(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Hi all

Sorry for disappearing for so long... was busy with ISO audit.... so very busy at work...

mei mei also down with fever..hit 39degree this morning
quickly bring her to see doc...panadol like not much help... she had fever since last night lor...and was sick for the whole week...
think she is teething as well..becos she keep biting sky...and had 2 white mark on her gums....and after giving her brufen..yes the doc finally give her brufen... her fever finally came down.. and she is still sleeping..
Oh no.Sorry to learn about Jo's viral infection. Fever is a sympton, never a medical condition. The swelling & spots should clear in a couple of days. Let her have plenty of rest,fluid and keep her diet simple. Hope she will recover soon. U mommy must take care too, k.

So many kids down...i hope your kids are on their road to recovery too.

Good to hear from you.Take care and best of luck to your new career move. Pop in when you are free.

Also planning to go Taiwan perhaps at the end of the year if time permits but may not be very suitable for kids due to the endless walking

The snacks and goodies that my colleauge brought back from Jiu Fen taste so good! Even when i'm not a fan of mua-ji.Just hear them describing the food there makes my mouth waters..
could it be viral rash? Ian got whole body rash for 2 days last dec and dr said is good as the body is fighting the viral. Hope Jo will gets better soon.
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
39 degs is very high temperature. I am sure shane will get better after brufen. Really must give them lots of water and I normally give a quick shower to bring down the temperature.

<font color="0000ff">Taiwan</font>
Still not sure about Taiwan cos like nothing much for the kids to do.

<font color="0000ff">anns</font>
Don't know what rash is that. Anyway, her swell subsided. Her eyes is bigger now. But her body still got rashes and very dry. She still continue taking the allergy medication.
R is ok now, still coughing but no more fever. He has lost much weight...

Hope Jo is ok liao.

No no I went taipei in 2007.

You got any compensation? I heard sometimes they have a gd package..if so I dun mind being 'the one'.
Her fever had been 3 days, now on antibotic. Now Jacia even had fever....*stressed*

Weather very hot for the past few days. Luckily just now had rained.

Hope shane recover soon!
I know 39 is very high.... for sky
but for mei mei her fever usually is quite high...as her body is much weaker compare to gor gor.... but today then we realsie..instead of 2...is 4 teeth erupting TOGETHER...the 2 on top cut thru liao... and she keep biting her finger lor.... so can imagine her discomfort!!!
I cannot sleep
Too worried for mei mei liao...even tho she is now at my mum place.... she had fever from friday till 4pm today...after that I din ask my mum... very heartpain to see her like this...even tho she still run all over the place... but she very sai nai these days la... when gor gor bump into her..will send her running for comfort... and sat...she refuse to nap unless she sleep on us lor... middle of the nite come crawling to our bed....
I had dilue her milk to 50% so she take in MORE WATER... but her milk time also shorten...she drink super fast on diluted milk..and keep asking for milk as hungry faster also...
I tried not to give too much brufen...scare later her body immune jia lat lor....
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Don't worry your mum will know what to do.

Brufen only give when temp. is 39 degs and 8hrly leh. And don't give on empty stomach. Normally after Brufen I will give paracetamol and not brufen again (alternate if necessary). Also it's good to standby some paracetamol and brufen suppository.

- Brufen to Brufen 8 hr gap

- Brufen to paracetamol 4-6 hrly depending on doc instruction.

Wish all the sick tods a speedy recovery.

<font color="0000ff">@</font>
Jo also lost alot of weight. And eversince I train her to drink milk using cup her milk consumption drop. Usually, she will ask for milk when she wake up or go to bed but now she can go without and sometimes have to force her to drink. Last few days due to her gastric flu we also stop milk.
I also realized that the milk intake drop a lot when they drink from cup. I am now giving him those packet milk so at least I can ensure he drinks 2 pkts (180mlx2) per day.

Oh poor mei mei...when C is sick she is also v 'sticky' to us. In my case, normally high fever will takes abt 3-4 days for subside. Don't worry too much just keep monitoring her temp.

Take Care.
<font color="0000ff">@</font>
You are early too. I just came back from the market before hb goes off to work. Both of them still sleeping so I have some free time to surf and enjoy breakfast. Checking out recipe for fried egg with tomatoes.

