(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

What cooling mat? I on the fan whole night for them but they can still perspire until pillow wet wet.

Have u decided which caterer for your tingkat? Btw do u think tingkat is better than tabao food? cos I am considering to have tat too when my mum is on holiday. Don't think i can rush home in time to cook dinner. Unless I take half day leave for that week.

Yes 4YO there is a assessment...if Dr feels there is really a problem at least he can recommend necessary action early....no need to worry!
Dun have leh...
din see the slice cake lor.... bought another orange chocolate or something like that...err...will eat that later
Me dun rememeber need to go for assessment leh... but think Shane will have la...she copy her no-front teeth gor gor...so she talk..also lao hong the sound..
Sky no front teeth...so pronounce wrongly everyone just say...aiya no teeth...
<font color="0000ff">jaymom</font>
is it boys when you remove their diapers in the bathroom they will automatically pee? Jer started at 12mths+. He'll stand there and pee when I remove his diapers.

I hope my boy will wake up help himself to the toilet next time. No need to wake us up. I am amazed that Jo can walk in darkness open hers and my bedroom doors and after peeing go back to her room. At first I was so scared she will trip or she bang herself but so far only once she bang herself on the door.

<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>
Go and see the doctor first and see what he says.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
You seldom on msn now hor? What have you been doing? Miss talking to you about spree. Shane is coming 3YO har?

<font color="0000ff">#3</font>
I have no thoughts about it anymore after my holidays. I am so drained and tired everyday. Jerrell is really very naughty. Beat his hand real hard also boh lahsa. Nowadays climbing up the sofa and dancing. Giggle giggle and feel so proud of his achievement. I can't take my eyes off him. Jo has been really helpful pulling his legs whenever he is crawling to dangerous spots or out to the balcony. But still cannot depend on a 4YO to look after him when I need to cook.

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
I didn't swaddle I just let loose maybe that is why Jer cannot sleep well. I don't know how to swaddle everytime sure loose so I let it be.
I supposed it's the timing at well but of cos, whenever you open up the diaper just be on standby mode to cover it back in case he chooses to pee for that moment.
Yeah, me amazed too with Jay. He will push open the toilet door, lift up the toilet cover peep and make his way back to bed sometimes with his eyes half-closed!

Again, boys with be boys. You are extremely blessed to have Jo who is so well-behaved and take instructions so well. Jer is not extreme, he's just happened to be active in nature.

I went for a parenting workshop over the weekend and learnt from the child pyschologist that our kids difference in character has a direct relation to their different learning styles and teaches us how to categorgy them. It good to hear from others sometimes.At least so much more assured.
$30 above per pax.
no no no, botak jones have much more things than burgers and fries. you can request for conventional catering food, they have also. i still have the pdf file of their food, do you want to take a look?

yes, 4YO must go for assessment, we were informed last year, child must learn ABC123 by then, else, cannot name the letters for eye test. dun worry too much, find time to pratice saying ABCs, 123s with R.

my #1 can articulate well, however, what i'm afriad of is that, when it comes tests like this done by sranger or even her own teacher, she will be speak too soft or don't even speak at all.
<font color="0000ff">Jaymom/Bbrooster</font>
Ok I'll swaddle him till 3 mths, hope this boy can sleep better man. Now everytime see him do boxing, like so difficult to sleep.

<font color="ff0000">ADora</font>
No lar, i think u tabao better, cos u see Glay's post, is like their food can be the same 1. At least u tabao, today u get fried rice, tmr u cai fan, then another day other food. A mixture lor.

The Cooling mat i just recx today. I order from this website Cheerful Mama. Dunno whether effective or not, will have to try on Julien on tmr nite.

<font color="119911">Jane</font>
Thanks, pls email me @ [email protected]
My hse here near Botak Jones. I like their stuffs. Fattening though &amp; huge portion. haha!

Btw today I check the healthbook, tat assessment is meant for 4-6 YO , so I guess it is not compulsory to do it at 4, right?
btw, here's a latest pic of Julien's naked pic. haha.. he hates to bathe, will cry like dunno wat. Tmr shall be my last day of confinement, so happy &amp; yet worried. haahaha. but happy % is more lar. Then evening bringing poor boy for jab. Poor boy gog to jab on his 1 mth old. :p

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
Gosh.....he's so cuteeeee....!!!!! Are you making me gian again???? So so chubby man and lots of hair.

