(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="0000ff">Ixo</font>
Your 2 gals look alike to me leh. See liao, will noe are sisters. But abit difference though, think the faceshape, but still are chubby &amp; pretty gals.

<font color="aa00aa">Jaymom</font>
wow nice choc bear! So how's the taste? Can update us yet?

<font color="ff0000">Sally</font>
U everyday make new stuffs? How u finish the stuffs??

I use both types. oops maybe can inspire the rest to bake too. heehee

so qiao, me also going tomolo. 7.30pm show. What time ur show?
I need to get my beauty sleep now. My notti mei mei refused to sleep even she skipped her noon nap. Just now struggling with her for 2 hrs just to make her sleep.......hiazzz.
Currently she is co-sleeping with me on our bed. Tomorrow i need to collect my fren's playpen and throw her inside while we can sleep in peace. At least no need to scare that she might fall down from our bed.
Good nite!

Kkkk...i remember your son's face only...haha....will look out for his face.
I buy the $68 one....Cat B???? I am in first row at the left side if i am not wrong. Bringing jacia and cericia along only. my hb will be "station" outside having his own coffee...haha
I have that silicon cupcakes w/ trays. BUT never use it for baking yet.

That's a nicely done bear chocolate cake. Looks delicious too. Is premix sweet?

both really look quite alike just your A2 is more chubby look. A1 looks so sweet in the pic. I remember she keep looking me that time during PG in shane's old place.

Birthday bash pics
Saw the pictures for the birthday bash. The party really looks fun. Does all the kids know each other?
<font color="ff0000">Prima Pre-Mix</font>
In general, taste is pretty ok, not too sweet but more chewy that buttery.
Feel a bit like eating "fa gao" instead of the usual cake. Not sure if it's because i bake it longer. I will try out other ecipes next time.

Didn't use choc glaze, just olive magarine to glaze the mould.
I have two Barney concert tickets, bought at $71 each for tomorrow(5 Apr 08 Sat)'s concert at Suntec. Will let them go at much lower prices. Any reasonable amount is fine, please PM me your best offer by today and I'll meet up with you tomororw to pass them to you before concert starts.

Concert: Barney's Lets Imagine Live!
Time: 11.30am
Date: 07 Sat 2008
Seats: Row E, seat 5 and 6
Original Cost: $143 total
Selling at: Best offer by 7pm today.

Payment: I will require a 50% deposit of whatever price we agreed on via IB, and remaining amount to be paid up in exact tomrrow when tickets are handed over.
wow really admire u ladies have the time to bake. Time really files...have been a SAHM for 1 week liao...looking after 2 kids not as scary as I tot.

Sometimes when C get really cranky, can b v tiring. She demands to be carried...when I am cooking she will cling onto my leg. I had to carry her &amp; cook.

I really enjoy this 1 week bonding w them. Will miss them when I return wk next week.
<font color="0000ff">Photobook</font>
Just received my photobooks &amp; I love it...my next book for Chloe, target to complete by end of the year!

But being 1st timer, I realised my pics were placed too near to the center binding margin. <font color="119911">Twinkets</font> you might want to take note of this when u are doing yours.
<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>
Ya ya, after JJ goes to CC and I rest at home, I actually miss him. Hee.

Wah, carry C and cook at the same time? I find the most tiring part is cooking for JJ. All the prep, cook and washing up.

Photobook: How's the hardcover one? Nice? How does it compare with the softcover one? Now Ra's life is complete with photo documentation! Hahaha. Please also tell the mummies that it is really not that hard to do. Kekeke.
<font color="0000ff">Jaymom,</font>
wow... the cake looks very neat and nice leh... the mould is from where???? and you use pre-mix for the cake?
I only try the pre-mix last time for muffins also...

<font color="0000ff">Ixorarred,</font>
Actually I can tell A1 and A2 apart... guess that they look a little bit different just like my sis' s two daughters who are about same age as yours... I also see that they are slightly different... good wah... then can tell them apart mah.. hehe... but I think A2 looks like like you somehow...hehe... both are equally cute lah.. forget to tell you that during the party, Adelle excited run to aeron and gave him the present that you prepared and was telling aeron... "present, present" hehe... then after that I was asking aeron to go chasing her back to pass her the sticker... but to no avail...becos she quickly zip around to somewhere else liao...haha..

