(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

u deliver 2 days before me and you already have so much milk ! so envious. I have to sup my bb with FM for the moment as she's not getting enuf from me.

don't feel upset abt intro teats or watever. i also had the same vision but in the end also intro the bottle already. I really can't tahan my bb crying, very xing tong and also very tiring for me. Now she sleeps better and i feel alot better, less stress. You should feel comforted that u have the milk supply and can provide bb with full EBM. I still have to sup with FM.

yups i have the avent nipple cream. been using it. i just hope they heal fast. want to be able to bf.

re washing hands
it's really hard to follow the not to wash hands rule. i have been washing my hands very very frequently. don't even on the warm water now cos it takes some time for the water to turn warm. sometimes i wonder if all these confinement rules are of any evidence at all or not. afterall most pple when they are old they sometimes do get aches here and there also rite ....

furthermore, i'm doing some light hsework ard the hse also. Also attending to my bb myself and change diapers for her. it's really hard not to wash hands. sometimes feel really tired. Tho' my mum is ard, it's just faster to get things done myself and my mum is kinda blur but she tries her best. sometimes i think maybe a CL would have been better, at least can just tell her wat to do.

oh ya, mummies who just delivered,
do u still have tummy ? Today is my 3rd day after delivery, i still look preggie ! my tummy still there
i wonder if it'll every flatten. I have not started my massage as well. might start next week.
Hi Jane,
wat a good timing to pop. Guess your baby wanted to be part of the 'date' toO! Buti'm sure holding ur baby in ur arms now is worth much more than a romantic dinner with your hubby rite?! hehee... try to plan another night out after ur confinment to compensate for the one you missed yup!

Mommies who gave-birth,
Are early contractions supposed to be painful? I'm having some hardening of the adomen at regular intervals - about 15min apart. But they're not painful. wondering if these are just braxton hicks?
Wow u r only few days & already got so much milk tats good. Yes i do experience leaks also esp when i BF with one breast the other will def leak...Tell my hb nowadays i always smell so milky...i also dun wear bras find it troublesome to BF so usually when BF time will grab a tissue to stop the leaks...

its common to hve sore nipples at the beg...it will toughen over time but do let the bleeding one heal first...if u find bb not latching on properly u can put in yr small finger in the corner of her month too release her sucking and then slowely pull out yr nipple from her month ...and re-latch on again instead of letting bb continue sucking in the incorrect latching position as this will cause nipple to get more sore

my tummy flatten alrdy but still can feel the flabbiness..think need to exercise then can really go back to pre-pregancy stage...the massage helps alot becos it get rid of alot of wind...i keep on farting after the massage & massage lady say tats a good sign to help get rid of wind

hi so qiao my PD also at paragon...I find it not convenient to go all the way to town & also parking there is really ex...my gynae at MT E & hubby always complain every visit will cost more than $10+++ parking fees so will definitely hope to find a PD nearby...

Thks for the contact..i will try to call & find out the prices fo 6-in one jab....

Re myths of confinement i try my best to follow those i can e.g. dun on fan, dun drink plain water, bath w herbal water etc..still ok to follow. But some stuff like not washing hair, cannot touch cold water etc...too difficult to follow...I think we shd not be too hard on ourselves...Taking care bb & BF aldy stressful enough liao!!!
if dun drink red dates can drink prune juice? I tinking both similar n wats the rason cant drink water har?
My baby most prob overdue my gynae told me long ago. Even induce got 10% need c, so I m still tinking keke
babyluv, Went antenatal course tin its ok for those pimples like tin on baby's face and tin last 1-2 weeks cant rem liao.
CL aso naggy 1. my col got 1 CL always asked my col try 2 carry n boast hw gd she is ... worst she go 2 neighbour plc 2 tok. another col aso complained. she got maid and cl and every morn the CL w go gym at her condo and left all tins 2 the maid haha
Hi shane,
u r back! congrats again.

yr bb born 19/6 n mine 19/5. tats exactly one month leh. now she wts abt 3kg+ so abt e same size as yr bb.

do u bath every day with the confinement wash u bought? i bath with herb water every day, wash hair once a week, my mum n sis aledi nag. u somemore wash hair alternate days, must salute u.

re washing hand
really diff not to touch water. for hygiene purpose, really hv to wash hands frequenly as v are oso handling our bb. started with plastic gloves but after a while, find it troublesome and din use liao.
yap, the yellow-coloured pear is the chinese pear... hmm... not very sure myself, for my case would like like what Jane Tan said, only apples as my mil always forbid the rest of the fruits. The more important point is to eat fruits & vegetables for our bowels.

re-size photo, if you are using windows, the simplest program to do re-sizing photo is using MS-paint.
Re fruits - wat about papayas? I heard it's supposed to help increase milk supply, either boil as soup (with fish) or blend it as juice with milk Yummy...