Isn't it more expensive to drink packet milk than powdered milk? What brand of packet milk are they drinking? UHT or fresh milk?
Hope all the tods have a speedy recovery.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Ya as for my case, usually will last like 3-5 days. Normally fever will subside by 5th day. Ya dun worry too much, cos now all have to do is monitor the temperature &amp; give the med timely. At least she is running abt &amp; not feeling sian sian, so tat isn't very jia lak. Whenever Ashley having high fever, I'll console myself that her body immuntiy is basically fighting against the bad virus so both are battling hard &amp; furious.
hows Jo today? better now?

what abt meimei? she ok already?

nowadays so scary..so many kids falling sick..

even my own kids too..the my mil asked if i still got boil cordyceps for them to drink n pu their body or not..cos she finds that esp R..now face colour not good..abit green green..n so thin..
so ask mi to pu their body..

R drinks packet milk? my R dun wan to drink leh..how u train one?
<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>
Thanks. She's well now. No more rashes appearing and her swell subsided. But will keep her away from school for another day.

How to make cordyceps for children? Is it 'tun' with lean meat. Very expensive herb.
i'm glad that she is well now...
will she missed school?
i think C missed school leh..we keep her away from school for a wk..n today she goes to school, she is quite happy..even ask mi to tie hair for her..

ya..i "tun" it with meat and wolfberries..cos i'm afraid that it will be bitter..so i add some wolfberries in it..
then i heard from my fren that u cant put alot of water in it..if not, it wont be "concentrated"
so this time round, i put it in a small bowl n then put in the slow cooker to double boiled it..

i bought it quite sometime back..very ex lor..300 plus..
now trying to finish tun it for them to drink..
after that think i will switch to lifestream one..which twinklets recommend me..

i think this is cheaper n more convenient..just need to put the powder in their food, can liao..
Dear Mummies..twinklets, adora, bbrooster, jamci, anns, audrey, glayz,forgetmenot,caymom,jasmine, jaymom, shane..
Thanks all for the well-wishes

Baby is 14days old today..still little jaudice &amp; need to monitor..
He is now drinking 1.5-2hrs of 90ml.. you gals think will it be alot? I check with PD, he say ok, but i find alittle too much..
Jasmine, how much you gal drinking now?
As for me, still not enough rest as need to wake up 1-2times midnite :p

I try to post baby's pic in facebook asap OK..:p
Ya.. for mummies who reply me on the camera. Thanks..
Din manage to go the the fair that week.. hmm.. so didnt buy any camera yet.thanks for sharing on cannon..
<font color="0000ff">Aries</font>
sorry, havent been following up on the forum thread until recently... saw that you have given birth...pardon me for my late CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
have a good confinement ya...

Hope that all the children who are not feeling too well recently recovered fast fast... the weather is really bad, some day hot, some day cold... thats why a lot of ppl fall sick including us adults...

just got an email from aeron's school principal asking us to be wary of crowded places etc becos the HFMD season is back... there are children dying in china becos of this strain... all need to take care...
aeron has got it last year but they say the strain different each time...

<font color="0000ff">Adora,</font>
yes, lucky they did give me a good retrenchment package... cos i have been there for close to 10 years... i am in the semiconductor electronics field so inevitable in this downturn... our manufacturing plant will kenna worst case condition..but heard they picking up already..dunno whether will last or only building up inventory... anyway... i trying to change profession, a bit tired of engineering...
eh.. oh sounds like i am in a complaint mood...hehe... paiseh...

but honestly, i also dun mind to be the one gonna axed lah... cos tryin to change job profession since last yr
90ml not a lot la..it all depends on their needs. If he can finish just give it.

Only R drinks packet milk (Magnolia SMOO milk) he doesn't like FM...he self wean from FM since 1yr +.

I didn't train him to drink pkt milk...he prefers to drink Fresh Milk &amp; UHT milk. If yours still likes FM shld continue...think FM still contains more nutrients &amp; those added AA, DHA stuff.

Toddlers can drink such 'bu' soup?? Not too heaty for them?

heehee...at least got a gd package. I also have friend in Semi Con..also change profession recently. All the best in your new job!!
from what i know not all bu soup is heaty leh..
my mil on n off will cook..n all the kids in the hse all got drink one..
cos when they feed them..they have a habit of pouring the soup into the rice n feed...

they find it easier to feed..

i think packet milk will cheaper than pediasure leh..hehe...too bad, R dun like leh..
"Pu" Health
FMN,Bbrooster,cordyceps is good to "pu qi" and beef up the respiratory system. However, it's really very expensive to take it long term. This couple of years, the price kept climbing &amp; climbing too!
Recently, my mum introducing me to "yang du jun", a cheaper version of cordyceps. Tun the same way , lean meat &amp; wolfberries. I just tried on Jay, see if results will show

Glad you receive a good package.Maybe can take a well-deserved break, spend some quality time with A and then strive again at your new career!

U are not BF No.2? U take great care. How's kor-kor accepting new BB?
Oh really not too much.. oki..no wonder he wants to drink n drink.

