(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

hullo Mummies,

I've been silently reading this thread for past few days, can feel that everyone really enjoy the birthday bash. So happy for u all.

Want to congrats Jasmine too, pls take care & I'm sure KY will make a good Jie Jie.

Another thing I want to tell u gals that I had a miscarriage last Friday. I think few mummies wento to my blog had read abt it. It was definitely a shocking moment in my life. I wanted to have a #2 badly, but I guess it is just never meant to be mine. My 10th week checkout was last Friday, but I felt crampy & had some bleeding early in the morning, so I went down earlier for my appt. Sad to say, my gynea told me the bb had already passed away inside me 2 to 3 wks ago which really shocked me to death. I felt very sad but I guess life has to go on. I'm glad I have a loving hb, a very sensible daughter that gives me this inner strenght to make me feel so much better in this short span of time. & also my family & my frens that give me lots of encouragement. Now I'm at home resting & trying to bu my body back. At the same time, I'm trying to divert my attention into doing this Photobook which I've been procastinating, at least I won't feel so bored at home.

Ok that's for all. Gotta 'piah' my photobook liao.
Sorry to hear about it!

U are one great mommy! U r veri strong! Rest well, n try to have some confinement food to nurse back yr body! If can, try to do a month conifinement ya! Yes Ash is certainly veri sensible! Take good care!
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
Sooo sorry to hear about your loss.

Just hang in there and nurse your body back to health.
Pls take gd care of yourself! I managed to finish 2 photo books &amp; now waiting to see the prdts. You better wk with the latest software as i heard the older one has some bug.

Tang Lang
Today u bring JJ to PD right? How is JJ now?
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets</font>
Very sorry to hear about your loss.
Strengthen your body, have a good rest both mentally and physcially and try again.
Take care!
oh no...sorry to hear about it. pls take care..
personally i always feel it's so impt to have weekly checkup in the early trimester because we can't feel or know a thing. read somewhere an article written by a miscarriage mummy too. I don't know why the culture in Sg is so unhealthy..
for my 2nd preg, i report to my gynae every week in the early stages due to bad cramps and spotting and started on duphaston very early till almost 20 weeks. good thing was my package came with unlimited prenatal visits which encouraged me to pop into the clinic as many as twice a week.
sigh..u rest well ok
the pigeon bpa free i bought can drink 8oz - 240ml.
the aprica ones i bought also can drink that much or more (havent check )
i think dr browns or evenflo should have bigger bottles sold in major shopping malls. this week i not going amk hub (K's golf at country club) if not i go into mums and babes to check for u.

actually i dont plan to wean her off the bottle because hubby was for the idea of bottle up to at least 5-6 years old. he told me he stopped drinking milk the minute he was forced to drink from a cup because the enjoyment was no longer there. so to us, milk is impt for a kid and we don;t want to stop so early.
my sil enforced cup drinking to her girl and she complained about her daughter taking long time or reluctant to finish one milk feed. for K, i've to control her milk intake if not she can drink and drink non stop.

milk powder:
i received some discount coupons on friso and so decided to try for K and used up all the coupons to buy and store. K loves the taste. so maybe after she finished her gain >3 next time, i'll put her on friso.
me was at mums &amp; babes AMK hub last nite which I bought one medela bottle, the lady said the onli one BPA-free they have. heehee
High 5 to u on the weaning bottle. I also dun like the idea of weaning off so early, cos alot of experience mommies advised me not to. Same theory given as yr hb. To wean off later at 6 yrs old. :) Especially this A so small size, I will be thrilled if he can drink lots of milk to increase his weight.
is sky the ONLI weird one??
he drink MORE milk from cup..at least we can FORCED him to finish EVERYTHING..normally 180ml.
If from bottle he takes FOREVER to finish...and ONLI 100ml nia..MAXIMUM
wow good lei. Sky first one I come across, drinking more from cup. heehee Me cant on A cos I feed him at nite to make sure he drinks enough milk. When awake, hard to make him drink. heehee How is Sky feeling now?
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
was wondering how come never see you at the birthday party with ashley..
never mind you are still young and can try for another later... just bu your body back and spend some time now doing the photobook... these will bring back wonderful memories... and when you see what Jaymom has done on the wonderful CD, you will be motivated more... Take care and rest more too...

