(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

ya bf is really not easy. my bb refuse to suck at one of the nipple and each session takes up more than an hour like going to battle with her cry and struggling alot. i try to pump between intervals and give her fm whenever she is hungry, which is usually right after i bf her. my pd said that bb's drinking too much as she can drink up to 60ml despite after being bf. but he also said that as long as she doesn't vomit, it should be alright.

hi cherry,

yr bb is how old now? my bb onli 6 days but i think she is also not veri keen to suck at nipples cos it more work than bottles... sometimes she jus cry and cry and even when i try to pump breast milk for her, there's not alot... i veri depressed, hopefully more milk can come.. but since she refused to latch on frequently i worried it might not happen.

how much milk can you expressed each time?
hi rene,
my bb is also 6days old. born on 15 jun. i try to express at interval of 3hrs or more and sometime can get around 60ml. i don't feed or express during the night as i get my CL to feed her with fm during night feeds. in the morning when i express its more.

my gynae told me not to get stress over bf becos it can cause depression easily especially during early days.
Congrats Rene, Cookie, Shane & babyluv
Waiting to hear your birth story n see bb photo!

I am using teh nipple shield but still painful. guess my position is not correct...I am expressing milk to feed bb n only latch on 1-2 times a day.

Try to relax. Too stress will affect milk ss. Just express n feed your bb...that's wat I am doing now. My bb cannot latch on well so very difficult to feed direct. I also combine with formula now!
hey gals.. i am back!!

Delivered my precious Javan Boy on 18.06.05 via c-section. Weighs 3.2kgs. Was juz discharge today .. boy am i glad..

Shane & babyluv congrats... Wow babyluv 4kg natural .. salute salute..
Shane.. so fortunate delivered on father's day!

dunno, dun be discourage soon will be your turn...
C-section is not as scarly as it seems .. so dun wori.. juz relax & let nature takes its course..

Ok, check in hospital 4hrs before op. nurses will take your temp & BP. then shave your operation site. suppose to administer enema to empty your bowel but i plead them i rather do it on my own naturally hee... so i escape tat..

Upon being pushed to the OT, i almost chicken out also.. was shivering & afraid coz it was so cold in there.. but i managed to get some comfort & courage by resting my hands on my tummy telling my baby mummy's gona be brave & bring him to this world.

The nurses & doctors in OT were very friendly.. They make small talks & joke around trying to assure & comfort me. My doc came & told me to relax everything will be fine. GA was administer to me in less den 2 sec i was unconscious.

When i woke up, the op was over. GA was also gone by then & i could feel the stitch immediately. But gals not to worry its painful but its a bearable pain. I cleared my throat immediately & asked them how was my baby.. & glad everything was fine..

Bedridden on the first day was on drip & urinal. 2nd day urinal & drip were taken out & made 3 attempts to walk to toilet but the wound was still quite painful. 3rd day managed to walk to the nursery.. 4th day discharge. Not to worry again gals as i feel tat the recovery was very fast.

Today's home & still trying to BF. Still unable to successfully latch my bb but i will keep trying..

Oh yes, the nurses at MAH is also very helpful & there are in house classes for breastfeed & bathing for your bb.

Total hospital bills including bb's bill abt 6k. Paid in cash less then $1200. Mine was 2 bedded.
You have to inform the hospital tat you wana separate your bill from bb's bill so that you can claim medisave for your bb's bill also. Bb's bill paid $70 in cash only rest all by medisave. Damn cheap..hahaa..!!!

Ok for now... hope its enuff information for you gals..time for feeding again.. hehe..
Congrats Cherry, Rene, Cookie, Serene, babyluv & Shane. (hope i din miss anyone)

wow, 4kg babyluv, must be really very chubby and cuddly to hold.

shane, finally u pop liao. hope to hear from u soon.
Congratulation Babyluv & Rene3446 & Serene!!!

As for those like me who are waiting... jia you jia you!

