(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

ras, if your girl vomit out those milk particles that resemble tau hwey is ok. My CL told me that it is mixed with baby's phlegm that why sticky. if vomit out like merlion, then no good.

My ger also vomit milk particles too. Remember if happen that u are carrying her and she vomit, try to lift her up straight like sitting, let the milk particles flow out. If lying on the bed, must lift her out from the bed and quickly wipe her face, ears and neck, don't let it drip to her ears and get infection.

Guess we are learning new things everyday as our baby's *full time nurse*...haha

anns, did u let your baby also drink water? i forced my ger to drink water before her feeding time when she is hungry. It seem cleaner when she drink water. I am now doing mixed FM and BM and her tongue was white after drinking FM but if fed with BM, the color is lighter. It seem that FM cause the tongue to be white. So it is better to feed her some water as FM is also heaty too. Our breastmilk is made up of 70% water that why their tongue is not so white!

Hi June Mummies,

I'm actually an august MTB. hope you don't mind me popping in

Would like to ask for some advice here on when we should go to the hospital or call the labour ward etc.

who should we call - gynae, labour ward or just go to the hospital when:-

1) you have a show but no contractions
2) you have a show and contractions start
3) water bag burst
4) contractions

what should we do when these things happen? apart from these, what other little signs did you notice when about to go into labour? can share your experience? thanks!

actually i've burped my girl already but she still puked. mine not tau hwey. is the same product that goes in. electric pump is no doubt good and fast but manual one got it's plus point such that it's less harsh on the nipples because we control the speed. start to use manual sometime again now so that i wont disturb my girl when she sleeps. (electric pump is next to bed)
I also suspect that my gal is sufferin for colic cos she tends to cry very often, esp in the evening.. But she stopped crying once i carry her and hold her close to me. Does ur bb react in that way as well? I happened to chance upon this from Dr Sears website while searching for info on how to deal with colicky babies:
COLICKY VS. HIGH-NEED BABIES (http://askdrsears.com/html/5/t051300.asp)
The point at which a fussy baby (one who cries a lot) or a "high-need baby" (one who fusses unless he's held a lot) becomes a colicky baby (one who hurts a lot) is often a matter of interpretation. What you call your baby's behavior isn't as important as what you do about it. In my pediatric practice, I've found it helpful to use the term "high-need baby" when I suspect it's the baby's temperament that's causing his behavior, and "hurting baby" when I suspect a medical reason for it. Colicky babies don't just fuss; they hurt. They shriek in agonizing discomfort. Colic calls for a more intensive approach. As one mother in our practice said, "Our daughter, now thirteen months, was the queen of colic. She'd start at three o'clock and cry non-stop until about midnight. When she wasn't colicky, she was just plain high-need. There IS a difference. "High-need" responds to lots of holding and comforting; almost nothing works for colic."

So my gal falls into the category of high-need babies.. Hahaha..

Y dun u give a call to ur PD's clinic and get the nurse to check with PD if this is normal rather than wait till next month?? At least u can set ur mind at ease once u get PD's affirmation that its normal, rite?

My gal also vomit milk particles with very sticky phlegm! From my gals' breathing, it seems that she has developed lots of phlegm.. Dunno wats the cause lei.. She's now feedin on water and bm onli.. I am still wondering wat cause the phlegm?!
Hi gals
Altho I only have 4kg to lose but to my horror, my waistline has increased by 4inches. I can't fit into my pants, still wearing maternity pants. I'm starting to do sit-ups now, hope I can regain my pre-preg figure!

Thanks for your info. I think my boy is also a high need bb...he is v attention seeking now, wants pp to be near him, talk to him, carry him.

You have collected 20 glass bottles form GEH?? Aiyo I din know leh , only got 3 bottles of FM from them.

1) When you have show(spotting, red or browm discharge) no need to go hosp unless contractions interval is 5mins

2) When water bag burst, go hosp immediately. (my water bag burst, I bath, eat then go hosp) Some pp said if waterbag burst, shldn't bath as it might coz infection. You shld check with your Gynae.
Yup i have rec'd the form long ago. But hvn't send back the form yet.

re poo
my bb poos at least once a day. but normally it's abt 2-3x. now her poos seem to have slowed down. when she was younger she poo more often esp when she is on BM more than FM. nowadays if her FM feeds are more, i noticed less poo and the poo is slightly more solid.