<font color="0000ff">Jasmine,</font>
I also guess that you have good news when I saw you in the shirt though quite paiseh to ask cos think it should be in the early stages too...
Congratulations!!! so wondering how come never see you in the neighbourhood for quite some time...hehe
<font color="0000ff">Sally,</font>
aeron really loves the Pooh bear tattoo, was asking him whether i can clean the tattoo and he was like screaming dun want dun want... so now the tattoo is still with him now...hahaha

<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
so sorry that only realise late that JJ is not around and was sick at home...me and hubby really very peifu you and actually planned everything so well and then JJ and JJdad have to miss everything, hope he is feeling much better now...

After seeing you gals with no. 2&amp;3 &amp; now good news of no.2.. really thought of planning one soon.. hee...
Hey Mummies,
Thanks for all the 'thank you'. Hee.
It was a lot of hard work, but it was worth it to see all the smiling toddler faces (and mummies too).

<font color="f1157c"> Shane</font>
No problem, when more #2 come along, we go for fuss-free parties! Ya? Hahaha.
<font color="f1157c">Kiami</font>
Is it? Kekeke. The place was big and it is possible to miss people in there. Hee.
Thanks thanks, other mummies like <font color="f1157c">Sally, Jaymom</font> and <font color="f1157c">Shane</font> were a lot of help too. <font color="f1157c">Adora</font> was also one of the consultants.
I just managed to have more time to do the liasing jobs. Hee.
<font color="1ccf1c">Glayz</font>
No worries, I understand that Sky was not in a good mood. But really ah, it's not your fault and please don't say it's yours. Just hope that after this incident, daddy would be more careful and watchful in the future. Though it is a very high price for Sky to pay.
So sad to see him like that.

When I heard your hb's account about what happened, really can't help feeling that he is really garang. If I were him, I won't dare go out like that, carrying 1 and let the other one go in a bike. How to jagar, with a drink in one hand some more. But of course I didn't want to say in his presence.

Anyway, it's history - just let it pass and concentrate on letting Sky recover.
<font color="119911">Twinklets,</font>
You have also been a really strong gal in my eyes. I believe that you will be blessed with a healthy and beautiful child soon. Be positive and rest well.

<font color="ff0000">Sally,</font>
My gals missed the tattoos again.
Their nap time is 3-6pm... that is why I'm always very late for the nite events.

<font color="aa00aa">Aries,</font>
It's never too late to start trying.

Hee, really glad that you helped me to feed bbcay so that I can eat dinner in peace. You haven't lose touch, should jiayou and give JH a sibling soon.
Tang Ling
Sky much better liao
He even ask for my mum lunch...demanding to eat the ba..... and he chew with the side where the stitch are...
but when he dun wan the food..he will say his mouth pain......

But he jump around so much..that we scare he will knock his stitch

Guess what...mei mei still not sleeping...
making hb rock her in sarong...and as I was typing away...can still hear her coo lor...
going in soon to tell them to STOP PLAYING
Hi everyone..
esp to TL, Shane, Jaymom, Sally, Aries, Kiami, Ixorrard, cherry and all the other mummies whom i may miss out..for organising such a terrific party..not forgetting all the wonderful goody bags,tattoo and little gifts..

i'm so guilty i cant contribute much..but nvm..next time when some of u hve ur no.2..i will be able to help liao..cos by then my R n C shd be quite big liao..

BPA bottles,
can bpa bottles be sterlised har? where can i get it?
i think i need to get some.. if not my mum will keep nagging mi..
actually hor..i still abit blur liao..wat happen if the child continue to use those non-bpa bottles??
<font color="ff0000">HAPPY 3RD BIRTHDAY, RAPHAEL!</font>
Have an enjoyable day today!

