(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Hi Ladies

Anyone know where can i get Mini Chupa Chups Lollipops? Went NTUC & Cold Storage but only saw the standard size lollipops.


I bot from John Little before. Or you can try those sweets shop or party shops. Did you go to NTUC hypermart or Giant, should hv also, so big mah.
All these talk about sterilising and bottle feeding ... my memory really bad. I was trying to recall but I can't rem!

I rem I stopped sterilising at abt 6 mths. In the beg, I assembled and leave it in steriliser. When older, I dry in covered dish drainer (bot specially for her bottles only)

I think I'll be like a new mother all over again if I have another kid!
same here, after 4 yrs already, i really feel like a new mummy all again. So many things I've totally forgotten, also cant really rem when i stop sterilizing all the stuffs.
<font color="ff6000">Shane, Twinklets,</font>
I get a free refresh course with my new niece! Hahahaha.

Really kinda rusty, but the engine gets started when you see the newborn. =) I usually look back JJ's baby journal to recall what happened then. I was telling hb, have to sign up babycenter again to recall what happens at various milestones. Hee.

But of course this time more zai &amp; confident handling a NB compared to JJ's time. They say firstborn is the experimental one. Hahahaha.
<font color="ff6000">adora</font>
Here comes the time of the year hor! Every mummy would be busy planning with cake and goody bags etc. Hee. So fast.

After this June, can do a DSB page of each of the 4 bdays that JJ ever had. Wah, time flies... remember that time when I was counting... week 1, week 2,... so slow... and now coming to 48 months liao. :D :D
Yes yes..so fast...me a little KS, planning ahead cos usually in May I will be quite busy! I am more or less settled w the cake cos I let R choose what he likes.

How is JJ? Is he feeling better?
hi everyone..

hmmm...speaking abt like a new mum again...
same lor..me too..now totally "rusty" liao..
haha..n no more chance of becoming a new mum liao.. ;)

the chupa chups that u buy for ash's bdae, is it the mini one that adora is looking for??

mi too..i just bought a disney aeroplane to be put in R's goody bags for his bdae though is still early..but was getting excited over his bdae..(was influenced by twinklets) hehe

u settle the cake liao?

me not yet..cos my boy may change his mind again..
but till now..he still want his pink power ranger cake..faint..so girlish..cant stand him..

ya lor..cant imagine they are coming to 48 mths liao..
n the kids here have been celebrating their bdaes together for 4 yrs liao.. WOW WOW..

hope that they will be close with each other when they grow up mann...
<font color="0000ff">forgemetnot</font>
gee so really gog to get PINK power ranger if he insists???

no lar, my lollipops are big 1.

hehe me feel so relaxed liao after celebrating her school party last week. Really like a big stone from my heart cos really worry i cant attend her sch party. keke. Sometimes I feel really bad, seem like I more anxious of her bday rather than arrival of bb. I told Hb tat I'll really be totally relaxed once after 26th.
Wow wat type of aeroplane u bot? Show me leh? How much u paid? R wanted to give his frens cars &amp; barbie dolls...told him mummy no $$ to get such ex gifts for all your frens...

Cake, he also wanted Power Ranger...he wanted the one w all four in it from Polar Cakes. I find it v ugly but he likes it..no choice!
i bought from bp..i dunno if u got play it before..i play it before when i was young..is those cardboard n u need to assemble it one..

okok..will show it to u..i got it at $2 each..

WOW..R is so generous ah??

same lor..my R is eyeing the polar pink ranger..
i rather he choose the one with all the rangers in it..

for now is pink ranger lah..dunno if he will change or not leh..

y after 26th, u will be relaxed leh?
<font color="0000ff">audrey</font>
My massage ladies are recommended by my friends. Do you need the contact no.?

<font color="0000ff">Birthday</font>
I am quite happy Jo's birthday falls during the June holidays. No need to buy cake and prepare goody bags for friends in school. Next time I have to take leave buy cake prepare goody bags for Jer to bring to school. Troublesome neh....why didn't I plan Jer to be born in June? Save the hassle.
hehe..heng the total number of kids are only 15..if not, i sure go bankrupt..haha...
i buy 17 in total..
so C can also play with it..

u so cute leh..this kind of thing how to control one..

alamak..i just remember..R's bdae think is the 1st day of school re-opening.
but shd be ok lah..cos think will not prepare any more things for him when he goes to pri school
hi twinkets/adora/TL.. Thanks.