I think it's quite ok for bb not to poo for a few days. but i'm not sure wat is the limit. u can try to massage his anus or move his legs in bicycle motions to encourage him to poo. tt's wat i read from the other thread.

same here. i'm fatter now and many pple can see that. lucky i didn't get much comments but there's 1 or 2 that say, i put on weight. so pissed. i mean i gave birth to a bb ley, wat do you expect. sigh. worse thing is i don't seem to be losing any weight anymore. every few days i will weigh myself but the weight remains the same.

u on tbf ah, gd ley. u express out or latch ? do you need to feed your bb for a long time ? share share ley, so i can learn from you also.

my ss seems to be stagnant. if this goes on, think i'll give up bf soon. don't have enuf to even express and store. sigh.

re FM
anyone knows if we can just change FM or must stick to the same brand ?

re glass storage bottles
i got quite alot from the hospital, was all optimistic abt tbf then. who knows low ss. sigh. now all in the cupboard untouched

re gg out with bb
today also went out with bb. must really adapt to it. when bb cry also feel quite panicky but bo pian will try to soothe her, last resort is always to feed her hee hee...

u intend to bf outside or bring ebm when u go out ? i'm thinking of trying 2 bf outside but it's really inconvenient. trying 2 cut down on the no. of fm feeds when out cos i was wondering if bb rash is due to heatiness. tt day went united sq, they got really well equipped bb rm, can bf in peace.

the white tongue is from fm. my bb also has it when she drinks fm. but when i feed ebm or latch, the tongue is less white, sometimes nothing at all.
nursing rooms:
is there a nursing room in all shopping centres? usually i'll go to info. counter and ask. please let me know which are the better or worse one so that i wont even bother to look for it. The other day i went Plaza sing nursing room. Terrible. The couch is so dirty and the BF room so crampy. worst still got a mummy changing diaper for her son who poos (the strong smell stays on) I was so upset that my girl got to be BF understand such circumstances. No choice, in the end go back to car on aircon and BF.
post preg figure:
used to be slim, wear S or XS. since i'm not working for the next one yr, didn't bother to buy new clothes (can't fit into old ones yet) so in the end still wear my maternity clothes. Went GP, she asked me how many months already! duh!
but because i'm BF so didn't want to go on diet yet if not BM no good.
today i go to the gynea and weigh.. still 70+kg.. :<

my cousin who got 2 gals say by 4th mth then the tummy will go down, then can see whether all the weight can be shed or not... at least abit comforting lor.. so we must jia you this 2 months...
u still latch ur gal outside ? u' din bring EBM out ? I hvn't been ard much nursing rooms yet. First one was united sq, clean n gd. PS one sounds horrid. Ya think go back car better.

did u quit ur job or take no paid leave ? sigh, how i wish i cld do the same. even tho' i still got some time to go before gg back to wk, i already feel abit bu fang xin to leave my gal with my mil.

ya i also heard it takes abt 4 mths. but i feel very sien when i look at the weighing scale and the tummy and when i can't fit into my clothes !
nowadays go out, can't wear anything nice, mostly all baggy clothes. so unglam.
got any gd nursing bra to recommend ? I bot mothercare ones, but the cup is very thing material and i if i put breast pads, sometimes can see the outline from my top. Got nursing bra like our normal kind of padded bra or not ?
Nursing Rooms:
The best one so far I've seen in Taka, next to Thyme MAternity, Lingerie dept. They even have hot water for u to make FM.

EBM when going out
I usually bring along a bottle of EBM when I go out. But I keep it just like that in the bag. Usually use it in less than 4 hours. (sigh.. but then was educated in this forum that cannot keep in Room Temp at all!) Don't know if I'll conform to that, as going out would mean car (got Aircon) then to various locations w Aircon.

Diet after Confinement
Gals, what do u eat after confinement, esp for those BF and those who have to settle ur own meals? I've had McChicken (lastwk), Fillet (today) and normal rice w 3 dishes packet! Sigh... dunno how to cook solid meal when I've to do it in superduper time when bb is sleeping! HELP!I think bb is going to become a fastfood addict even before she knows what it is!
Shane, unless u intend to BF via latching, do not need to buy nursing bra. Normal bra with good support can suffice.

Alternatively, u can get the MIM sling, then take off half the bra (e.g. left side), put bb in sling, then latch her on. The sling covers the entire side. I went to the SMU graduation yesterday to support some friends. While eating the food, bb was also latching on in sling! A bit scary at first, then slowly gained confidence that no one can see! In fact, had proud feeling that I'm a mummy! haha... strange ya?
serrich, my ger also got a lot of phlegm sometimes. I also don't know why cos i did not eat/drink orange juice during preggie. They said that it will cause this....hiaz. think next monday i will ask my ger's PD

Shane, my CL told me that we must always latch on the baby often then our ss will produce more.

