(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

WOW...PJ night..fun leh..i oso wan...
y u cant go?
u can go lah..but ur hub has to stay at home lor..hehe...

R n C's cc is organising family day to go zoo...but we not going cos we oso already planned to go zoo on the same day..haha..so qiao

then the cc has this hansart thing for the kids in june..dunno what will it be..
still hve to pay one if i let R join...

ya hor..true lor..cos we are gals mah..keke...
u better dun give her so many ideas..wait she confuse then u will hve a harder time..keke...

HFMD will heal on its own..calamine lotion will only helps more for not itchy so much..
but my fren say it does not work for her lor..
anyway..there is no medi for HFMD..just let it heal on its own

Thanks shane & forgetmenot..
Since monday till today. only 1 red dot on hand & foot leh, no ulcers only red dots at side of mouth.. but doc say its HFM .. is it like that.. hmm..
Hopefully he can heal fast.. miss him so much as he cant come back home coz scare pass to me & baby..
my sentiments too...haha he was so obsessed with his tutu, to a point that he got 1 in his mouth, must hold 1 in each hand. hahaha had it til he's 3 yr old. then suddenly 1 day he came to me n say :mummy, i dun want tutu already. give them to didi" (i was expecting 2nd bb that moment.) hahaha strange hor??
Hope JH recover fast fast
Anyway give him plently of water also... in case he refuse to eat or drink anything... ulcers may be in unseen spot...

err... I haben ask Sky what he wants...
Last yr he had a SMALL thomas and train while I do a big one for mei mei...so this yr will be his turn to choose.... (me celebrating for both together... save $$$)
Thanks Glayz..

This year JH crazy about transformers.. so got him a cake with optimus prime
<font color="0000ff">aries</font>
think JH 1 may be v mild 1. think will b very fast can recover liao.
Can understand the missing part. pat pat.

<font color="ff0000">Tingkat Catering for lunch</font>
Any1 try that before? Is $100 for 1 person for 20 days consider reasonable? Any good &amp; reasonable priced ones to recommend??
Oh dear...hope JH recovers soon! JH likes Transformers? there is Meet &amp; Greet during the Jun hols at Downtown East.

Date : 15 - 28 June
Time : 3.30pm &amp; 7pm
Venue : Event Square

<font color="0000ff">4YO Birthday Celebration</font>
Any suggestions for dining places to bring the kids?
<font color="0000ff">FMN</font>
got 1 caterer Jessie Catering cater for 1 person, but I just google her comments not v good. No lar, last thing i want is confinement food. haha!
Jay got it last year too. He also got 1-2 spots on the tummy, that's all. He only had very slight fever for a day.
He was given some general antibotics for infection.
Don't worry, JH's case seems quite similar. Recovery should be very fast.

You mean to din within the family, not for a party? I recently went to Saka Sushi branch at TradeHub 21 at Boon Lay Way. They have a small playground at the backyard of the restuarant.
Can order Kiddy Set Meal for them that are presented in aeroplane, train-shaped containers. Worth a try!

I rec'd the link too but quite limited designs.

Anyone bringing your kids to Little Big Club Live In Concert?
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
Tingkat Lunch:
My sis ordering from http://www.jessie.com.sg/ She says not bad - better than her CL's cooking. Hahahaha.
She is ordering 3 dishes 1 pax $95. And portion quite big - she can't finish, so save remaining for her hb for dinner (jia liao).
not sure what kind of catering you are looking for... too long i didn't follow the theads for me to read and too short the time i can spend reading them.

If you are looking for birthdays or celebrations, maybe you can try Botak Jones , i had it the last time for my baby shower, quite satisfactory... most important, no mimumum head count.

but, if tinkat for confinement food only, tried NewBaby.com. had friends who tried the same company, some says good some says bad. Personally, i have no complaints because they are much much better than my mil's cooking, and i actually dare to eat things that i never dare to eat like those black vinegar with meat. and they allow me to change address of delivery when i go back to work after 1 month.
Really no mim of head count. But the price itself is how much?
Btw, can introduce yourself to me. Maybe the mums here know u except me becos i seldom log in....haha

Mums, need your help to recommend a good mixer for baking. so many brands...which is better!
Ya just dinner for our small family of 4. Sakae Sushi has kids meal? I saw Ichiban Sushi at HG mall also has the aeroplane kids' meal, quite cute!

