(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="0000ff">meow</font>
nice cake &amp; pics too. Both look so big now. darryl is officially 2 now? so fast hor!

<font color="aa00aa">Poshies</font>
Hmm tendency is like that 1 if u delay the kid from having FM for too long. Guess u just have to be patient to keep trying to feed her FM, else u may try thos soy milk, like what my colleague did.

hullo gals,

My confinement will be ending tomorrow, yippie! Mixed feelings now though haha. But is happier &amp; relieved more than worry &amp; anxious. My lil Julien is an active one that will awake in night hours that kind, so sighs.. wish me luck.. haha..

anw, this pic taken today, share with you gals. He hates to bathe, so see his crying face.

hullo gals,

My confinement will be ending tomorrow, yippie! Mixed feelings now though haha. But is happier &amp; relieved more than worry &amp; anxious. My lil Julien is an active one that will awake in night hours that kind, so sighs.. wish me luck.. haha..

anw, this pic taken today, share with you gals. He hates to bathe, so see his crying face.


nice cake! which baker did u go to? was it nice to eat too?
D is a big boy now... and he looks so fair like jie jie...

Guess he screams more because his speech is not so developed to convey everything he wants... For J, 1-3 years old was challenging time for us too.... scream, cry, meltdowns. Now that her speech has improved, there is much much lesser tantrums or meltdowns anymore. We bringing her to the occupational therapist tomorrow... after waitlist for a year. Hopefully its fruitful. She just turned 3.... imagine we started to waitlist when shortly after she turned 2.

Once D's speech becomes more developed, the tantrum will be gone

nice cake! which baker did u go to? was it nice to eat too?
D is a big boy now... and he looks so fair like jie jie...

Guess he screams more because his speech is not so developed to convey everything he wants... For J, 1-3 years old was challenging time for us too.... scream, cry, meltdowns. Now that her speech has improved, there is much much lesser tantrums or meltdowns anymore. We bringing her to the occupational therapist tomorrow... after waitlist for a year. Hopefully its fruitful. She just turned 3.... imagine we started to waitlist when shortly after she turned 2.

Once D's speech becomes more developed, the tantrum will be gone
I went to Swee heng to do the cake(i design the cake) as for taste my friend told me not bad, her gal even took her share too. The trains are from D's toys. I dunno why he scream, sometimes when he plays with S, he will scream and run. I also wonder at times did he pick it from her sis or myself whom i shout at them at times. Thou i know its not good but hard to control when they're so naughty. Then S become very rough too, D also, will push his sister or at time provoke her....sigh...

Hey you might wanna consider the grassroot club for the event you PM me. But it also depends on the age group of pp you're targeting. The place can take in more than 80pax. The kids were extreme happy there. I've loaded the photos my friend took into my facebook. You might wanna check it out.

yeah yeah, julien looks chubby indeed.
Maybe he dun like to be undress hence he cry?

where are you? I posted the photos in facebook liao....
I went to Swee heng to do the cake(i design the cake) as for taste my friend told me not bad, her gal even took her share too. The trains are from D's toys. I dunno why he scream, sometimes when he plays with S, he will scream and run. I also wonder at times did he pick it from her sis or myself whom i shout at them at times. Thou i know its not good but hard to control when they're so naughty. Then S become very rough too, D also, will push his sister or at time provoke her....sigh...

Hey you might wanna consider the grassroot club for the event you PM me. But it also depends on the age group of pp you're targeting. The place can take in more than 80pax. The kids were extreme happy there. I've loaded the photos my friend took into my facebook. You might wanna check it out.

yeah yeah, julien looks chubby indeed.
Maybe he dun like to be undress hence he cry?

where are you? I posted the photos in facebook liao....
you always so creative on designing the cake. Denyce today celebrate her bday at school and i so lazy to think. Jus recycle 1 of the princess (snow white) figurine from Smiling orchid which i ordered on Sunday and a few of the deco as well. I just ask the baker to qin cai design for me. Lucky it turn out quite ok.

Julien so chubby. I like his thighs. haha.
you always so creative on designing the cake. Denyce today celebrate her bday at school and i so lazy to think. Jus recycle 1 of the princess (snow white) figurine from Smiling orchid which i ordered on Sunday and a few of the deco as well. I just ask the baker to qin cai design for me. Lucky it turn out quite ok.

Julien so chubby. I like his thighs. haha.

btw anyone going to jurong west safra on Sunday???/

hi dewdrop,
will u be there on sun? hubby plan to go on sun instead of sat....

btw anyone going to jurong west safra on Sunday???/

hi dewdrop,
will u be there on sun? hubby plan to go on sun instead of sat....
i'm on leave for this few days as my parents went overseas, so will be home to look after the kids with my HB
i'm on leave for this few days as my parents went overseas, so will be home to look after the kids with my HB
Hihi ladies..

U are so creative in designing e cakes.. I like the Thomas &amp; train one veri much. ;)

Julien is so chubby nw.. Also veri "ang gey".. Must be veri well fed hor.

Poshies &amp; Dewdrops,
Nice meeting u at Safra yesterday! It has been such a long time since we last met..

Did u let ur boys play at Amaze Playgd? I manage to get the free pass bt did nt realise tat its only valid for 30mins. I spent the whole time at only one section, waiting for the kids to take turns to play the shooting balls. When we want to move on to the slide then we realise that time is up..