I didnt know that it keep for 6hrs if not open?
Ha, coz since JH time, i just open &amp; close few times a day to get the bottles or teats :p
oh..so now i have to assemble the bottles &amp; teats with cover after sterilize it..
Thanks gals for sharing..
Both my kids bday are during sch hols...so this is the only year i get to celebrate for them cos now they are in CC.

If every year need to prepare goody bag &amp; cake...v shiong lor. Not just $$, is the preparation too!
<font color="0000ff">Forgetmenot</font>
Cos 26th gog to have a small home celebration for Ashley so hope no hiccups man. *gulp*

<font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font>
My Ashley has been telling me abt celebrating her 4 YO party since last year liao, even told me wat birthday cake since donkey months ago. -_-" Cant bear to disappoint her when she so look forward to her birthday party with her friends. Told FMN that it was a very happy affair for her but a TIRED affair for me. :p But seeing her so happy that day made me felt so happy too despite my tiredness
I will stop her sch bday at 6 YO, cos Pr 1 onwards her bday always aro Exams period, poor gal. :p
Joke for the morning

Was parking the car this morning. Had to make a 3 pt turn and park at a corner lot, so more manuvuers.

My dear E said in a frustrated tone " Mummy, everyone know to park the car, only you don't know." -_-"

I laughed and answered her "hey!"

She continued " you see, the car still moving" (meaning i hvn't got the car parked)

I told her " I cannot see properly that's why"

E continued " you see properly lah. there, there, here, here" started pointing outside the window.

hee hee hee.....

Sometimes she's just so cute !!! But in her bad moments, it's another story altogether.
Good to have the contact. You still have the contact with you?

Re: Birthday Cake
Why my boy so different from you all? He requested for Mickey Mouse cake! And wanted to celebrate at home with relative and in CC too! Faint!
<font color="ff6000">Shane</font>
Hahahaha. Nowadays they observe, think and then comment from their very simple point of view.
Makes things looks so simplified. :p

That reminds me of something JJ said. Hb left for overseas trip last Sun (very early in the morning) and would be back this coming Sunday. He told JJ "Papa is going away for work, and will be back Sunday." On the Sunday that his Papa left, JJ woke up in the morning looking for Papa:

JJ: Where is Papa?
Mum: Papa is on the airplane, going to work, remember?
JJ: (thought for a while) What day is it today?
Mum: Sunday.
JJ: Papa said Sunday he would be back. Where is Papa? How come he is not back?

Ooopss! Papa forgot to explain that it is NEXT Sunday! After explaining, JJ just keep asking me what day is it today. Espcially when he is at home everyday, he lost track of time. :p
Ya, they are so cute nowadays! Keep observing and correcting the adults

Me: "W, have you taken a serving of fruit today?"
W: "Mummy, FRUITS of FOOD?"
He just needs to make sure I pronounce it correctly
<font color="ff6000">Audrey</font>
Ya, so cute with the things they say. And my son is literally giving me lessons on shapes and colours at home. *faint*

Your W is not that different in choice of characters for cakes. Mine is still on Little Einsteins and Mickey. :p I didn't expose him to Power Rangers. Hee.

And since JJ was in CC last year, we had to do it in CC too. :D There's another one with family. So at least 2 separate bday celebrations and that means TWO cakes too.
<font color="0000ff">Masseur</font>
Not sure if it is appropriate to post here but anyway......we address the massage lady as Ibu Amy. Her no. is 93854693. She does traditional post-natal massage. Use lots of strength and painful but good.

I have another contact for pressure point massage but more expensive. $580/7x. Julie at 96448409.

Tips/angpow to masseur at your own discretion.

All the above I paid included binder and wrap.
hehe E is so funny &amp; cute.
Ashley still remember tat Pillar in our carpark that I went to knock it tat time accidentally last year.
Nowadays, kids have a very good memory, W still remember how the cooking aunty in previous CC scolded him with arms on her waist and he still can mimic her! Faint! No idea when will this bad experience wipe away from his memory!
Ya kids have superb memory, so very good to let them absorb as much as they can now.

But I too lazy to do so. If I can, maybe gd to read encyclopedia to them ha ha .....