My mum cooked the soup a few times before. Must get unriped green papaya to boil. I guess otherwise it will become very mushy in the soup. Then boil with some peanuts and fish meat. That's about it. Honestly i didn't find it too appetizing... would prefer to drink it as papaya milk if possible. Less hassle also.
Counting down yah...you've 2 more days to go!
Hi all! Congrats to all you mummies!

My baby Nicole came on 19 June. HB is convinced she is daddy's girl, cos it's his bday and Father's Day!!

Had normal delivery. Wanted to be hero, and do it totally natural. But couldn't take the pain when I was 2cm. Worse still when Doc broke the water bag...He told me "this is not pain at all!"

So had epidural, which I think it's world's best invention for mummies!

Nicole came out at 2.7kg, after 6hours!

But yesterday, I brought her in for checkup, cos she looked a little yellow. Did blood test. She was a 22. (normal is 10!) So warded in neonatal ICU.

My heart broke when I saw what they did. Totally naked, blindfoled (to protect eyes), and sleeping in the plastic cot (WITHOUT mattress!) So poor thing!!

Anyway, everything went ok, she'll be out tomo!! YEAh!!

Meanwhile, how's everyone doing? I just had 1st visit from Indo Massage lady. SHIOK!!!!
congrats mckee! indeed daddy's gal. : ) yah, can be heartbroken to see the little one hospitalised... even though we know it's not painful for her to be under those lights, but somehow our tears will still flow.... you think massage is shiok? good for you! i find it painful. hee.. thank God tomorrow is last session already and it's slimming scrub, so shouldn't be painful anymore.

shane, massage will help flatten tummy quite fast. Since yours is natural delivery, try to start early to see better results. Mdm Naini is not bad lah... just that her business is too good and she is always rushing from one place to another and can be rather late sometimes.
Congrats mckee

As at 23 Jun 2005
<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Popped on</TD><TD>Weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>June Ten</TD><TD>10/6/05</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ezra</font></TD><TD>8/5/05</TD><TD>2.4kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dreamydove</TD><TD>22/6/05</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Hannah</font></TD><TD>19/5/05</TD><TD>1.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Milly</TD><TD>3/6/05</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Brenda</font></TD><TD>26/5/05</TD><TD>3.1kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>6/6/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Raphael</font></TD><TD>3/6/05</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane Tan</TD><TD>11/6/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>4/6/05</TD><TD>3.74kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyluv</TD><TD>10/6/05</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Josef</font></TD><TD>15/6/05</TD><TD>4.075kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherry</TD><TD>24/6/05</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>16/6/05</TD><TD>2.95Kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rene3446</TD><TD>2/7/05</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>16/6/05</TD><TD>2.8Kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cookie</TD><TD>24/6/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>17/6/05</TD><TD>3.315kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serene</TD><TD>15/6/05</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Javan</font> </TD><TD>18/6/05</TD><TD>3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shane</TD><TD>19/6/05</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>19/6/05</TD><TD>2.93kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mckee</TD><TD>22/6/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Nicole</font></TD><TD>19/6/05</TD><TD>2.7kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ras</TD><TD>7/6/05</TD><TD>40+</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyjun</TD><TD>18/6/05</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Von</TD><TD>22/6/05</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Adore</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dunnoleh</TD><TD>25/6/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Anns</TD><TD>27/6/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>USA-HOAG</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>29/6/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shekinah</TD><TD>30/6/05</TD><TD>39</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jane(wsj)</TD><TD>6/7/05</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Erlisa</TD><TD>8/7/05</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
yup.. I found it shoik AFTER massage... not during massage! haha... got too many problems in my body. every little bit where she rubs that is overworked, overstretched would hurt! this is consequence of not exercising!!

