(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

i forgotten to praise your carrot cake leh...look very appetizing. can make for us next time hehe

u still sterilizing the bottles ?
i a bit lazy without maid now. sometimes i forget to sterilize or if not i sterilize only once a day. now that Jr 6 mths old liao, i thinking of switching all his stuff to normalized mode. clothes also normal washing powder soon.

same same. K loves it to take lrt, mrt and bus. Like on an excursion. Too good life liao. was telling hubby last time when did we feel so happy taking bus? think of taking bus only will cancel all possible dates.

<font color="ff0000">Happy Belated Birthday Raph</font>

For those belated birthday wishes, pardon me coz' of differnt timezone. :p

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH,.. peifu you. I also love carrot cakes, but so lazy to cook. Somemore SG is so easy to find carrot cake stall and you really find time to do it instead. Your family is extremely Xin FU to have you.
Hi Gals, the party seem so fun! *envy*...hee hee pai sey also as i never joined all your PG. Poor Jacia missed out the fun all b'cos of mummy. Either timing clash her nap time or my time.

I also scared and seldom contribute any postings here for ages. Becos of someone that i don't like kept "stalking" all my posts since 2 years back. I was so shocked to find out when we're chatting about SM. She leaked out that she read all my posting. From that day onward i stopped all my posting at SM and FBO. Somemore she knew my in laws, wait she spotted that i "rat" on my in law...i sure die faster.

You stop sterilizing? But got rinse with hot water or not? I also thinking of stopping since Cericia had turned 1.
Want to check, you all switched their shower foam to which brand? Jacia kept playing and pressing more for fun. I need to change to cheaper brand. Got try out the pigeon 2 in 1 but my hands felt a bit drier after that.

Jasmine, Congrats to you.

Twinklets so sorry to hear about your loss. Take care and bu your body well first. I do believe in taking care of our body well during confinement. You got to do 2 weeks confinement period, right?

Sally, your cooking so nice...*drooling* Can i order 'catering' from you...haha

Lastly, happy birthday wishes to all the june toddlers!
So sorry to hear about your loss. No words can soothe your pain. I also have been through it and it is a painful experience. Do take care, rest well and nurse your body back to health. Wish to see your photobook soon!
Yes after stop sterilising I'll rinse with hot water. My mil will also once in awhile boil in hot water.

For E, she's using Kodomo shower foam and recently changed to JnJ Junior Easy comb shampoo. She used to use the normal JnJ shampoo (yellow colour). But this junior one sting the eye, so must be careful.

wah got pple stalk you ah. but not surprised. the virtual world is actually v small. that's y i always paranoid. esp if family members knows what u're saying and you dont! hee hee....
Some ppl can be very strange...maybe it's their hobbies...haha After her comment, i stopped postings except chatting on msn which is much more safer...hee hee
I used to know a lady who was on her way of getting married (studio photo taken, wedding cards even sent out) but her hubby break off with her after her posting on her FIL. She complaint about her FIL and one of their relative saw her posting and 'rat' on her.

Want to check out those mums with two kids! Now OCBC and Standard are fighting for our $$$$$$...haha. Which bank is more better???
Thanks for the compliments!
I am using recipe books and blogs alot for reference, trial n errors lor. At times success, at times not lah. Not always successful.
Here comes yesterday "fruits":


Shane, this is steamed pumpkin cake, like the raddish cake/yam cake.
This A woke up this morning asking for chee cheong fun, nagging he wans to eat like yesterday. But me too lazy to make for him. Hence make pancakes for him, using pooh sandwich cutter, n pipe outlines for him:
<font color="ff0000">TL</font>
That was a funny scenario. JJ is so cute &amp; funny. hahaha. Kids these days really v smart &amp; they really use their minds to think &amp; analyse, even at 3 YO. Amazing..

<font color="aa00aa">Shane</font>
hehe dun be gan jiong. U are working now, I'm not mah. The Photobook is pretty addictive, once start Page 1 U'll just want to finish it fast fast.

<font color="0000ff">Jamci</font>
Ya I'm doing this mini confinement for 2 weeks. My mum said must do cos she said miscarriage is worst than giving birth, so need to hao hao bu. I dunno how true is that. Anw I just heed her advise cos I v scare of her naggings whenever she calls me.

Oh dear, a stalker? This is so scary. Come to think abt that, who noes there's a stalker tat stalk all my posts too. -__- Scary tot. Sometimes I gossip my MIL here too, jia lak.

I'm actually just started using the Pigeon 2 in 1 for Ashley. Hb is the 1 tat bot it 1. So far I'm not sure of the dryness, cos my hands seem ok..

<font color="119911">Glayz</font>
I also stop sterilizing Ashley's bottles before she turned 1. Think I stop at 9 mths old. I find sterilizing in the sterilizer is more mafun cos I still need to descale it. So i stop sterilizing the bottles, will only rinse with hot water when I abt to use it.