My gals, niece and nephew enjoyed themselves veri much. I will prob bring my gals there again.. If any of you keen, we can bring our kids there together?
Hihi ladies..

U are so creative in designing e cakes.. I like the Thomas &amp; train one veri much. ;)

Julien is so chubby nw.. Also veri "ang gey".. Must be veri well fed hor.

Poshies &amp; Dewdrops,
Nice meeting u at Safra yesterday! It has been such a long time since we last met..

Did u let ur boys play at Amaze Playgd? I manage to get the free pass bt did nt realise tat its only valid for 30mins. I spent the whole time at only one section, waiting for the kids to take turns to play the shooting balls. When we want to move on to the slide then we realise that time is up..

My gals, niece and nephew enjoyed themselves veri much. I will prob bring my gals there again.. If any of you keen, we can bring our kids there together?
hee thanks gals for the compliments.. ya chubby but I think he may slim down under my care, cos lazy mummy here lazy to make milk for him during wee hrs, just let him suckle my breast, most of the time 1 breast only. So i guess he may slim down lor..
hee thanks gals for the compliments.. ya chubby but I think he may slim down under my care, cos lazy mummy here lazy to make milk for him during wee hrs, just let him suckle my breast, most of the time 1 breast only. So i guess he may slim down lor..
so quiet for the couple of days....

hi meow,
will u be free on 11 or 12? i'm not working on both days... thinking to collect the dvd from u??
so quiet for the couple of days....

hi meow,
will u be free on 11 or 12? i'm not working on both days... thinking to collect the dvd from u??

I wanted to go but din manage to make it. It must have been quite a fun event.

Here's some recent photos of my kids...


Joshua just turn 7months.. busy crawling now...


I wanted to go but din manage to make it. It must have been quite a fun event.

Here's some recent photos of my kids...


Joshua just turn 7months.. busy crawling now...

You are very creative. The cake is so nice.. I just bought a bread maker, making own bread now.. Tried twice, and needs more practice to make nice and soft bread. First try - chocolate almond bread but bought wrong flour... bought mixed grain instead of wheat/bread flour.. So the texture was very rough. Did the simplest white bread today... the crust was hard.. and bread still a bit hard. Think I gotta reduce the baking time liao..

Anyone used a bread maker before?

your 3 kids looks quite alike leh.. they also seem to be very attached and bonded to each other.. Do they fight?
You are very creative. The cake is so nice.. I just bought a bread maker, making own bread now.. Tried twice, and needs more practice to make nice and soft bread. First try - chocolate almond bread but bought wrong flour... bought mixed grain instead of wheat/bread flour.. So the texture was very rough. Did the simplest white bread today... the crust was hard.. and bread still a bit hard. Think I gotta reduce the baking time liao..

Anyone used a bread maker before?

your 3 kids looks quite alike leh.. they also seem to be very attached and bonded to each other.. Do they fight?
Yeah the crust is usually hard when you make with breadmaker. Mine cannot reduce baking time. If have time we will usually just use it to knead and bake separately in the oven instead.
Yeah the crust is usually hard when you make with breadmaker. Mine cannot reduce baking time. If have time we will usually just use it to knead and bake separately in the oven instead.
Thanks. No worries lah, i'm sure after much trying you'll be able to make a very nice bread. How about cuting away the crust? I saw those bread maker, but never do it will give it a try..hee :p
<font color="0077aa">Hi Bubbl,

So paiseh that Xavier was making a scene when you come. He is quite all right until my attention got divided.

Hi Poshies,

Didn't get to meet you. I was at the next classroom with my 2 kids playing with the CD player to keep them occupied. I hope my hubby has answered most of both of your questions.

Xavier is also taking the CMA class on Sunday 9am, other than the LNT class. He is advancing in his maths skills quite well, I must agree. Most of the time he will bug me to do his abacus books with him (since Daddy is the main abacus mentor). Kids seemed to be thrilled that they finish a book and can advance to a new book.

hi meow...
okie i see how i can go n meet u up..... will be helping sweetbabe to collect her too...

hi dewdrop...
izt.... miss u on that day.... gerald is running all over the place... still thinking whether i have time to bring gerald for class.... it would be more for my gal instead of gerald...
Twinklets!!! Julien is sooo chubby and so cute, haha.... must be very huggable.

Poohy, looks like u're the leader of the pack with 3 in tow and Joshua is already crawling! So nice to see 3 in a pic w big gorgor Samuel taking care of bright and big-eyed Jos.
for a moment you make me think what eggs liao...i jus attend a baby shower and got egg too...keke...yeah he likes them. Thanks

so i pass copied and original one? I havent sell yet leh

P1 Registration
Erm, abit kiasu to talk now but i must find abit of info. I likely to register D for my ex-pri school. What I am considering now is, if i don't join Alumni, i wonder phase 2A(2) will need balloting or not? If need to join Alumni, then i have to join maybe by end of this year cos' must be a member at least 1 year ahead then qualify for registering in phase 2A(1) for Alumni parents. The Alumni fees are not cheap so i wonder can avoid.
To me i think, 2A(2)chance is quite high which i doubt need ballot, so can save that few hundred bucks for the alumni registration. Anyone here intends to join alumni just for getting yr kids in?