Yes, I was told walking does help speeding up the labour, I have started to walk more but my friends advise me not to make myself too tired else later used up all our energy, no strength to push.. :p

Wow so many pop over last wk i also lost track already...anyway CONGRATULATIONS!!! to all the new mummies...hope to hear yr birth stories soon...

Rene/ Cherry,

ya BF is really stressful but do take it easy...just try to latch or pump regularly & shd see yr milk ss come in soon...altho it had been almost 1mth now for me but still find BF very tiring...hve to feed almost every 2hrs dun really hve much time to rest...i alternate betw direct feed & EBM

hve to ensure bb is sucking the whole aenola area not jus nipple...my nipple now toughen alrdy feel hard (like rubber) when i touch so dun feel much pain anymore...

By the way have the mummies decide whether to bring bb for jab in polyclinic? Heard its much cheaper...
Congrats Serene!

As at 22 Jun 2005
<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Popped on</TD><TD>Weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>June Ten</TD><TD>10/6/05</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ezra</font></TD><TD>8/5/05</TD><TD>2.4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamydove</TD><TD>22/6/05</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hannah</font></TD><TD>19/5/05</TD><TD>1.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD>3/6/05</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Brenda</font></TD><TD>26/5/05</TD><TD>3.1kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>6/6/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Raphael</font></TD><TD>3/6/05</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD>11/6/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>4/6/05</TD><TD>3.74kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyluv</TD><TD>10/6/05</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Josef</font></TD><TD>15/6/05</TD><TD>4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD>24/6/05</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>16/6/05</TD><TD>2.95Kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rene3446</TD><TD>2/7/05</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>16/6/05</TD><TD>2.8Kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD>24/6/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>17/6/05</TD><TD>3.315kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene</TD><TD>15/6/05</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Javan</font> </TD><TD>18/6/05</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD>19/6/05</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>19/6/05</TD><TD>2.93kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ras</TD><TD>7/6/05</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD>18/6/05</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD>22/6/05</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD>22/6/05</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD>25/6/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD>27/6/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>USA-HOAG</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>29/6/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD>30/6/05</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD>6/7/05</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD>8/7/05</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
serene, congrats on coming home w baby! How long were you unconscious with GA? good to hear that you are healing fast.

milly, i intend to bring bb to the clinic near my house and go for the 6 in 1 injection. It is cheaper. $110 per injection, so 3 injections cost $330. Some places charge $300 as a package. The first injection to be given when bb is 6 wks.
Serene congrats and happy that u r back. Seems like u Ok leh. Steady steady keke.
Can check w u hw cm need shave operation site. tummy there got hair meh?
wat is enema? I tot is a must to empty bowel?
Those has c section can check is it tat we cant urine ourself for some days and need urine bag?
Thanks for the encouragment.

I started to walk more too, even using the stairs as a form of exercise in my office even though my colleagues is so scared about me doing so...
Hi all,
it was madness for the last 2 days since I came back from the hospital. Now Hb and I are adjusting to bb's feeding clock. It's tough too with the hurting stitches and breastfeeding.

Ok, here is my birth story (hope it doesn't scare anyone of you)

Had the bloody show on and off for 1 week...still no contractions but dilating to 2-3 cm..Bb is already 5 days late!
14 Jun: Had gynae check. We decided to induce labour on that afternoon. Since I had 3cm dilated.
1.30pm:inserted 1 tablet into cervix...waited for contractions to happen...NOPE, no action for the whole afternoon (body not obeying the medicine) so gynae inserted another tablet in at 7pm. Still no contractions...was monitored on CTG, had mini contractions but not hard enough. By 12 midnight, I was dilated to 6cm...not much contractions. According to gynae, pain level still not suitable must up my pain level.. so she inserted a oxytocin drip to increase contractions. (HAHA, tried all methods of induction drugs to make my contractions work). Gyane also broke my water bag to speed up contractions.

