(2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

re: teats
got this from Avent website
"Replace bottle nipple every three months or if it appears to be worn or damaged by scratches or tears."

Hi mummy to be,
Re: 5 in 1/ 6 in 1 jabs
I agree with Cat_tail cos' that's what my pd says too. So, to be on the safe side, I am going for 5 in 1 jabs. Fever can be quite serious.
hi skippy10,
Thanks for sharing the precious photos
Ernest can response with smile when play with him already? my gal only starts to smile with eyes open recently, and also when play with her after feeding. Looking forward to see more such response from her
no, he will not. he only smile at us when after feedin. do ur gal do tat?

so far my bb also the same but hubby said not to give him pacifier. coz scare later bcome a habit...

cant remember who told me their ds is seein the PD at bishan. anyone go for 6 in 1 jab at Dr keow clinic? do u think is Ex?

think my bb has colic. when reach 10pm, he will start cryin non stop n at least for 1hr... anyone pls advice how to stop bb cryin...
hi skippy10,
my gal also smile after feed most of the time leh.. only yesterday and this morning first time she smile when i tickle her mouth and apply lotion at her neck (tickish??)

The PD assigned to us was Dr keow and i only seen him for the 10th day follow-up checkup. I bring my gal to downstair GP for jab. Much cheaper considered consultation fees is waived

I not sure abt the price of 6-in-1 jap for my GP cos I also think that 6-in-1 is relatively new so not choosing that.

Confinement over this week and now I taking care of bb on my own.. very busy, tire and sweaty.. However 1 achievement today is I managed to dabao lunch downstair bring bb. although i'm using the MIM sarong, it's still feel quite heavy and was already wet with sweat when home.
Hi Cakey, Skippy10,
My baby girl never smile leh..always frowning one
she only smiles when she is half asleep, half awake. think she's dreaming of something nice to eat hehe..how old are your babies? my girl is 6weeks old. wondering when she will start to smile at me...
hi, anyone has spare/unwanted Avent bottles? pref the 125ml ones, with sealing discs. Do let me know if u have lobang. Thanks!

mummytobe, my boy also seldom smiles. 8 weeks already... must be a v serious fella...
any mummies who bring their bb to the polyclinic for teh 5-in1 jab? Me think me will do so lar given the huge cost difference ...

can anyone advise me on the procedure? do we have to make any appt for the jab and what are the documents that we need to bring down? thanks!!
hi ixwong,
My GP is Lifeline Yishun Ring Medical Clinic at Yishun blk 846. Tel 67522017. Maybe you can call to enquire abt the 6-in-1 jab. I suppose for normal consultation i'll just visit this GP, and go to the PD recommended by CMY only when necessary.
seabreeze, me bringing my boy 2 d polyclinic aso. jus bring along ur boy's health booklet & his birth certificate, register at d counter & wait 4 ur turn.

My boy smiles a lots. He likes to smile after feeding and talk to him. Maybe just like father who like to smile.

He is coming 2 mths this sat.
Hello Mommies,

It's been a long time since I logged in. I delivered my lil princess, Janelle Low, weighing 3.4kg, on 18 Sept (mid-autumm festival and also same birthday as my dad)!

It was a 10 hours labour. My doc estimated my gal to be only 2.9kg but she came out bigger than expected. So, you can imagine the epistomy cut also tore further even though she came out with the help of vacuum. Thank God the wounds and stitches are now healing well.

A few days after Janelle came home, we had to bring her back to hospital for her jaundice. It was quite trying especially with breast engorgement somemore.

It's good to log in and learn from you mommies who are now more expert in taking care of your babies.
hi cmy, so good that ur boy is so smiley...so hard for me to get my boy to smile that i've not been able to capture a single picture of him smiling...

hi joyful, congrats on the arrival of ur bb gal! Jaundice does put a strain on us first time parents... at my PD clinic i saw a 2nd time mother who had to admit her 2nd child for jaundice.. she's as cool as a cucumber, as if the kid had flu only...
tingting, when u r a 2nd time mummy, u will be just like her! or me! haha.. when my gal cries, sometimes, I feel so nonchalent! hahaha.. and now, whoever can help to take care of my gal, oh.. pls do so I will say.. go ahead do whatever u want! being a 2nd time mummy is so diff! Unlike the first when u feel so protective over v. little things concerning ur bb..IT'S TRUE.
hey ting ting,

Thanks! Yup, it was def not easy dealing with the jaundice since there were already so many new adjustments to be made....guess we all learn with experience...like miso who's now very steady when it comes to handling her 2nd kid....
haha miso, i'm already trying to find people to babysit Zephan so that i can steal some time for a movie, dinner, anything... not that i dun love my boy (despite him being so "difficult"!), but facing him 24 hrs a day i also run out of things to talk to him... and i'm not a chatty person to start with... when he's awake dunno what to do with him sometimes.. and he doesn't like to just sit n look around.. got to be carried n talked to...
hi skippy10

I am on the verge of giving up bf. I have little milk and it doesn't increase with 3 hourly pumping, taking fenugreek, medication given by doctor, drinking papaya/fish soup or even visiting Mrs Wong twice.

