(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Congrats Bbrooster!
I'll dropby ur ward tomorrow. Rest well!!

I'm not sure abt same labor ward, but who noes both can hear each other shouts if both not on epi. haha. My sis's boy is just 1 hr later than Bbrooster's boy. haha amazing.

ok..show u gals this pic while we waiting for bbrooster n mckee's bb's photos..


don't they look comical? hehe..i always say they dun look like bro n sis..but after looking at this pic..i find tt..they look abit alike cos of the way they laugh..wat do u think?

oh ya..forgot to add..both of them got this new soft toy today..so tt's y they are so happy hugging it n posing for photos
congrats! re-charge yourself well for more busy days to come

on having sibling:
nowadays, i can see jr responding with laughter to K's tickles and play. sometimes K will go over and hug him or just simply enjoy his company beside her. on such moments, i'm glad the age gap is not too big. i think when jr is older and can play with her more, it's definitely going to be more fun for K. During K's hospital stay, she kept asking about JR cos she missed him so much.
<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster</font>
Very happy to recieve your good news!
BB-J very "ting hua", popped in the nick of time b4 the clock strikes 12, just like you wish!
We can't wait to see his photos!

The way you put it..."The moment I saw him I cried. Very relief very emotional. He looks like joelle" makes my wanna cry too, i can picture the scene. I have been carrying my BB niece and nephew and kind of miss that old feeling.

Let us noe how Jiejie J reacts when she sees her little BB brother

U rest well!

<font color="119911">Sally, Shane</font>, i think really need to jia-you liao.

<font color="0000ff">FMN</font>
This photos is so sweet, cuddling their stuffed toys! They do resemble each other, the shape of the face and their eyes esp.

<font color="119911">Twinklets</font>
Congrats to been promoted to Aunty too!
Thank you mummies for all your congrats message.

Mummies with one you all must jia you. Hope to hear your good news. And time really flies, really "one turn eye" will be next year. Year of the Ox.
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
CONGRATS!!!! When I read what you posted, that you cried when you saw bb J, I was getting emotional too. Yes, it had been a tough journey on you, and it is all worth it, when you carry him in your arms. Xing Ku Ni le! Well done, Mummy!

Just one more month, and after the confinement, you would be able to spread your wings and go gai gai liao. Kekeke. Yes, I understand how it feels to be cooped up at home. Hee.

Hey, you really xing wor - 12.54pm deliver and 1.32am post liao. Hahaha.

You get some good rest before you go home.
Congrats! finally your little prince is here.. it seems like just yesterday when you annouced you were expecting here and us visitng you and all..
you are one great mummy! have a good rest and take care
Congrats!!! Arrr when I read your post, the feeling of holding R &amp; C for the 1st time in the delivery ward came back. So relieve to hold bb close to u...
Btw I had asked my mum...confinement eats hen only not cock.

Mummy with One
Jua You wor!!! It's really worth to get them a sibling to accompany each ither.

C always like to go &amp; hug her gor gor...esp during bedtime...she can giggle non stop...roll &amp; lie on R.
Guess all are waiting to see Bb Jerrell pics hor? hehe. Told Bbrooster I'll help her to upload afew since I took some when I visited her this afternoon.

Here's Lovely Jerrell. haha the pic on the left was taken by Ash. She insisted to take a pic of bb when I wanted to take some pics.


<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster</font>
Really nice to see u, u really look so chirpy &amp; not tired looking. Your pregnancy really a very tough one &amp; U have managed to go through it &amp; here is your baobei in 9 mths. Really feel so happy for u.
How's Joelle after we left? Is she happy when u gave her the pressie? She got touched her didi yet?
thanks for sharing the pics...Ash photography skill not bad hor? The pics that R takes can make me laugh...he focus on pp tummy &amp; leg. He took a pic of my uncle's hairy leg hahahah!!!

wow wow Jerrell is such a handsome boy...the pic on the right...he looks like daddy leh!

Oh ya forgot to ask abt Jo...was she jealous? That time when C was born...R is still young...just v clingy to me...wanted me to carry him.
He's so cute!!! Handsome looking too! Does look abit like Jo... ai ya, tempt me ley. hee hee...

