(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB


peihwa should be good in chinese too. It is a SAP school. Anyway that's the part that worries me... I am wary of the children entering a pressure cooker. But I dun feel confident of getting PV for rulang over here. On other hand, I just cant sit back and let the kids enter any school that come along... One reason we like peihwa is becos its a christian school hopefully impart christian value...

<font color="aa00aa">carla:
keiming is just next to the Dew condo. yes, forgetmenot is right.

dewdrops, carla:
yes, comparing keming and nan hua, nan hua is definitely of a higher ranking.

i also go to kiasu parents for reference. they are amazing! all the data they collated and discussed.. but the threads can be very long so need patience and time to read through.

carla, why dont you consider princess elizabeth? its reputed too.

wow!! balloting!!! yeah, i guess they must have felt really lucky too.
must ask them to give us some too. hehehehe. if we have to reach the balloting stage as well... (cross fingers)

pei hwa has moved up the ranks too? oh... snobbish kids???? faint...

i dont think you are ks at all.. i mean, if S got in, all of his siblings would have a place in the future. you are just condensing all of your work now... i have since stopped using the term "kiasu" .. after i became a parent because now i understand what it means to want "the best for our kids" and the great lengths we would go to to get that accomplish.

nan hua is at clementi .. near ave 6. and yeah... its very difficult to get it.
same..i was worried abt the pressure that R will face...
but on the hand..i do not wish R to attend any school...

cos i feel that pri one is the foundation studies..n is very important..

ya lor..i have the same sentiments as u...we just need to worry for the 1st one..then the sibling no need to worry liao..

btw..how do u find keming and princess? which is better?
<font color="aa00aa">forgetmenot:
well, for the longest time, i have heard that they are good. and have been good. got an ex colleague whose wife teaches there.

and their pri 6 students, usually the sec schs they go to are like bukit panjang high, in the vicinity or swiss cottage, commonwealth... the better sec schs.

as for keming... if i am not wrong, for them its like a rags to riches kind of success story.. they have worked their way up over the years. but my sec sch, if i can recall correctly, did not go there to do promotion... so not very sure how their pri 6 kids fare.</font>

I just hope that my kids will be exposed to good values, good influences and good teachers (most important). I somehow feel that over their first 6 years, I have much more control over the classes they attend, the things they learn, the school they attend (I can change it anytime I want) but when they go to Pri sch, the control suddenly get out of my hands. I get a lot of anxiety thinking about the influences that will come into their life, the teachers good or bad. I heard a lot of horror stories from my god-sister abt her teachers when she was in school and from my cousins who are in pri sch. Knowing my own high expectations, I hope it is not going to be a frustrating time where I always go banging on the teacher's/principal's door. lol
<font color="aa00aa">poohy:
completely understand where you are coming from.

yes, in pri schools, a lot of things aren't in your control. in a class of 40 kids, its also difficult to monitor closely.

usually, its the kids who are brilliant and naughty who get the most attention. and the in betweens... will just slip pass the teachers.

academics aside, when i go to pri schs on official business... i will speak to the kids. and see how they respond to strangers, adults. some are very outspoken and helpful. like i would ask where the conference room is.

some kids in some schs will give me the directions while other kids from other schs will take me to the room itself. and on the way there, the kids asked me where i was from and why i was there.

so you see.. there is a difference.

but of course, what they do at home counts too. i mean, these kids probably are used to entertaining guests? hahahah or i just take it that their parents have exposed them to such environment.</font>
Good morning mummies,

I see you gals shortlist some choices of school. But can we apply for so many meh? No right? Can only register at one school right? Pls educate me

Can only register at one school... I shortlisted a few cos you can monitor the places taken up as the registration takes place. Must have back-up plan in the event that significantly more applicants in phase 2C vying for the limited vacancies.... Then you got to make a decision to try your luck at the pri sch of your choice (where the probability of being selected is low) or go to your second choice pri sch for registration during phase 2C where more places are available with less applicants but may or may not need balloting....

I'm just being kiasu...
<font color="aa00aa">blurmom:
aiyoh! your girls look alike! very alike! hahahaha so cute.

the pics are very well taken. very natural!
look alike hor.. sad leh.. means both dun look like me.. at first some still say mei mei looked like me.. then mei mei looked more and more like jie jie.. so more and more like daddy..
haha! San, i think so too! haha! esp Anna wears jie jie's clothes, use the same bumbo seat, play with the same toys.. i'm sure if i go and dig, i can find the same photos!
Hi Mummies,

Have you read the front page news on yesterday The New Paper?