Those mums who want to stop bf before going to work, my CL teach me how to stop our milk supply without taking medi. The pill cost ard $50-$60 leh...
Just keep doing *expressing* only for 2 weeks, your milk flow will decrease and *must not latch on the baby*. We still can give the express breastmilk to our baby since we did not eat the medi.
Everytime, i do pumping, my CL will quickly bring my baby to me. She advised me if i want to continue giving her breastmilk, must always try to latch on often. If not my milk will dry out slowly if by pumping.
Hi Shane,

You can try moms in mind. They have padded nursing drop cup bras. I bought two from them..but their sizes only goes up to 85C i think.
serrich and shane,
i was telling u gals yesterday my boy did not poo for 2 days..then this morning at 5 plus,he finally poos...cos i gave him more formula,can see tt some of the poo is abit greenish..

i heard tt if u pump regularly like every 2 hrs or 3 hrs,ur supply will increase leh..maybe u can try it out??

ur CL vv gd leh..vv pro BF..whenever my bb crys,my CL will just prepare formula for him..she will not bring him to mi..cos think she wans mi to rest..unless i told her tt i wan to latch him on..then she will not feed him formula..

u are a SAHM ah??so gd.....so envy!!!

RE:the whitish thing on bb's tongue..
i thot tt oni bb on formula will hve more whitish thing on the tongue..but dunno y,my CL told my mil tt cos my bb is on BM,hence got more whitish thing on the tongue..

now,i wonder which one is true..

u can cook simple food like porridge,soup noodles/mee sua/beehoon and add in vege/fish/meat/egg or yong tau foo..all these vv easy to cook and can be done in a vv short time...cos just dump everything into the pot..
ya lor.. i can onli fit into some black maternity slacks bottoms and the dresses, and it still looks yucky...u know wat, yday i went out to see my gynea for checkup and was in one of my "slimest" maternity dress and some kind soul wants to offer me their seat on the MRT thinking i m pregnant! haha...so paiseh.

anyway, i managed to buy a jean skirt yday, and it's XXL.. hopefully it looks more normal.

btw shane, looks like you are quite established on your BF now... do you need breast pads? I have 2 boxes of the pigeons disposable ones which i have absolute no use now... do you want? I can pass them to you.. FOC
Forgetmenot, thanks for advice on meal! I'm not so sure got time to do that though. Cos after cooking, still must eat. then wash. Will try next week after buying the food this weekend!

Rene, I'm like u too! I thought tummy looks smaller, but the real test is putting back on old clothes! FAILED miserably. I don't know if i should just buy some cheap clothes first, just for now. Or is it going to be permanent?!?

Jamci, u mean just purely expressing BM will cause SS to decrease? Oh dear, i thought the pump does simulate a bb's suckle! Now I'm latching her on only in the day. HB said she must know her roots!! haha... But evening and night time, it's EBM.

Diet after confinement:
do we still have to eat all that ginger, sesame oil? When can we eat oranges, melons and all the 'cooling' stuff again?
washing is vv easy..usu when i'm alone to eat,i will cook using oni one small pot..then i eat from the pot..so i oni need to wash tt..

n if u dun hve time to wash,u can leave the dishes in the sink n wash later or wash at nite when ur hubby is home..

y u dun wan to try to pump in the day n latch ur her at nite?cos at nite,we tend to be more sleepy..so by latching her,u no need to wake up to heat up EBM
forgetmenot, I feed her EBM in night, so that she gets super full feed, then she'll wake up only 3 hours later when it's time for next feed. If I latch her in the night, the chances of her waking up in between her feeds is very high.. then I get more panda like. also, with EBM at night, hb can do it!!
Re:Storage bag
MH, what kind of wires can be used to tie milk bags? Where can I buy them?

jamci, thanks. I will make sure the milk particles do not flow into the ears. Do you clean the inside of your baby's ears? I saw some ear wax but I do not dare to dig for her because my girl struggles a lot.

Serrich, I think my girl is also high-need baby too.
Long time never log in here. Been busy busy busy cleaning house for bb's 1-mnth celebration this weekend...

My bb's umbilical cord finally dropped off after 15 days. There was a slight infection but everything was a-okay.. thank God!