Jer also went thru 'boxing' stage. Now I can't remember that was how many mths. Should have taken pic of it.
<font color="0000ff">Champion League</font>
So many husbands waking up to watch Man U at 3am is it? Mine for the 1st time sleeping so early just to wake up to watch Man U later.
my hb!!!! he's infact out now, dunno why he so early for wat. me just finish pummping, now he's awake, make me so hard to sleep too.

hee wont get lost .. just go bukit batok tmr. haha.. boring..
Congrats on your last day of confinement for tomorrow. I will bring forward and going out tomorrow :p to shop for grocery at NTUC.
Just sent the file out. I agree about the fattening part... when we started to know this botak jones, my hubby keep buying those giant burgers for me... used to be able to finish them, now, no no no. because i can't get back to my original size liao... now even have to use 2 belts to tie around the waist real tight to stop people commenting me that i still look pregnant! sooner or later, you will see me sorcing for corsets :p

your baby so cute and chubby... congrats, and end your last day of confinement.

anyway, what's boxing stage?
so last night is Man u har? no wonder my hub's alarm went off in the middle of the night n i thought the alarm is spoilt..
n next moment i saw him in the living room liao..so must be watching soccer..

CONGRATS!! u can officially go out today liao


i suaku lor..
i till now no chance to try botak jones yet leh..
only ate their chilli fries..
so mountain tortoise hor??
dun say that, not many people knows about botak jones unless they had been 'brainwashed' by the radio which kept advertising, like me. that's why i stopped listening to radio.

yah, last night's champions league... that explains why my hubby's up (to watch over the internet)
oh.... that's why my hb was so quietly sitting in front of TV this morning! He must have recorded the match and was watching it this morning. If he was not unwell, he would have stayed up. Hahahaha.

<font color="ff6000">FMN</font>
Ya, have not tried JJ on diaperless for night till last night. He suddenly told me that he don't want to wear diaper. So ok lor, told him to wake up to go toilet if he needs to go. And this morning dry dry wor. Hahahaha. I was expecting a wet bed. Hee.

I just bought this small light to try - will put it at the toilet so that he can see in the darkness. The light switch is too high for him. Sometimes at night, he goes into the dark toilet and shouts "I need light" and we would rush to the toilet. Hahahaha.
haha... so cute.
my girl actually carry a kids' chair if she wants to reach for the light... and this 4year old is terror, she can open door, switch on lights, switch off lights, everything, except going to the toilet ALONE. she will come to us, "i want to go toilet, mummy, shi shi come out leh." and want us to open the toilet door for her and watch her pull a chair, take the kids seat and put on the toilet, and get up there, and sit down... after that, we are dismissed (if not, she will insisted we are dismissed).

I keep nagging her that she can handle herself, nooo, she insisted us follow her there.
I tried go diaperless for Ian, but failed. Some nights his diaper are dry, some days are soak thru' his clothes. Guess boys takes longer compare to girls. And after a few nights of wet underwear, Ian refuse to go diaperless. Do you wake JJ up middle of the night to go pee?

Julien's chubby legs and arm reminds me of the "Michelin tires" logo. (^^)
same lor..some nights, R's diaper is dry one..
but most of the times are wet..
he is the one who keep insisting on wearing diaper

actually previously when he is in half day cc..he has already been trained to go diaperless during his afternoon nap

but now he is in full day cc..he is back to wearing diaper to nap in the afternoon..cos i'm afraid he is not used to it when convert to full day..
looks like now hve to slowly take him off diaper liao for the afternoon nap
by the way..
any other kids interested in Ben 10? United square has it..think start from 5 June to 21 June..
i'm going..anyone wans to go too?
<font color="ff6000">Jane</font>
Really? Hahaha. My boy does that too - he tells us he wants to go toilet and then we turn on the light and watch him do everything till he gets on the toilet seat to poo. And same like your girl, he would ask us to close the door and go out. Hahahaha.
<font color="119911">Hey Mummies, ask you all something:
when our kids go toilet (and I mean our 4YO) - do you shut the door, or just leave it open?</font>

The reason why I'm asking coz last night at my ILS place, JJ wants to poo, and we left him on the toilet seat, close the door and stayed outside to wait for him to finish.