Oh didn't know Botak Jones has catering service too!
Sorry lost touch abit.....

<font color="0000ff">aries</font>
JH will recover very soon. Don't worry.

<font color="0000ff">Jane</font>
Very very very long didn't hear from you. How many kids now?

<font color="0000ff">Birthday Cake</font>
Very easy for me because Jo want a Mickey Mouse cake this year.

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
I roughly ran through the thread. E's request not easy but you are trying. A good mummy indeed! The other mummies are so helpful they really provide you with so many pics and ideas.

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
How is Julien now? Napping and sleeping well?
<font color="0000ff">TL</font>
Thanks for the link. Will check with them tomorrow. My CL cooking is pretty good, she's v good with soups, however I also getting so sick of eating the same kinda cooking style.. but the soup I'm still loving all of them..

<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster</font>
Welcome back home!
My Julien is an active &amp; notti 1, even my CL also comments. -__-" Hope his activeness can make me slim down faster, that is the only positive thing I can tell myself now! haha! Napping is better abit now, but the at nite part he can just "fake sleep" for few hrs tat kind, need some1 aro 1. Only when he deep sleep, then tat person can go off.
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
hiya.....same same lah. One of us got to be in the room before Jerrell fall asleep. When he was a baby we did train him to be alone to doze off but it didn't last long. The older he got the smarter he was. If we leave he would cry.
<font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font>
then how ah? teach meeeeeeeeee!
the thot of not sleeping with Ashley pains me man. she already not sleeping with me during this confinement mth now.
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
twinklets mummy......bobian leh I also dunno how to teach you. Till today I am sitting in Jerrell's room till he fall asleep then I can go and do my things. Most of the time I use my laptop till he sleep.

If he is awake and we leave the room he would cry big time. As long as he sees somebody in the room he will be happily playing in his cot till he is tired. It is really wasting time sitting in the room when there is so much housework to be done.
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
Is your hb doing the same thing as my hubby now? Watching ManU? And eating Wonton Mee now!!! Oh TL hb should be watching too.
twinklets, bbrooster
Until this day, my 2 lit darlings still need me to accompany them to sleep....and I MUST lie down with them. Sometimes I will sing &amp; talk to them...so i treat it as bonding time lor!
If I have lots of housewk to do then I will b v peicek if they don't sleep fast!
<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster</font>
At least not so bad, u are sitting in his room &amp; still can use laptop &amp; not patting him to sleep. hehe. Does he sleep thr' the nite then? younger days leh?

yes Hb was watching the match yday nite too! I only knew it when came out from my room to get my ready to pumpmilk. hmm he was busy drinking beer &amp; eating crackers lor. so our 3 daddies here are MAN-U FANS?

<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
ya treat it as bonding time is nice. Now I'm missing my bonding time with Ash before she sleeps. Dunno when I can start to have tat kinda bonding time with her again.
bbrooster, twinklets n TL,
same lor..my hubby oso watching Man U..i oso didnt know until i came out from R n C's room..

he allows u to use laptop when u are in the room? if i use my hp to sms, they will not sleep lor..cos got lights..n they will wan to see what i'm doing...

hmm..seems like a few of us hve to sit with the kids..they cant go to sleep on their own hor?
n the thing is..they only want me to sit or lie with them...they dun wan daddy.. -__-

thanks for your help..hehe..is not me who is looking for tingkat..is twinklets..
so this yr june holidays..any shows to bring the kids..

nowadays when R n C watch tv..n saw the advertisement on the big live band at expo..they will start telling mi..say they hve not go to watch..faint..
then i say must pay..no $$..hahaha

was abit surprise..didn't expect them to say that they would wan to go n watch
hi, sorry, didn't re-intro myself. I had not logged in since i left my company. was surprised some members still remember me
It is so heartwarming to see your messages again.
I'm Jane, i joined this thread when i was pregnant with my first child, a girl Adriana who was born end June.

haha... long time didn't hear from you too. the lucky number is 3.