<font color="ff6000">Cookie</font>
Thanks..Long time din see u here. How are u now?
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
You are one of the 'priviledged' mummies to see him playing till crazy, so you know how bad he can be. Hahaha. When he is quietly thinking, he can look so cute.

My PC just recently upgraded the RAM, and before that, it was so.... slow, that I had to wait while photoshop saves my work. JJ was sitting on my lap, and he turned around and asked me "Mummy waiting this one?" pointing at the monitor. Hahaha. How did he know?

And at cable TV, I turned on the menu to check other prog coz I din want to watch soccer that hb is watching. Then JJ asked me "Mummy don't like this one?" pointing at the TV. Wahahahaha. Ya man!
<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
The Pooh pancake so cute! What is that brown thing? Nutella?
JJ would be happy with heart-shaped pancakes! Hahaha.

How does the pumpkin cake and cupcakes taste?
you must really open shop lah. or at least a food blog. put plenty adverts, can earn money somemore. Sure cen generate lots of traffic!!

N1 after going to ur place, kept on saying Aunty sally ask me go to her house. But she can't remember A's name. Aunty Sally easier to say!! hehe...

how's ur photobook coming along? sorry, I very sua ku, what's a photobook?

CDA account
just heard from a fren. If you read the super fine prints of OCBC and StanChart, you'll realise that the 2.02% interest is only for the first two months (up till Sept 2008). Thereafter, it's the 1%, just like POSB!!

I'm going for OCBC, simply for convenience. Since interest rates are the same, and incentives offered are the same anyway..

how are you feeling? Is it similar experience to KY's time?
Cant lah, me cant start a blog lor. Standard not there yet. Still needs lots of practising.

The brown thing is milk chocolate. I cant use Nutella cos got hazelnuts which A is allergic to nuts. Hence I melt the milk chocolate to pipe it.
Pumpkin Cake shiok. Texture more firm than raddish cake. Here's my lunch with selfmade black sauce (sth like the chee cheong fun sauce) + chilli sauce, Great, but fat fat lor. heehee

Pumpkin Cupcake - I used wilton easy recipe, kekeke. Not too bad, soft. But pumpkin taste not so strong. The cinnamon tastes more. hee
Cant lah. Cant bring out to show lah. Not that great as compared to the experts out there.
N1 so cute lei. Paisei, that nite A so naughty, n hard to talk, onli wan u both to stay n play. After u both left, he could still ask, "why aunty parks car so long?" hahaha

How is JJ? Feeling better?
<font color="ff6000">Mckee</font>
Photobook is a book printed with all your photos. Basically download their software, then do the layout (with templates or your own) and submit for printing. They print it and send the photobook to you. This is the one that I and some mummies here (including Twinklets) are using: www.photobook.com.sg

There was a promo last year and some of us bought vouchers to do the photobooks. I have completed 4 photobooks - working on 5th one. Hee.

I prefer it to developing photos, because nicer to keep and easier than developing then slot them into albums.
And now, I'm putting in my DSBs too.
<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
JJ's cough is better today, but he is very listless and cranky this morning. Better bring him back for review tmr.
bbShane and Sky..I use NORMAL detergent for clothes since newborn lor
For bottles..I use those sterlising tablet..so onli change once a day...
Me thinking of stopping as gor gor also stop sterlising when he was like 6months old...
But mei mei seem weaker..so decide to prolong her milk bottles sterlisation...

I ask my unmarried colics...she say OCBC should be better...even now Std char offer better interest
But from her experience..std char NORMALLY offer high interest rate to lure people...then after their goal..the interest rate will DROP!!!
Actually i am still confuse!!

Bpa bottle also cant use high heat, is steriliizng consider high heat?

So you gals stop sterilze when bb around 6 months already? Ha... think i am the onky one here still doing it?
Can i say sterilize too often also no good as bottle is heated up too much?
today i went shopping i saw bfree's biggest bpa-free bottle is 300ml! That's after i bought another pigeon bottle in isetan duh! maybe i'll sell it off in wts thread to buy that since K drinks a lot. Cos i find the pigeon 240ml not big enough. usually i make 240ml of water with 4 scoops of gain but after adding water, not enough 'space' for powder liao.

not very sure about the high heat thingy..glayz should be better at this.
<font color="0000ff">Sally,</font>
Steamed pumpkin cake? it looks and sounds very healthy... really should create a blog and let us all of us view...
then we will be motivated to try ourselves too! haha...

<font color="0000ff">mckee,</font>
my hubby says it should be wiser to take std chartered one cos got offer Nintendo Wii right? and the interest rate just different by very little percent....
glayz, the interest rate that's 2+% is only for two months. subsequently, it's back to 1%. that's for both banks.

kiami, the wii only for 1st 100 sign-up.
in any case, the kids have their ocbc mighty savers account, so all in one bank easier.