I also got problem putting on my old clothes... Like LV, i used to be very slim wearing either S or XS... Tops, I still ok can fit in.. but my bottoms, i have to resort to my maternity bottoms/skirts for now.. I've been measuring my waistline almost every other day, and it's still > 30 inches.. I couldn't imagine how I can ever get back to my 25 inches waistline! sigh..
Good for u can do sit-ups liao.. I still have to wait for another 1 mth plus then can start cos i dun want to aggravate my wound.. Cant even start my massage now! Will have to start once my confinement is over. Hopefully it will still be effective thou i start very late.

I have almost used up the glass bottles.. Tot of calling up the nursery to request for more bottles lei.. Dunno if they will give it to me or nt.

I ususally let Sherilyn latch on unless i am too tired and hubby wants to feed her then i will use EBM. Whenever I latch bb on, i noticed that there is let-down from the other breast so have to resort to tandem pumping otherwise very wasteful. I do notice that i am able to get more ss within a short time during tandem pumping. I tot that you have been doin tandem pumping? So ur ss should be ok what.

Infact tbf is definitely nt easy.. I have been feelin very depressed over all those elders comments abt me nt taking wine, hard liqour, nt taking care of my own health, etc.. Keep asking me to give up bf and let bb feed on fm. When my gal keep crying for milk my aunt keep making -ve comments like milk nt enuf? How come bb so fast so hungry, etc.. I was realli very upset that i hid in my room and cry.. at nite when my gal cry every 2 hrs for milk, i also almost went crazy.. It's like a mental torture.. But still gotto press on cos i know that bm is good for her!

So far, i have onli tried latching on bb in car.. I still dun have the confidence to latch her in public places lei.. I will feel embarrassed if many pple stare at me.. Hahaha... Maybe when i start using the sling then i try latchin her outside.

yah, i am still wondering what causes the phlegm. Could it be due to Ribena? Heard that bb's eyes will be big if we take Ribena so i took lots of Ribena during preggie days but my gals eyes nt big lei!!

u started gg shopping liao arh? Wanna meet up week after next when my confinement is over? Can go JP for lunch together.. Hehehe...
U have Pigeon disposable pads? So far, its the best among those other brands that I have tried.
Yes, u have to latch ur bb as often as u can to maintain or even increase the ss. Expressing out bm alone is nt gg to help. Maybe u let ur bb latch on in the day. Nite time then give EBM?
Hi ladies
finally got time to online. Realised my bb's pattern is to make noise in the morning when he's awake... then he will cry to be carried and cuddled till late in the afternoon. Yesterday was the worst.. I couldn't figure out why he cried, so I had to let him suckle. Can you imagine he was he stuck to my breast from 11am to 5pm?
I hope he is not one of those collicky high need babies.

Anyone of you has any strategies to entertain bb when they are awake? I notice he will cry to be carried or entertained. The only resort that is effective is to let him suckle. But then, it will make me feel very tired and bounded.

hey can teach me how u use the sling leh? Frm the way you describe you seem to cope very well. Ok, so far I have watched the CD and read the instructions a thousand times, but my bb refuses to cooperate. The cradle hold position requires him to cross the legs and butt to go in first. The problem is that he likes to stretch out his legs and hates to be wrapped up. We ended struggling and he was wailing like mad.

So far, when hb and I bring him out, we have never used the sling or the pram. My hb will carry him in his arms. But our bb is getting really heavy (5.5 kg)!! Our arms are giving way, so we better find a mode of transport soon. He doesnt like the pram, cos he wants the human contact. I was thinking if the sling really doesnt fit him, then we will have to invest in those body harness and carry him in that.

Feeding milk in public:
Yes, this is a problem I faced too. So far I have invested in quite a number of nursing blouses so that I can nurse at ease in the car. I think so far the most convenient place is still the car.

EBM? Haha, tell you a funny and stupid story. When we brought bb to NUH two days ago, we grabbed a bottle of frozen EBM to bring along. I carried it in my bag hoping it will thaw on the way and when he really needs it, it will have been in room temp.

Really silly of us... ended up, bb woke in advance and was wailing for his milk in the hospital. The milk was still quite cold and there was no mug or container for us to warm the milk. So my hb's brilliant idea was to warm it with his hands. We took turns to warm it and was passing to and fro get it warmed with our hands. By then, bb was screaming the house down and people were staring strangely at us... (I had a good mind to nurse him in the nursing corner but hb insisted we finish this milk first)... so we fed him the bottle of milk that was quite cold, but the bb happily drank.

