleeping through the night, waking up every 2/3 hourly for milk. Also, once after her milk time, she won't fall back into sleep immediately and will fuss for about half an hour or so..

In the day, she doesn't sleep much too!! Once she didn't sleep for 12 hours in the day and still wake up for 2/3 hourly feed..

I paid to make a frame for Megan when she's 2 days old and until now I cannot find a satisfactory picture for the frame.. any mommies sign up for this too? www.bestimprezzione.com

Here's some latest pictures of Megan

See the chor lor gal



What i did was install solar film, VKool in my car..it covers all glass panels, helps block out UV rays, keeps the car cool under the sun and blocks out glare (day n night) too. A bit pricey but i find it very very helpful. It actually works.

But there are a lot of copycats in the market so make sure u go to an authorised dealer. There are a lot of advertisements for VKool in those autocar mags oso. Hope it helps!
megan is so adorable! i like the last pic with the colorful dress. how i wish i can dress my bb up like tiz! hmmm...hopefully next one will be bb gal! :eek:)
Hi temple,
I just get the normal foldable sunshade that snoopy mentioned.
My carseat got a cover (can see fr my above pix), think that's good enough for me.
And I think snoopy recommends to put the carseat at the back passenger's seat which is much safer & less distraction while driving.

I also din use sarong, main reason is dun wan bb to get use to it, & if go other pple's house without sarong, he could still sleep on bed/sofa. Currently, Keyon could sleep anywhere now..

Hi angel,
Megan is cute & have chubby cheeks! I love to see babies putting their legs up.. hee hee... I DIY for the impression footprint... my hubby & I spent great effort pressing babies feet onto the clay, in the end, the print very shallow & not very clear... sigh.. but better than nothing.. :p
hi everafter,

i order one pack from wendy... are you ordering from her also? maybe when i get it from her, you can come over to my place and get it from me....
Hi Wendy,

Tks! Ok, I want 1 pkt of M size.

Hi Temple,

Will u be collecting fr Wendy? If yes, can collect for me?? I will go over to ur hse to collect...
skippy ...

same 'complain' from me ... bb keep demanding for milk .... can feed him from 1.20pm to 1.50pm and he himself refuse to latch on type ... and he start to demend milk again at 2.20pm ... he think his mummy is 7-11 ar ...

so now me try to siam him and let my mum take care of him ... trying to stretch the interval of the feed so that he is hungier and drink more at each feed ... my mum was telling me that while I was having lunch ... he even wanted to bite her hand hahaha ...

now he is more active ... keep 'asking' for ppl to play with him ... or talk to him

angel ...

your gal vey chubby and cute ler ... me wan to see her oso when me back at BL ...

me going to do the handprint and footprint thingy oso ... maybe I should give them a call ... must we give them the physical photo? digital one can anot?

must give them hard copy.. dunno why oso..

me gng to bring megan to robinsons liao.. got 20% off selected nursery items
hi all mummies
Anton is 5 weeks old and he wakes up once a night and sometimes fusses for a while before he sleeps...I wonder too when he will sleep without interference during the night but he is on breastmilk so I think he will get hungry easily compared to FM...

he is 5.03kg and 57.5cm long at 5 weeks...!!PD says I might be overfeeding him...and I thought I was underfeeding him cos sometimes he made grunting noises at the end of the feed.

Hi temple
Are you a Christian too? I have not been going to cell or church eversince Anton is born and I kinda missed it.

Thanks skippy....yeah he is very cute...!!I love him to bits!But all mothers love their children no matter what...that is the greatest love on Earth!
Hi Angel,
Robinson got sale? What are the selected nursery items? When it ends? Me so tempted to go shopping...getting very 'nua' at home liao..

yep.. rob got 20% for selected nursery items.. gng down to take a look but the sky not v cooperative leh..