See, how lost i am... can't even figure who is looking for what...
My children are crazy over the "monster &amp; alien" movie... everytime they sees it on TV, newspaper, and billboards... probaby have to take them to watch.

anyway, what's R n C?

Botak Jones Catering
1. Yes really no head count.
2. menu is customizaable,we just email them our budget and approx how many people we intend to invite, they will get back with their recommended menus.
3. Price to us so far starts from $30. not sure, whether they can squeeze it lower.
<font color="0000ff">twinklets, adora</font>
Jerrell slept through I think after 3mths+. Jo was after a month she slept through. But Jer took about 6mths to fall into his daytime routine. Before that he was sleeping like few minutes here and there.

Jo will go to bed on her own after milk, brush teeth and story telling. heng no need to accompany her.

twinklets mummy, patting is a habit. I learn from Jo's experience. I use to rock jo in my arms to sleep so for the 2nd one I told myself no rocking or patting just put him in the cot and let him learn how to sleep on his own. Even sitting in the room I find it's a habit already. That one I trained him by leaving in the cot and walk out but didn't workout. Alot of trial and error to get things right. And alot of things have to start training young before it becomes a habit to them.

e.g. I train Jo to sit in toilet bowl to poo at 11mths but Jer I started at 9mths. Now 9/10 times he poo in the toilet bowl.

<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>
Can can we can use laptop. All Jer want is we are visible. He will stand in the cot and look around, play.... after he sien and tired he dozes off. Then we disappear from his room.
Hi hi...no wonder never see your posting before. Anyway nice to know u!
Wow...NO. 3 mean same as mckee who had 3 kids?
How did u managed to handle three of them?

I jin lazy to train cericia to poo in potty in the first place...now i want to toilet train her also headache. becos she cannot poo while sitting down. Then she would only tell me that she pee after she had wet her panty.
Jacia was much easier to train at this age so i thought the lil' girl would be the same.
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
Wah, Jo slept thru night from 1M+??? So good? JJ also slept thru at 3M+.

Till now, still have to accompany JJ to sleep.

I would have to try to set new routine.

Now, hb is happy if JJ wants me, coz then he would sit down with his chips and remote control. Hahahaha.

Nowadays, when JJ see football or sports prog, he tells me "This is Papa show right?" When he sees drama/serials, he says "This is Mummy show right?" Hahahahaha.
Hi Jane,
so u hve 3 kids?? WOW..i'm impressed..how u cope?

hehe...R is my boy, Ryan..
C is my girl, Chloe..
so add together is RC lor..kekeke...

same lor..now i hve to try to set a new routine for them..not to accompany them to sleep
actually when their daddy went overseas in mar..i sort of train them liao..who knows after daddy comes back, they need mi to accompany them again...

another thing i need to train is to go diaperless..
still cant go diaperless at night..esp for C cos she tends to even drink water in the middle of the night..n her diaper is always so full...
<font color="0000ff">TL</font>
hahaha....JJ so cute. Cartoon is JJ show right?

My sleep through means first feed is 6 or 5+am and last feed before I go to bed will be 12am. A sleep through of 6 hrs only. But Jo was more a sleeper. Now Jer sleep through 10-11 hrs. When they are older they sleep through longer.

<font color="0000ff">jamci</font>
Don't worry about wetting panty. Jo wet hers many times too. It's also a new experience for them to feel something is coming out. But just be careful they play with urine and slip and fall when the floor is wet.

In fact I trial one time and she was not ready. at 21mths I tried again and she just got it in 3 days. So try when she is ready.

I got a friend's son must stand at a corner to poo in the diapers. That is the reason why I must train my kids to poo in the toilet bowl when young. Make my life easier later. I am not going to wash and scrub the potty (yucks, yucks) so I trained them to poo directly into the toilet.
<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>
I think I am really lucky. Cos Jo seems to know when her bladder is full. She will wake up in the middle of the night to urine if she needs to. But of course she wake us up to assist her.