The best part was that he starting poo like nobody business when the pd checked him. We had to use two pieces of diapers in that hour... GOSH!! How stupid can we get. I feel so inadequate when I bring bb out.
I try a indo massage yest but like no effect on me leh no air come out etc. I got 10 kg 2 lose dunno how

got jamu pill aso dunno if I shd continue leh. Her name is vani any of u use her for massage?
Serrich, yup when I can't heat milk up in time with her crying, I latch her on. Nite time is definitely EBM.
Don't worry abt latching on in public. the only embarassing part is in the beginning when ur nipple is exposed before bb latches. When I latch her in the car, I've to do it when no traffic jam, no pickups, lorries, buses next to me! If I'm not in the car, I'll latch her in nursery, or sad to say toilet.
BTW, the sling really helps to cover. But be careful. our bb still very young, no neck power, so the sling only frees up ONE hand. the other hand still has to support neck.

Also, now going out with bb helps u be more sociable! the whole world looks at you, smiles at you, makes "so cute" comments on bb.. U get plenty support too! people open doors for u, give way, etc...
I also had those disparaging remarks from the older aunties about bf. I dun understand why they always start their comments with " u got enuff milk meh?" What's with them?! I suspect in that era, they depended heavily on FM. OF course they din have such a good forum like this where we educate and encourage each other on bf.
I get very distrubed when I hear people encouraging us to go on FM so that we as mothers can get more rest. Maybe they mean well, but bottomline, the choice is still the mother's. I even told a relative off... Me being willing to sacrfice my sleep to bf is my form of mother's love.

Yup, agree that when bf must watch what we eat. I din drink any DOM or wine during my confinement. Really, i dun bother about it, the breast milk is more important. I realised once we have our baby, the bb's well being take priority. As long as we get proper nutrients and sufficient rest to care for bb is all that matters.
babyluv, haha... you both must look quite funny passing the bottle to and fro while bb is crying!!
I think if we compile all the funny stories we go thru, it'll be a bestseller!

I ignored the CD. cos have a couple of gf who used that. I had lessons using a teddy bear. You can try that. My bb doesn't cross her legs cos she likes to stretch too! So I just give more cloth from the sling to allow for her entire length of body.
Babyluv, the main thing is the cloth nearest ur chest. It must be high enough to still support the teddy or bb. This is to ensure bb doesn't fall off from there. Play around with the length, the cloth needed to hold bb. Once that's established, DON'T untie the sling. Keep it as it is (unless it's time to wash). That way, when u need sling, just sling! no need to play around with cloth again!

5.5kg! Wow! no wonder hand will ache! Sling really helps! Body harness also can, but I think it would take a bit of getting used to for bb!
U all still BF? I very sian liao jus 3 weeks coz the baby kept moving dunno y dunno hw 2 plc him in comfortable way aso sian.........
Seems that a lot of us havin high need babies hor?! Nowadays bb are very intelligent, cry to get attention.

U sound expert in using the sling.. I have nt tried using the sling yet. Will prob try it out over the weekend so that I can use it when bringing my gal for checkup next week. Hand carry can be very tiring lei..

Wah, ur bb 5.5kg liao?! Pretty taxing if hand-carry all the while.. How abt using pram?

U so funni, bring the frozen EBM out! Ur bb enjoy drinking the cold EBM?? Do remember to warm the EBM first before bringing it out. Nt too sure the cold EBM will cause any tummyache.
I always bring a bottle of warm water and let my gal drink if she cries for milk. I will onli latch her on when we are back in the car.

I also feel that my bb's well-being is more impt than anythin else. No matter what remarks they made, i still refuse to drink DOM and have Martell added to my food! At most, i will take a bottle of essence of chicken everyday.
that day i wanted to latch her because was out too long, more than 6 hours. finshed the ebm i brought out. so no choice must latch her.

i took no-pay leave to stay at home. if only i've relatives to look after my girl for me. if i go back to work must put her with unfamiliar babysitter or consider infant care. So i feel the need to stay at home.

i bring freshly pumped ebm out now. find it can last longer (so far longest is 4-5hrs). Then nowadays (new improvement made)i bought my own small thermal flask to hold hot water. it's difficult to get hot water outside sometimes. i'll warm the ebm before giving to her. if i take refrigerated ebm, then i'll put ice packs in cooler bags.
so my take along during outing will be: cooler bag to hold ebm,one avent recyclable cup to hold hot water and a mini thermal flask.

i ordered tingkat so that i'll get a variation of food and also soup. dun need to wash much also. weekends i indulge in my fav like noodles and fast food. I'm quite a homely person so i like it when i dont need to step out of the house

i feed my girl EBM during day and latch her at night cos too tired to get out of bed unless i check that she poo.