I don't know what are the selected items.. need to go down to take a look and sale ending 23 Oct.
Hi triniti,
I got this formula calculation from LC at GEH some time ago. I use this to check roughly how much my baby should drink (at least). Hope it helps:

Amt of EBM to store for each feed (oz) = (Baby's weight in pounds) multiply 2.5, then divide no.feed per day.

pounds = kg x 2.2
1 oz = 30ml
hi triniti.... ya... me a christian... for me... not so bad lah... after my confinement period, i go to church liao on sunday... as for cell, because the cell is at my home, so i can still attend cell group during my confirnment period
wow... 5.03kg is quite big leh.... now my son is about 12 weeks old and he weighs about 6kg...
oh triniti, forgot to add on... my son attended his very first cell meeting on the second week of his life and he slept through all the way (except waking up for his milk) heee.....
triniti ...

wow your bb q big ar ... how big was he when he was born?

my bb is going 5 weeks old ... last measured 3.9kg and 53cm when he was 4 weeks ... no comments from the nurse ... when he was born he was 2.79kg and 48cm

angel ...

let us know if there are any good stuff to buy at the robinson sale ...

hur need the physical photo ... so troublesome ... anyway i better start searching photo then and get it done ... before his hands and legs get too big heehee
hi everafter, i understand from Lib that you will be meeting up with her next week. i have already ask her to see whether she can pass you the diapers when she sees you next week and she's ok with it. Once I get the diapers will bring it over to Lib... will this arrangement be ok with you?

btw, how are u paying wendy? you transfer $$$ to her or what? If you need me to pass her the money, let me know so i can pay her when i see her next week...
Hi temple,

It's fine with me but will it be too troublesome for lib?? I think i'll xfer e $$ to Wendy. Btw, u want to exchange hp no?? U can PM me...

Hi Wendy,

Can u PM me ur savings account no?? I'll xfer $14 to u. tks!
Hi Skippy10,
life with baby not easy. Find it hard to pacify baby, that's why end up using sarong/pacifer etc which i originally dun intend to. Use already then worried abt bb cannot live w/o them...*sign* but the worst part is the loneliness at home, everday count down to my hubby's return from work. Really hard to tahan.

Today quite sad cos heard from my hubby that his boss is forcing him to take up an overseas assignment (4 months) and he may need to go end Oct. If he had to leave, I will move back to my mum's place w bb cos dun think can survive on my own
Anton was 3.28kg and measures 53cm when he was born...
The PD even commented that I might be overfeeding him...eekkssss!!Overfeeding on breastmilk???
RE: Mittens
I stopped wearing mittens after my girl turns 8 weeks.. so now got to take note on her nail growth.. anyway she got scratched 2x liao.. hehe..

RE: 1 to 1
I cook my meals when my girl is sleeping. say will take out frozen food 2hrs b4 cook then during her nap time will quickly prepare my meals, ie lunch/dinner.. Dinner wise will be more difficult cos cooking time is usually longer as nid to prepare more food.. so got to be multi-task tho..

rE: auto sarong rocker
When my girl falls asleep, i will stop rocking her liao.. im a mummy, tink yr mum say quite true cos they will get use to u rocking & u can't stop loh..

notice tt this thread most of our hb got to travel hor.. sob my hb oso flying off nxt weekend.. leaving me & kylie for 8 days..

Angel: i did sign up from best imprezzione.. nw still awaiting for them to call me when is ready for collection. Megan so cute on her 1st pix.. haha.. sleep till "qiao jiao"

sorry i'm not using nepia diapers. no prob lar.. i take this chance to see baby nathan mah.. so long nvr see him liao..
re: 1-1
Lib, peifu that u can still do cooking. my boy doesn't sleep for regular hours. Sometimes can be 1hr n others only 15 min.. when try to cook lunch he'll wake up before i can have my 1st bite!

re: hb working overseas
mine doesn't need to currently, but he's looking for a new job n so far most of the interviewers indicate travelling as job requirement.. short trips like a few days.. which is not too bad, and i can also tag along if i have the $$ n leave...haha...

ixwong, where do u stay? i'm on leave till next year, so can meet up once in a while..
Yeah, i don't mind getting the Nan 1 from you. How do I collect it? I stay in Pasir Ris. By the way, i got Friso 1 (900g) tin.. its brand new unopened. Can pass to u if u want it.

sigh. me so envious of yr 6 mths leave... think next time i must work for govt.
by the way, you should seriously consider buying the sling. Then u can prepare yr meals while slinging yr bb.
