(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

hi krazy,
that is 1 day lah... meaning about 140ml per 3 hr.... which is that my gal take.. but now i had drop to 700ml.. meaning not enough for her daily intake....

Merry Xmas to all!

<font color="0000ff">Posh,</font>
Your gal should be taking semi solid now right? Still need to drink so much milk? How many months is she now?
she is 10 month now... yup she is taking solid now.... haha... her per feed increase mah... now taking about 160ml per feed.... but my in law is planning to introduce 2 solid per day... but very funnie once i reduce the frequent... my supply per pump still the same... or some time lower... not like some if u stretch the timing ... the supply will increase ..... haiz... that y i think i pumping alot.. haiz...
<font color="0000ff">Posh,</font>
At 10 months, I think she should be taking at least 2 semisolid per day. So maybe when she eats more, her milk intake will not be so much.

Usually when we stretch the timing, the output will be more. When I went back to work, I pumped only 4 times a day. No time to pump more leh.
oic.. that y.. i saw my supply very funnie lor..

okie gtg.... company letting us going back at 3pm... enjoy the holiday...... MERRY XMAS
<font color="0077aa">Merry Christmas to everyone!

I will be on leave until next year. Finally get a breather from my work. I have been working until 3-5am quite frequently nowadays just to meet the deadlines. Usually have to wait until the kids are asleep then I can start work and they sleep like 12-1am kind. Sometime I also cannot tahan and sleep with them and in the end, my backlog just keeps growing...


Your girl seems to be drink quite a lot. I think I also pump around 700-800ml a day and Iden drinks around there too. But now since Iden is taking 2 solids, his milk intake dropped to almost half and now I am freezing up the excess.</font>
<font color="ff0000">Merry Xmas!!!</font>
Still in time? :p

<font color="aa00aa">Krazy</font>
Hee.. I pump more.. but elaine still tops!
I thought my kids are the only ones who sleep late! Must be hard on you to accompany them and burn midnight oil at the same time... I've been 'working' till 3-4am nowadays too... gifting wrapping and baking for potluck parties. Keke
Merry X'mas to all!!!


Yr bm still veri powerful, Nigel also quite chubby like val. Nigel now looks more like daddy
Me drag pumping time liao lah. Seth 1 yr old liao...thou still got excess everyday but not like previous excess, excess.

Me not moderator lah. U need to email Bee Lee or Chin Leng to ask them.
<font color="aa00aa">valmom, dewdrops, elaine:
your bodies are good man. haha.. your babies will definitely benefit from all these milk. hee.

keep going yeah!

my pump.. has been going around to my other friends.. hee only just got it back like 2 months back. in april next yr, it will be loaned out again..

now, am praying that my sis will get pregnant soon.. want to pass things to her already. </font>
wow.... so good can pump less frequent but more.... haha.... me also try to drag... but then supply drop.... haiz.... luckily now still have enough for her to drink... yup.. .mil had increase her soild to twice a day...
<font color="aa00aa">pSi</font>
You can rent ur pump to earn $ liao! haha...

dragged myself to work today... tired. really old liao... aching all over from the parties.
hullo gals,

Today not working, just woke up &amp; having a headache now.

Dunno later where to gai gai.. or simply stay at home to nua?? sian..
rest la.. keep your energy and go gai gai with me when I am back in 2 weeks time...
Me gog dubai next week... holidays from mon to wed again cos there is a GCC meeting here.. thurs and fri is wkend.. long holiday again..

good news?
you went for your routine check already? Did your gynae say anything about the tear gas thing? Know the sex of this little one?
pai seh.. u ok? how long do you need to go for your physio? Seeing gynae on 8th before returning to spore. Main purpose is to get fit to travel cert as I am flying on 10th. Don't trust the gynae here. asked BIL and he can't find much info about the effect of tear gas on expectants. Will go for scan and check up once I am back in spore. Its a gal this time. Justyn is expected, always asking when is mei mei coming out.
morning gals,

Today time for me to come back office liao. So bored now. Gog to clean my table later.

<font color="0000ff">Tsp</font>
oh so u coming bk on the 10th?! That's fast! I'm now 5th mth+ but I feel like a whale now.