15 Jun: By 2am, I felt unbearable contractions. I was being briefed on the side effects of epi and was strongly encouraged to take it. But I CHICKEN OUT!!! Needed to put in another drip, cathether and the spinal epi, I thot it was too much to bear. So I requested for Pethidine and ethonox instead. This relief only lasted till 4am...contractions cannot tahan again. So boh pian, consented to epi. The DRAMA was when the anaesthetist came to do the epi, I was in terrible terrible pain. Had to curl like a prawn so that he could inject the spiral needle in to my spine.. (my husband went pale when he saw the following, nearly fainted). I kept flinching and could'nt keep still, cos of the big tummy and contractions, ended up the spiral needle went in and out of my back at least 5 TIMES!!!!! OUCH OUCH! I screamed and nearly wanted to give up. But presevred in the end.

1pm;managed some sleep rhen contractions came back again. This time was bb pushing out of vagina type of pain... increased epi.
2pm; ready to push...used so muuch energy.
3.15 pm; bb delivered with episotomy..no assisted delivery used..heng!

Got a shock when they weighed him..4.075kg!
IT WAS DIFFICUlT indeed.. thank God i survived.
it was 3.3kg when I was 2 weeks b4 due date. So the actual and estimated had a great disparity...bearing in mind , mine was a over due bb.
hello everyone, something to check with u all. i am 39 weeks pregnant and had my bloody show last night and slight cramps on and off. don't think those are contractions yet. does it mean that labour will be coming anytime soon??

cos i read abt babyluv having show for the entire week...
yes, it's the cervix dilating thus some parts of the mucus plug do no fall off as bloody show. Do let your gynae know... your labour is starting soon. All the best.
babyluv is right your cervix is dilating. Call your Gynae &amp; monitor your contractions interval at the same time. When it is 5mins apart, it's time to go to the hospital.

Also be alert, as your water bag might breaks. That was wat happen to me the last time. Reddish discharge follow by water bag breaks &amp; contractions in 5mins interval.

All the Best!!
hi eeyore
read from the rest that with bloody show and mensural-like cramps might be indication of abour starting.

You should start letting your gynae know or pop at the hospital to double check or observation.
hi jane tan, unconscious for abt max 45mins. And boy am i glad to be home with baby. Can i just check with you is taking out the stitches painful? did you bath after the c-section? And how long did it took for you to fully recover &amp; walk w/o pain? Can you slp sideways? My recovery was considered very fast but now when i walk it still hurts abit.. Still cant slp sideways as will still hurts abit .. also BF for csection mummies is really a challenge..

dunno, enema is like a funnel insert to your anus to empty your bowel. Yes, its a must to empty your bowel coz after the op, you r nt allowed to come down the bed &amp; it will b painful to empty your bowel after the op.But i promise e nurse i will empty on my own hence i escape that..heee...

It is necessary to shave the op site i think maybe for hygiene purposes.. Usually those wif csection will have to be bedridden for a day &amp; you r free to move the next day liao..

Good luck &amp; let us know if you still have any doubts..
i truly satlute you for the feat you had from attempts of induction to the epidural to the birth.

Hope i would not have a difficult time when it comes to my turn.
hi serene..

can i know if u suffer from any side effects from the GA?? Like u feel like throwing up or giddy?? I'll be going for a GA C-section soon..
Serene hw to empty the bowel? u eat fruits ah?
Babyluv my baby aso 3.3kg when I weighs on 16/6/05 and most prob my baby gg 2 b overdue now I scare if 2 big I think I rather go C hee hee. I not as brave as u lah
Babyluv u hv side effect like vomit from the epi?
really peifu you....your bb must be very chubby...so all the 'sufferings' is really worth it when you hold bb in your arms!

Meanwhile, have a good rest! Hope to see your chubby little bb photo soon...
Hi gals !!!
I'm back !

CONGRATS to all the new mummies !!!

I was discharged yday. Life with baby is a major big challenge. Alot of things to learn. HB n me was totally tired out. Nevertheless, when u look at ur own baby, the feeling is just great

my birth story:
On sat, 18/6, went for checkup, still 2cm dilated, no contractions. So gynae advised to admit on sunday to burst waterbag.

Sun, 19/6, woke up with contractions abt 10 mins apart. Prepared to go hospital for admission. Stopped by Mac for BF first

830am - arrived hospital, went straight to labour ward. put on ctg, administered enema.