I can feel your kan chu when u say u cried. It's really a worthwhile journey esp after seeing the cute bundle.

Rest well.
gian is one thing, action is another lor. heehee
U can la, still young. Go for it.

u jia you. Hope to hear good news from u.

thanks for the pics.

wow didi veri handsome. A lot of hair too. heehee Must rest ya. Yes the moment when bb out, that veri moment is really veri kan chu. Me also cried the last time, n the nurses veri nice, let my mom came in to labour ward after gynae left n cleaning me up, n we both ended up crying together. kekeke
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
bbJ is so handsome! So cute...makes me really xing dong. Hee. Can't wait to see him.

How's Jo taking it?
haha, ya lor, gian is one thing, action is another... hahahaha...
need 2 hands to clap lah. I 1 person can't do much. haha...
wah...the nurse really nice sia
Fore me..they refuse to let my mum in labour ward...even tho she acc me to be admitted...
so she quickly call my hb...so he can rush down...


Actually after the delivery...I din carry my 2S...
as I feel I am TOO DIRTY...as I sweat a lot thru out the process...(broke out in cold sweat while waiting..) so i dun wan my 2S to be in the arms of a sweaty mum... and think my spec smog up too much...and cannot see them clearly also...wahahahhahahahahahahaha....
i was afraid of being cumbersome with the specs, so I wore contact lens! everything see clearly haha.....

hey ur ah lao, not in labour ward with you ?!
Ash has VERY good photography skills!!!
wah..she really ARTISTIC sia...Sky also...inherit all from me..so his drawing...really HOPELESS sia... wahahahahahahahahahahhaha

I din mention this...but didi really QING XIU!!!!
will grow up to be SUPER HANDSOME sia
Ya...when it was time for Sky.... me stay over at my mum place mah...so when water bag broke...she acc me there lor...onli upon reaching then I call my hb...he was in the middle of a MJ session...

and I was ALL ALONE... during Shane... he onli pop in JUST before I was about to POP.... (but he acc me when I was induced la...the nite before when they insert the pill... then a little after..he went home to koon...but morning came in to give me my bf..then he went for his rounds liao...i actually panic when I was 9cm and he is NOT THERE YET...and I COULD NOT reach him on his hp...he was in the hospital carpark luckily...so when he came up...i had the urge to push liao lor!!!)
I recognise the 2 soft toys...wahahahahahhahahaha
ME still midway in the stamp collecting...already had enough stamps for 1... going for #2...so both my 2 S can have 1 each....
and Sky had a fetish for dogs now... as he love pocoyo... and pocoyo had a dog...these days machiam like broken record...keep telling everyone..Pocoyo had a dog...
jerrell so handsome n cute n fair..yes..wat u wrote bring back memories..now i remembered how i feel when i saw Chloe the 1st time...it is not as emotional as when i 1st saw Ryan..dunno y leh

n the 1st moment i saw her..tears welled up in my eyes..n my gosh...my Chloe looks exactly like Ryan when he was born..
but when the days past by..both of them dun look like each other liao..

actually hor..R has a smaller face..n Chloe has big eyes..so both look abit diff..but can see tt both of them has the same smile..

hehe...i hve a tough time collecting the stamps leh..now i'm on my way to get a 3rd one..dunno got chance or not..

ya lor.now hve 2..everything oso must each one has one..if not..both will fight..

pocoyo got dog meh?i oni noe got duck leh..
anyway..dunno y R choose the siamese cat..i prefer dog leh..keke..
I was laughing after I delivered JR because I was already crying in pain for 2 hours before delivering him haha. Even the nurse commented 'now u can laugh already huh'. But for K, yes, i also cried when she's first thrown onto my chest.
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
Thanks for coming and thanks for posting the pictures. Ash photography skills not bad. Jo saw Ash using the camera. After Ash left my camera became her new toy. Before that even if I ask her to take pics for us she refuse.

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
Sometime back I bought the Pilot Doodle Mat. That's Jerrell's present to Joelle. She's really happy and keep announcing to everyone that her brother gave a present.