<font color="0000ff">Cherry,</font>
I can totally understand how you feel by having aching shoulders etc... cos aeron is also ~17kg and even his big size daddy will complain if I take a teeny weeny bit longer time to open the gate to our door house... if I am with him alone and he fell asleep in the car, I will definitely have to use the stroller to ferry him back to our house... else my hands will shake like mad when I struggle to open the door gate...haha... I console myself by telling frens that I trains with 17kg weights.. so you might want to tell your hubby that... hahaha..
Anyway glad that the overall trip is ok and ashley enjoyed herself!

<font color="0000ff">Barney show on sat,</font>
330pm show anyone going?

<font color="0000ff">Photobooks,</font>
sounds interesting, I remember seeing it at TL's house... is it very difficult to do and does it require huge memory and diskspace to do because I hate to wait for downloading etc...
also can I have the link again, wants to know whether it is more economical than to do scrapbooking though I am very lazy to do... but bought quite an amount of materials...
Hi Adora..
Can i see your photobook...maybe we can meet downstair? :p

Seems like all have started.. i really have to take some time off to try it out before it expire..
u gals remember when? oops..
Wah...wun she make a lot of noise if u throw her inside playpen

Sky for now also want to co-sleep even tho we make it clear to him..his sleeping place is beside us on the floor.... but he wet his diapers and demand to come up...as his place is WET... then hb was like..huh wear diapers also can be wet... hb make him wear long before he is ready to sleep...so he may pee at least once before he actually sleep lor....
Ya....she cried for half an hour last night when i threw her inside. Her Daddy was so heartpain and scolded me. End up he gave up his bed instead.
Barney Show
I find it good. But not veri fair cos they din block out like other shows where onli Cat A kids can go near the stage. This time other Categories can roam freely n come near to the stage. Lucky I have got second row. So veri good view. A enjoyed veri much, walking in and out, and went to ask the guard where's Barney when having interval. kekeke Then dun wan to leave after the show. Sigh!
Jamci, Aiyo u sat so far back, cant even say hello to u n yr gals. I kept looking first row for u cos u said u bought S$68 tic as that's Cat A, so tot can meet u finally as me just in second row. But I see my first row, the pp have passes hanging on their necks, searching for u high n low, so sms u. heehee U noe that I actually caught u and yr maid each carrying one gal n running towards the car when I was coming down the escalator. heehee Yr hb so sweet, waited for u all n veri auto to get ready the car outside to pick u up.
Kiami, So Aaron enjoys the show?
Aiya...i checked and found my mistake. It was $51 tic....hahaha it was my fren who helped me to purchase it. I only managed to collect my tic from her on that day. "blur me"!

Oh...so u did managed to spot me! I also tried to search for u after received your sms but i felt so lost as there are so many people in front of me. Yeah...Jacia even pulled me near to the stage. I was also surprised when the ushers did not stop us at all as i felt $68 tic is not cheap and they might be instructed not to allow other categories to enter. Maybe they scared the mummies "scolded" them....haha
The kids at SOS are also allowed to roam near the stage too.
<font color="ff6000">Aries</font>
The expiry date of the photobook voucher is <font color="ff0000">31 Dec 2008</font>. Hurry! You have another 6 months. Adora did a bit at a time each night, but her second book was fast - think because she got the hang of the software and momentum kicks in. Hee. Oh also, there was a promo and the photobooks are discounted 30% so anyhow she has to rush to meet the dateline of 2 Jun. Kekeke. Ya? <font color="ff6000">Adora</font>?

The software is really not hard to use lah - just download lastest version and get started. I realised that the software upgrade is very fast as they are debugging the software, SO it is better that you download when you are ready to use and install it.
<font color="ff6000">Kiami</font>
Your scrapbooking materials are taking a rest in the storage ah. Hahaha. It took me a long long time before I got down to doing paper scrapbooking - but once the momentum kicks in, can be quite fast, doing 1 page in about an hour - just simple layouts.

This is the link for the photobook: www.photobook.com.sg
I find it faster to compile the pics into a photobook than to do the paper scrapbooking. For SB, still have to pick the pics, develop/print it, then can start work. For photobook, the pics are all there in the hard disk liao, so just do the selections and insert.