Yes, BF no 2.. i do express out &amp; daytime give bottle, only nite then latch on.. so far flow still good..
Wah, little prince is drinking 90ml... same as Kai En.. She is also drinking max 100ml 2 to 3 hourly. but she is not taking bottle well so that may be the reason of her not drinking much..
<font color="0000ff">Aries</font>
My CL also upsize Jer's milk to 90ml last time but I cannot remember that was at how many weeks but definitely before he was 1 mth old. Amazingly they can drink so much cos I read newborn stomach is the size of a golf ball.

Your boy was born quite big so I think it's normal to drink more.

<font color="0000ff">Pu</font>
I think I really need to pu pu joelle cos she's looking pale and not rosy like others. Even on normal days she's looking like that. Need to make her blood circulation better.
so you bf her most of the time? if i bf then every 1.5hrs if day time.

i dare not increase more so maintain at 90ml first, but every 2hrs, the crying alarm will alert me..

Thanks ixororred
I do not dare to "pu" Jacia because she always kena fever after drinking my in law's tonic soup.
Not once but twice bitten....lol

You can let Joelle take pearl powder instead.
Heard pearl powder is good for them but expensive. One pkt cost about $9

At least better than me, i also worked for 10 years before i resigned to be SAHM. They did not hired any staff to take over my tasks and divide my job scope to others. Think they are so happy to save that sum of money...haha
10 years in company is a very long years! Think you are in a very comfort zone until you do not feel like leaving even though you do wish u could change your profession.

Great news to share with everyone...my meimei got into st.james for next yr pre-nursery...*phew*
Heard those mummies already *queue* up after the birth of their babies. Think my girls considered quite lucky to get in less than a yr.
jamci, kiami,
I'm also in my job for 10yrs liow... cannot imagine i can stay in a job for so long ...
yes, agree that sometimes wanna move on, but in comfort zone, v hard to move. furthermore, too much benefits holding me back.

when i read St. James i straight away think of the club hee hee....

congrats hor.

Orrrr....u want to chiong at st.james powerstation this weekend har....LOL
Talking abt that, i really never step in for a drink before. I became a country bumpkin after being a mum.
<font color="0000ff">jaymom</font>
The next time I meet you please tell me more about 'yang du jun'.

<font color="0000ff">jamci</font>
Thanks for the recommendation.

I've never been to St James too considering myself a party animal last time.

Wow...mei mei go St James. I know not easy to get in.

<font color="0000ff">aries</font>
Last time Jer also drink so frequently making me totally drained. I think by 3-4mths it was then 3 hourly.
hahaha....I also never been to St James Powerstation..heard a lot abt it but the Clubbing Time has 'past'. Arrr sometimes I really feel like gg clubbing to unwind myself. *sigh*

I find R like 'not growing', he look so small size compare to his peers...he weighs only 13.8kg.
haha..me too..hve not been to st james powerstation..
maybe we can organise a mummies' night out there..

ya i oso wan to know more abt yang du jun..still dunno what is it leh..

same lor..my mil oso complaining that R's face colour not good lah..skinny..
then my sil n bil oso say the same thing..
sighez..so sian..

but hor..R eats alot one leh..he eats more than C..
n he can still ask for cake or biscuit after dinner
hehe count me in for clubbing when I no more preggie hor. Hahahaha.
But first have to go jian fei first lar. Hahahaha.

<font color="0000ff">Jamci</font>
Wow mei mei gog St James! So Jacia will still be in Full Day CC, then Mei Mei in Nursery?
How come no intention to put both gals together? Seem so weng xin to see 2 gals go school wearing same uniform together to me. Keke.

<font color="ff6000">Soups</font>
Talking abt soups, my gal not into all kinds of soup. She got abit of weird tastes. Some soups I find it tasty 1, she says not nice. But some soups both me &amp; Hb find really not v nice 1, she can sup it all up. Weird 1 here.. Anw not easy to make her drink all kinda soups.. sighs.. quite a fussy eater here..
13+ kg seems abit light but if R height and weight justify then shd be ok bah.

jo is 16kg before she was sick but now should be lighter after falling sick last week. boney looking now.

pale = poor blood circulation i think. just like me.
St James powerhouse
hehe... initially i also thought that we are talking about clubbing here...but it is a school...is it very good? my good fren also sending her daughter there soon...

i think really we should organise a mummies nite there soon...me will also try to make it if we will to have 1..haha

A also coughing non-stop these few days...i also avoid giving chicken cos it is really bad for cough...and all fruits till he recover...
hope all children recover fast fast here
Hi all
ISO finally OVER for this year la...wahahahahahahaha

Mei mei is still coughing!!! but luckily her temp back to normal....