Before that I already told her her little brother will give her a present when he's born. In return, she must love her brother, share with her brother, stroke the brother only on the hands and legs. She's been looking forward for this day and glad she still remember her promises though she tried to pinch jerrell's nose like how i pinch hers.
ok lah, at least he was almost there for u when S2 was being delivered hee hee....

that's so sweet. good to hear that Jo is being a good jie jie. I wonder if E will be so lovely or not. she's so rough!

alamak, so late liow, u still post ? better rest more.

how's bfg coming along ? just relax ya.
My Birth Story

On Sat hb and I brought Jo to Jacob Ballad Children's Garden and disney restaurant in the morning before we headed to the hospital. But before we go we did not forget to have a bowl of mee pok dry. kekekeke.....

1630: arrived at hospital, changed and did the necessary

1745: gynae broke the waterbag and epi was administered. epidural is really wonderful. i could talk, i could surf etc. In between, the nurse came to check and I was only 3cm dilated.

2100+: only 4 patients waiting to deliver in the delivery suite. so the nurses were very free. Hb and I enjoyed chit chatting with them. then I told them I want to give birth at my desired time. and they got interested in the topic so I shared with them the website and they also copied down. they told me no problem just buy them coffee later.

2200: nurse stretch my pelvic. she said she's going round in circles inside which thank god for epi I din feel a thing. i saw her bloody gloves and fingers and that is 'show'. She told me now it's 5cm dilated and she will checked on me again at 2300.

2300+: put away laptop. checked cervix 10cm dilated. she shouted outside 10cm and I followed her, "10cm, 10cm, get ready." Then the nurse get me to practise pushing before calling my gynae.

2330: gynae came and said nothing leh. told me I have to work hard if I want to deliver before midnight.

Push push push......started. Then he ask me, "you want me to assist you." I immediately said, "Yes, Yes." Vacuum was used.

"OK out!" gynae said. He turned around look at the clock and said aloud 2354.

2354: Baby Jerrell was born.

Gynae passed bb to the nurse and she put on my chest to clear airways. My emotions set in. I could hear his loud strong cry. Yeah!! I made it!.
<font color="0000ff">Adora </font>
Haha hee ..no leh, sometimes her photography skills also cannot make it 1. Like my face is at the bottom of the pic like tat. Ash took a pic of bbrooster, hahaha, but Bbrooster quickly deleted away!

<font color="ff0000">Glayz</font>
Keke thanks
. Cay &amp; K also noe how to take photographs too. Who noes Sky also noe just tat U dun dare to pass ur camera to him hor? Ur camera got those string attached? Hee u can put his wrist inside so ur camera wont drop onto the floor.

<font color="aa00aa">Bbrooster</font>
Serious? Wow don’t expect Ash can trigger Jo’s interest to like ‘photography’. Keke. So sweet of her to remember all you’ve said &amp; do them infront of you. Think U also feel like crying when u see her display her affections towards Didi hor. U shd be discharging today hor? Rest well during your confinement!
Looks like Jo! Next time will be handsome boy.

Good photography skill leh. I also saw some pics taken by Ash in your blog, not bad leh. Better than ian, ian's pic is very funny too, sometimes cannot even recongise what object is it.
i think ur gynae is really good. didn't see any marks on bb head. Most bb who use vacum got marks.

BB made it just in time ley. And ur conversation with the nurse so cute!

actually with epi, quite good. can relax and enjoy. no need to fight and endure pain.

ai ya i read ur last sentence, make me emotional too. U really made it! I think giving birth is really a woman's gift. Make me feel like giving birth ley.

U know hor, in last 2 weeks, i counted, i already know of 5 babies who were borned! Looks like May will be a mth of full mth celebrations! hee hee...
Waking up in the nite
Any tods here still waking up ?
Since E slept in her new room. She has been waking up punctually every night. sigh. I wonder when she will finally sleep thru'...

bbrooster, when u're better, can share tips ? Jo sleeps thru' in her own room rite ?