930am - gynae arrived. checked cervix, abt 2.5cm dilated. proceed to break waterbag n did more stretching of the cervix to help w dilation. it was really painful! gynae advised me go on epi since more contraction will be coming on n will def be worse. so i agreed cos i was afraid of waiting till too late to ask for epi.

1030am - epi was administered n the waiting started. there was no pain but i can still feel abit of the contraction which is ok for me.

1pm - midwife checked me, i was abt 5-6cm dilated. she asked me to try to pee but i just couldn't so a tube was used.

130pm - felt a pressure at the bottom as if need to go to toilet kind. told midwife and she said is bb moving down.

2pm - gynae arrived. checked and informed i can start to push to deliver bb. feeling of pressure pushing down there got stronger also so i huff and i puffed
and my girl arrived 20 mins later. i also had a epitosomy, could even hear the snip of the scisors !
But felt no pain.

By 3pm, I was push to my ward rm already and rested there. Gynae said I was quite fast and bb was anxious to see us hee hee ...

Overall birth experience, i must say it was not as scary as i thot it will be. the tough part is pushing baby out. I must say the epi helped alot. No struggle with pain and i think that helped with my fast dilation. Gynae was predicting that I would only deliver in the evening. she would do Csection for me if I didn't deliver by then.

Thank god that everything went smoothly. My bb had the cord ard her neck but nothing serious. She was also in abit of distress when I was delivering her, her heartbeat dropped. When I heard that, I tried even harder to push her out. Maternal instinct i guess

The horrid part now is confinement ! I try my best to follow watever i could but not bathing is out of the question. It's so hot and i'm so sweaty, can't take it.

I was alittle depressed when i got home yday cos bb was always crying and my mum came and my hse was full of stuff so messy. I was also very tired and fed up of breastfeeding. No milk and baby was always crying.

On the first day in the hospital I was on BF all the way. didn't sleep, they push in bb every 2-3hrs ! the next nite, i couldn't take it, told them to sygrine feed bb with FM so I could have a gd nite sleep.

Now i'm still latching on bb but supplementing with FM if not she'll always be crying cos not enuf milk. We tried to sygrine feed her to avoid the bottle but very slow. So last evening gave up and intro the bottle. So far she is still willing to latch on hope it remains that way.

I think my milk is slowly coming in but not much hope i'll have enuf perseverence to hang on with BF. Giving FM seems so much easier !!!
so envious of you, confinement ending soon. I'm just counting down everyday.

All mummies,
do u all follow the confinment strictly ? My mum has been telling me not to bathe and not to keep washing my hands. but how to not keep washing hands ? esp handling baby. sigh.
I'm trying to refrain from washing my hair too often, but will still wash.
Been staying away from plain water and eating the food my mum cook. I feel like eating fruits but my mum also say cannot !
Oh btw on sunday von sms, she has not delivered. But i think maybe by today she delivered already ?! Have not heard from her tho'.
Shane Congrats and welcome back!
Shane yr gynae not bad willing induce on Sun. My tell me NO induce on sat and sun!
Von has not delivered? I tot her waterbag leaks liao?
shane and babyluv, what great birth stories! congrats! indeed, you have stepped into another 'test'... hee.. it is tough bf but persevere. now i can pump abt 50ml each time as i increase pumping frequency. Bb still can't latch on.

serene, taking out stitches is not painful at all, so don't worry. i can't sleep sideways too as it is really painful. the pain went off in a week and i can walk and get out of bed easily after that. Remember to put a binder, it really helps to ease alot of pain. Without it, i can really die even with painkillers... it takes me lots of effort and time to get out of bed and to walk even to toilet... indeed bf is tougher for us with c-section. The wound hurts and bb cries when there is no milk yet, all very stressful. But i pump out, so better... however, bb doesn't suckle... maybe too long never 'train' her to suckle. all the best for your breastfeeding... PERSEVERE is the word... and it works.... and yah, i bathe with herbal water every day since discharged.