BUT my SIL insisted that I should open the door, coz the toilet floor is very wet and it is dangerous when we can't see JJ. I already told JJ NOT to come down - shout for us when he is done. Still, my SIL walked right past me and pushed the toilet door open. I shut it and explained that it is not necessary, I'm right there.

What would you have done?

I feel that they are not babies now, and should understand what has to be done in private. ;) I don't like the idea of door widely open and the entire family of 10+ people walking in and out of the kitchen (toilet in kitchen).
<font color="ff6000">Anns</font>
JJ also like that - sometimes diaper is dry dry, then sometimes full. I really dunno when to start the night training... till 2 nights ago. Hee.

So far, for the 2 nights, he managed to stay dry. But he didn't wake up in the night to go toilet. After his milk at bedtime, he did go to the toilet. If he didn't make that toilet trip, he might wet his bed.
<font color="ff6000">FMN</font>
At one stage, JJ also acting funny. He can go diaperless at CC (full-day all along) for afternoon nap. Then after a few months, he start coming home in his spare clothes - wet himself at nap time. Nothing major happened at home, so we have no idea at all what was the cause.

Then it just stopped, and he went back to normal - doesn't wet himself at nap time. ????

For R, once he is adapting to full-day, can try going disperless for aftn now.
Ian wants his door to be half open @ home if he go toiet alone. His preschool toilet is open concept too. If I'm with him inside, he is okay to have the door closed.
Eversince 2 yrs old, he don't like us to closed his bedroom door and our bedroom, if he awakes and see our door closed, he will open it and then go back to sleep. I'm not sure when he will be able to closed the toilet door and do his business alone there. (-_-)

BTW, when outside toilet, do you stand outside door n wait for him or enter the toilet w/ him?
TL and Anns,
usu when we are at home, i dun close the door..cos so far, they still need us to go toilet with them..cos i dun trust them with the toilet bowl, i still afraid that they will dropped in the bowl leh..

but when we are at outside toilet..i will go into the cubicle with them..n i will close the door..

but nowadays R dun wan to go to female toilet with mi..he wans to go to the male one..

i told him if daddy is there..then can..if daddy not there..how to bring him to male toilet..

as for C,i will insist that she close the door..but i'm there with her..cos i feel that girl is different..everything must be private one..even if she anyhow sit, n show her panty..i will oso "scold" her..keep telling her, cannot show pple her panty..hehe
For both 3YO and 4YO.
at home, i usually left the toilet door open unless requested (or they close it themselves).

for my 4YO, I didn't even wait outside for her to finish, she will climb down the toilet and open the door (if closed) themselves.

For my 3YO, usually, she stay sitting up there (even there's no pee/poo) until i come back, so, i can help her down.

When outside public toilets, i will go into the cubicle with them, so, we took turns to use the toilet, usually, my 4YO first, then, myself, then the 3YO (who is usually diapered). sometimes, my 4YO volunteered to open the door even i'm still... so, i have to keep talking to them... "wait wait wait... ok"
SAME SAME!!! My son also want me to lie down wif him to sleep. and he sleep real late. normally go into his room around 11+.. then somemore 1 2 play his train or whatever or read books.. me already crossed eye liao but he jus don 1 2 lie down n shut eyes!
then early in the morning when he wakes up, he will shout for me few times. if i don go to him, he will cry til very cham...
wow 11pm+ tat's late...my kids will sleep latest 10pm. Now that both attend full day CC, they are so tired that they will fall asleep v v fast.
These few days I told them, Mummy needs to do hsewk, will be back in a while...by the time i go back to the room they were sound asleep!

Your kids also one yr apart?? Mine too...exact gap is 1.5yrs.
<font color="ff6000">Anns</font>
Hahahaha. So Ian likes opened doors. Hee. JJ is ok with closed doors, bedroom and toilet.