ya enjoy being a SAHM. few days was just casually telling my hubby how i wish dun need to work anymore. he said it's better for me to go back to work after my long break. think he's hinting me i look like ah sor now hehe

i'm using MIM's sling. quite comfortable to bring my girl out in sling. only disadvantage is i try not to go toilet because dont want to disturb her.
hi gals,
m alone at home with bb. not ez. can't do anything, eat also hv to be fast. wonder how some can cook ! amazing. bb been crying and the only thing tt will stop her is to let her suckle. she's at it since 12+ ... very sian man. feel like giving her FM liow but keep holding myself back. very hard for my bb to sleep in the day so i'm practically glued to her cos need to carry her and soothe her when she cries. This is only day ONE !!! don't know how to survive the rest.

Been reading some go info that you gals talked abt ...
re sling,
i tried but bb seems to be in a uncomfy position. not sure if i'm doing it the rite way. If only we can meet up and exchange pointers. I wanted to use the sling to wear bb so i can do some work ard the hse and also use it to nurse her outside. Anyway we bot a pram in the end. More convenient than carrying bb all the time, very tiring !

re nursing bra
I can only latch bb outside cos i don't have EBM to bring out
so need to wear nursing bra. maybe will try normal bra

sad to say i'm still not as established in BF yet. i'm questioning my own ss cos i don't seem to be able to express enuf out for storage and bb likes to latch on for v long for 1 feed. so i'm still sup with FM. Thks for the offer on the breast pads but i still have Avent ones which i don't like, irritates my breasts. hoping to use them up quickly. Pigeon ones really that gd ? maybe u can pass to serrich or the rest who are on tbf. u all living in the same area rite ? how come don't need the breast pads ? u stopped bf already ?

serrich, babyluv,
don't bother abt those remarks. u should give yourself a pat on ur back for perserving on tbf.
for me, i don't get those remarks. my mum was very supportive but she also told me to take it ez and not get too stressed out over it.

ya i do tandem pumping when i nurse but not every session. how do u accumulate your EBM when u latch on all the time ? u keep those that u express out when u tandem pump ? I can't seem to accumulate my ss of EBM. everytime i pump out from 1 side when tandem pump is only abt 50ml. my other side can't seem to achieve let down or maybe it's the lazy breast so normally pump out very little, like 10-20ml. sigh.

serrich and bbluv,
when u all feed your bb, how long do you take ? 20 mins ? from my experience at home, i need at least an hr, to make bb satisfied if not she'll cry very fast again. which is another reason y i don't really dare to nurse her in public cos i think i'll be gg back to the nursing rm or car very very often. beats the whole purpose of gg out.
I'm not expert... just had frens who gave me tutorial on it! trust me, practising with teddy helps (teddy must be the large kind--baby size)

Can ask ur hb to help. According to my hb, it's the same say they carry their rifle--sling over shoulder.

When I first started, I carried it like a goondu--around my neck! haha... neck pain, and i'm sure lots of people laughing also---it was in centrepoint!

HAndcarry is super tough... my nicole is only 3.6kg, but weighs a ton after 30min of carrying!
ya i encountered that situation before. I felt i was out too long and afraid will affect ss if i don't latch her. we normally feed fm when we go out.

gd that ur coy allows no pay leave. my coy does too but can't afford to do that. would love to extend my leave more :p gd that u enjoy being SAHM, savour it, time pass very fast ! hee hee...

ya agree, nothing beats looking after ur own child urself. at least when u go back to wk ur gal will be a yr old, not too bad if she has to go to bb sitter or childcare.

i'm toying with the idea of ordering tingkat also. today no food at home. just eating watever i have in the fridge :p
Have been some time that i have not logged on... too shacked out for sleepless nights.

colicky babies: I think mine is a hi-need bb too, like last night itself, bb's up from midnight feeding onwards till 4+ this morning! And she will stop only if i carry her walking around the house! and start crying if i stop walking or putting her down. sigh... it has been a tiring night.

latching on outside: usually will feed bb on car on the move if outside, but i use a thin towel (so that it will not be too hot) to cover bb &amp; breast.

i'm still BF. bb's in 3rd week now too, but quite automatic (in looking for the nipple) when i'm carrying her. nowadays, i try to let her latch on 'sitting' position unless it is at night when i'm tired, i will tend to feed with bb on chest (which is a tough position to get out with after feeding.)
LV, the tingkat company u use good? Can recommend? Today, I walked out to buy food with bb on sling. IT was quite good, except it was lunch, so sun was at it's hottest... poor bb veri hot in sling, but poor mummy no hand to carry her without sling!