Not many times of wetting the bed. Please please Jerrell will be so easy too. But dream on......1st one easy 2nd one difficult.
Jacia can poo directly into the toilet. But she is forever PLAYING inside the toilet making herself wet when i am not around. She bully my helper. So i banned her from entering the toilet except when i am around
3 kids are not easy, i only can say. But i'm always out in my shop most of the time, don't get to see them except for sundays.

anyway, the youngest is still very young, rotate within 4 activities. sleep, wake up &amp; play on the spot, eat, wants to be carried and play and then sleep...

My elder two are quite independent, except for toilet business, same problem... one is toilet trained, but will have problem after she falls asleep.
the other still toilet training, so, always have quite a chore wiping up her after-dones if i make her go diaperless.

Really dunno how to completely train the children to stay dry throughout...
<font color="0000ff">jamci</font>
I hope she is not putting her hands in the toilet bowl and stirring the water. hahaha....I have a friend her gal is less than 2 always run into the toilet if they forget to close the door. Then she will stir the toilet bowl. My friend said the worst thing is her tutu is always in her mouth dunno got drop inside pick up and suck again or not. hahaha.....quite funny.
Opps...that's dirty. Heng...Jacia didn't do that. But Cericia almost did that but we caught her in time before her hands dived in...arrruuughh
That why i will always placed the toilet seat cover down.
Hi, it's been a LONG time. OMG, you have 3 kids already ???!!!! wow.... I'm still stuck at ONE. hee..hee...

so what's the gender? From your post, 1st 2 are gals ? last one boy ?
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
Ya, cartoon is JJ's show. We tell him that we have to take turns to watch our programmes. Papa, then Mummy, then JJ. Imagine: Papa soccer or news, then Mummy's 1hr drama, then JJ's bedtime! Wahahaha. So he don't get to watch TV at night after dinner. :p

We have to do it this way, coz if he watch cartoon, he doesn't want to stop and he gets hyper - difficult to fall asleep. Only let him watch cartoon on weekends.
<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster</font>
haiz.. i wish i can be like u so firm, ie. no patting &amp; no rocking when making Julien sleeps.. but currently this boy is being rocked everynite in the infant carseat by my CL.. puts him in his playpen he wakes up &amp; cries the house down.. haiz.. haiz..
Wow..JJ is such a gd boy...when mine reach hm is either x-box or cartoons...but by 9.30pm both will b v tired &amp; sleep.

Since young I also didn't rock C to sleep...partly bcos I have no time...she will stay in the cot &amp; R sleeps with me on the bed. I think when she reaches 18mths she climbed out &amp; 'demand' to sleep with us.
So I had no choice but to quickly 'chase' them out to sleep in their own room.
hi shane
Yes, 2girls and 1 boy.

my 2 girls if they are awake when we come back at night, will pester me to 'read'(actual word: sing) my big book of nursery rhythms which was passed down to me from my cousin last time.

if i fell asleep singing the rhythms, they will pester my hubby to switch on cartoons or computer games on my laptop. sign... children nowadays.

We seldom pat them to sleep nowadays unless they are sick.
Actually hor... for 1 person super bo-hua
I actually tingkat for myself while I am like 2-3mths preggie with Shane
Took the food for like 2months...then cancel liao... as was throwing most away...
I MS like siao mah...

Birthday cake
I had ask Sky... actually he save the school magazine...the ecreative advertisement...
he tell me he want a race track with racing car...
Just came back from Pine Garden... seem like I either had to settle for a ecreative...if not I had to source for cars to add on to the cake if I want a PG...
to make up for loss of cake from PG...bought myself a slice of blackforrest...wahahahahahaha

Come we shake hands...
My mum also headache lor... Sky can use the training pants...will announce when it is wet...
Mei mei... wear training pants...wet till drip can continue to play like nobody business lor!!!