Shane, go for the massage. really quite good. helps you relax too! esp during the 1+ hour, you can just lie there and be recharged!

Anyone had conflicting instructions from hospital &amp; tradition yet?

One that got me upset was the treatment of the umblical cord. Doc said to clean every time we change diaper. Use Alcohol swab to wipe. Confinement women doesn't let me touch that area. WAnts to use a binder to cover. When she bathes, coat it with SESAME OIL!!!! can you believe that??? sigh... anyone had such experiences?
hi mckee,
Congrats to you
I'm looking for massage lady. maybe i know what's the charges like? Can have your ML's contact since you find it's good? Thanks.
Jane Tan, me too, leaky breasts r v messy, pj got wet n wet my bed too. I put on nursing bras with bra pads, but this din allow my sore nipples to heal. In fact, with the heat n bras on, the sores can't heal. So now I applied Purelan cream and go braless. Helps to heal better.

Shane, when I tried pumping sometimes, only see few droplets too, n it's v slow. So, I massaged my breasts around, then push the breast tissues from the sides to the areola. Then I pump again, can pump better. I find stopping the machine several times n massaging while I pump helps to direct the milk to drain from surrounding tissues into the areola. Sometimes, my machine really let me down, so I use hand express, can b alot faster.

Your supply will come in more. To build up demand, stimulate your breasts (either pumping or hand express or latching) every 2hrs. It's v tiring n sometimes feels as if u r abusing yr breasts.

Like u, my mom did the first week of confinement for me. She is also v blur abt many things like how to bathe a newborn, even changing diapers. So, I have to help out q abit. Because of my wound n the constraint of space in my toilet, I din bother bathing in herbal water. I bathed in warm tap water twice every day, wash hair every alternate days.

Milly, I still persist to latch bb on even tho nipples r sore. Same here, I smell of sour milk the whole day. When bb suckling on one side, the other side drips. I use tissue too, v wasteful hor, must use alot. Sometimes I use a cup to contain the drips. But need alot of balancing. End up with arms, neck and backache. BF is v v v strenuous......

How often do u bf bb? My bb wants milk every 2hrs. If I feed him twice, can last 3 plus hrs. Really tiring. I can't seem to have enough time to do anything else.

Mckee, congrats to yr lil daddy's gal
U r lucky to hv such short labour.

RE: Tummy
I still have 5 more kgs to lose. Tummy has flattened but is flabby.
it is really heart pain to see baby under treatment like that... but, that's fast, to get Jaundice (is Jaundice, right?)

sesame oil? huh? not sure about it... thot only olden days only (i think my aunt uses sesame oil on my cord when i was young too).
anyway, thot hospitals usually recommend some special 'cord spirit' to keep the cord clean.
Cakey, the massage lady I had is not the Malay one, but she is indonesian. She gives Java massage, plus tummy wrap plus jumu pills.

She's charging me 1.5hr for 7 days at $400. Her contact: 9697 1378.
Shekinah thanks for the receipt for papaya soup but I dare not drink nw they said during preggie cant eat papaya w hv jaudice.
Who knows u may b due earlier than me, quite xian hor left us only keke
Mckee Congrats 2 u! So fast u go massage liao ah. May I know whats jumu pills? eat 1 ah?
Really envy u and Shane so short delivery time

coat it with SESAME OIL? Nv heard b4 leh, only know confinement eat seseme chicken keke
Jane Tan late nvm but did she had full hour with u? I aso heard from my col painful coz they sqeezing the air out. Have u slim back yet?
Cookie just a week slim so much liao good leh
i am using the medela mini eletric pump. quite tiring to be pumping whole day long.

do you ladies feel more &amp; more weak as the days progress? i feel weaker than early days after delivery. my cl says can only start taking tonic after day 12. sometimes i even feel chilly although still sweating like crazy.
also feels quite uncomfortable near the virginal area, don't know if it is becos muscle is tighthening.

i put on about 16kg and have loss 9kg so far, another 7 to go. headache. hopefully will go down more after my massage.
dunnoleh, jamu pills are pills that would help in reducing the weight. It comes in parts. Part 1 eat 10 tablets a day. when finished, start on part 2. then etc until part 5!