Download time ah... ummm... the longest it require would be the time when you download their software for installation and when you submit/send your copy of the photobook to them for printing. As for memory, it basically just grabs the pics already in your hard disk. BUT I noticed that the system gets slower as you progress along the photobook - perhaps because it is using more and more memory. I am using 1.2GB RAM, and so far so good.
Montage CD
Anns, Twinklets &amp; LV
Ladies, i've burnt a copy of the CD for you. Will be mailing out to you.
LV, u haven't email me you address yet

Kiami, like what TL mentioned, give it a try, it's pretty fun. If you don'yt intend to personalise your own background and stick to the templates provided, it should be quite easy. I'm also going slow and steady...still at pg 6...keke

Sally &amp; Jamci
Sounds like Barney Show was really nice and glad that the kiddos enjoyed themselves!!
<font color="0000ff">Photobook</font>
It is v easy...I did mine 1st 6R on Fri, Sat nights...forgot how long I took liao...the software is v v easy to use..no need to see manual or instructions. Set your pg bk grd, picture layout then drag &amp; drop the pics.

I did mine pretty fast coz I wanted to rush to enjoy the 30% promo?

Go Go...start doing now!! But for those who didn't buy the last round....i suggest to wait for promo!

<font color="119911">Aries</font>
You want to see?? hee hee sms me...Monday I shld be free whole day. No need to go downstairs la..u can come up to my place.

<font color="ff0000">Tang Ling</font>
Actually I like the soft cover more coz I added in captions &amp; more personal. I love the DSB pages...really thanks for your help!!
The hard cover one is for the studio pics, no caption or fancy bkgrd. I left the bkgrd white, just wanted to keep the pic in a nice album.
I hope u've nursed your health and feelings. I've been very busy this year, with my boy's chronic cough. I've just quitted and my last day will be this end june. So i'll certainly have more time to pop in.
<font color="ff6000">Jaymom</font>
So looks like you are making progress with the photobook - Pg 6 out of 64 only. :p Kekeke. Jia you jia you!

<font color="ff6000">Adora</font>
Glad that you like the DSBs.

I have to have a look at your photobooks - want to see how is the hard cover feel - whether it is worth it or not. At the original price, I feel the pinch. :p

<font color="0077aa">DSBs for Photobook</font>
In case other mummies are wondering, I just did some changes to the old DSB (Growing up together) so that Adora could add it into her 6R photobook.
I am sending the link shortly to mummies whose tods are in the DSB. You can download the high res DSB from there and just add it to your photobook.
<font color="ff6000">Cookie</font>
Good to hear from you! So you would be a SAHM for a while?
Oh dear, chronic cough? What did PD say about it? Did you try TCM?
I am beginning to enjoy being one...&amp; feel really sad &amp; se bu de. Tonight I told Ra...when grandma is back from hols I need to go back to wk. He said NO NO..i want mummy...dun wan Ma Ma (grandma).

Tang Ling
Actually I find the hard cover really v ex but for special album ok. Maybe U take a look at mine then u decide...or do 1st then wait for promo.

Nice to hear from u...if i rembr correctly u are teaching right? Many of my friends also quited..used to have like 5 of them now only left 1 still in the profession.
Now u will have more time with your boy &amp; I hope he will recover soon!
anyone upgraded to booster seat already ? I'm in 2 minds about it. But it's getting difficult to put her into her current car seat and starting to find the car seat taking up space in the car =P
I did suggest it to P but he strongly against it cos not safe to change now...

If i am not wrong Cay had been upgraded to booster seat..
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
I upgraded Riz to booster quite some time back liaos. Coz during that time, I wanted to get a car seat, but hubby was not liking the idea. Ended up getting a booster. But the set back is when he's sleeping. Either I have to carry him while he sleeps or he sleeps on my lap. But if given a choice, I'd go for the extendable car seat tat can act as a booster as well. Better for Riz and better for me too :p
<font color="0000ff">Scrapbooking</font>

Is anyone interested to go to a scrapbooking class? I've got 4 seats available, 1 for each person, extending to you mummies. Lesson is 3 hours and it's FREE. But the thing is, must go for the lesson with me lor coz I bought their products.

So PM me if interested and we can arrange one of the weekends to go together.
Tang Ling:
I'll be SAHM for some time
Actually hope to be able to do some part-time work as i still need to send my boy to my mom's place on weekdays and the kindy attends (i like the place) is near her house too. I've given up on PDs, GPs, hospital. He's very prone to having wheezing cough, vomitting bouts and high fever when he catches a cold/flu (which is very frequent) since last november. He's now on TCM and is doing alot better.

Oh yea, am I glad to say bye-bye to the never-ending marking piles but sad having to lose income! I'm looking forward to spending more quality time with my boy and hopefully can give him a meimei
He loves to play with children and is very deprived of playmates. How long have u been a SAHM? Your boy sure misses u lots!
<font color="0000ff">Cookie / Adora</font>
u gals are SAHMs? WOW!!!! How are you gals coping? Is it really tough?