I love birthday celebrations, so I'll continue indulging her. ha ha ... But if got #2 then might cut cost. ha ha .... also, if the mths are close by, hv to eat lots of cake on and off =P
Ya mine also want 2 cakes. She at first still wanted me to have a home party like previous years but I told her this year only few of us &amp; a chocolate cake. Mummy here v gian to eat the chocolate cake as well. mamahaha..
haha..esher so cute...

regarding memory..
yes..they hve superb memory but hor..i oso realised, they will only remember things that they want to remember lor...
hahaha... ... ya this remind me about my birthday! To prevent eating too much cakes, have to scarified my birthday celebration, W birthday falls in a same month with me, only 4 days apart!
Ash really v grown up. E still clueless, nvr really ask abt bday. Just say that she want her friends to play with her, just like her cousin bday at explorer kid. told her tt can only happen when she's older! mummy no $$$ ha ha....

wow, so close. u can cel together with W. nice.

In my gal's bday mth, got 5 bdays!!! her daddy, uncle, grandma, auntie, so very headache. that mth is a eating mth for us. ha ha ..
Yup, since year2006, end up my birthday cake with lots of carton character around! hehehe... ...
Wow! 5 birthday cakes to eat? Mmm.... Have to watch out diet! Easy to gain weight but hard to lost away our fats!
<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>
hee i already have something in my mind on how to celebrate her 6 YO bday liao. That will be her last year of big celebration so really wanna do something 'big' &amp; someting she will really remember &amp; enjoy 1. I also love to have parties for my kids, like to see them having all the mad fun, if only I got hidden talents like do magic or do those balloons, that'll be so great cos can cut cost to get the experts. hehe..

I love to eat CAKES leh. seriously dun mind to eat 5 in a month, cos in 1 month we can have 30 - 31 days. HEHE :p
ya definitely.

But like twinklets, i love to eat cake! I hv sweet tooth, love things like choc, deserts, cakes, ice-ceram... sigh, so i'm nvr those slim slim kind ha ha ...

ballon sculpting can learn one ley. but must practise. tougher is magic...
u so fast think of it liow ah. I hvn't but will probably be those places i think .... if not party entertainer. either way, sure burn big hole in pocket.

ha ha ya agree, cakes are nice .... just v fattening...
I also wish my 2 S into Little Einstein...
Sky seem to be OK with it onli... mei mei onli appear during the "pat pat pat pat" part...
Mei mei ONLY dance at Mickey mouse clubhouse ending.... and BOTH LOVE BEN 10!!! jialat la
<font color="ff6000">Audrey</font>
Oh! Your birthday in June too? My JJ's on 13 Jun and mine on 26 Jun. His EDD was 28 Jun, but he came early.

How about W and yours?
<font color="ff0000">Audrey</font>
Same here. Jay and my birthday falls in June..we are 4 days apart too with Mummy taking the lead

I'm not a cake person. I think i went cake-less for the first 2 yrs (not that i really mind) until Daddy's conscience pricks him and got me a Swensen Ice-cream Cake last year.

<font color="0000ff">Ben 10 &amp; Power Rangers</font>
I don't let Jay watch these cartoons either but somehow they know. I think they hear them from their schoolmates. Jay came home 1 day and tell me all about "Power Angels"..i almost fainted...haha!
<font color="0000ff">Ben 10, Power Rangers, Wink club</font>
E also not exposed. She's still at Princesses, Mickey clubhouse and Dora hee hee.

<font color="ff6000">TL</font>
Mid year is a festive time for my extended family (my side and hub side). Alot of birthdays seem to happen in May and June. Actually quite siong on the pocket. So sometimes, i think to myself, better not have another bb in June mth hee hee...
But overall quite spaced out with 1-2 happening beginning of year (big grin) and year end also have.
<font color="ff6000">Jaymom</font>
POWER ANGELS!!! Hahaha. So sweet! ;)
Wah, ice-cream cake... so nice in this weather right now. I'm melting at home. JJ is like a sweat ball all day long. Aiyo...
Nop, W and my birthday month falls on July! Actually W EDD on 09Aug but he came out early, So his birthday falls on 22Jul!

re: Birthday Cake
I like to eat cakes as well, but have to watch out my figure too, sigh! So boh bian, have to limit and control myself from eating too much sweet stuff!

re: Ben 10, Power Rangers, Wink club
Luckily same with most of the kids here, hehehe... ... He is still at Mickey clubhouse, Dora and the boot, Spongebob square pants, The Wheel on the Bus and etc!

Then he expose to Superman, Spiderman, and Power Ranger from CC, make me so worried about it as well. Remember those days when this character was out and famous, most of the kids mimic them and jump out from the building.

<font color="ff0000">Ben 10, Power Rangers, Wink club</font>
My gals dunno about power rangers. They like Ben10 and Winx club.... also like pokemon. These are in addition to Mickey Mouse, Disney Princess, Barney and Dora.
