(2005/07) Any July 2005 new mums to be?

Hi All

Any bb showing signs of teething? Mine not even a white dot and she is 7mths old?

Btw, anyone let your bb sleep in aircon room at nite? I did and wondering if it is bad for bb.

Hi, tomatoes!
My hh also no teeth yet.

My hh sleeps with us in aircon room. We try to put warmer temp like 24-25, super hot nite 23. Still remember the new born days, we put 28... hot until we adults can die man, hahaha.
Hi tomatoes,

Yes, my baby already teething, had the bottom 2 teeth sprout up just before CNY, so far, doesn't seem to grow any higher/longer (however you call it). Not all babies grow teeth at the same rate though...

As for sleeping in aircon, yes, my bb sleep in aircon room since birth :p (reason being i alone cannot tahan without aircon... heehee)

One thing i would like to hear from other mothers here is, have your baby started to learn to sit and crawl, how well can they do it already?
For my gal, she still cannot sit well, probably about 10 secs, without support only
and for crawling, she's not even doing that yet...
Hi sp... actually your baby is already 6 months coming to 7 months should have at least 1 or 2 solid meal. The solid food is to get the baby used to the different tastes and textures. Your baby need to learn to swallow and chew as well. I know you have some problems with your in-laws... but I hope they will eventually understand the need to have solid food. Since your baby isn't too interested in the milk... why not replace with more solid food? Your baby is probably losing interest in milk and wants to have other stuff. 6 feeds a day? Hmmm... usually by this time should be reduced to 4 to 5 feeds and at a 4 hour interval. How much is your baby taking at each feed?

Tomatoes... my boy has 2 lower teeth and one at the top. He is coming to 8 months. Some will only start teething at 9 months. If you are concerned... why not get the PD to prescribe calcium for your baby to help the teeth cut through faster? It worked for mine. She wanted it to grow faster so won't be so kang kor for him and us. We sleep in air-con too... should be ok as long as covered well.
Plim... when was your baby born?

Mine can sit without support... crawl on fours... sit up from lying position... pull to stand and cruise when holding to sofas/cot/table. But he is turning 8 months in a few days.... think should be bigger than yours? Don't worry too much. I find that the babies can just do all these in a blink of an eye without us knowing. I remember he was still unable to balance himself well while sitting but the next day he was stilling like a pro. I have to mention that my baby is an overdue baby... born in his 42nd week. So I always add one month to everything :p
my hh's "crawling" style is, he uses his arms to drag his whole body on the floor towards whatever he wants to grab.

He's starting to prop himself up from lying position but can't sit up straight, will topple in a matter of seconds.

I so bad keep laughing at my own son.
Odie, my baby was born on 4-July (US independence day :p)... so, she's about 7mths 3wks liao... still cannot sit properly leh, cannot sit up from lying position also, but when we pull her up, she will want to stand up, and that's it, don't even want to move! she actually seems a bit scared lor... my baby is also overdue, by 1 wk... hmm... i guess all babies perform differently...

sp, my baby does try to 'crawl', those kind of army style crawling, i think they call it leopard crawl... she will turn a bit left and then try and reach out to the thing we put for her to grab, and then right again, moving in this manner lor... other kids i see really CRAWL...
thanks for yr understanding abt my situation. really appreciate it.

he's taking 3-4oz each feed, interval 2+hrs.

I agree with what u say, even my mum also say the same thing.

hope he'll stop his LS soon, then can get my hb to talk my in-laws into re-starting solids.

then hopefully he won't naughty, will take his little bit of solids + drink all his milk, if not his solids will get banned again by in-laws.
oh, so yr gal will "left-right-left-right"? mine will put both fists together pressing on the floor and pull the whole body forward, a bit like butterfly stroke, hehe. then whatever he grab he'll immediately put into mouth to eat.
plim... don't worry too much. If you look at the health booklet all these must be achieved by the 10th month... so still a long way to go. My boy is good in motor skills but he doesn't blabble like most babies. So I think he probably will be late in speech. Different babies different skill sets.