shane, don't give up. Your milk is coming in very soon... just wait and see...
shane, congrats!

my cl also said not to wash hands with cold tap water but to wash with warm (heater ok) water. Its difficult to follow as need to keep hands clean all the time. I bath everyday with the herbal water that she boils. vv hot becos it contain ginger as well. can buy the herbal packets from chinese medical halls.

for fruits, she said can take apple, pear, kiwi &amp; chinese pears. no papaya if bb has jaundice (my bb has jaundice, i miss my papaya). need to eat fruits becos sure to constipate.

for drinks, can ask you mum to boil big pot of red dates, longan &amp; tangsheng water for drinking throughout the day.

by the way, i also wash my hair on alternate days with hot water and run to the room (closed all windows and door) to blow dry.
hope this helps.
Thks dunno and janetan

My gynae quite nice. Furthermore my EDD on sunday mah. Different gynae different practise nvm lor. So how's ur situation ? Any action ? Or really choosing Csection ?

Jane tan,
Trying very hard. today when i msg my breasts i can see some droplets, escatic is the word man ... but i tried using the avent manual pump, nothing ley ... sigh ... but still latching bb on before giving her FM. My nips getting sore man...
For C when can bath?
Aiyo like so many rules 2 follow
I told my mil drink red dates water she tell me dun drink 2 much water haha.
salute you man ... 4kg baby !!! U must have had a hard time.

After experiencing the pushing, I'm so thankful my bb not on the huge side. I can just imagine the difficulty in pushing when bb is huge.

Rest well ya
Shane ah I hv not decided. My EDD is Saturday but Dr tell me she wont induce on Sat so no choice if Sat didnt pop nx week gg for c liao lor. I plan for 2nd July for C dunno she allows or not.
C seems so scary :D
Shane u really lucky baby born on father's day. Greatest gift to yr hubby. I aso hope tat day coz tats my unit number haha nw c yr baby u hw pain aso can tahan 1 lah
congrats to ur birth as well

I'm bathing with the confinement wash i bot from Little dreamers. My mum asked if I want the herbal wash, i say no need to ma fun :p hee hee ...

Ya i also intend to wash hair alternate days. then blow dry. at least cleaner. My mum nags when i bathe or wash hair but i don't care. I think hvg CL better, at least they don't nag ? :p

oh, can eat fruits ???!!! great. my mum say cannot eat fruits will have 'wind' ! i wanna faint. but don't care, gg to eat :p But can't eat those from the fridge rite ?

yup hv been drinking red dates tea, but my mum boil not much. will ask her to boil more ...

Ya my mum also ask me not to drink so much water !!! sigh ... don't know how to survive the next few weeks

u better enjoy now. u'll understand the 'tong ku' when ur turn comes ... hee hee ..
2 July, tt means overdue liow ? i think it's ok but tt's a sat also, do ur gynae allow ? for overdue must make sure, ur water level and baby heart beat still ok. Our placenta got lifespan one so must make sure the placenta is still functioning well to give bb nutrients.
u don't want to consider C earlier ?

hee hee my friends all tease my hubby abt that also. become father on father's day hee hee ...

Your labour process is so short and sweet!! I think the best part was you stopping by Mac Donalds for breakfast! Cool man...i hope i can do the same when my contractions start. Have a hearty meal before the work! Anyway, they'll do the enema to get rid of all the food, so just eat to heart's content! heee...
Anway, hope you'll get used to breastfeeding your baby and try to enjoy the confinment yuP!
so gan dong reading yr birth story..a 4KG bb!! really not easy leh and u still manage to give birth naturally tats really admirable...Do hve a good rest and hope to see yr chubby girl photo soon.

Congrats! Finally get to hear yr birth story. Yr labor is pretty short man so envy mine was almost 15hrs...Hope to see yr little one photo soon..

Ya was really glad my confinement finally ending..This is definitely a bad month for confinement as weather so hot i was always sweating..Mum also say shouldnt walk too much, also cannot touch cold water but dun hve readily available warm water all the time so no choice still need to wash hands meh...i bath daily w herbal water and wash hair maybe 3 times a wk...Still feel myself sweaty most of the times...