<font color="0000ff">Singapore Flyer</font>
Thinking of bringing Jay one of the weekday this week. Check with mommies who have gone for the ride. Understand that under 3 yrs gets to ride free. Is it necessary to produce identification papers to prove that our tod is below 3 yrs. Will they asked?
Since it's the school holidays and i tot of going at around 6pm, wonder if there's a need to book tixs in advance?

<font color="ff0000">Aries</font>
Jia-you! Hope to hear good news from you soon!

<font color="0000ff">Kiami</font>
So, you are MOTIVATED after seeing the CD..hehe, will we be recieving good news from you too?
If that's the case, <font color="0000ff">Shane</font>, please view it a few more times

<font color="ff0000">Sal</font>
Jay loves the Pooh tattoo as well. Only removed it when he shower yesterday!
I'll send you the ice-cream muffin recipe later,k.
I think i'll try the Pigeon bottle then since Jay is a big drinker.

<font color="0000ff">FMN</font>
You scroll back,a few mommies have posted some useful links concerning the BPA-free bottles.
Good that the kids love it. heehee
Forget to tell u all, how to remove it. The easier way is to use baby oil.

Yeah, First attempt on making the raddish cake n succeeded yesterday. heehee HB said like restaurant standard. kekeke Check it out:

And made Chee Cheong Fun and the sauce from stretch this morning for A's breakfast. Heng ah. Also success for first attempt n A likes it. kekeke
All due to Jaymom's inspirations lor! hahaha
The way she describes all those raddish cake, yam cake, pumpkin cake n her mummy's signature dish which need to get hold of the recipe from her, hee......... so delicious n make me gian gian to try out cos she keeps saying "very easy" "very easy". heehee Results are satisfying being first attempt. kekeke
I need to go and hide my face! I always get supply from my mum. Eat and eat but never get a chance to do it myself! I just say, say, you really go and try! Thumbs Up, girl!!
Ok, i better go and zap copies of the recipeS from my mum esp the pumpkin and her signature dish!!

Which recipe did you use huh? TL tot it's mine :p Can send us?
<font color="0000ff">Sally</font>
You are really good and looks good too. You can bake, cook, sew etc. you put me to shame. I curious why you have so much time. You don't sleep at night is it?
you really good leh... me cannot cook at all and i pity KY have to eat my tastless food :p You want arrange cooking class or not..ha ha
Hope that Sky will recover soon.

Congras!! Do take good care.

Do rest well and nourish your health. Stay focus on your Photobook then! Hope that you will get it done soon and share wf ur your great piece of work!

How much is the Pigeon BPA free bottles?

No need to produce identification papers for the Singapore Flyer. I went on a weekday evening and they were nt really strict in checking the toddlers.

Looks yummy.. I dun mind being your guinea pig.. LOL

Wat pumpkin dish? Care to share your mom's recipe wf u? Actully i feel so ashamed cos i had nvr cook a single dish for my gals since my maid left half a year ago!

Any of u go for regular facial? Any good recommendations?
Thank you gals!
I'm trying to be strong now &amp; I really feel much much better now. But is just that I got this stupid bad cough that drain me alot. &amp; yet I still need to drink the reddate tea &amp; confinement heaty food. So I really v fan also, cos eat already my cough dunno when will recover. If dun eat this, i'm like not bu my body like that. Arrgh. But anw I still eat lar. I very guai yday, I din bathe with normal water, I bathe with the herbs water. Then surprisingly my hairscalp not itchy, i think the herbs water is good leh.

<font color="0000ff">Photobook</font>
I'm at page 15 already. I just use the SW to do, no DSB cos no creative jucie! I just wanna chop chop &amp; done fast fast. Like <font color="119911">Kiami</font> mentioned, it does bring bk alot of memories seeing the old photos &amp; the old me. &amp; alamak I piled up weight so much as compared to last year, I need a revamp after I'm back to my normal mode!! <font color="aa00aa">Adora,</font> Share with us the 2 books once u done? &amp; u good, u already finished 2 books. WOW.