I've tried everything to increase my ss but still can't.. I've even found a buyer for my PIS liao. BUT BUT BUT, my daddy wants me to keep trying and he even read that manga seeds can be used to boil water and the water can help increase ss. He ask me to try again for 2 more weeks and see if there's any increase. My ex-boss spoke to me today and told me that one feed a day is better than nothing and the antibodies will help make my gal more resistant to viruses.

My low ss is making me v v frustrated and I feel v sad and lousy whenever I look at the quantity I pump. I can't latch my gal direct as she is v v impatient and will suckle only max 5 times and will cry. I put her on again, the same cycle happen until she gives up on my breast totally and wail at the top of her lungs. I change breast and the same thing will happen.

So, conclusion, I will try again for another month. If my ss is still so low, then I'll give up bf la..

Thanks for your compliments on Megan. She has daddy's eyes. You don't think she look v cute with eyes big big, innocent looking, she is one feisty girl. Very fierce when hungry and know how to scold ppl with her cries.
hi angel,

no need to feel guilty about ur supply. U can give ur gal FM, plus whatever u can pump out. Treat ur BM as a supplement instead to give her the antibodies she needs.. the more pressurised u feel, the less u'll be able to pump. all the best!
Hi all,
Does your baby wake up very often at night? Mine was awake the whole night yesterday until 5am. I fed him like 5 times in 30 minutes interval. Goodness. Nearly died.
How can I make him sleep well at night? He sleeps very well in the afternoon lor.
Hi angel,

I'm also having very low supply of BM but I'm still latching on or pumping for my baby at least for this 3mths & i supplement him with FM cos my baby drinks 3.5 oz to 4 oz per 2 hrs. My baby is now 7 wks old. Will consider giving him FM once I start to work as there's no point to pump liao if still low supply...

Pls don't give up & keep trying! My boy also refuse to latch on initially cos he is too used to the bottle bt he's ok with both now.
Hi Angel,

Did u pump 3 hrly even at night? U need to do that to send signal to your body that the supply is not sufficient. I started off with very low supply too, abt 30ml each pump only. But I pump every 3 hrly and supply start increasing every week, maybe by 10ml initially only. BM supply may take 4-6 weeks to establish. Now, my bb is coming to 2 months and I can get 200ml - 240ml every 5 hrly pump. Even now, my freezer is stocked up with 20 over bags of bm. Just be patient and u will see the supply coming.
hi eileenp, how old is ur baby? mine is quite erratic... used to sleep quite little during the day, but now snoozes all the time.. at night, he used to sleep 4 hrs after a super long feed (2hrs on n off), but now sleeps 5 hrs after only 15min feed...*strange* Could ur baby want to suckle for comfort, not really hungry? (can count the no. of suckles for a swallow) I use the wonderous pacifier.. reluctant at first, but it helps a fussy baby sleep more easily... be warned though, he may wake up if the pacifier drops off before he falls into deep sleep.

only recently when i start feeding EBM i realised that my boy drinks quite little.. 60ml per feed. he's already 8 weeks old... Lib, ur kiddo drinks 125ml consistently?
my boy drinks 120ml EBM consistently every 3-hr, sometimes even 2 or 2.5 hr if he's awake during the entire period. Unfortunately, his pattern is the same at night, wakes up every 2-3 hr like clock-work but usually went right back to sleep after feed. Wondering when he will start to sleep longer at night. *sign*
My baby is now 5 days old only leh. I counted the number of suckles before he stop. Normally about 10-20 suckles before he take a rest. I dunno how to count the number of suckles for a swallow leh. Can't see when he swallows. But the nurse told me as long as his ears moving means he is suckling and drinking lor.
Hi, mums

I am new in the thrend.

So excited to see all the cute baby fotos in this thrend, they look so cuddly

As my EDD is next early Apr and i am a first time moms, hence would like to ask all of you, do you have any good confinement lady to recommend me.

Need her to be experienced, take good care on bb and mums.