Btw ask u gals that Breastfeeding. My sis wants to try for a 2nd bb, however her boy still want 2 latch in the middle of the nite, &amp; she finds it hard to wean off him. &amp; thus her menses still hasnt come back yet. She wonders issit so long u BF, ur menses will not come? Then like that, how to TTC hah? I cant advise her on that, cos I stopped at 8 mths &amp; Menses came back during tat month. Need you gals advice, thanks!!
yr sil needs to stop breastfeeding before she TTC...the reason is when you're bf, due to 1 of the hormone, the eggs produces are of lower quality (bad eggs). You still can get preggie while bf...it does not mean no mense = no ovalution. In fact u do still ovalute but it's not regular coz of the hormones. Therefore, dun risk those bad eggs as everyone wans a healthy bb.

Tell yr sil to stop bf 1st then wait for mense to come...let body rest &amp; hormones to build back up...it's quite fast thou....she can TTC straight after she stop bf, but dun try to TTC while bf, too risky for next bb.

Some ppl comes mense while bf, some dun, some come straight after they stop, some wait for 2-3mths then come.

For Paige's time, I drag the timing of pumping...mense come in Dec, I stop in Jan, preggie with Seth in Feb....so I had 3 menses then no more again, upto now...hehehe
Oh I see... hope you recover soon. Justyn will only return with daddy nearer to my delivery date. So I will be in Singapore on my own forabout 2 months. Lots of eng time, we can meet up and go shopping!!

ya lor.. 10 more days to go.. Lucky hor, my tummy not as bad this time.. but shd be growing I guess cos appetite very good. Currently in Dubai now, for shopping trip. Have not bot any things for baby yet. Sales everywhere now...
<font color="0077aa">tsp,</font>
Your hubby will take care of Justyn alone for 2 months? Wow, he is very hands on. Good for you also. Can relax a bit before delivery.

I am having backaches and piles problems lately. Hopefully the piles will go away after I deliver. I feel more tired with this pregnancy. Probably due to age
and also need to take care/carry the 2 older ones.
<font color="aa00aa">Elaine,</font>
hmm..I didnt know that bf-ing will affect the quality of the eggs produced.

My menses only comes back when my supply reduced drastically (when I am about to stop bf totally).
hallo all...

i also don know abt the bad egg thing... anyway i don plan to have no 3... so i can just continue to bfg... my supply drop alot... i still have to continue... but very tired.... guess wat i had spill my supply this morning... about 100ml waste....
<font color="0000ff">Elaine</font>
Thanks for the explanation of the bad eggs. I also duno abt this too. Will forward ur post to my sis to read abt it.

<font color="ff0000">Tsp</font>
Good tat your appetite is growing. U shd be eating more when u come bk to Sg. I no mood to shop leh.

<font color="119911">Tigger</font>
I also getting tired now. I think I fare better last month compare to this month. My energy level is like dropping but still I refuse to retire early at nite cos I scare of 5 Jan 2008 to come. haha. Hmm.

<font color="aa00aa">Poshies</font>
Sorry, dun mind me saying hor.. I feel u put too much stress on your BF liao. Just do watever u can, ok? Dun be too pressurized by your supply &amp; giving full BF to your gal. U already come so far &amp; did so well already. Time to give urself a big pat on your back, u noe.
no sale le wor...go where shop ah? keke...i'm waiting for playskool sale bah if there is. I'm still working leh, dec 09 then jobless.

you know what? My HB ask me...is this second or third and i told him third liao lor...second is his FDIL haha...

5 jan 08 over very long liao leh. Why scare of 5th Jan 09 leh? Go back to work sianz huh?
<font color="0000ff">Meow</font>
hehe sorry sorry, ya 5 Jan 2009. office offically reopen. V sian niah..

ur bond finishing next yr? why not renew bond?
you really wan 4 mah?

dun like technical leh. Dun wan regret for life liao. Jus not the kind i like thou pay not bad but work not happy so no point bah
<font color="0000ff">meow</font>
oic.. nvm u can go for some holidays with the kids 1st before u embark a new job.

me so bored in office now. me &amp; 1 sales now. Think the sales is dozing at his desk. Dunno my GM coming bk or not. Duno is 530 knocking off or can go home earlier at 5 or not.
hi twinklets..
maybe lah... don know lah... haha... luckily i finish my study already.... now sleep through the night... pump about 11 pm.. .then sleep till morning.... haha.....i think i like to give myself stress, then can work within my expection... haha
We asked our part time maid if she can do full time for us when I am away. Hope she agrees. Hubby more hands on with Justyn over here, he has more time and treasures the bonding that he can do here and not in Singapore. No choice, he will have to manage Justyn when I am away. First time that I am away from Justyn.. It would be too costly for Justyn to miss school as the school can’t suspend the sch fees. He is missing about 2 mths when I am due so we did not want him to miss more than that.