Sp... you might want to try and increase the milk intake to 5 or 6 oz and try to stretch it to 4 hours interval. If your in-laws try and feed milk after solid food... maybe that's why your baby not too keen with milk. Try and switch it around. Give some milk... minus 1 to 2 oz then feed solid food. Good luck with your in-laws.
sp, yeah, in a way, my baby moves "left-right-left-right", but very slow motion, sometimes she gives up half-way :S... hehe, the way your boy moves, so cute...

on your note on not wanting milk, i did have that problem before when she was 4 or 5 months old, where we give her 3 or 4 oz, and she drink only 1 or 2 oz, for a few days... when i checked with her pd, he said that sometimes bb can get tired with milk also (like adults, we get tired if we take too much of something), so it's ok, so long as he is healthy and show no signs of sickness... furthermore, since your bb got diarrhoea, then mayb all the more he don't feel like drinking milk (my guess :p)

with regards to feeding, how my mum does it is, give bb milk, then 1 or 2 hours later feed solid (note that my gal is on 4-hourly feed), in that way, she finishes what we give her (most of the time)... and i agree that it's important to get babies on solid to let them 'practise'...

odie, thanks, i know sometimes we as mother worry too much... these things will and should come naturally :p
Hi ladies
My Nat also no sign of teeth...she is now into 2 solids per day too....now slowly intro fruits to er...my ger dun know how to sit yet but she started leapard crawling when she is 6.5 mths....

actually the older pple say if baby teeth later is better.....the teeth are stronger n they will change new set slower....
hey... gd to hear that he's still active despite the pooing... don't be dishearted abt not eating the solid at this moment. right now, get ur hh recover first is the most impt issue. start slowly again as long as u are comfortable. i do agree odie that at this stage ur hh needs to have some solid. don't get too stressed up.

my Bernice started teething quite early. her lower 2 front teeth came out on 9th Dec 2005. that's when she was 4mths & 2wks old. she's turning 7mths old tmr and her 2 front teeth have really grown. Sometimes when she refused to nurse, she'll bite me. Pain pain. Just experience that 2 nights ago.

Is ur baby sleeping alone. if yes, what u can do is to cool the room with aircon and when u put ur baby to bed u switch it to the fan. That's what i do.

don't worry abt the not sitting properly yet coz every baby is different and unique in their own ways. my Bernice doesn't really like to sit still too as she's always wanting to stand. So... sometimes, i'll juz put her in the Bumbo seater for a short while.

Re: Crawling....
my bb loves the commando style.
good idea to feed milk first then solids, will stick to that approach.

re: feeding interval
my MIL determines it to be max 2.5 hrs. sometimes when he takes only 2oz she'll tell me to feed him in less than 2 hrs. usually I'll just obey her. once I secretly stretched the interval to 3.5hrs, he'll still take only 4oz leh, don't know how to make him drink more.
re: "crawling"
yr gal is slow-motion ah? mine only slow for first few days, then he became very fast, he has eaten paper & other rubbish b4 we can stop him.

re: solids
thanks, will take it easy when he rejects solids, need to keep feeding times happy.
Hi SP & Plim

My hb scolded me for letting bb sleep in aircon room. He said that he read (dunno where) that out of 10 bb, oni 1 bb sleep in aircon room. I thought it is very common to sleep in aircon room? Some my temperature is set at 27 degree, Mitsubishi brand.

My gal can crawl and sit without support quite well liao. She can even hold the bars of her cot and stand up but with a bit of difficulty. Just that her teething is very slow.

Hi joyfulstar

Your bb really very fast in teething. Old people say nowadays, bb grow teeth very fast
sp, ya, sometimes she doesn't even want to crawl, she will somehow 'spin' though (i.e. making circles while her tummy is on the floor) :S

tomatoes, i think it's perfectly common for bb to sleep in aircon room... just look at when u're in the delivery ward, and bb in nursery... there is aircon there right? So i don't see the problem lor... mayb they scared that bb catch a cold... so long as u dress the bb right and cover them right... shld be ok kuah?
Hi ladies

Hv not been posting here for a loooong time. Glad to know that all your princes and princesses are doing well
Hi plim

I also think it is ok leh.. as I cover her with long sleeve, long pants and socks. And also blanket. My hb said I pamper her and next time she will not be able to cope with outside weather. Haiz.

Hi lkf

Long time no hear... Seems that both of us quite active in bulk purchases hor. Hehe. I think I am going broke soon.
Hi tomatoes

Hahaha...can't resist buying :p got to stop else hb will nag at me again...

just to share with u all a pic of my "big boss" here.

ooohhh, lkf, that's a cool seat you have for your 'big boss'... :D is tat a potty or a seat? where did you get it? how much?
i wanted to get something like that (a proper seat, not a potty) but it's rather ex... considering the fact that i have been buying too many different things for my gal liao *pai-seh*
Hi lkf

Yalor, I think I have to stop too. hehe. Your boy is really cute. Can see that he is sitting very comfortably in his Bumbo seat. hehe

Btw, any of your trying for No.2 now? ;)
hi plim

tat's a bumbo. i bought it when he's around 5 mths. now he can't sit still in it liao except during feeding. he even push himself out of it sometimes.
plim... you might want to buy bumbo and let your baby try it out. My hubby suspected that the bumbo seat might have helped my boy to learn to sit up faster. Not sure how true :p But anyway... I find it useful for feeding. Especially since it is portable... can bring anywhere.