She was recommended by a church friend who lost all the weight gained after pregnancy. And this tablet was what she and her mum and grandmum etc ate after pregnancy. (my friend's indonesian).

Abt little milk coming out. Last night, didnot sleep at all, cos breast so heavy. Thought I had lots of milk, but pumping it just saw small tiny droplets coming out!

I just saw my gynae today. He prescribed me this nose drop (specially formulated) to get milk flowing. Had to wait for nose drop to be prepared at the pharmacy!

It seems to work leh. I pumped milk just now, cos Nicole in hospital. It just shot out.. haha like little jets you see in the garden! But maybe it's because of massage lady. She massage the breasts, said to help "process milk"! When she left, milk also started forming droplets at nipples. So I feel quite fruitful today... but miss baby... can't wait for tomorrow!
Mckee, i think safer to follow wat hospitals instruct.

Cherry, i'm also using the same pump as u. Find it tiring to pump, not v efficient too. Sometimes hand express is faster.

I have body aches, dunno if it's due to body getting weaker or bf.

Your weight loss is fast! Massage helps?

Dunno, I have put on about 12-13kg. But still got flabby tummy, must go for massage.
Hi everyone,

Long time I never log in. Been very very busy. At last, I started my maternity leave 2 weeks ago and finally have got the time to clean up the house and do up the nursery... phew!

Congrats to all mummies who have given birth. Wonder how is it going to be for me. I'm actually due on 8th July, but I'll be induced for earlier labour this coming Monday. Excited at the same time very nervous *shiver*
hi ladies,
thanks for all your well wishes... just brougt bb back to the pediatrician for checkup yesterday at TMC cos when we discharge doc said she still have slight jaundice... everything was fine and the doc even gave us a small booklet on all the common FAQ about newborns.... so now i know that hiccups are no worries.. so are sneezes cos it's the way bb clears their nostrils.. ;P

anyway, i am also gettin really tired BF... the day before managed to express 3 times,each 30-40ml.. yesterday onli twice, abt 20 &amp; 80ml at nite... bb has started to latch on but still veri tiring to keep her at the breasts and she will cry hysterically if somehow she jus cant manage to take the breast in her small mouth.. sigh...

now then i know it's real tough to BF.. really thinking of giving up and jus feed her FM. but i am still struggling....

btw, anyone knows what's colic?
Welcome back! Oh pls remember not to latch bb for more than 15mins on each breast. Not to scare you, drips of blood came out while feeding bb even though I was using the Avent Nipple Proctector. Ever since, I had to expressed &amp; bottle feed him. So it is better for you to adhere to the 15mins rule for this 1st week.

Now, I latch him once or twice a day, not too good as I can see he is rejecting my nipples as it is so much easier to drink from bottle.

How's your bb's full month preparations getting on? Which caterer are u using? I tot of Melrose but not sure nice or not....

I bath twice a day, wash hair once a week. How can tahan not bathing...esp when we are breastfeeding. But I make sure all windows are shut n I wipe myself dry before coming out.

Not to worry for those who just delivered, my tummy was so flabby for the 1st week. After 3 weeks (haven started massaging) my tummy has already flatten. I have 5kg more to lose...
Cherry, Cookie
I am also using that pump, single one right? So noisy n v tiring to pump out. Spent almost 1 hr to get 80ml...sigh. BB is drinking 120ml now, wonder when can I catch up to his demand!

My mum did mention that some pp coat w seasame oil but I find it so er xing! I think u better ask your CL to stop that n use Alcohol Swab instead...
rene, colic is air in bb's stomach. you can apply lu yu you, can help to clear air.

dunno, my massage lady on do for 45mins, not 1 hr. She charges $450 for 6 sessions which means $75 per session. I didn't lose a single kg ever since massage, but tummy flatter though still flabby. i lost 5-6kg 2 weeks after discharge and stop there liao... still got 11 kg to go!!

mckee, your ML massage breasts also? mine doesn't. Sigh... seems like mine very expensive and don't do much. As for your jamu pills, does she charge you? mine charge me $60 for 4 boxes (not 5 boxes like yours). Also eat 15 pills in the morning and evening for 10 days each box. Is yours like that too? HOpe i can really slim down after eating these pills! Not cheap...
adora, so good. your weight loss is fast... even without massage. i am also using mini medela electric single pump. Can pump abt 30-60ml for 15-30mins each time. Tiring but got used to it. Pump while watching TV and while using internet.