You heat your EBM using hot water from the flask, but container using? sorry, didn't understand how it's done. I tried getting hot water from Mac's (they give quite freely) and heat EBM with cup they gave.

How do u transport ur EBM? I just put bottle in my bag. Do u use the proper bag with ice packs?

No pay leave
My mummy offered to pay me 2 months no pay leave, if I stay at home and take care of bb. I rejected her offer, cos I thought I'll be bored to death. now, I'm not so sure if that's a good decision.
u see, at my workplace, there's a nursery, with infant care provided. So I'm not very motivated to take up mum's offer.
What do u think?
Shane, your days will get better being alone with bb! Things will slowly fall into place!

My sil's mum came to visit, and she said to wean her children off latching for long periods, she gave them water. After a while, they just stopped fretting and in 2 days, they were able to stay quiet on their own without latching.

I've yet to try that, cos i use the cheating way--PACIFIER!!

I've a book on how to play with your newborn. really cool. the things u use are all found around the house--low cost! Like ribbon, cloth, clothes peg.
LEt me read it, and try it... will get back to all of u... I think we are all desperate to find ways to entertain the baby!
After thawing a bottle of frozen EBM to room temp, how long can it last in this state without it going bad?

my bb takes about 15 min per breast during feeding. Sometimes he is awake to venture to the next breast. If not, about 15- 20 mins, he will be done for that feed. But the time consuming part is the burping. I noticed I cant get him to burp when he is asleep.
When I feed him in the car, it takes about 15 min too. That will be an average car ride from any point. So it's still satisfactory for him. But I noticed when I feed him on only 1 breast, chances are he will demand for milk in the next 1 hr.

Shane, understand what you mean by havin to do everything yourself and have to do it fast. Same here.. noticed i dun have he luxury to go to the toilet when I want; drink water; bathe; online. Even as i am typing, I have to do it fast, in case bb cries again.

is your sling cotton or silk? Mine is cotton, hence it's kinda stuffy in there. Also, it's so difficult to adjust the length when bb is in there. It's very stiff and the rings seem to have locked.
i wld hv taken up e offer ! hee i dread gg bk 2 wk lah. but ur wkplc is gd, got infant care, mine only got childcare. it's always better 2 look after ourselves. infantcare the attention will be divided among the rest of the bbs.

mine also cotton, also feel it's v warm. with e sling it's really convenient hor. maybe i shld practise again. but my bb really looked uncomfy in there :p

15-20mins is fast! don't know y my bb take so long. when u say 1 hr later does it include the feeding time or 1 hr after u hv fed bb ?

ya lor, jus now i 1 2 go toilet also cannot, needed 2 coax her to sleep. when she finally fell asleep i put her down on the bed then quickly went 2 toilet once i'm done, she's awake again !
now repeating the whole process, carrying her n typing w 1 hand.
i do give water n also the pacifier but she don't accept the pacifier all e time, must c her mood 1 sigh.
babyluv, we are all in same position! I resorted to bringing bb in toilet with me to poo, cos my tummy ache, and she didn't want to be left alone!

My sling is cotton. Adjust the length either with the teddy first, or adjust when hb is around. once adjusted, keep it there.
Alternatively, sit down in the middle of the bed. and do it yourself. if anything happens, the bb falls on the bed. But don't worry, bb won't fall out. it's just a precaution!
heehee.... I think at this rate, company must increase our pay, cos we type well with one hand!!

My nicole also got mood one. She's into music though. When there's music, she's easier to handle.

Shane, if u feed her FM, does she still cry and want to suckle? I'm just thinking could it be she not suckling enough to fill her. Nicole was like that. That's why I resorted to EBM. easier for me to know how much she had.
Your coy so good, allow u to take NPL for so long! How i wish i can go on NPL for 1 mth after my maternity leave to take care of my gal.

I didnt know that freshly pumped ebm can last for so long at normal room temp. This morning, i was so tired after feeding my gal that i forgot to keep the ebm in the freezer. It was until 3 hrs later that i discover the glass bottle in my kitchen. I wanted to feed my gal but worried that it might have turned bad so i ended up throwing the 100ml of ebm away.. Realli veri sim tia..

Ususally i can get abt 70-100ml during tandem pumping. My gal will suck one side for abt 5mins then fall asleep. Once the ss from one breast runs low, i will switch to pump the other side that my gal had just latched on and express until i get a min of 70ml. All my ebm are stored in the range of 70-100ml. Anyway, the glass bottles can fit at most 120ml if u fill to the brim, i think. I tried giving my gal 100ml, always ended up throwing away 10-20ml cos she cant finish. I find it quite wasteful.