Since, i am staying with my in-laws, she do not need to do housework.

if baby is actively nursing he'll do a swallow once every 1 to 3 suckles. U can hear the gulping sound actually, like what we hear when we drink. If more than 4 suckles means he's stopping already.


my boy's feeding pattern changes now n then... sometimes 2 hrly, sometimes shorter/longer, but he has not been doing frequent night feeds. Sometimes latching on is good in the sense u do not measure the amount he takes n dun feel the pressure to compare with others... :p
Any mommies here are not using Avent teats? Any recommendation for other teats besides Avent?

My baby is rejecting bottle and wants to be nursed all the time. I want to change to some other teats that she probably likes.

Any recommendations?
tingting, i agree with you on the advantages of latching. Me just blur blur feed on demand. Recently my bb hasnt been regular on night feeds too, she sleeps right through for 4/5 hours without feeding. I figured she'll scream and wail if she is hungry hor..

but her day feeds are super unpredictable, same like your boy

Eileen, i think your bb could be having reversed sleep cycle. Its quite a common thing to happen, bb mixes up day and night but will be regulated after a few days.
chris, only problem is my boy doesn't like to be latched on nowadays bcos my flow is too fast for him. If i want to latch him on i have to empty my breasts quite a bit first, so it's quite troublesome. Funny thing is, when reading up on breastfeeding during pregnancy stage we're always cautioned about little supply, never touch on topic of too much milk... both situations also cause problems...haiz...

re: teats
pinkroses, my boy uses pigeon n nuk as well. u may want to find out reason for rejecting avent teats (e.g. too fast/too slow as compared to ur breasts) and get the suitable ones.
christina & tingting,

Thank you for your advise. Think I can only wait and see.
Do you all play soft music while they sleep in the day? Or try to make the room dark?
re: sleep
nope, my boy sleeps when he wants to. if he doesn't fall asleep right after feeding, usually will carry him until he's a bit drowsy, put him in cot (w pacifier if needed), and leave him alone for a while. If doesn't work, means he simply doesn't want to sleep.
Hi Jolie,

Just finish my confinement and my CL is good
You can PM (private message) me for more detail by clicking on my name at left column.
Hi Mummies

Re: Nail trimming

Have you trimmed your baby's nails yet? my baby is 6 weeks old, and i haven't trimmed her nails yet. Keep procrastinating cause i scared! her fingers so tiny! when can we start trimming them (heard after 1 month?) how do you trim them..any advise? using baby nail clippers or baby nail scissors easier? do it when baby is asleep?
Another question.

When did you all start unwrapping your babies? I wrap my baby all the time like the hospital do. But the baby like very hot leh. When's a good time to take the wrapping off?

my bb is one month old and i still swaddle her but leaving her hands free. If she perspire, I'll not swaddle her.

I'm a mummy
I've already cut Megan's nails twice. Once when she is 2 weeks old and the 2nd time on the day of her full month. Seems like I need to cut her nails again soon. Her finger nails grow super fast whereas her toe nails still short.
angel, me also got my own set of problems... in any case, it's mentally n emotionally fustrating to have baby cry when u try to feed him/her.

re: swaddling
I've stopped swaddling since week 4, cos baby feels warm v easily.

re: nails
I've cut twice, but dun dare to cut too deeply. he has so far scratched his head n left a few "lines", but luckily no harm done. Think on average need to cut the nails once every week or so?

re:daily events
can share on what u gals do with the baby on an average day? mine just sleeps n drinks most of the time, and when he's awake, he'll demand to be carried n walked. Tried to have activity time with him but he's not interested... will get fustrated. Afraid i'm letting him sleep too much, cos when i'm tired of carrying him around will try to get him to sleep...
re: breastmilk supply
it's good that u r eating healthy to increase qty. But also remember that stress may affect production. Must relax & enjoy the nursing/ pumping process.. think about how much $$ you're saving if baby drinks BM rather than formula!! Haha..

my babe is 2 months liao, we still find every opportunity to swaddle him, coz his flailing arms & legs often wake him. He involuntarily hits himself or kicks against the frame of the bouncer & cries in pain.
Here's an excerpt from Fit Pregnancy magazine:
"Swaddling helps babies sleep. In a study of 16 babies aged 6 to 16 weeks, swaddled infants slept longer & were less likely to awaken spontaneously. That's probably coz swaddling restricts movement that may startle the infant into alertness."

i'm a mummy
re: cutting nails http://kidshealth.org/parent/pregnancy_newborn/basics/trimming_nails.html

actually i think the answers to a lot of qstns posed on this forum can be found via internet search engine...