As per cherry u shd eat some fruits..If not kana constipation lagi worse w the wound to heal its going to be real painful..Me been eating apples &amp; pears shd be ok...

Yr BM shd be in soon.. mine also came only on the 4th day so just be patient...Since u r able to latch on successfully shd hve no prob w milk flow..

u staying Tamp also right? hve u decided on which PD?? any good one u know? Need to bring my girl for 1mth checkup by end this week alrdy...Hopefully she had gain weight hve not check tat since discharge...
welcome back &amp; congrats shane!
your birth sounds smooth

haven't heard from/about Von yet, only knows that she's on leave from one of the messages here.

chinese pears allowed? thot it's cooling :p

So, i guessed when i comes to my turn, i have the problem with washing of hands too (as the only heated-water (from heater) is for shower

haha, i like the way you said that they will use enema to get rid of the food we had... Hope i will be able enjoy the last moments before baby is born too
Hi Jane,

Most absolutely! Gynae also told me and hubby to enjoy these last moments of peace and quiet together...told us to go catch a mid-night show, have some nice dinners together before baby pops! I guess he's saying it very much from experience coz he just had a 2nd baby!! haha... but of course hubby and i are still hoping for that bloody show and then to hold in our very arms that little bundle of joy soon!!
Thanks girls for your well wishes. BTW, am on the petite side.. so the labour process was indeed difficult.

To all those who gave birth congrats as well!!

Now some of us are progressing to the next phase of motherhood which BF. DUN GIVE UP YAH!! Think about the good benefits bb can get from us.

For those who have problems with colostrum, try to massage your breasts hard, get hb to help too. I used the nipple cream PURELAN to stimulate breasts 2 weeks b4 my delivery, thus I had no problems getting colostrum out upon delivery. This is the stage you must perservre. Now, I have a good supply of milk to satisfy my demanding boy..he feeds every 2hrs..and poos and pee quite a lot (tiring man!)

Also initially bb had problems latching on (now sometimes still have)... positioning is a major factor... ended up backaches and sore nipples. So do becareful.

Still learning lah... hai, very tiring but it's rewarding to see bb grow well.

Hey, talking about confinement...
Did anybody bathe and wash hair? What's the theory or myth behind this one?
I went to wash leh.. cant stand it, was too sweaty :p

Also, anyone's bb experienced pimple like red patches on their faces and bodies? My boy has a few of these... what are those huh?

Wll see if I can attach a photo soon..

Meanwhile all of you do rest well... and those who are going to pop soon, good luck and God Bless.
milly, i got this recommendation from ladies in the apr/may/jun thread.
Baby &amp; Child Clinic
Blk 828 Tampines St 81
#01-238 Tel : 6783 1955.
there are 2 PDs from this clinic.

my current PD is at Parogon which is near my office but far away from home hence i thot better to get one near home.

the CL said yellow colour pear, so should be chinese pear correct? yes pls remember to take fruits which are at room temp. no fruits directly from fridge.

i thot must drink more fluid in order to increase milk supply?

anyone know how to re-size photo?
Hi Jane tan, so taking out stitches is not painful least i can worry less.. btw, wats a binder? i din put on any binder since day 1 till now. Just the bandage fm the doc after the op tats all. Its my 5th day after op liao .. do i still need to get the binder? Yes, still unable to slp sideways too.. its so hard to slp now.. Sometimes its so upset when bb cries &amp; i cant get him into comfortable position to BF him.. I cant latch him on too.. sometimes he juz suckle on the nipple which is very painful .. but if he juz suckle on the nipple can he get milk too?

dunno, yeah lo eat more fruits if you have bowel prob. But if you are the sort that dun go toilet regularly suggest to use to enema to avoid moving your bowel after the op.
Hi gals,

I have missed out so many postings. Congrats to Babyluv, Shane, Serene, Cherry &amp; Rene. Those who have yet to popped, u'll get to see yr darlings v soon. Seeing yr baby is one great comfort, taking care of him &amp; trying to understand him takes alot of perserverance &amp; effort. That's why I haven't been around here for q a while. Reality really sets in.....