adora, melrose is not nice for buffet. I got them for mil's bd party and all the people say not nice!! so pai seh... but they are cheap loh... $9 for 11 items. In the end, i use Neo Garden, supposed to be nice. BB party is this Sat, finally! i waited so long... can't wait to bathe and wash hair in the NORMAL way...

but i ordered Melrose for the cake, not sure nice or not. Will deliver next Fri. Ordered from them because cheap also.. hee.... $5 per cake.
cookie, i have not started my massage yet. either tomorrow or sunday, the massage lady naini vv busy. hopefully she can help me loss the extra quickly. in terms of waist size, i have another 4inches to loss.

yes the single pump. it is very tiring, seems like whole day do nothing but wait for interval to either pump milk or feed bb direct.

my ashley is the same, cry hysterically whenever she is too hungry and the milk flow too slowly. at those times, i restore to just feeding her from bottle and expressing out the rest of the milk. my hubby agrees that we mummy are equally important and vulnerable at this stage. hence must take care not to fall into postnatenal depression.

are you wounds healing properly. somehow i get more bloodly mucus liked discharge now than earlier and there is alot of discomfortable when i pee or stand for too long.

if any of you ladies going to see PD, can help me ask if giving bb different nipple will cause colic?
my ashley has alot of wind and i don't know if it is becos cl gives her all the different nipple; nuk, pigeon etc.. i am trying to give her some infacol, hopefully it helps.
Jane Tan
I hope can continue to lose wt...I was quite surprised when I weigh myself...coz i have been eating quite a lot n drinking milo for tea break n supper.

Melrose really not nice hah...tot $9 for 11 items v worth it....I also intend to get the cakes from them. Neo Garden buffet is better?

My confinement ending next Sun...also can't wait to get a good long shower...
sesame oil: checked with mil last night, she find applying sesame oil disgusting too, instead she said, use water also can, but if hospital provided/recommend alcohol swabs, as well follow their instructions.

BM: cool, can't visualise for myself yet... so, the nose drop works
nice to see you after so long. good luck for the induction on monday. Looks like you will pop earlier than me (my edd 2 days earlier than yours)
hi mummies, for those who are struggling with milk flow, you may want to start massage the breast area before feeding from the outer area to the inner area.

For those who can breastfeed directly, you would be able to produce more milk if you breastfeed directly. I always find pumping quite inefficient and troublesome.

just one cent view from a mum who breastfeed her daughter for 2 yrs without a drop of supplement
Cookie 12KG is very little u know :p
Elisa y u need to induce so early? baby 2 big?
Adora u mean dun need massage tummy w small aso? Hmm then massage dun really helps, tin shd b individual 1
I dare not any hw eat sliming pills aso cos we gg breast feed mah. pp massge breast for u aso feel funny mah
Lots of pp order choz and merose.
Any nice vegetarian buffet 2 recommend? Many indian col lah keke.
my full month celebrations is on sunday..actual chinese calender is sat...aldy booked Neogarden...got 20% disc meh so decide to get them...

Jane Tan,
so qiao yr bb's man yue also sat? me also using neogarden for buffet &amp; melrose for cakes...got 20% disc for neogarden cos bb born on 26 May &amp; the buffet on 26 jun so entitled to disc....

Me also looking forward to after confinement..Finally can eat normal food &amp; bath normally...&amp; most impt i can go out &amp; cut hair, facial, shopping etc...these days really no image... hair so messy, face oily...everytime pple visit me i also pai say....

I also feeding every 2hrly now...still feed 70-80ml...try to incr to 100ml so can last her longer but she always refuse to finish the last 20ml...so now give up liao..wonder when can increase interval to 3hrly so can hve more rest...

BF is really tiring..Direct feed also tired...Express also sian as always got so many stuff to wash up &amp; sterilised...

hi mummies,
do yr bbs go to sleep after feed? my girl used to be able to fall asleep after feed but nowadays she need to be carried around..if put her to bed b4 she is asleep she will cry...so always hve to carry her till she really sound asleep then can put her in the cot...so tiring..last nite was carry her walking for almost 1hr (4am to 5am) put her into cot wake up in less than 15mins..in the end no choice hve to wake up my mum to get her to help...so tiring...wonder when can they go to sleep on their own...any good method of putting bb to sleep...
thanks Jane Tan, jane for yr help.