You counter-INSPIRED me too

Tonite, I found a bit of time to test out my silicone bear cake mould. My oven not "power" enough, end up, i have to turn the heat up and extend bake time by 15mins. By then, Jay too sleepy and went to bed, still haven't gotten a chance to see and sample the outcome of our teamwork!



I'm bot 1 of the medala bottle at Taka today but it's SO, SO small. Will try out on Jay over the weekend.
Saw the Bfree bottles at 20% disc at OG. Very tempted to buy that becos it's bigger and resembles Avent's shape and size. Buy 1 is really expensive unless you buy the twin or 4 in 1 pack. I'm still thinking....
Went BHG, Robinson, Kiddy Palace, all no stock or not carrying Pigeon's bpa-free bottle. Taka only has stock for the small and the glass type
Tell me about it...i'm thinking of doing agar-agar next with the mould!
I'm using the Prima Pre-mix, i think you tried that with E before, rite? I just hope it's not too sweet.

I'm also thinking of upgrading my oven
Early in the morning saw so many pics of food, makes my stomach grooo-ing already.. Kekeke..

Jay must have been a great helper!
I have nvr engaged Sheri in baking before thou i have an oven at home.. I am so worried of the mess that she might create!

Bfree bottles - How much is 4 in 1 pack? My mom also keep asking me to change. She keeps emphasizing that the childrens' health is utmost impt. Dun take the risk.

Cute Disney Character Moulds:
Where did u mummies get the cute moulds?? All ur pics did inspire me to try a session wf my gals.
Sally and Jaymom
yummy bakes!! Sally u reminded me of my leftover pumpkin in the fridge!!! will go and ask my mom how to make. how come your kueh is orange colour? ur recipe is not the grate pumpkin type issit? this kueh was my fav when i was a young girl....called it 'kiam kiam kueh' then
Passport pics
some of u girls mentioned that my 2 gals looked quite different. and i think that u all are rite! always thot that they look rather alike until just now. i was applying for mei mei' passport and realised that they do look rather different!

i am back. Trip is super tiring. I got aching calves and Hubby got aching shoulders becos of carrying 17kg Ash. Coach seats were very comfortable if only Ash stayed in her seat. She move about alot and had bad "car sickness" on the way down; threw up many many times.. ended up we also unwell (felt like throwing up). Think its the peak season so everywhere we went were overflowing with people and more people. Ash went crazy over the Merry Go Round.. sit so many times...Overall good time spent with family.
Wow...your unmarried colleague is more update. Think will try OCBC
Btw, what is wii?

Think both their eyes shape are different. One look like u, one like your hubby? For my gals, mei mei sure look like me when i was young. 100% photo copy print...haha
Everytime, my hubby said mei mei so cute hor, i would feel proud and said to him "so now u know how cute i am!!" :p hahahaha *thick-skinned*
You are going for holiday?

i also want to buy an oven...hee hee my hse got no oven...so chiam. But i hope i can reno my whole hse or upgrade to bigger hse, then i will add the oven in the kitchen.

your family portraits pics are great! how did u all managed to LOOK at the camera? A big GROUP somemore!!!
I had a hard time taking those pics last week too! Either the girls look somewhere else or we look at other angles. *fainted* I asked my photographer to do some "magic" instead...haha
The cake is really nice. u using the prima pre-mix (butter cake?)
so tempting to buy the mould liao.. :p
Then hopefully i will try..
<font color="ff6000">Jaymom</font>
WAH! You make my fingers itchy! Aiyo, the bear so cute! So next time our party's cake you bake ya? Hee.

<font color="ff6000">Ixorarred</font>
The 2 pics taken at the same age? A2's face longer while A1's face rounder hor? And look at A2's double chin! So cute! You know what are the first things that I see in the pics? The clips! Hahaha. Coz I never have a chance to use them on JJ. :p
I have 3 tickets for Barney show on Sat, 7/6, Cat C 1st row. Going at below purchased price.
Anyone interested, let me know.
ur gals so cutteee!!! I think A1 look more like you. A2 maybe abit more like daddy. I love this age, the chubby cute cute age. hee hee.
<font color="0000ff">cherry</font>
You went on a holiday? Where did you go? I am also one that will have coach sick and sea sick. Must prepare plastic bags for such trips.

<font color="0000ff">jaymom</font>
I love your choc teddy bear cake. Anything choc sure taste nice. Yummy! Jay must be excited to see the cake.

<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
To me your 2 princess look alike in the pics leh. But in real person there is a slight difference. And jie jie is darker than mei mei. But both are pretty and very cute girls.
Beautiful passport pictures.
<font color="ff0000">Choc Bear Cake</font>
<font color="0000ff">Aries &amp; Serrich</font>: cute disney cookie cutters can be found at Carrefour and the silicone cake mould, i believe i've seen them at Phoon Huat. Maybe can also try Sun Lik (Seah Street). I bot mine all from sprees.
Must ask our Baking Queen, Sally. She noes best!