My hubby's been bugging me to quit to be SAHM since late last year. But I've been procastinating. The reason, I'm not willing to give-up my income and quitting somehow makes me feel losing my identity outside of home. So hopefully can get some pointers and enlightenment...
<font color="ff0000">Carseat</font>
I bot a safety seat belt adaptor. Just in case there are more poeple required to squeeze into the car, the carseat will go to the boot and the adaptor will come into use.
I'm still not keen on booster seat. Feel that our tod will easily wriggle out of it. Prob shelf the idea until he hits 4 or until he no longer can fit into it
hehe... the bye bye to marking and endless commitees are the best!

I've upgraded N1 to booster already, so that N2 can take the maxi cosi. And of cos N3 is in the baby rear facing seat.
N1 is a little short, so the seat belt gets into her neck and face. We bought this clip like thing to secure it, so that the belt won't run up to her face.
honestly, booster is uncomfortable for tod when they sleep. nothing to lean their heads on.
but I've no choice, no space in the car...

wow! very nice leh... told my husband, and he being his regular practical self, asked me, isn't our wedding album something like that? how many times have you opened that album?
sigh... that's what it's like with a practical man. high on reality, low on sentiments. haha

how's Sky now?

how's JJ?

i know how you feel... i a bit dread going back to work after maternity!
Since u all so pro, y nt start a baking session so tat we could all join in? Kekeke.. Think it will be fun and of crse super messy wf the tods ard! Just a tot..

Tang Ling,
What is DSB?

Wow a lot of mummies are working on this.. Makes me also keen to start.. Is there a promo if i sign up now? Only have 6 mths to complete?

Shane, Sheri is using booster seat now.. I bgt the Lucky baby booster seat for Sheri during the JL member sale. Only paid $29 for it. Saw other retail shops selling it for $69 so i tot its quite a good grab.

Bt my car feels so small and squeezy nw. With a car seat plus booster seat.. Dun really have space to ferry more people!
Ya i saw that lucky bb one so i'm really tempted to change. But me and hub keep procastinating cos we feel its not so safe. Same here, when want to ferry more pple, no space. Need to keep the carseat.

both ur seat belt adaptor is the same thing ?

ya we also worried about safety issue.

ya tt's another drawback. no back support.

I like K's booster seat. So pink and safe. but so ex. out of my budget hee hee... Also does take up abit of space.

I'll just stick to the current carseat for awhile more.

wow, so nice, can quit, take a break and be SAHM. Enjoy!
<font color="0000ff">Adora</font>
wow so fast u gg bk to work liao. I think u'll miss ur 2 darlings greatly. Last year I also took 2 weeks to take care of Ashley, took her to so many plcs during tat time, then I went bk to work, I really blues!!

I wanted to see ur photobook too. I may be sending my Photobook today, but I nervous leh, call me mad bah. hehe.

Btw, just 1 question, so long i keep my fotos within the 4 boundary red lines, everything shd be ok rite?

<font color="aa00aa">Erlisa</font>
So nice of ur hb to ask u to switch to SAHM Permanently! Sometimes I ask my hb whether I can be 1, he'll always dissuade me to become 1. Sometimes I really envy the SAHM, can really bond &amp; disclipine their child better, &amp; can witness alot of milestones from their child.

<font color="ff6000">Cookie</font>
Glad to see u back here again. U have been missing for so long. It is really nice to be SAHM I guess. Oh dear Justin got chronic cough, glad to hear he's better after taking the TCM. I wanted to bring Ash to TCM, but she's v picky with drinks, I think I'll have a hard time feeding her those bitter medicine..
I'm thinkg of buyg those cordycep supplements off the shelf for her.. Gog to research more on that.. haiz..

Btw wat kinda medicine did the Sinsei prescribe to Justin? Easy to take or not?

<font color="aa00aa">Mckee</font>
woo.. talk abt MY wedding album, mine is at dunno which corner in the storeroom!! Lucky we dun spend a bomb in that. But I think for Photobook, I think is different. 1 thing is You are the 1 putting efforts to 'design' it, &amp; most of the pics are your darlings pics. So the feeling is totally different. I did afew normal photo albums for Ash since birth till 1 YO+, till now I'll still take out &amp; see. I luv to see how much she has grown. My gal also likes to see with me too. I think I'll need those photos when I grow old. hehe

<font color="ff0000">Shane</font>
Same here, Hb was thinkg whether wanna switch to booster seat or not, but think the normal type (not Lv) type, cannot like put the head there to lie on. So we decide to change it until 1 fine day she really hates her carseat or she outgrows it. hehehe.