I think with bb#2, i gg to put bb in the room since birth! And dun carry when cry abit... so that bb will learn to settle ownself...haha... I didn't do all these when E was bb, ignorant and first bb, so v precious. haha.... =P
so how ? any plan for bb#2 soon ? hee hee...

as u all can see, i'm very sien at work.... HAHA.... <font color="0000ff">Monday blues!</font>
I have yet to move R to another Room...now he is squeezing with us on our Queen Size Bed &amp; sometimes C demand to join in too...*faint*

C can sleep on her own...I just put her in the bb cot...off the lights &amp; she will fall asleep. Unlike R, now still needs me to accompany him to sleep. (coz he used to it liao as I am doing this since his birth)
wah bbrooster, u finally delivered!!! proud mummy of a handsome bundle of joy

take care! hope to see more pics of bb soon..
If habit from birth then quite hard. same for E.

I so impressed with my friend's kiddo (19 mths i think). she just puts him in the pen, in his own room and leave. he'll go to sleep by himself.

I still have to sit by E bed and wait till she sleeps. sigh.

Is C in her own room ?

haha....E also make us very big head!
<font color="0000ff">Anns</font>
thanks thanks. Ash also likes to take weird pics, like our toes. Duno why she likes to take our toes so much. U sure u wanna stop at 1 ah? Ian is so handsome, I sure hope u can go try a gal, sure v pretty too.

<font color="119911">Sleeping</font>
Mine also still want 1 of us to sleep with her. Worst, sometimes she wants us to cradle her to sleep. Once she sleeps deep deep, then we can put her down on the bed 1. Alot of times in the wee hrs will cry for 1 of us to go dwn to sleep with her. I also envy those kids tat can simply just off light &amp; say good nite &amp; off they sleep themselves..
Waking up in the nite
Ian started last month, abt 4 out of 7days. Sometimes he wake up just to come over to hug us, or just to ask me to turn on the cd player. Now my panda eyes getting darker.

Hubby said he ok w/ 1 at the moment. See how after next yr.
Is it a phase ? they're all mostly waking up! sigh...

how i wish E can quickly sleep thru.

it's so quiet here... where's everyone ?!
yes start young to sleep alone realli help. A sleeps thru. When bb time still in cot, dun have to accompany him to sleep, just put him inside, off light n come out, he will fall asleep himself. Since remove cot, put mattress on floor, must accompany cos can reach to open door, n walk about. However few weeks ago, we started to train him to sleep himself n tell him he cant get up. So far so good, no need us to lie down with him. heehee But must on the light, once he knocks out, we will off the light for him.
I wanna try the go to sleep urself and don't get up stunt ley. But i think E cannot make it one. Sure walk around, play with toys or come out look for us. sigh.
We also on nite light for her - thru'out the nite. we afraid she'll be scared. Also sacred she knock onto things cos she'll go out of room to look for us.
Ya he will walk n sing n talk, but we refrain him from coming out of the room. N we set a time frame for him to knock out. So we let him go to his room n touch n play his toy for 5 mins, then we send him to the mattress to lie down. We tell him if he gets up, he goes straight to thinking chair. First he got up, I put him on thinking chair, so now he noes i not onli say say. heehee Hence if i tell him to lie down n sleep, he does. I din on nite light, i on the main light for him to knock out cos he says scare. So I allow as he can fall asleep with the main white light. Then he sleeps, I off the light. He is used to not having nite light anymore in the middle of nite, cos quite some time back I din on anymore. Must slowly to train, cant rush.
wah ur A so independent liow ley. so good. u can think about #2 lah... hee hee...

Ya i dun wanna rush... wait rebound worse. But how i wish can quickly lor. sigh. ok lah i take consolation that E is 1 mth younger... so wait abit more... haha... sigh...
Ytd morning...I tried to sleep in MY bed...in the morning after bringing bbshane int the room
the 2 see other machiam like long lost siblings..
Sky squat down..while bbShane kneeling...held each other hands and LAFF
then I crept onto bed...Sky saw it and scream...NO MY BED...
He dun allow me to sleep on it... *roar*

wah..ur A so independent leh
Now I am training mei mei also...but she needs someone by her side la...
If she wake up ALONE...she will WAIL
But if I am beside her..in the middle of nites when she woke up..after her milk...she will self entertain a bit...do some OBSTACLE course on me...knowing I dun wan to play...
then she will settle down to sleep!!