Seems that ur ss quite ok wat. Every session, u should be able to store 1 bottle of abt 70ml. How much fm does ur gal take per session? Maybe u could try givin ur gal 70-80ml per feed and see what is the interval for the next feed? If u continue with tandem pumping, most likely u will see an increase in the amt u get. Dun give up hope yet k!

Sherilyn always suck for 5-8mins then she will drift into her dreamland.. I tried to move her chin to get her to suck but no use. She will start to cry for milk the moment or mins after i put her down. She will continue to suck for another 2mins when i latch her on again. Once she's in deep sleep, i will unlatch her n put her down. Abt 2 hrs later, i'll need to feed her again. Actually if u realli take into acct time for feeding and getting her to bed, i onli have abt 0.5-1hr of rest in btwn feeds.

Sometimes i so worn out that i just layed on my side, bring her close to me and let her latch on while i sleep.. Once she is satisfied with her feed, she will unlatch herself.. This will be more convenient if u realli need to sleep while feeding! Hahaha..

Okie, i will try it out with teddy bear first.

U are like my hubby! When my gal cried hysterically in the middle of nite, my hubby will carry her and walk ard the house. For me, i just sit on bed and pat her to sleep. If nt, i just offer my breast for comfort sucking. Maybe thats y my gal preferred to have her daddy carry her when she gets cranky at nite.
i looked back at ur post, and realise ur ss is not bad. 50ml one side, 20ml another. So in all that can be one feed with maybe another 5min latching right?

Mine was like that last week. Then I kept pumping in 3hours interval, and fed her EBM. Now one side 80ml, the other 40ml. haha.. my breast production also lopsided efficiency!
if i feed fm, she'll be satisfied n go off to sleep v fast. tt y i wonder is it my ss not enuf. tt y e thot of giving fm is v tempting, i'll be peaceful the whole day cos she will eat n sleep n eat n sleep ... with bf, v diff.

not really. sometimes i can only get 30ml fm both sides. i can only get abt 70ml in the mornings. ur ss s much higher, at least can reach 100ml.

do u pump till ur breast r empty or win time period ? there r times i can be pumping 4 40mins n i can't even reach 100ml. so i give up n just pump for 20mins or when milk stop flowing.

wat u're gg thru' is normal. same for me in the initial period. but my case slightly diff, my bb will cry when i dislatch her n if i dun she'll go on forever. n my bb interval v short cos she don't sleep well, the most 30mins, i practically got no rest. almost went insane with her crying. now things slightly better. she seems satisfied after a full feed for abt an hr :p
agree, lying down to bf is the best, can go to sleep. I do that at nite most of the time.
just wantd to share w all of u a new (for me) way to clean bb's bottom.

After an encounter of poo on my face when changing Nicole, I decided to try the method suggested in some books. I cleaned the bathroom sink, and left the tap running with warm water.

Then, removed her diaper, and sat her in the sink (She's still wearing her top). All the poo from her bottom, folds of skin, backside all washed off! Just gently use hands, and she's really clean below! And she loved it! And I have no pee or poo on myself!!

Only challenge is to keep her top part dry, otherwise it would become a shower!
yes, i am giving bb FM totally now.. and I hav start leaving her at my MIL's place for her to take care since monday.. she is ok, infact i just brought her back home today...

have you gone for the 2nd Hep B jab oredi? I brought my gal to polyclinic on Tues, and found out now she had grew much heavier.. now 5wks old, she is 4.3kg compared to the 2.9kg when she is onli 1 wk...
how's yours?
my bb drinks 120ml. if i give her 70ml, she might be ok for awhile then will cry for milk again and i can only pump like 3 hrs later, definitely can't catch up with her.

how do you do it ? tt means u pump just before bb's feed than feed her with the EBM ? then how do you get excess EBM for storage ? for me i take a few sessions to accumulate 1 feed and tt 1 feed will be so precious cos tt feed will free me to have some rest. at best 1 day i think i can only accumulate 2 feeds. sometimes nothing comes out from my unproductive side at all ! :p

you r on TBF now? good for you. if i not wrong, we should be staying veri nearby, like same blk or something... do you need the breast pads? I have 2 boxes - 1 unopened, 1 opened with 30pcs - if you don't mind, I can pass to you... i hav no use anyway and it's taking up space ;p