I just hope taht my bb has not develop colic so early...

we have the same experience. last nite i fed my bb for almost 1hr wif FM until i tot she slept and dun want the milk anymore... but after 45 min sleep, she wake up again, so this time i put her to BF for a while until she dozes off again... then 15 mins later, she wakes up again cryin hysterically....until my mum comes in the room and take her away to feed her again....

the whole nite i really cannot tahan liao so i just let my mum take care of her and concuss into sleep... sigh.. ;< so tiring.

i wonder what these small bundles want sometimes...think we really need alot more patience than we tot...
hi gals,
so many postings. was catching up on them. didn't have time to log in yday.

just came back from bb's checkup. everything is ok except need to monitor her jaundice.

<font color="0000ff">jamu pills</font>
wow, the pills sound gd ley. but i heard from the nurse who was teaching us on BF, that we can't take dom, yomeishu and jamu if we're BF. Ladies who are on the pills might want to double confirm on that.

<font color="0000ff">confinement</font>
My mum went to buy the herbal wash but have not tried to boil it for me yet. I'm just keeping quiet
hee hee... I'm bathing in the day time and wiping myself in the evening. Wash hair alternate days. I'm trying to stretch the days i wash my hair will c if i can do it. I got oily hair by nature so v yucky if don't wash

Also, drinking red dates tea and watever food my mum cook for me. As for washing hands, it's water direct from the tap. I also on air con and fan (rotating) to cool myself down. I feel sweaty all the time ! Even after bathe, i start to sweat already !

So envy <font color="aa00aa">milly and janetan</font> who will be ending their confinement days soon. I can't wait to go out with bb and do some pampering to myself like cut hair, pedicure, etc. *drools*

<font color="0000ff">BF</font>
My nips are better already. Have been latching on tho' it hurts. I can see milk coming in. Effort paying off. I have not started pumping on interval. Now trying to latch bb on whenever she's hungry. Will try to do away with the FM if possible and go total BF. Hopefully I can make it. BF is really tough.

<font color="aa00aa">milly</font>
u can try to BF your bb lying down. My gal likes to fall off to sleep when i latch her lying on the bed. Just now after I BF her, i put her back to her cot she also fuss. So i BF her lying down and she went to sleep. Now sneaking some free time to logon hee hee ...
<font color="aa00aa">erlisa</font>
hey gd to hear from you. don't worry, Dr Watt is fantastic. She was very good during my delivery, very nice as well. You're in good hands. Just look forward to seeing you baby soon !

Btw, how come u must induce so early ? Big baby ? Or you hv started dilating ?
<font color="aa00aa">mckee</font>
Our babies share the same birthdate ! And your bb gal share same bday with daddy, so nice. My bb and her daddy same bday mth but not same date.

<font color="0000ff">umbilical cord</font>
I was told to clean the area with alcohol swaps 2x a day.

The seseame oil thing sounds illogical. I think better don't put. Introducing such foreign stuff to such a delicate area is definitely not advisable.

<font color="0000ff">tummy n weight loss</font>
u gals lose ur weight so fast ! I put on 20kg for my pregnancy. Just weighed myself and I think i have 12kg more to lose !!!! *very sad* I'll be starting my massage on Monday. Hope that helps. But i'm not looking forward cos i tried out 1 session while at the hospital and it was really painful but after that my body felt better with all the 'knots untied'.
My tummy is also still there, got a small buldge. I'm day 5 after delivery already. I just hope i can get rid of the tummy. So low morale. In the meantime, I'm using a binder to 'flatten' the tummy. Hope it'll help. *keep fingers crossed*
milly and rene, indeed it is very tiring. i find comfort knowing that i am not the only one. About 5 of my friends are also on maternity leave and having sleepless nights... we are not alone. milly, yours is 1hr, i kena once nearly 4 hrs from midnight to 4am, i cried also... so frustrated, not knowing wat bb want... already feed milk, water, change diaper, apply lu yu you and carry her... still cry... give up and pass to my hb to carry and i just sleep... don't care liao... can;t wake my mil up as she does the day duty.

last night, i look at my hb and say 'I am very scared...." he asked me scared of what... i said i am scared of bb! He said... don't let her control you, you should be in control... i told him i am scared of night time now.... very afraid of bb's cries and then cannot get her back to sleep.