If we are outside, and we use adult toilet (Ladies) I would close the cubicle door and stay inside with him.
If it's Kiddy toilet, and he just pee, I would wait for him outside. JJ can clean himself after poo, but still not clean, so we would still have to clean for him.
<font color="ff6000">FMN</font>
Oh so ok for boys to open door har? Hahahaha.

JJ also tells me he doesn't want to go into the Female toilet. Once we were out and he says he wants to go Male toilet. ok, so I asked him to go pass urine, wash hands and come out. I waited outside for him. He went in, and shouted from inside "Mummy, can you come and help me?" Wahahahaha. I shouted back "No, Mummy cannot come in." JJ came out in a few seconds, giving me a cheeky smile! I should have taken a pic of that! Wahahahaha.

Then he went with me to the Ladies. Inside, he told me "Boys cannot come in Girls toilet right?" and an aunty inside replied him "Ya, boys cannot come in." and JJ stopped walking (he was standing outside the cubicle). Hahahaha. The aunty was just kidding him, and quickly smiled and told him that it was ok for him. Hahahaha. 4YO...
<font color="ff6000">Jane</font>
Hahahaha. Same! I think they are all the same. I'm still not done, and my boy would be unlocking and locking the door. Aiyo... making me so nervous. I had to distract him and keep talking to him "What is that on Mummy's bag?? What colour is that??"...

But nowadays, most new toilets have boys urinals in Ladies, making it so much more convenient! Out alone with a boy is tricky in the toilet. :p
<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>
I was just thinking just now to use Super Nanny's method for bedtime.
If I come out when JJ is half-asleep, he will ask me to go back to him room.
Yes, my first two children are exactly 1 year and 5 months apart. i'm using 4YO/3YO as gneral guidelines.

Dear dear, cannot imagine when my boy's turn :p now, he's already so cheeky since he was born!

My children if not asleep when we come back, will play around, as i mentioned earlier, make me sing nursery rhythms, else sticker games... usually, i can't make it... the children usually sleeps later than i do, the daddy is the one who always can stay up with him until the end... but, the next day, most of his job will have to be done by me X-p
seldom online now...
come home too tired liao..
Shane coming to 2 la....


me also suaku then..
last time the nearest outlet is near MIL place... but then the q is HORRIBLE...
so I just miss it lor... till now dun gian for it...so..

I still wear diaper for Sky at home lor.. even tho he went diaperless ong time ago st my mum place..
that boi...he not confident of us waking him la
Pooing hor....that boi is SHY...will tell us to shut the door and he will call for us when he is done and need his butt wipe..
Ya now so good lor..have small urinal for bois in ladies toilet...
No need to q...!!!

Ben 10
Me going....No show on Tuesday ok...
and there is Thomas and friends at MArina square...think start from today till early June... Think 7June..no show on dunno Mon or tues..
Me too! I will let Jay go in to the male toilet on his own and them "give instructions" from outside. I do that when i'm alone with him and when the Q for the female toilet is simply too long or comes with no urinal bowl for little boys

Kids Shows
I just brought Jay to watch the Magadascar 2 -Lost in Africa too. The show is quite enjoyable. He caught the ad of Disney Hoopla Workshop on the papers and pointed to me that he want to go see Hanny Manny at Parkway Parade.
Well it's the month of June, there's kids shows almost at every dept store!
R also won't enter female toilets w me...usually his daddy will bring him.

What is the method supper nanny uses? These few nights I find it easier to sneak out if C fell asleep 1st...cos she is the nosier one now (Terrible Two).

Wow..my kids doesn't want daddy to sleep w them...only I can enter their bedroom during sleeping time! hahaha!
TL and Jaymom,
JJ and Jay can go into the male toilet and do everything themselves and then come out?
my R cannot leh..cant trust him..haha

hehe..not lah..actually boy shd close door too..but cos is boy..so i not so particular abt closing door..keke...hahaha..

closing/opening door,
usu when both R n C are with me..all three of us will go in the female cubicle..then it will be "crowded"..haha..

so far..i'm quite lucky..keep my fingers crossed now..they will not open the door on their own when i'm not done..if i see their hands on the lock,i will tell them no..they hve to wait for mi then can open the door..

did u go for the thomas one? i did not go..cos their stupid daddy say they not interested in thomas..so dun wan to go..

hehe..same leh..seems like both our R n C s' pattern sama sama leh..
they oso dun wan daddy with him in the room when they are sleeping..they only allow him in when i'm not at home..
Wow u are already planning to indulge in food - Botak Jones, once ur confinement is over..