That Sky hor..DOUBLE STANDARD lor
I help him HOG tv... by switching playhouse disney at 9.45pm... he tell me...
night time...cannot watch cartoon.. daddy must watch news...
After news he watch cartoon network...and I was like..har tot no catoon at night...
He can reply..daddy finish his news...so is cartoon time...
ARGHHH where is my TV time!!!!
<font color="ff0000">Jane</font>
Welcome back. I will probably have to scroll back long long time archivals to "recollect" you.
Wow!! You are Mckee's kahki in this thread.

Self intro: I'm also a 1 kid mum for now, longing for No.2 thou

<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster</font>
Same.Jay also seems to know when his bladder is full. He will wake up and "self-help" but just week, he got 1 case of accident. He must be really tired to sense at all. Lucky i had my waterproof mattress cover on.

I really wish to mark your words "1st one easy 2nd one difficult

<font color="ff0000">Twinklets</font>
Your J sounds just like my Jay when he's younger. When he was a few months old, i have the habit of wrapping him up with a blankie to make him feel secured and tight and he tends to sleep better.Later on, must push the rocker (with rollers) up and down to coo him to bed.
Lucky i don't pat him anymore cos he has his own way of making himself sleep.

<font color="0000ff">TL</font>
JJ has always been a very well-displined boy.

<font color="ff0000">@</font>
Wow,your kids playing x-box. Jay is still clueless what x-box and PPS is :p I'll keep it that way for now.
wow, that'll quite an effort to 'recollect' me... thanks. So, planning for no.2 already?

glayz, jamci
i agree. the older generations have their own way of 'toilet-training'. my mil don't like or lazt to toilet train the children, alway force them to wear the diaper even is beyond 3 years old. In the end, have to wait until she's not around then, make the children wear training pants, or just panties.

Amelia (My no. 2), will always announce after she finishes wetting herself, so, she can be brought to the toilet bowl to sit there, and then request for a 'bath' or rather water play time. sigh.
<font color="0000ff">Jane</font>
U mention Botak Jones got do catering, u mean they cater burgers &amp; fries stuffs &amp; not those conventional catering food?

$30 above is referring to whole total bill or per pax amt?

<font color="ff0000">Glayz</font>
aiyo.. u Ms mah different from me. Me now appetite good leh.. haha.. need food to pump milk.. Hope this caterer i took 1 got serve decent food.. me wont expect much..

<font color="aa00aa">adora</font>
lucky u.. I foresee this Julien will be more difficult sleeper than Ashley. I bought a cooling mat from online, hoping will help alil bit.. I'm gog to train him to sleep his playpen liao.. think it is gog to b a very difficult task..

<font color="ff6000">Jaymom</font>
U wrap Jay aro, including his arms inside the blanket? Until which month?
I used to pat Ashley in my arms to sleep when she was young too. She no need us to pat anymore so long 1 of us is sleeping with her. Ask her when she wanna sleep alone, she points 6 to us.. referring 6 YO..
Tell u la
Dun expect much... actually everyday... machaim same food... not pork then chicken then fish... but is the different fry style.. so everyday see menu...also sian... I gave up after 2 months I think..... initially food also taste ok...then standard machiam like drop..or I start to expect something liao...
I wrap Jay up as long as the length of the blankie allows, almost up to 3 months..haha! Yes,the way how the nurses do it in hospital, it's very effective becos that's how they are in our womb, all compact!
I used those very soft cotton material that isquite stretchy

Same here, Jay just needs "ren qi" when he sleeps. That's why, he will ran back up and sleep with us on the bed if he is alone on the mattress in the middle of the nite. I joked with hb that we should get those human dollies to act as our double to accompany Jay to bed but hb commented, " but,they are not warm?"

thought u got buy the sleeping bag for him?

u buy blackforest cake from pine garden? nice?
u never buy their lychee martini or chocolate?
i like leh..
hmm..now i'm drooling liao..hehehe

JJ still not yet train to be diaperless in the night??

ok..looks like i will hve to wait till they are ready..

btw..mummies..i hve something to ask u..
i dun think anyone of u has this problem as me.

is it true that 4 YO must go for assessment?
then hor..shd i be worried that R's speech is abit blur..as in..most of the words that come out of his mouth..pronounciation not accurate one..
unlike C who can speak clearly leh