Are you experiencing bleeds from piles? Can try to push the piles into the rectrum after big biz. Or ask your gynae to do it for you during next check up. It will help relieve the pain. Else as it gets nearer to delivery, it would be more painful. Of cos, the piles problem will be better after delivery. May pain for few days, depending how hard you push during delivery. My piles was painful after 2nd delivery, compared to the stitches for the tear.

Shopped for 2 days consecutively.. Very tired at end of the night. Worn those flight socks throughout the day, find that it helped. The back not so aching and the pressure on pelvic is more relieving.. not sure why leh.

No mood to shop or no sale can go kopi la..

tsp is right... try to push the piles in else it will be very painful. Put some cream as lubricant. I also got this problem... this last pregnancy much more problematic towards 3rd trimester. Maybe old liao.... Joshua is turning 8weeks and I still having quite bad back pain. I think its not going to go away easily liao. I am thinking of chiropractic. And my tummy still got a small bulge leh
though my weight had gone to 43-44kg liao.

Anyone knows how to get rid of the post pregnancy bulge at the tummy? I wanna do sit up but simply cant do even one leh... maybe becos my back muscle is very weak now.
<font color="0000ff">tsp, poohy,</font>
I dun really dare to push the piles back leh...It's not painful at this moment, just slight bleeding. I dunno if I know the correct way of pushing it back. Hmm..let me check with my gynae this friday. But kind of paisey to ask him to help push the piles in.
<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
My post pregnancy bulge is forever there...haven'y got time to get rid of it and got preggy again. I guess doing sit up, leg raise and crunches will help. But I am too lazy to do it.

dunno whether u feel so but each subsequent pregnancy seems to be more problematic leh... like piles, varicose veins, infection all come out. When I preggy with S, just got those pelvic and siatic pain. Cant help feeling my body age alot liao also. And attention to each kid reduce also lah..logically.

Like meow, I am also curious... u serious about having a no.4 ah?
<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
yes, I also got more problems with each pregnancy. Preggy with Keane was a breeze. No MS, no backache, no piles etc. Then with Kayla, I got piles. Now it's backache + piles and super tired. Most probably due to age and also need to take care of the 2 older ones.

I still carry both of them a lot.

#4 - well...ideally I still want to have another one. But dunno if physically and financially I can handle. Will see how after I deliver #3. I will definitely want a gal for #4 but how to guarantee?

same here... I prefer a girl for no.4.

ya have to take care of the 2 older ones not easy... I also carried the 2 kiddos a lot when preggy with Joshua... and cant rest much during maternity leave cos gotta take care of them too and nowadays the 2 of them keep fighting. Lucky thing is Josh is a relatively easy baby to care for. At least he feeds 3 hourly unlike the 2 older ones.

same here... for no.4 I am the only one still having some thought on it. My hb is not for it cos its getting very tiring to care of the kids without maid etc. Gotta do all the housework ourselves and care for the kids. and J had been having very bad tantrums recently. When I bring her out, she is running all over the place and will drop on the floor and cry badly if I stop her from anything she wants. Communication still got some delay. Hopefully when her turn on the waiting list for occupational therapy is due, we will finally get real practical help. Lucky S had been quite a good and sensible boy
If only J does not have the sensory problem... then life would have been much more relaxed.

How bout your hb? no phobia yet ah ? hehee
<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
My hubby is very supportive if I want to go for #4. Probably because we have more help so it's not as tiring as compared to you.

Kayla also likes to run all over the place when we bring her out. Refuses to let us carry and will lie on the floor when we attempt to carry her. Hopefully when she is older, she will be easier to manage.

it is not painful to push back the piles. Do it when you are showering.. apply lots of soap so you won't feel painful.

I am also keen to go for another baby, 2 seems not enough. My concern is age factor, the older you get and hte more preg you go thru, it tends to get tougher. Hubby is afraid of my preg blues...