Prob Julien feels insecure tats y cant sleep well?
Swaddling can help. When he is slightly older, you can try to let him sleep on his tummy if you do not want to swaddle him..

Bbrooster &amp; Glazy,
I hear spree!! My fave! Haha..
If u org any spree, can let me know?!

My 2 kids are also 18 mths apart.. 4 &amp; 3 YO..

At the public toilets, i also go in with my gals. Elder gal will use followed by younger gal (bt she is usually diapered too) and finally myself. Both my gals have the tendency to rush to open the door and it is usually my elder gal who gets more rough in pushing her younger sis away. I will always have to tell them to wait, ask them not to push.. When we are out, the gals will rush to the children basin to wash hands and i have to keep reminding them to take turns.. We are always veri noisy when we are in the public toilets.

My kids also sleep ard that time.. Sometimes they go to bed as late as past midnight! As I am currently staying wf my pils, they always want to sleep in my mil's room. My mil goes to bed veri late so my gals also go to bed late. When they are sleep then i carry them over to my room..
I have pbm getting them to bed early now. I am worry that my gals do not get sufficient sleep everyday. They sleep at around midnite and get up at 7.45am for school. Even on weekends, they sleep late and wake up latest at 8plus in the morning.

My gals also dun like to share the bed wf my hubby.. Me and my 2 gals will sleep on our king masterbed while my poor hubby sleeps on their super single mattress on the floor.. LOL...

What is the super Nanny's method for bedtime? I have read that book 2yrs back but have forgotten the contents. Can share wf us?
Did u bring Jay to Safra Amaze playground?? I was there yest during the open house, bth Sheri and Shania enjoyed themselves veri much thou its just a short 30mins free entry. Wonder if you keen to go tog?

Family Toilet Seats:
Any of you keen in getting the family combo toilet seat? It consists of 3 pieces - lid, flip up child-size &amp; standard adult-size seat.
<font color="119911">Super Nanny's Bedtime Routine</font>
From what I remember: introduce bedtime routine, eg bath, bedtime story. Stick with same routine at the same time each day.

After reading a bedtime story, goodnight kiss and leave the room. If they come out, just don't say anything to them and bring them back to the room. Don't entertain their questions while they are out of the room.

The reason behind it is to make them understand that it's bedtime. Initially, it would take many many rounds of bringing them back to the bedroom. Parent have to be consistent. Yes, it would be so frustrating and tiring. I remember one parent did it like 50x that night - bring kid back to room when he comes out (Super Nanny show).
I do have problems, if we get back home to see any of the girls awake, because they don't get back to sleep until very late, usually, they will outlast me.

supernanny method:
tried before, except that, they do not have a bedroom for themselves. they either sleep in with my mil or my bed or the queen size 'matress' in the living room. dun dare to say whether it works or not, as i said, i'm usually too tired to outlast them.
oh dear, seems like i can only start this supernanny mtd when i shift to my new flat. Everi nite my gals have the habit of watching DVD on children songs when they go to bed.. It's realli gg to be a great and tedious challenge to start this mtd..
hullo gals,
I sneak in here to post post.. today my first day with Julien for entire day. Finally he nap deep liao, so I can sneak in here. hehe..

<font color="0000ff">Jane</font>
got ur email but havent got chance to open it &amp; read. THanks btw!

<font color="ff0000">Bblicious</font>
No lar, dun dare to indulge in Botak Jones, haha so fattening. Me just v interested on the catering cos at 1st thot is cater western food.
Haben la
Think end on 7/8 June... Thinking of going SOON...otherwise end liao...but it will not JUST end right??
Should move to other malls right?? MS too crowded for my liking leh...
Supernanny Bedtime routine
I tried it and gave up. by the 3rd, 4th nite, she was wailing like mad. Daddy say just go in and sit there. >_<
That was last yr episode already. So till now like that lor. =P
Now i try to leave the room for short intervals, it's working but progress is slow.