I dun dare to take mei mei weight liao..think she slim down too much... miss her bui bui bak bak days
But Sky put on weight...as that boi cannot stop eating at my mum place...my sis say he keep snacking when my mum goes to nap with mei mei
Hi...me just back from cruise. very tired.
four years ago, their foods and service was great....now even their food and service also in recession too. *shocked*
Not much choices to eat and their service got a big mess up.
When i booked the cruise, i already requested firmly that we need a connecting room so that i can access to my kids easily. They just gave us next to next instead. I saw the map and saw so many connection rooms and cannot believe that we are so unfortunate to have side by side room without connecting door. The lady at counter said we could check out at the vessel counter to change. Then at the vessel counter, they said no more rooms available. full house.
So we just exchange the access card within ourselves to get the side by side rooms.

Then we were so shocked to find a couple in my brother's room. Luckily the lady was watching tv and guy was smoking in the balcony. Imagine the worst if they were making out or changing.....how!!!...*wowed*
We lodge a complaint at the reception and they just gave us another empty room.
I feel that they should upgrade us since it is their fault....so lousy service.

Jacia was already in st.james nursery class since beginning this year. And Cericia will be joining her next year for pre-nursery.
I never put Jacia in full day CC before because i cannot bear to see her sleeping on the floor. Since i am not working, i rather bring her home for noon nap.

ST. James Powerstation
Wowed....mum nite! must jio me hor..! I will make myself free...LOL

Think Jacia is now 14.5kg and her feeding time is like mood swing, sometimes full, sometimes hungry.
Hi jasmine,

So did you express &amp; store now? Freeze can last 2-3mths right?
Did you mix with old &amp; fresh Breast milk each day?

Now i try to freeze 2 bottles a day, then each day will feed him with the earlier dates one plus daily fresh one.
Or its better not to freeze now? I have 20plus bottles since the day i started. scare later too long not good to let them drink.. hmm.

<font color="0000ff">Aries</font>
Envy your milk supply is so good. Seems like TBF is so easy for you. I remember I have ask LV the same question before. And yes we do mix old and fresh BM everyday. e.g. if old one left 90ml and I will top up 30ml with new ones if Jer drink 120ml. Since you got so many bottles in stock think you should use up the old ones and don't have to mix.

Frozen BM can last up to at least 6mths if I didn't remember wrongly.
Yes I express and store the 'extra' milk. I will try to clear the frozen milk by 2 mths. Yap i do mix old and fresh BM but the milk must be the same temperature.

you can freeze the milk now if you have lots of extra and clear it as and when. If Jing Jie cannot clear it, give it to Jing Heng. hee this is what i do. but KY does not like the taste so I secretarly mix it with her FM.

I store my milk using Playtex disposal liners and tie it with cable tie. cheaper and can freeze more.

what did you eat to have such a good supply?
wow both your BM so 'abundant' ...but i do realised #2 I have more milk too!

I also use Playtex last time..will not take up so much space as bottles.

<font color="0000ff">Mandeville Music School</font>
Anyone heard of this sch at United Sq? I tot of letting R attends their Violin Class.
St James Kindy
Jamci, my nephew's studying there too and he seems to enjoy it. The last time i asked, i'm not sure if my niece managed to secure a N1 seating there next year. This kindy is hot! I heard from my SIL that there are many celebrity's kids studying there... Diana Ser, Naz Chong, Zoe Tay..u met any?

St James Power Station
Me another sua-ku. Not being there either. Suddenly feel so old and outdated. Missed the good old days at Zouk..haha! Yeah, maybe one of our MNOs :p
Twinklets, u so cute, thinking of clubbing now!

Bbrooster, FMN
Sure, will share with you more when we meet up

@, Jasmine
I think your kids have light-boned structures. As long as they are eating well, it should be fine.
J is now 17kg, i can bearly survive 100m carrying him!

U went on Star Cruise?
we had this discussion on going to St James powerhouse for MNO before! ok on, if all of u ladies are going! heheh

I went to check Mandeville out back in Jan and was told that the earliest trial class was in May!! think the school is very popular

is st james the kindergarten @ dempsey?
<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
Suddenly I was counting....and realise your A2 is going to school next year right? Have you registered?

She will probably be in the same school as jie jie right.

Wow so popular? They have so many different classes. Our kids shld be under Baby Class right?

Suzuki Baby Violin
Acceptable age: 2 ½ to 4½ years old

Suzuki Piano for Young Children
Minimum age acceptable : 3 ½ years old
Compulsory participation of a parent during the lesson