My heart goes all out to Little Charmaine and her mummy... Teary eyes when i read the report and immediately hug my girl...

Choice of primary school is so far away from charmaine's mummy thoughts... she just want her girl to live...

<font color="0000ff">Carla</font>
very very sad now, reading the blog. Ya teary eyes too..

<font color="ff0000">Blurmom</font>
I feel Anna looks more like u, her nose is higher like u too, complexion also like u. I think the bigger pic of her that 1 really looks like u. So u happy now? hee
carla.. i saw this too. i tried explaining to Lisa.. but I dun think she understand.

twinklets: YES!! HAPPY!!! hahaha!! even if you are the only one who said this..
Hi Ladies, long time no 'c'... busy @ work... finally got a breather...

regarding pri sch, i think most prob we'll send my 2 kids to hong wen which is right next to my mum's hse... so most prob will use my mum's addr n do a sd at MOE when time is near... dun think will do PV cos doing sd is the same as Pv - admission at phase 2b... problem comes if did not get into hong wen... *headache*

carla, i saw this blog in office n my tears could not stop... sigh... makes u wonder how worse can it gets...

twinklets, enjoying yourself in bugis yday huh... ahahahaha... btw didi looks a bit different from the last time i saw him leh... more grown up leh...
<font color="0077aa">Hi Mummies,

Tune in to Zong Yi Go Live! on Channel 8 at 8pm tonight! CMA's students will be featured in the show with live demostration of their mental arithmetic capability!
<font color="0000ff">Blurmom</font>
hee hee glad to make u happy. But seriously lar, i find Anna does look more like u lor..

<font color="ff6000">SC</font>
*ahbish* .. u keep calling me tat hor.. :p Paisay, I was too busy dealing with the Whiny Ashley, hard to talk to u. haha u always catch me in the most weird situation. Last time u caught me in Suntec with Hb dragging tat tricyle. :p Wow liao come to think of it, tat was afew years back. Time flies man. hehe.

Didi is coming 7 wks, of cos more grown up mah.. haha..
HELLO mummies!!

long time no post here liao.. :p:p

now hot topic is PV,primary achool ah.. WA.. how time flies!

hmm i hv no worries, cos phoebe is def entering Beacon. N my hb is a RC volunteer, so sure get 1.

a pic of bb bryan n sis phoebe
Ok, that's enough...dun look at me already, i know i'm cute...everyone see me walking around the mall says i'm cute. I'm so shy already in this hot suit. So....Can i have some peace and quiet eating my nugget please?

yup, that was what I did, cut away the crust... I can adjust the baking time, might well do that next time. Pity I do not have oven to baje separately.

The bread here are horrible. Hard and crusty. Cannot keep the bread for more than 4 days hence decide to invest in bread maker. If I do succeed in getting the right bread, shall do more different variety - carrot, corn, chocho banana... etc

Pei Hwa is a very good school. My sis-in-law's boy is studying there.

re: PV
when do we have to start to do PV for our kids?
<font color="0000ff">hoho</font>
hehe ur bb boy like look like my bb boy like tat. lol .. wat's his name?? he is so cute wit his cheeky smile!

How's P coping with her lil bro? Mine hor, aiyo too affectionate liao, &amp; I cant put her alone with bb 1. Got few times i caught her used her hand to cover Julien's mouth cos he cried too loud!! got once used his hanky to cover his whole face! I had to be v careful of her emotions whenever such things happen. Cos i know she is young &amp; trying to help. ALot of explainations to do. &amp; of cos I fare up afew times too. So yday when she rock Didi gently in his rocker to sleep &amp; he finally slept, we all gave her praises, hopefully she will slowly learn that we must all handle bb in a gentle way.. &amp; she was v happy when we praised her.

<font color="ff6000">Pri Sch</font>
pardon me.. wat is the meaning of PV???
haha.. paisay..

I'm gog to enroll Ashley into my old primary sch, shdnt be a problem to go in. I just need to purchase a house at the east to ease our convinence.
<font color="aa00aa">twinklets:
PV: parent volunteer


if you have an alma mater to go to, thats the best. otherwise, really have to rack our brains..</font>
Hi All,

I also have a son born in Y2005 and me and hubby recently also talking about Primary school. We most likely will enrol him in my alma mater in the east, but problem is the distance. Headache...shifting house seems like big project. So still thinking....