Do your husbands help out in the night feedings? etc... ? my hb said he is working, so ask me to do it... but each time bb cries, he will also be awaken, so help out by making FM and washing bottles since i can't touch water.

milly, my bb first mth party is next Sat. Yours is also neo garden for this Sat. Can let me know if the food is nice? i ordered the economical one.. $9.50 for 7 items, 1 dessert and 1 drink.
<font color="aa00aa">shekinah</font>
My initial contractions are not painful. they felt like menses cramp but it spreads to the back area as well. It came in intervals.

Just monitor your contractions. If it's for real, they'll not go away and will get more intense as time goes by. If it's BHC, after away they'll go away.
shane, good to know that your bb can latch on and you can bf. Jia yOu! i believe w your determination and perseverance, you can go full bf in no time. : ) and you lost weight quite fast. i am in my 3rd week and still got 11 kg more to go! how many kg did you lose straight after discharge? i only lost 5kg though i had a big bb, wonder where all the weight goes to... all stuck to mummy... sob sob...
hi, for those who dare, u can try co-sleeping with your baby. Of course you and your husband must not be those who drink alchohol one...

I find that my daughter sleeps longer when I sleep together with her. OF course, you can practise breastfeeding lying down, then no need to get up liao...
Wah so many postings!

Sesame oil in umbilical cord
I stopped her from doing that! definitely using alcohol swabs!

Massage woman
I saw the effect of my one day tummy wrap! Quite obvious! Also, cos she massage the uterus, when I changed pad, there were clot like stuff... which was strangely comforting when I saw it (like effective elimination!)

I asked her what's in Jamu pills. It's just pounded ginger, more ginger and more ginger. Also, includes tamarind and some herbs. I'm still going to take as this is what they have been doing for years with breastfeeding. BTW, no extra cost for the jamu pills. Included in package.

BTW girls, the massage lady said in Indonesia, they massage for 40 days! What a luxury...but of course over there your own mum or sis does it for you!

Doc told me the reason for the high jaundice in BB is cos of poor feeding. Since her liver not fully developed, she needs to maintain regular urine and stool excretion. Because she was not latching on well, she didn't excrete regularly, the jaundice went up.
Moral of story, we still got to keep those records of when we feed, when bb urine, when bb pass stools! My cot is like hospital one now...I hang a clipboard with pen there! haha..
<font color="aa00aa">janetan</font>
my hubby does help out in the nite feeds. guess my bb is young so not so much fuss in the nite yet. she normally wake up 2x in e nite for her feeds but each time take abt an hr, so sleep is very disruptive. i guess this is part of the package for hvg bb.

You don't get 2 stressed up. If really can't tahan get ur mil to help out better than getting urself stressed up. we must be careful not to get into post natal deprssion. Just hang in there, days will get better. Bringing up a bb is really not ez.

I also hope i can go full bf. But no sucess yet. Just now bb just fuss at my breast n refuse to suckle for long, in the end still hv 2 give formulae milk. I'll try to express later 2 c if there's any result.

I lose weight fast? i don't know wat's e norm also. i didn't weigh myself rite after delivery only start weighing yday. kinda sad still so heavy. thot i can lose 10kg rite after delivery
same lor ... i got most of e weight n my bb smaller than yours somemore
Shane, so cool same bday! I heard from nurses at GE, 19 june not that many bb in. So maybe quite exclusive? haha..

now I'm feeling a little bored. CL does everything in the house. i just be a kobe cow, feed baby and sleep and eat good food. And this is only DAy 6. sigh... is it like that for the next 2 months?

<font color="aa00aa">hi MH</font>
Thks for your advice. Will take note.

For direct BF, do we have to wake bb up at regular intervals or wait for bb's alarm ? Like for now, I just fed her, so she should wake up in abt 3hrs time for her next feed then i latch her again. is this sufficient ?

For cosleeping, me n hub abit afraid tho' we don't drink. It's kinda of nice to sleep with bb. Me and bb normally fall asleep after BF lying down.