SP.... you try 4 hours interval at 5 oz and see if it works. Think most babies take that much around this stage.
hello all mummies,

haven't been in here for a very very long time. been very bz with work lah. so tired.

how's everybody doing with their little princes and princesses? my Tabitha now super active, refuses to be carried already cos wants to explore the house on her own. think she starting to teeth so these few days a bit irritable and her appetite very bad leh.......is it normal??? quite worried.

jus wondering has any of u tried bringing ur little one for Kindermusik?? i've been bringing Tabitha for Gymboree every sunday, left 2 more sundays. was thinking of trying out Kindermusik cos heard that it's more music-base. only problem is mus pay for 8 lessons straight....if dont like dont knw how leh. any advice?
hi odie, already got a chair that is something like bumbo, but it's made of plastic, of course not as comfortable as bumbo... i think i will not spend more money to get the bumbo cos i don't think my bb likes to sit still on one spot :p ...
hi, babykhoo,
if can go for trial class at Kindermusik will be best hor? They don't offer trial session?

re: teething
my hh still no sign other than every day poo 5 times. He's also very active that's why we r not too worried abt the pooing.

not easy to stretch the feeding interval, hh will make noise or become restless after 2 hrs or so. no wonder my MIL feeds him milk every 2 hrs. yesterday brought him to my mum to take care, my mum also fed him 2 hourly.

yr boy got nice hair leh! so admire, my hh still got botak-look.

r u trying for no. 2 soon? my hb said 1 is enough, I hope he's serious, becoz I'm also lazy to go thru the whole thing again - preggy, delivery, then taking care of newborn... I haven't solved my hh's night-waking issue yet, tired leh, hahaha.
sp... since last friday, my bb is the opp. of your hh, she started constipating
i see her everytime 'kek' until face red red, so poor thing... anyone knows how to resolve constipation?... oh, there is one thing same with your boy is that my bb also botak-look :p
Hi Sp

actually only his front part got more hair, the back is still a bit bare :p


u planning for a 2nd one? i will probably wait till Dex turn 1.


it's normal for bb to be more irritable when they are teething. they tend to drool a lot too
oh gosh, hope your bb is ok? need to observe him and if there's vomiting or fever, need to bring him see doc (that's what i heard from one of the nurse)... hope your bb is ok...

my bb also fell off bed before, although my bed is low (my mattress is on top of a platform), she hit the platform then hit the floor, also got bang... but luckily she's ok...

Oh no... hope your hh is ok. My bb also fell from bed at 3mths.. Even worse.

Hi ikf

Me intend to try to No2 after my bb turns 1 too. Will c how we can cope then plan. hehe
plim, tomatoes,
thanks for yr concern, heard that he's ok after the fall, still playing normally. Will observe him extra closely these 2 days.

I know how you worried n anxious u are now. My boi had fell twice from the bed just 2 wks ago. Just watch hh closely. as long as there's no sign of vomitting, unusual sleepyness or fever, he is fine. the other thing is bb knows how to break fall somehow, so dun worry.


then we will be in the same "MTB" thread again... hehehe...

Glad to know he is ok. Should be ok wann. Just observe him closely for the next 24 hours.

Hi lkf

Wonder if the other mummies wanna join us... ;) Anyway, it will take time for me to conceive as I had a hard time trying for my no.1.
tomatoes... what i heard from others is that after you have the 1st one, the next one should be easier to conceive (at least within 2-3 yrs), but i'm not too sure on this also... anyone heard about this before?
for me, not TTC yet, but have had discussions with my hb though... will probably wait a while... :p
Hi plim

Never heard of this but hope it is true lor... I think all of us here are hands full with our current bb now... Want to have 2nd one also cannot cope...
Hi all,this is my first time visiting this thread.Hope to know more mummies here.My boi is currently 7mths n 2wks old .Attached is a pic of how he look like.
do you all teach your bb to crawl? I notice the way my bb crawl is funny. He crawl and then stop and pop the whole face on the floor. OUCH! I don't dare to let him crawl on the floor like that.

Hi dodos,think baby will learn by themselves ba...my boi did the same as ur bb few wks ago.But now he crawls damn fast....from living room to kitchen...Dun worry