Pei Hwa's kids all from rich families right??? I heard from another mummy that it is a "snobbish" school... not sure how true...
you mean if put under parents address, dun need do PV and can be under phase 2B? Are you sure? Like tigger, under own home address and within 1km, also need to go under phase 2C. Only if she does PV, then she will be able to go under 2B.

If that's the case, i can still consider this if D remains to be look after by my mum when they shift to East. However, i dun like to go thru those balloting cos' I already can get a firm place for her. But, the caregiving will be a big headache for me when they shift to east and I am in the north!

Same like you, if I put my gal in my ex-school, I will shift. Although my place and the school are both in the North, however still different town and waking up in the morning will be tedious for her in future.
no la.. There are many kids from humble background as that is near neighbourhood estate. Nanyang is the snob school

Phase 2B is for parent volunteers or affiliation to church / clan ....

Phase 2B2
For a child whose parent has joined the school as a parent volunteer not later than 1 July 2008 and has given at least 40 hours of voluntary service to the school by 30 June 2009; or whose parent is a member endorsed by the church/clan directly connected with the school; or whose parent is endorsed as an active community leader.

Proximity plays a part only during balloting...
Should the number of applications exceed the number of vacancies in any phase, places will be balloted according to the following order of priority:

Children living within 1 km of the school of choice.
Children living between 1 km and 2 km of the school of choice.
Children living outside 2 km of the school of choice.
<font color="0077aa">batman,</font>
Bobian, have to do PV.

haha, suddenly so many of us want to fill form and call sch etc for PV.
haha, you think you can escape fr doing PV ah? hehe. Or just try out yr luck to go ballot at phase 2C lor.

My parents may shift to East. So once they shift east, it is almost impossible for me to go fr north to east everyday. But still got at least 1 year time before they shift.
<font color="ff6000">San,</font>
Eastern side got a lot of good sch rite? What about u shifting to the East as well so that your folks can help to fetch D from sch.
But i will be under phase 2c and unlike now, she 99% can get into Ai Tong. And by then i shift, even I want to do PV i am already over the deadline. And most headache now if they really shift end of next year, then D K2 got to change school again! I just change her to another school this coming school reopen. Anyway, still 1 year time for me to think and also, my bro still waiting for SLA to approve his transaction. Unless not approve lor but still, he is firm he want a place at East even this doesn't go thru cos' my niece will go Sec 1 next year and he too want to settle it fast so that she can choose a sec school in east.

If my old school is Aitong, then I no need to shift liao haha...cos i residing at Bishan. But my old school at East, didn't know that choosing Primary school can also be such a headache.
<font color="ff6000">San,</font>
Then shift to Bishan so it's nearer to Aitong? Maybe you will need to send D to after sch care and fetch her after work. If not who will help to look after her when she is back from sch?
That's my original plan to get a place in Bishan plus wz the upcoming circle line, i can take the circle line to my work place rather than now everyday walk till leg ache fr city hall. I have yet to think of the before and after school care thing. If no choice, got to put her wz my MIL in AMK. Hopefully, my mum shift in wz me then can solve all the headache.
aitong got after/before sch care anot? cos some sch they hv such facility inside the sch... easier for u...

if i were u, i'll put her in aitong, her chances so high n yet so many pple wan to do PV to get into aitong leh...
<font color="0000ff">San</font>
Move to the East lah.. Got TaoNan (good if ur hb is a hokkien, can join e hokkien huew guan for priority); CHIJ (right opp TaoNan) and Ngee Ann Pri sch (my 1st choice for valerie).

But then again.. I nvr monitor ANYTHING.. so I dunno.. wat volunteering work etc.. i have zero clue.

She's only 4YO, now must think of her when she is 7YO.. like a bit far... she's grown so much, so fast.. I miss her baby days..
dun think aitong hav bef/aft care.

i can't afford to stay close to tao nan lah. haha. aren't yr place nearest to tao nan? btw, joining hokkien huey guan also have to ballot cos' still under phase 2b same like PV. The area near Red Swastika still can. But phase 2c chance is low.

chk wz u, now MOH implement 7 days quarantine for students return fr affected countries. My bro wants to check if they transit flight in HK, will they be consider? They are in seoul now and if transit not counted, then they will want to cancel their HK sector to rtn earlier.

Hi Val,

You are staying near Tao Nan ? That's good. I will like to move nearby to the school too but property prices there are just too high.