<font color="0000ff">Jamci</font>, u bake and cook too? I read good reviews about <font color="aa00aa">Sharp Healsio Water Oven</font>. It can bake, roast,de-frost, steam and even zap-fats out of food and does not have magnetron( using microwaves to cook) but the price is not cheap!

<font color="ff0000">Ixorarred</font>
Both your girls looked cute to me. One with hair-clip, another with gymboree curlies, rite? Even their outfit looks alike
Mei-mei looks more "ba-ba" and "tei-tei" to me. In my heart, i always remember big A as the cheeky gal when she was younger!

<font color="0000ff">Cherry</font>
Welcome back from your Genting trip. Tired of cos but most important thing is your princess enjoys herself thoroughly!

<font color="ff0000">TL</font>
You should be asking our Baking Queen Sally or Ixorarred, they are the experts! I'm using pre-mix for a start, still not pro enough

<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster</font>
Let me test out the taste tonite. It's really easy, i'm sure you can do it too with Jo one of these days. I noe your hands are really tight now
Teach me!!!!

She mean for NORMAL saving accts la.. so she deduce same theory applies for CDA
it is a game console like playstation...xbox

Tang Ling
how is JJ's review today? Better?

so qiao hor, can meet at Motherhood exhibition. heehee K is realli sweet n so guai. Sitting inside the pram throughout. U see my monster A, cant even shop for free. After that, I din went home direct, went to Bugis BHG and found cheaper bpa-free bottles there. kekeke the Nuby range, some are bpa-free n ranging from S$6.00 to S$8.10 for one each, depending on the size. Nicer look than the evenflo one. kekeke I onli reached home at 7pm.
cant lah, standard not there yet.

Thumbs Up for the teddy bear cake, so gorgeous. U use the prima-mix sponge cake chocolate? How is the taste? U use chocolate glaze? Veri shining n outline comes out perfect. Good job. See all can bake lah.

dun drool.... taste may not up to ur standard. heehee

Orange cos fresh from steaming, after cool down, not so orange liao, more yellowish. No I got grated recipe n also non-grated recipe. After that day of grating the raddish, super shiong, I chose the non-grated recipe to try out. kekeke easier as just steam n mash.
My god, from the pics, I find both alike lei. Tot same person. I cant tell which is A1 n which is A2 lei. heehee Both so adorable n pretty.

Welcome back! hahaha super shiong n tiring for parents, but shiok for the kids. kekeke
<font color="ff6000">Sally</font>
JJ's phlegm reduced, but still coughing, and runny nose. Told to continue med for another 5 days. Next Fri is his bday! Hope he recovers in time - don't want him to look at the cake and cannot eat.

Oh ya, I baked the cupcakes! The dump-in-all-together-and-mix recipe. Hahaha. I was a bit doubting at first, but anyhow give it a shot. Really easy wor - really just dump in everything and turn on the mixer. I like the texture - spongy and light, but a little too sweet. Will try again and reduce the sugar. BUT I need to get better cupcake holders (what do you call it? think you know what I mean). Coz mine flatten out, so not very nice to look at. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
good to noe his phlegm has reduced. Cough n runny nose usu take longer time to recover. Hope he gets well by then.
Wow JJ around, u can steal time to bake. kekeke Great effort.
Ya i noe what u meant, u using this type right?

If u using this type, u need to put inside muffin tray to hold before pouring the batter inside, then it would not spread with the batter inside. Looks like this:

I like to use this type, but more ex than the above, cos can use those normal tray without the muffin holes n can put in more to bake at one time:

It will not go out of shape or flatten when u pour in the batter. Sun Lik sells this type the cheapest. Phoon Huat more ex.
Hope it helps!
Ya ya, that's what I am referring to. The one you are using is the same type as the ones we had for the bday cupcakes also - I remember them coz it is very firm. Thanks for the info.

I have a muffin tray, but that was bought long time ago - I took it out to put the cupcake holders, but wrong sizes and the tray can't fit in the oven! Haha. So you see, I have no choice but to bake it on a tray, thus all fatten out - though can still see the cupcake size. JJ was excitedly saying "MUFFINS!!!". Have not baked muffins for him for sometime liao - he loved them.

Maybe she might be right since the bank can use the same method to lure customers.

I don't have chance to bake at home cos no oven except i did bake once before in my school. I made that first choc cake for someone special but it was not my hubby, it was my ex...haha

But i did cook shepherd pie, chicken noodle soup or fry pork leg bee hoon sometimes. My poor family only get to eat when i am in good mood to cook....haha

Wow..barney tickets so hot. Tomorrow i am going for their show!