<font color="ff0000">Jaymom</font>
I'll PM u my address later. Everyone is talking abt it, I wanna see too.

btw, <font color="0000ff">Happy 3 YO Raphael!</font>
oh forgot to say - <font color="ff6000">Sally,</font> u making me drool again......... when i can only eat my sesame food, I wanna eat yours too, but in my dreams.

Wow, you really good leh... till now have not try to receipe you gave me for the cupcakes :p

Dun mention... i really enjoy it as long time din feed small tods.. hee..

ya... i will jiayou

Btw, regarding the Bpa bottles, i also same questions as forgetmenot.
So its better to use the bpa &amp; not the one usual one? if still use, what will happen?
Do you know i still sterilize for the bottles.. :p
I can't rem the exact price i bot the pigeon bottles because it's on 20% disc for pigeon products and taka extra 10% on top of discounted price. should be around $14-15. i bought one only to try.

read somewhere that bpa bottles will only be 'harmful' if under high heat. i also wondered if sterilizing the bottles is actually harmful as well. but anyway i stop sterilizing bottles for K long ago.

June birthdays:
In case I missed anyone out, I'd like to do a mass birthday greeting to all June babies - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DARLINGS &amp; SWEETHEARTS!!
Think if we change the bottles regularly..think no problem la
wah..I now thinking to STOP sterilising Shane bottle leh...

ya under HIGH heat.... and OILY condition also (milk is oily) for normal bottles.. so if normal hot water temp should be fine.. how hot water can be..100 degree nia....

Happy birthday ra ra

Today is my last day being a SAHM...reporting to work tmr....
Sky is fine liao...he greet both me and mei mei at the door this mroning with a piece of bread on his hand.... he manage to learn how to use his remaining resource..... even tho he struggle a bit initially...think he was a bit frustrated as he cannot bite off the bread... but he learn lor
haha, u so cute. ok ok maybe can set as screen saver then let it replay n replay hee hee...

you sound good. keep up positive spirit.
PAGE 15 ??!!!!! v good but u make me kan cheong liow!!!

wah, can cook for us to eat ? :p i like chee cheong fun ley.

btw, wat pumpkin receipe ?

can stop sterilsing lah. I stop sterilising E bottles when she was abt 5-6mths old =P

Very gd to hear that Sky is better now!

are you back ? was it a good trip ?

Thanks for the Pinata. It ssooo cute! Hope u kept it as a decor in Ash room ?

<font color="0000ff">Happy Birthday Handsome Rara !!!</font>
Monday I took JJ on MRT and bus on my own, to see the PD. We seldom bring him on public transport, so he was very curious.

On the MRT at peak hour, we were lucky that a young man gave up his seat for us. JJ sat on my lap, holding his toy mobile phone. Then he looked over - the guy sitting next to us was watching TV on his mobile phone. He watched with interest, then he looked at his own mobile phone, with a lot of question marks on his face. I nearly laughed out. He also keep pressing his mobile phone and the guy siting opposite us was watching with interest. Hee.

<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
hehe.. the guy sitting opposite you must be looking at your cute boy and thinking that your boy is very smart...hehe... nowadays kids really think very differently and very cleverly as compared to what we were last time and they really pick up things fast... mind is constantly learning so i think actually good to expose them, like bring them take bus, mrt etc or to parks lah then let them learn from nature... cos they are very inquisitive now... now my son always ask me this animal eat what? that animal eat what? ask until sometime I dun noe how to answer...

<font color="0000ff">Jaymom,</font>
ya, sure hope to give everyone good news soon...haha... but think have to wait a bit lor...haha...

<font color="0000ff">sally,</font>
wah... your carrot cake really looks very delicious leh.. like those outside sell one... when can we taste? haha... your hubby is one lucky man...