Anyways, I must say epi-C is really not as bad as I've imagined, so Dunno dun worry. I can get outta bed the second day &amp; can walk to nursery by the night, but cannot laugh, sneeze or cough cuz will jostle the pain. By the third day, I can be walking around the hospital. By the fourth day when I got home, I can even do housework. Subsequently I'm coping v well with the wound.

Now now what is really tough &amp; has been making me teary the last few days is breastfeeding.

I managed to do well with bf during my 3 days' of stay at the hospital with great help from nurses &amp; lactation consultants. I've problems latching bb on my right breast. When I continue to bf at home, my left nipple got v sore. Milk supply is lesser at the less used breast. Baby was crying wildly during my first night at home. I din know why. Second night, he wails too. I've no choice but to express out milk and bottle feed him. Previously, I told myself no teats, as far as it goes, only spoon feed. I was v upset.

So today, the whole day I was expressing milk every 3hrs and feeding him EBM (Averagely 60ml every 3hrs, max was 80ml). Just now, I tried direct breastfeeding. Strangely, he din reject my breasts and suckle on both. I really dunno if I'm able to satisfy his hunger as he had big appetite. And I'm getting v tired of expressing.
Do any of u experience fullness in yr breasts every 2 hours? I'm afraid if I pump out, I'll stimulate the supply. Breasts get leaky suddenly at certain times.
cookie, you should be glad that you have so much milk. If you pump more often, more milk will come... if leak, put breast pads. I usually don't wear bra at home but the bm leaks so much that my pj, pillow and bolster all kena milk stain.. so no choice got to wear bra in order to put breast pads.

shane, when i first pump, there was no milk at all and i kena sore nipple and engorgement. So put cabbage leaves (but heard will reduce milk supply), so better to use really HOT towel to massage hard on both breasts to reduce engorgement. As for sore nipples, use Avent nipple get, it's quite good. TMC gave some sample, not sure if you have.

As for bathing, i use herbal water also. Drink only red dates longan drink. Drink more as this can increase milk supply also.

dunno, don't worry. C-section is simple and fast, no pain. Pain only comes after the op from the wound. Takes abt a week to heal.

serene, i din get a binder also until the 6th day when my sis pass me one. It is used to hold the wound and helps to stabilise so movements won't cause so much pain. But if your pain is bearable, then maybe don't need since your gynae didn't order for you also. as for bf, if bb suck only on nipple, it's wrong positioning and will cause sore nipples. Not sure if they still get milk but i doubt so. Try to squeeze your aerola in when bb mouth opens big. the squeezing action on the aerola pumps milk out of the nipples.

as for fruits, heard that we can only eat apples, and cannot put in fridge.

babyluv, good for you, you can bf so easily. Well done! i wish my bb can suckle directly from my breasts.... waiting for that day to come. As for not able to wash hair and bathe, the myth is that when we become 40+yrs old, we will kena 'headache aka tou fong' and rhematism as water and wind gets into our bodies and heads. Not sure how true but i believe since our mothers and MILs suffer from that and they warn us.

shekinah, i wanted to go for my last date with hubby to a restaurant for a good dinner that day but before it can happen, contractions came and i gave birth tat day, so there goes our last date... hee.. so better enjoy fast... anytime bb will pop.

Thks gals for the all the well wishes and encouragement.

Actually i wouldn't recommend heavy meal before delivery
I had some side effects from the epidural - vomitting, shivering and dizziness. they are all bearable. I only vomitted twice but i think it was mostly the breakfast i had ! sorry for the graphic description hee hee

I'm hangin onto BF. But just now i realised one of my nips are bleeding. The other is getting to be really sore. I don't think I can tahan to latch bb on esp on the bleeding one. So I latch 1 side and pump the other side ? sigh, so sad, just when i see droplets of milk coming in, this has to happen.

I agree it's really hard to get a gd latch esp when bb's mouth don't open up real wide ! sigh...