<font color="119911">Sally/Kiami</font>
Ashley went on Sat too, same as Kiami. But with her Daddy. Heard from Daddy, she enjoyed alot in the show, kept clapping hands &amp; sing songs at same time, very engrossed, but Daddy was like gog to bored to death liao.
Came bk home, kept wanting to see the videoclips tat Hb video in the camera.
booster seat
My is a booster seat with 5 points harness so ian can wear the 5points harness till he is ready for the carseat belt. Can bring up to airplane too coz' it is light and FAA approved.
<font color="ff6000">Cookie</font>
Good to hear that Justin is better on TCM. Sometimes, western med is just useless, depending on the type of illness.
Ya, better to do part-time job, since J would not be at home, or you would really bored. Or, if you could use a break, take a short one to charge yourself up.

<font color="ff6000">Mckee</font>
What your hb said is true about the wedding album – mine is kept away – who would be asking to see my wedding pics now? Hahaha. But it is different for the photobooks I did – I have one for the Australia trip, one for JJ’s 1st and 2nd birthday and 2 for family pics. JJ loved the Australia one – he would look at it and tell me “JJ pluck strawberries”. Hee. It’s really for keepsake.

JJ is much better now, thanks. Keeping him home today and if he is ok, then he goes back to CC tmr. But I’m skeptical about the HFMD now, esp now that JJ just recovered and immunity not very strong. A friend of mine just got it from her son who also spread it to her daughter. Gosh.

<font color="ff6000">Serrich</font>
DSB is Digital ScrapBooking.
Remember I did one sometime back with the tods’ faces? That’s DSB. I do them on the computer, save as jpg then insert into my photobooks.
<font color="0077aa">DSB for Photobook</font>
ok, I changed my mind. :p
I'm not sending the invite to download the pics coz only a few of us here working on the photobook. So if you want the DSB in high res to include in the photobook, email me and I'll send the link.
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Scrapbooking</font></font>

Any takers for the FREE class? Got 3 seats available...

Let me know soon yar!
<font color="ff6000">Jasmine</font>
Your old version is what version? Their latest is version 2.6.2. Does yours look something like the one below (Ver 2.6.2)?


If it looks like this one, then you can just download the latest version. It will upgrade without having you to re-do everything.

If yours is very different from the one above, then you need to download and re-do your photobook. They stopped accepting the software on 31 May 2008. But if you have done a lot, you can try checking with them - maybe out of goodwill they will accept?

Anyway, the new software has new features, layout and backgrounds - better to use the latest software. Adora and Twinklets using it and find it easy.
Keke... mine not so sophisticated,on a CD, not DVD lah. I'm posting out this evening. I sealed it up quite tightly so do open up with care

TL, i wan, i wan the high resolution DSB piece..thanks!

When and where's the lesson going to be held?

Welcome back! Good to take a break, J will be happiest since Mommy will be spending so much quality time with him. Best of luck in you "B Project" too!

I believed my adaptor is the same as Mckee. It is kind of use to shorten the original seat belt to fit our tod's body length.
Yes, i saw the Lucky Baby seat too but find it abit hard. Serrich, is S taking the booster seat well?

I also have concern about sleeping position cos my boy has the habit of dozing off in the car and safety issues cos hb has the habit of driving out alone with Jay in the backseat.
Yes all those in the red margin is safe...actually what u see is wat will b printed. My 2nd book I placed the pic v close to the red margin to maximize space.

Hey so gd u can bring Ash ard...me with 2 kids I can't bring them out.

I am only SAHM for 1 week as my mum has gone for holidays.
<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>
hehe ok ok, i'm so excited!

<font color="ff0000">Jasmine</font>
Is good to use TL's scrapbook papers that she had saved for us last time in the CD. The SW papers not v fanciful I find.

<font color="119911">Tangling</font>
Finally gog to submit my Photobook today, then I check again &amp; again, now then I check 1 page I put 3 YO!! Alamak, heng I spot it man, it shd be 2 YO. Wat a grave mistake if I send to printing. -__-"

<font color="0000ff">Adora</font>
Ya after I saw ur post, I tried to swift abit from the red red. So happy for u!

Aiya cos my hands only full with Ashley, still easier to cope. For u, will b more difficult.
